Chapter 594 The Origin (12)

Lu Fei was a little panicked, "It can't be useless, this water is obviously useful for the soul, the soul is damaged, the soul is damaged, yes, it's not the same as I am tired from studying, drink more!"

Already panicked, he quickly grabbed the bowl and went sideways to scoop up water again. In his panic, his little finger touched the lotus flower by the pool, and there was a soft snap, and the lotus flower broke.

However, he was totally indifferent to other things, and only focused on feeding Xiyue with water.

Just as he took a big mouthful of pond water and crossed, a gloomy light of bamboo moonlight flew from behind him, and entered Xiyue's eyebrows for a moment, and then his eyebrows turned cold, and something flew in.

There was a burst of coolness in my mind, like a June breeze blowing across the lake, refreshing and pleasant, and my mind was unprecedentedly clear.

At the same time, on Xiyue, he felt a vague connection.

Lu Fei touched the center of his brows, and then looked at Xi Yue's forehead, which was clean without any wounds. If it weren't for the constant coolness in his mind, he would think that the faint light was his illusion.

He turned his head and looked around, and the pityriasis by the pool was gone!

On the deep water surface, only a small section of lotus stalk protruded, and the fracture was extremely uneven. He suddenly remembered the slight crackling sound, and also thought of the faint blue that flashed and disappeared, which seemed to be in the shape of a lotus flower.

"Did the lotus enter the brain?"

Lu Fei found it inconceivable that the plant could still be understood when it entered the mouth, but what happened when it entered the brain?
The legendary spiritual plant fairy grass?

The colors of lotus are mostly red, pink and white. When he saw this bamboo moonlight lotus when he was seven years old, he was shocked. He also thought about whether it was a legendary spiritual plant, so he asked his father specifically.

However, my father said that the spirit plants on the mainland had all been extinct ten thousand years ago, and there could be no spirit plants. Perhaps it was because the cave was dark and there was no sunlight all year round, so the color of the flowers had changed.

Later, he searched through ancient books, and learned that the biggest difference between spiritual plants and ordinary plants is that they need to absorb spiritual energy to practice, and to a certain extent, they can open spiritual apertures and transform into shapes.

The era of spiritual energy has passed. Thousands of years ago, the ancestors trekked mountains and rivers, searched the corners of the continent, and found no trace of spiritual energy.

Without spiritual energy, it is naturally impossible to have spiritual plants.

Later, he found out that the lotus blossoms are always blooming and undefeated. He was suspicious again, and he was relieved when he saw that there were a lot of different medicinal materials in the Spiritual Medicine Hall.

Without aura, one cannot become a spiritual plant, but it does not mean that it cannot survive, but the efficacy of medicine cannot be compared with that of a spiritual plant.

Not only spiritual plants, but also a small number of birds, beasts, insects and fish on the island are more humane. My father said that these animals are actually monsters, and they can be cultivated in the age of spiritual energy.

He thought that this lotus in the deep bamboo and moonlight should have been a spiritual plant in the first place, so it was naturally different from ordinary plants. Maybe its flowering period lasted for several years.

After a short period of shock, hope rose in Lu Fei's heart, and he stared at Xiyue with his lowered eyes, not letting go of the slightest change in her.

It must be a spiritual plant that can enter the brain, and it is very likely that it is a particularly precious spiritual plant that can survive in the age of the soul.

Since it is Ling Zhi, can he save Ah Yue?

He couldn't help but rejoice that his childhood love for this lotus surpassed his curiosity, so he didn't break it off, otherwise both lotus flowers would enter his mind, what would he use to save Ah Yue today.

In the island owner's mansion, Lu Lin insisted on asking the servants to wake up the island owner and his wife from their slumber, regardless of disturbing people's dreams in the middle of the night.

"Brother, Feier brought outsiders into the island."

"What?" Landlord Lu was startled, and suddenly became furious, "This brat, you turned against him!"

The island owner's wife hurriedly reminded: "Husband, now is not the time to pursue."

Lu Lin also persuaded: "Brother, the most urgent thing is to find Fei Er as soon as possible. This matter must not be known to others."

After being angry, Island Master Lu quickly thought of this, and asked, "On the boat..."

"Brother, don't worry, I have already made arrangements. I told the public that Rou'er had an emergency, and Fei'er was worried about her cousin's condition, so she carried her off the boat."

"Thank you, third brother, for forcing my niece to pretend to be sick."

"A family, it should be."

After finishing speaking, Lu Lin didn't delay, hurried home to wake up her daughter, confessed her words, and called the spiritual doctor supported by the family to put on a show.

After he left, the island owner and his wife also got busy. After discussing, they didn't send anyone to find Lu Fei. One less person who knew about this matter would reduce the risk of leakage.

Tonight was destined to be a difficult night. In the Nanming Palace, the emperor sat on the dragon chair, staring blankly at the empty hall.

