Chapter 593 The Origin (11)

Lu Fei pursed the corners of his lips tightly, his body was strong, he was not weak at all, but he was about to die, could it be that the weak...was the soul?

As a person, Xiyue guessed earlier than him that it was a sign that the end was approaching, but she still had a little fantasy. Now that the bubble of hope has been burst, although she is reluctant to part with it, she accepts it frankly.

One should not be too greedy, one is lucky enough in this life, one should be content.

She smiled: "Lu Fei, let's rent a courtyard for a month, I've seen enough scenery."

In January, Lu Fei's heart trembled: "Your...birthday...isn't it coming?"

"Well, the seventh day of the seventh month." Xi Yue smiled lightly, with a look of reluctance flashing in her lowered eyes.

"Qixi Festival," Jiang Shida joked with a smile, "you're pretty good at choosing a date, today is the eighth day of June, a month's time is enough for you to get better."

As he said that, seeing Lu Fei's body shaking, his face was almost transparent, he was startled: "Brother Lu, what is this?"

Without waiting for an answer, he shook his head and comforted him: "I know you value your junior sister. Didn't Doctor Yu say that she is not sick or poisoned? Maybe it's because the weather is getting hotter and I can't stand the heat. As the saying goes, summer The sun is so hot that I sleep well, and I often feel sleepy these days."

Lu Fei remained silent, and after a long while raised his eyes to look at Yu Tianxian, and asked, "Can her body withstand the high-intensity journey?"

Yu Tianxian's eyes flickered slightly, and she asked, "Do you have a way to save her?"

Lu Fei looked at the doubtful Xi Yue, and said softly, "I don't know if it will succeed, but I want to try."

He looked into Xiyue's eyes, and said in a pleading tone, "Ah Yue, we don't want to be comfortable this month, so let's fight together, shall we?"

Xi Yue was stunned, his eyes were usually clear and bright, but now they were full of pity and reluctance, something slowly seeped into his heart...

That gaze was so intoxicating that she nodded almost subconsciously, "Okay."

Jiang Shida was stunned. Isn't there no major problem with the pulse signal? How could it involve salvation?
When he was wondering, he saw Yu Tianxian looking over: "You avoid it first, I have some private matters to discuss with Lu Shaoxia."

Jiang Shida had no choice but to agree even if he was unwilling to do so. After going out, he did not forget to help guard against eavesdropping.

Yu Tianxian raised her eyes and persuaded: "Princess Xiyue's fate is fixed, and it cannot be changed by manpower. Even you Yunhuangdao can't change it. Why don't you fulfill her wish and walk the last journey quietly."

Lu Fei was startled, pulled out Mo Li, and pointed at Yu Tianxian: "Are you from the National Teacher's Mansion?"

Yu Tianxian glanced at the blade less than an inch away from his neck, and his tone was still calm: "I have a cousin who was selected by the National Teacher's Mansion as a mage when I was young. When I went home a few years ago, I heard him mention Princess Xiyue's escape The palace is missing."

She paused, glanced at Xiyue who was dazed by the sudden information, and said: "Long-term non-speaking has caused the deterioration of language function, ignorant of human feelings and current affairs, and age is also suitable.

Calculating the time, we first met in Cuizhu Town, which happened to be the second day the princess left the palace, and with this strange disease, she can only be Princess Xiyue. "

She turned her gaze to Lu Fei again: "As for you, Lingyu is precious, even the National Teacher's Mansion doesn't have a lot of it, and only people from Yunhuangdao have the confidence to take out Lingyu casually.

What's more, flying pigeons don't spread letters like this. The birds you send to deliver letters can recognize people and their way, so they should be the legendary spirit beasts. "

Lu Fei was silent, and said coldly: "What do you want? Lingyu?"

Since he sent Qi Lingge to deliver the letter, he didn't want to hide Yunhuangdao's identity, but he didn't expect that she would see through Ah Yue's identity.

Yu Tianxian smiled lightly, if it was someone else, the secret would be exposed, and it would be time to kill them.

She smiled and said, "I really didn't see the wrong person, don't worry, I didn't tell anyone her identity."

After a moment of silence, Lu Fei put away Mo Lijian: "Thank you."

Yu Tianxian let out a deep breath: "Princess Xiyue protects the peace of the people of a country with her own luck, and she is also vilified as a subjugated demon girl. We are mortals, we are as small as dust, and we are not enough to compete with the royal families and national teachers of all countries. What can we do?" , it’s just such a trivial matter.”

Lu Fei twitched the corner of his mouth, noncommittal, and asked again: "Can her body withstand high-intensity travel?"

"Of course, her body is fine."

After finishing speaking, Yu Tianxian pursed his lips, and a look of embarrassment flashed across his indifferent face, hesitatingly said: "I heard that Yunhuang Island's spiritual doctor is highly skilled, can I go and see it?"

