Chapter 592 The Origin (10)

Three days later, the sky was gray, and the east was lit up with a flash of white.

At the gate of Zhujian Villa, Lu Fei cupped his fists towards Situ Bei and the others: "Everyone, let's just leave here."

"Take care, both of you, and have a safe journey." Situ Bei glanced past the azure blue sword at his waist, and sighed secretly.

Who would have thought that a girl with no martial arts skills and no knowledge of using any sword would design the supervisor's sword, which was much better than the old swordsmith supported by the Situ family who forged it herself.

The old swordsmith with white beard and white hair still didn't give up, stretched his neck and said to Xiyue who was on the carriage: "Little girl, I really don't think about it anymore. Not everyone can learn the old man's swordsmithing skills."

There was no movement in the car.

Lu Fei smiled apologetically: "Excuse me, old man, I woke her up before dawn, she didn't sleep enough, she was in a daze, and I'm afraid she fell asleep again right now."

The old swordsmith smacked his lips, but in the end he didn't try to persuade him any more. In the past two days, several young masters and ladies took turns to go out. First, they wanted to buy the sword, but were rejected; Can help design another sword, but was rejected.

He has never seen such a stubborn girl, not for fame or gain, and they still stand firm after talking.

Lu Fei jumped on the shaft of the carriage until the carriage drove out of Zhujian Villa's sight range, then got into the carriage, and saw her leaning against the wall of the carriage, falling into a deep sleep.

After sleeping, she slept until noon, Lu Fei was surprised that something was wrong, her work and rest had always been regular, she fell asleep at Hai hour, and woke up at [-]:[-] am, if the time to fall asleep was delayed, the time to wake up would be shifted accordingly.

But it's already noon now, how could he still not wake up.

"Ah Yue!" He called softly a few times, but she didn't wake up, and pushed her again, but she still didn't wake up.

Lu Fei was flustered and shook her quickly: "Ah Yue, wake up! Ah Yue..."

Xiyue sighed, and slowly opened her eyes. She was dazed for a long time before her eyes became focused. She rubbed her sleepy eyes: "Where are you going?"

"When we meet a tea shed, let's go down to rest for a while and have some hot food. I'm afraid we won't meet anyone in the next day."

After lunch in the tea shed, Lu Fei took the kettle to fill up the boiling water, and when he got into the carriage, he found her leaning on the short table, her chin propped up, and she was drowsy again.

Lu Fei's heart sank, something was wrong, maybe she didn't sleep well last night after sleeping until noon, but she was clearly in good spirits during the meal just now, why did she feel sleepy again in the blink of an eye?
He opened the curtain and said to the coachman: "Brother, hurry up the carriage and try to arrive at Nanqingcheng early tomorrow morning."

After finishing speaking, he took out a piccolo and blew a few more times. After a while, a snow-white ling dove flew from the sky and got into the carriage. He quickly wrote a note and packed it up, holding the white dove and whispering: "Go and find me!" Yu Tianxian."

Qi Lingge was very fast, but within half an hour, she found Yu Tianxian in a restaurant and inn. At this time, her brows were twitching, she couldn't bear it anymore, and said in a low voice: "Shut up!"

The chattering Jiang Shida paused, accusing her with aggrieved eyes.

Yu Tianxian gritted his teeth: "Isn't your aristocratic family very particular about eating and sleeping without talking?"

Just as Jiang Shida was about to complain, a snow-white bird landed on their table and walked to Yu Tianxian along the edge of the table.

"What kind of bird is this? It's so courageous that it dares to come before a person!" Jiang Shida looked at the bird in surprise.

"It seems to be delivering a letter." Yu Tianxian reached out and took off the bamboo tube on the bird's leg, opened it, and was stunned.

Unable to recognize what kind of bird it was, Jiang Shida gave up and turned his attention to the letter: "Who is the letter for?"

Yu Tianxian had a complicated expression: "Give it to me, Lu Fei said, Miss Ayue is seriously ill, they are waiting for me in Nanqingcheng."

Jiang Shida was a little displeased at first, no one in the world knew that Yu Tianxian had a weird personality, and he never took action easily during non-free consultations. Lu Fei's tone was also very firm, as if he had a good friendship with Dr. Yu.

Turning around, he realized something was wrong: "Miss Ah Yue is seriously ill?"

Jiang Shida was puzzled. Although Lu Fei once said that his junior sister was weak and sick, judging from the few months of contact, she ate delicious food, had a good body, and was very compassionate. There was no sign of being weak or sick.

Could it be because there is no white hosta to keep?

He took a look at the note, and said in shock: "Lingyu! Brother Lu actually has the legendary Lingyu!"

Wait, when it comes to raising people, no matter how good the jade is, it can't compare to Lingyu.

Since Lu Fei had Lingyu to seek medical treatment, why did he go to the palace to steal the white jade hairpin?
His mind was in a mess, Jiang Shida didn't think about it at all, and said: "Brother Lu is a righteous person, Miss Ayue is also a very good person, please ask Doctor Yu to save her."

Yu Tianxian looked at the snow-white bird standing by the table, a flash of joy flashed in his eyes, and shouted: "Xiaoer, bring a set of pens and inkstones."

After working hard all night, and at dusk the next day, Lu Fei and his party rushed to Nanqingcheng, went straight to the largest medical clinic in the city, and dragged the doctor who was having breakfast in the backyard from the dining table to the pharmacy in front.

The old doctor has practiced medicine for many years, and he has seen many anxious family members of patients, so he gave up after glancing at Lu Fei a few times, and hurriedly went to feel Xiyue's pulse.

After getting his pulse, he became angry: "Young man, this old man is not just to make you happy, she is not sick at all!"

"Not sick?" Lu Fei was stunned, "Impossible! She can sleep all day without being sick, and she slept almost all day yesterday."

The old doctor was annoyed: "There are too many people who have been sleeping all day, what a fuss."

Lu Fei bowed respectfully and bowed: "If I have offended you, please forgive me. She is indeed ill. The last moment she was in good spirits, but in the next moment she fell asleep. Please take a look again." .”

The old doctor saw that what he said was sincere and not fake, so he took his pulse again according to his words, the pulse was strong and strong, his body was as strong as a calf, and he was indeed not sick.

He glanced at Lu Fei suspiciously, and saw that his face was full of worry, and his breathing was not consciously lightened, as if he was teasing himself.

After pondering for a moment, he asked, "Apart from lethargy, are there any other symptoms?"

Lu Fei shook his head: "No, there is no fever or cold, and the appetite is as good as before."

The old doctor frowned: "That's strange, her pulse condition is indeed not sick."

After a pause, he guessed: "Could it be that he was poisoned by some weird poison?"

Although Lu Fei felt that it was unlikely, he went through her actions before departure yesterday, and found nothing unusual.

The people of Zhujian Villa valued her very much. Although they failed to keep her to work for the villa as they wished, the possibility of killing her was very unlikely.

What's important is that he knows her identity well, knows that she has a short lifespan, and is quite sure in his heart that lethargy is a sign of impending death.

At dusk, the two of Yu Tianxian arrived, and after hearing and asking about it, they also came to the same conclusion as the old doctor, that they were not ill.

In addition, Yu Tianxian also informed very firmly that he was not poisoned.

Lu Fei fell into silence, his heart felt as if a ball of cotton wool was stuffed in it, making him unable to breathe.

This is a sign of the end of life.

PS: Thank you book friend 536***803 for your monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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