The chief eunuch, Wang Xi, held the floating dust in his hand, and stood quietly beside the dragon chair, with an indistinguishable expression of sadness and joy: "Your Majesty, it's late at night, let's rest."

The emperor ignored it, like a statue, and the hall fell into silence again.

Time passed slowly, candle tears filled the lampstand, just when the first light of day was about to usher in the dawn, the emperor who looked like a sculpture made a sound.

"It was you who leaked the secret."

The voice was flat, like dead ashes, but it was determined.

Wang Xi thumped and knelt on the ground, "The servant is terrified."

"Fear means admitting it." The emperor stared fixedly at the blue-gray sky outside, "Yes, the country is about to perish, and I, the emperor, is not worth being afraid of."

Wang Xi fell on the ground without any excuses, but the emperor was very patient and wanted to explain clearly to him: "The maid named Caizhu found Xiyue just by chance, and she was just guessing about her age, how could those rebellious officials know clearly? know her birthday.

What's more, the one responsible for copying her home back then was the General Zhen Guo's Mansion, if they were picking pearls, they would never have informed the General Mansion. "

Wang Xi stood up and said calmly, "I want to spend my old age in peace."

"Spend your old age peacefully?"

Emperor Nanming seemed to have heard a funny joke: "The family of powerful ministers wants to be in power, and the surrounding countries are eyeing each other. Do you want to spend your old age in peace?"

"His Royal Highness knows to hide when he is out, and the slaves always want to fight for it."

Emperor Nanming choked, his face was dark and unpredictable, the majestic prince of a country actually took the opportunity to find someone to hide, leaving him, his father, to face the country's subjugation alone.

He lowered his face, raised his hand suddenly, a flash of snow pierced through the dark hall, Wang Xi staggered back two steps, and knelt down on the ground clutching his abdomen, his hands were covered with bright red blood.


Emperor Nanming drew out his dagger without hesitation, and let the blood splatter, staining the dragon robe and dragon chair. He turned his head and watched a ray of morning light fall on the ground outside the palace.

Its daybreak.

"Do you still remember, 18 years ago, at this time today, the queen gave birth to Xi Yue, and you should be executed at that time."

He turned and left slowly, with a cold voice: "I spared your life back then, not for you to betray me today."

Cloud Island, Zhuoxiang Cave.

Lu Fei raised his stiff arms, and carefully probed for the breath of the person in his arms.

After a while, he breathed a sigh of relief, his breathing was a little weak, as long as he was still alive.

The Zhuoxiang cave was deep and cold, and after staying all night, his whole body was also icy cold, and he could not feel his body temperature.

After thinking for a moment, he simply walked out of Zhuoxiang Cave with Xiyue in his arms. When the sun was just rising, he jumped out of the sea like a shy and timid girl.

The petals and grass leaves outside the cave are full of dew, full of greenery and vitality.

In the silence, he heard a voice as light as a feather, "Hungry."

Lu Fei suddenly lowered her head. Under the morning sun, Xi Yue still had her eyes closed, her slender eyelashes trembling like butterfly wings, and after a while, she slowly opened her eyes.

"Ah Yue, you're awake." The voice trembled slightly, with the surprise of regaining what was lost.

"Lu Fei, I'm hungry."

Lu Fei's hanging heart fell to the ground instantly, and he hurriedly said, "Let's go eat now!"

After finishing speaking, he used lightness kung fu to plunder the island lord's mansion.

Two days later, the meeting hall of the island lord's mansion.

"So, not only did you violate the island's rules and bring an outsider to Yunhuang Island privately, that person is still Princess Xiyue!"

"It's a child's fault to violate the island's rules, but she acted urgently. At that time, her life was hanging by a thread..."

Island Master Lu slapped the desktop angrily, interrupting his defense: "You still can't make sense! As the young island master, what you should do is to care for the islanders and protect the safety of Yunhuang Island. Look at what you have done !"

"She gave the child a jade rosary to cure the mother's poison. How could the child watch the mother's savior die before his eyes?"

Landlord Lu was so angry that his liver hurt, he almost gritted his teeth: "Are you really saving your mother because of her?"

Seeing the island owner Lu grabbed the teacup, the island owner's wife hastily grabbed him, and then blamed Lu Fei: "Fei'er, you were reckless in this matter, how could you bring her to Yunhuang Island.

The death of Princess Xiyue was determined by fate. You have protected her for two years and you have already repaid the gift of the pearl.She couldn't stay on Yunhuang Island, she had to be sent out immediately. "

Lu Fei was in a hurry: "Mother, she's all alone..."

"You are confused!"

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the island owner's wife, "If it's someone else, we can compromise and make up an identity to let her stay on the island, but Princess Xiyue can't, the national teacher is very strict with her.

He tried to attack our Yunhuang Island more than once, but because the formation couldn't get in, if Princess Xiyue stayed on the island, he would do whatever it takes to get in. The consequences are not something you or I can bear. "

Lu Fei was unwilling: "But mother..."