Yunhuang Island is isolated from the world and mysterious. Even the National Teacher's Mansion doesn't know how to enter it, and most people don't even know its existence.She practiced medicine for many years and searched everywhere, only to get a little bit of information.

"Sorry, outsiders are not allowed to set foot on Yunhuang Island."

Yu Tianxian glanced at Xiyue, thinking that she was also an outsider.

Time was running out, Lu Fei pulled Xiyue up: "Let's go."

When the two were about to go out, Yu Tianxian stopped him: "Wait, I have another question, how do you know I'm looking for Lingyu?"

Lu Fei didn't turn his head back, and said calmly: "There are rumors in the world that you love beautiful jade, and you almost only accept jade for the consultation fee. However, after collecting so much jade, you don't see you wearing it on weekdays. Obviously, the love of jade is fake;
If you imagine that you have a grandmother who is bedridden all the year round, it is not difficult to guess that you are looking for Lingyu for her. "

After leaving the door, Lu Fei simply bid farewell to Jiang Shida, abandoned the carriage, and led Xi Yue to gallop all the way north.

With the passage of time, Xiyue's drowsy time became longer and longer, so she could sleep dimly even on the bumpy horseback.

Lu Fei's heart was tense from time to time, while worrying that her body would not be able to bear it, and at the same time worrying that it would be too late for her to return to Yunhuang Island.

All the way fast and fast, I can't remember how many horses I changed. Half a month later, they finally entered the northernmost Longyuan Kingdom, and then went north, across the vast sea to Yunhuang Island.

The setting sun is slanting to the west, and the afterglow of the setting sun sprinkles over the sea, and the golden sunlight gradually turns orange, soft and charming.

Suddenly, the sound of hurried hoofbeats broke the tranquility of the dusk. A young knight in blue and white came galloping on a dark brown horse, with a woman in yellow in his arms.

As the four hooves flew, the sand flew up.


Lu Fei reined in his horse and stopped next to a large rock. She woke up when Xi Yue was hugged off the horse. She stretched her eyelids and glanced around, weakly saying, "Where are we?"

"You're awake!" Lu Fei was pleasantly surprised, she had been in a coma for nearly five days and couldn't wake up no matter what.

"This is Sea God's Abyss," he pointed at the sea surface covered with gold fragments. "After sailing on the sea for a few days, you will be able to reach Yunhuang Island."

Xi Yue opened her eyes with difficulty, looked at the vast and magnificent sea in front of her, and sincerely praised: "It's so beautiful."

Lu Fei easily understood her words after praise. The setting sun is infinite, but it is almost dusk.

He suppressed the soreness in his heart, and took out the food from the horseback. He had to let her eat more food while she was awake, so that she would have the strength to persist to Yunhuang Island.

"Eat something first. We are lucky. There is a spirit boat going back tonight. The spirit boat is very fast, and it will arrive in seven days."

Xi Yue took the cake and ate it slowly, but the sticky drowsiness came back again. She pinched her palm tightly with her nails, trying her best to stay awake.

There were still eight days left before her birthday, and she knew very well that Lu Fei's method of trying might not succeed on the ninth floor.

Every time I fall asleep, there is a possibility that I won't wake up again. This time may be the last time I spend with Lu Fei.

Xiyue tried to turn her head around, and looked for some questions to think about: "Spirit boat? Why do you have to carry the word "spirit" on everything in Yunhuangdao?"

Lu Fei pretended not to see her exerting force on her white nails and red palms, and pretended to be natural: "We are descendants of monks, and the spirit boat is passed down from our ancestors, but in fact it is stronger and faster than ordinary boats. Some, not much difference."

He handed the water bag to Xiyue, and continued to tease: "Doctor Yu wants to go to the island to study medicine, probably because he heard that there are immortals on the island. In fact, there are no immortals. The way we breathe is very different from the people in the martial arts. Longer, the medical skills of those spiritual doctors are not as good as the doctors outside."

"What do monks do?" Xi Yue asked again.

"Hey, it's almost like a Taoist priest, practicing Taoism and pursuing longevity..."

A quarter of an hour later, Xi Yue still couldn't hold on, and fell into a lethargic sleep again, her breathing was shallow, and her breath was already as thin as a thread. Lu Fei was worried, could she persist until Yunhuang Island in this state?

In the middle of the night, the sky and the earth are silent, only the waves beat against the coast tirelessly. A huge and unique boat sails slowly to Sea God's Abyss. People of all kinds come out from all directions and board the boat silently.

Lu Fei came to the front of the boat carrying a huge bamboo strip box. The sailors on the boat saw him and were overjoyed. They called out in a low voice: "Young master, come back!"

When the others saw this, they all saluted respectfully. Seeing the box on his shoulder, someone stepped forward to help him very colorfully.

Lu Fei slightly moved aside, "No, I'll do it myself."

After finishing speaking, he stepped onto the boat in a few steps, "I've been driving for a few days, and I'm exhausted, so please do your work first, I need to sleep."

While talking, he kept on stepping, walked straight to a room, closed the cabin door with his foot, then put down the suitcase, and was about to open it to carry Xiyue out when the door rang.

If someone knocked on his door at this time, no need to guess, it must be his third uncle who is the captain.

Helpless, Lu Fei could only close the box and open the door: "Third Uncle, long time no see."

Lu Lin patted him on the shoulder: "You boy, where have you been these two years? Your parents are dying of anxiety!"

"I didn't want to distract the pursuers. Later, there were too many novelties outside, so I was a little curious, so I was too late." Lu Fei explained with a smile, quietly blocking his sight.

Lu Lin glanced at the bamboo box behind him, and jokingly said: "You are clever when you go out, and you know how to bring gifts, and prepare more beautiful clothes for your mother, so as to make her happy. Maybe your punishment can be avoided. gone."

Lu Fei graciously picked up the teacup on the table and handed it over: "Third Uncle, you have to say something nice for me."

Lu Linhu stared: "Good boy, serve me with my tea, you will plan."

Lu Fei chuckled.

Lu Lin is the captain and has a lot of work to do on the ship, so he left after saying a few words.

After closing the cabin door, Lu Fei quickly carried Xiyue out of the box, put her on the bed, and looked at her peaceful sleeping face worriedly.

During the voyage of the spirit boat, Xi Yue didn't wake up once, and Lu Fei was terrified to see it. On the way, there was a storm at sea, and she was worried that she would be thrown out of the house. Lu Fei didn't go out, which almost aroused Lu Lin's suspicion.

As it was approaching the sixth day of July, Lu Fei was extremely anxious. It was rumored that Princess Xiyue would die on her birthday, but the exact time of day was not certain.

What's worse is that Xi Yue's body temperature is also dropping, and she has only one breath left.

Lu Fei anxiously looked out like an ant on a hot pot, but he didn't see the familiar island from dawn to dusk.

Seeing that the twilight was rising and the sea was pitch black, Lu Fei couldn't sit still anymore, so he went out and called the crew to ask, "When will we arrive?"

"If there are no accidents, we will arrive at the end of Xushi."

When Lu Fei heard this, he became even more anxious. If there were no accidents at the end of the century, if there were any accidents, would it be possible to arrive only tomorrow?

He picked up the quilt and wrapped Xiyue so that only her head was left outside, but it still couldn't stop her body temperature from dropping.

It may be that God heard his prayers. At the beginning of Haishi, there was a loud noise outside, and the boat was about to dock.

Lu Fei didn't care about anything else, and without waiting for the boat to dock, he directly picked up Xiyue and performed light kung fu and jumped to the shore, and then left in the distance before the people on the shore could react.

A group of islanders waiting to unload their goods widened their eyes, "Is that the young island owner just now? Am I dazzled? I seem to see him hugging a woman?"

"You don't have dizziness, but I can see it too."

"Which girl is that?"


Not only were they talking, but the passengers on the ship were also shocked. The clever crew rushed to tell Lu Lin: "Third Lord, it seems that the young master has brought outsiders into the island."

Lu Lin's expression changed suddenly, he remembered the bamboo strip box, and then recalled that during the storm, Lu Fei didn't go out to help, it was probably true.

He took a breath and ordered in a deep voice: "Go and look in his room, no one is allowed to enter without my order."

Lu Fei couldn't care about all the troubles here, he used lightness kung fu and ran all the way to his secret base - Zhuoxiang Cave.

It was getting colder and colder in my arms, and my breathing was so light that I couldn't hear it.

"Ah Yue, hold on, we're almost there!"

Lu Fei wished he could grow eight legs, go through the deep cave, and enter the depths. Inside was a clear pool, and there was a graceful lotus flower standing on the edge of the pool.

This is the secret base he discovered by accident. He has been active since he was a child, and he is a good seed in martial arts, but his ability to read and write is his shortcoming. He feels dizzy when he sees books.

Back then, I got dizzy from reciting books, so I came here by accident, and after drinking the water from this pool, my mind cleared up.

At first, he thought it was because of the coolness of the pool water, but later he found that his mind was extraordinarily clear when he came here to endorse, and then he realized that it might be because of the pool water.

And this double-pedicled lotus has never withered since he first saw it, and it will always be in a graceful blooming posture.

He scooped up water from the pool to feed Xi Yue, but she couldn't drink it at this time.


He sucked the pool water and fed it with his mouth. After feeding a large bowl of pool water, she still didn't respond.

PS: Thank you Lei Siyan and Qin for your monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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