"Fei'er, do you want to see blood flow on the island?"

Lu Fei was stunned, this is naturally not possible, most of the islanders on Yunhuang Island watched him grow up, they believed in him, as the young island owner, how could he watch them die.

However, Ah Yue is alone, doesn't know martial arts, and has a temper that refuses to suffer...

Lu Fei said sternly: "Father, mother, you also said that Princess Xiyue is a victim launched by the royal family. For thousands of years, she has used her own luck to continue the country and protect the peace of the people, but she was detained as the culprit of the country's subjugation. How unfair.

If those who are protected by her turn a blind eye to her kindness, how are we different from white-eyed wolves? "

Island Master Lu corrected him in a cold voice: "She protects countries outside the island. Our Yunhuang Island is isolated from the world. She has never protected us. It is not your turn to repay the favor."

Lu Fei was speechless, silent for a while, and said: "My child doesn't want to see her sad."

The island owner's wife was startled, did Fei Er have a male-female love for Princess Xiyue?

How can this be done? That's Princess Xiyue, even the national teachers are afraid of her existence.

She was in a state of confusion when she saw her son put his head on the ground and made a big gift: "My son asks to leave the island with her."

Originally, he planned to ask his wife to take the warm route to persuade him, but unexpectedly, in exchange for such a sentence, Island Master Lu was furious: "Nizi, what are you talking about?"

Lu Fei clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, and said again: "My son asks to leave the island with her."

"Fei'er!" The island owner's wife's voice became sharp, and she let go of the island owner's hand.

Master Lu suppressed his anger: "Do you know what it means to leave?"

Lu Fei lowered his head, "I know."

If you want not to bring disasters to Yunhuang Island, you have to leave Yunhuang Island, and you can no longer call yourself the people of Yunhuang Island, and you must not return to the island in your lifetime.

"I know you still mention it?" Lu Daozhu was hurt and angry. He never thought that the son he taught and was proud of would one day leave them because of a woman.

Lu Fei raised his head, eyes full of pain: "The child is not filial, without me, father and mother have second brothers, younger sisters, and so many islanders on the island.

But she's all alone without me, and I don't want her to be alone. "

After a pause, he added: "We were born on Yunhuang Island in this life, how could we know that we were not from outside the island in our previous life, and we were never blessed by her.

I am alone now, all I can do is to accompany her and make her happy. "

"Unfilial son! Unfilial son!" Island Master Lu was so angry that he dropped his teacup, strode towards him, and raised his hand to wake him up.

The island owner's wife subconsciously wanted to stop him, but halfway up she felt that he really should hit him, so she sat back down.

Island Master Lu's raised hand did not fall in the end. Seeing his son with a firm face who did not hide or dodge, he felt powerless in his heart.

When he was young, who would not want to be an upright and righteous chivalrous man, but he is the lord of the island and has to be responsible to the islanders, and he cannot gamble with the lives of the entire island.

After being silent for a while, he let out a heavy breath: "You have to know, if you leave the island, you will no longer be a member of my Yunhuang Island."

"Thank you for your success, father." Lu Fei kowtowed and kowtowed, "May father and mother stay healthy and live longer."

After speaking, he got up and left the meeting room.

The island owner's wife covered her face with a handkerchief, leaning against the island owner, crying uncontrollably.

In two days, Xi Yue got better, but her body lost a lot of weight due to not eating for a long time. In the past two days, she has been eating non-stop since she woke up.

When Lu Fei came back, she was happily nibbling on the crystal elbow, and when she looked up, she saw that Lu Fei's eyes were as red as rabbits, and she couldn't help but wonder: "Lu Fei, why are your eyes so red?"

"The sand got into the eyes." Lu Fei rubbed his eyes, "Put the elbows in the food box and eat them on the boat."

Xi Yue was stunned for a moment, then suddenly remembered what he said when he rejected Yu Tianxian, that outsiders were not allowed to set foot on Yunhuang Island.

Her eyes dimmed instantly, and she let out a low voice.

After a while, he asked again, "Will you leave the island again?"

"What are you thinking, I'll go with you." Lu Fei opened the closet, took out a few sets of clothes and started packing.

"Really!" Xiyue was pleasantly surprised, and Xuaner asked anxiously, "Will your parents let you go?"

Lu Fei lowered his eyes and folded his clothes earnestly: "Young eagles always leave the protection of their parents, and it's not like they won't come back after leaving. Why don't you let me go?"

Xi Yue smiled, and quickly put her elbows on a plate and put them in a food box, "I also want to bring some fried dried fish, it's crunchy and delicious."

She was immersed in joy, but she didn't hear Lu Fei's nasal voice when he spoke, nor did he hear the disappointment he was hiding.

PS: Thank you 941 Dessert, Ten Mile Tang Shengge, and Little Lady's Happiness for your monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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