Chapter 595 The Origin (13)

"Are we really going to go to sea on this ship?"

Looking at the small and simple boat in front of her, which is only a little stronger than a raft, and looking at the vast and boundless ocean, Xi Yue expresses doubts, can they really make it to the shore alive?
"Don't look at it as simple as it is," Lu Fei knocked on the ship's plank. "This is an empty green iron pine. The green wood sword used by monks in the Reiki Age is forged from it, and it is extremely hard."

"Is it really that strong?" Xi Yue still doubted that the materials used to make basic weapons are very low-level.

Moreover, no matter how strong it is, it cannot support its small size and light weight, and it will capsize.

As if seeing her worry, Lu Fei took out a few thick hemp ropes, "Don't worry, we will go ashore smoothly."

Xi Yue looked down at the food box in her hand, and decided to get rid of the food as soon as possible after boarding the boat.

At this time, a half-grown boy ran towards this side, shouting at the top of his voice while running: "Big brother, big brother!"

"Brother, why are you leaving again, and you've only been back for two days." As soon as he got close, before he could catch his breath, Lu Min began to complain, "Father is really, why is it so urgent, you have to go."

"You boy, father dares to complain!" Lu Fei stared.

Lu Min made a grimace, saw Xiyue next to her, and exclaimed, "Wow, who is this sister? She's so beautiful!"

Xiyue glanced at Lu Fei, the title of 'big brother', and the similar face had already revealed the other party's identity, and for Lu Fei's sake, she smiled: "Ah Yue, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Lu Min's eyes lit up: "Pretty as a peach in three springs, as clear as a chrysanthemum in nine autumns, sister, you look so pretty when you smile! A little niece must look as good-looking as you."

"Cough cough cough..."

Lu Fei coughed so loudly that he took a step forward and stood in front of Xi Yue, shielding his hapless brother from seeing him, and glared at him weakly: "You brat, what are you talking about!"

Lu Minlue waited, but didn't wait for his next message, so he couldn't help but wonder, shouldn't he introduce her background and identity after the training, why didn't he continue after the training?

Also, if you block your sight, you are not a pervert.

He turned his head and looked past Lu Fei at the girl behind him. She blinked her eyes and seemed to have just realized it. She turned her head to stare at his elder brother in a daze, showing a thoughtful expression, and murmured: It's reasonable."

"Cough, cough, cough..." Lu Fei coughed again so loudly that people couldn't help but worry that he would choke to death on his own saliva.

Lu Min was also stunned. He didn't expect her to play cards out of common sense. He looked at Lu Fei whose ears were blushing, and then at Xi Yue who had a serious face. He immediately felt that his elder brother's future life must be it will be fun.

Lu Fei cleared his throat tactically, and changed the subject solemnly: "Ahem, after I leave, I will listen to my father and mother, take good care of my little sister, and guard Yunhuang Island..."

"I know, it's so long-winded, it's the same words every time, my ears are so callused." Lu Min rolled his eyes and handed him a brocade bag.

"This is the silver my mother gave you. It's a total of 300 taels. Next time you come back to pick a gift, you can use some snacks. It doesn't matter if I'm a boy. You can't be sloppy with my little sister's gift. Look at what you picked this time. Dagger, thanks to you Figure it out."

Lu Fei was disappointed. At that time, he was so focused on the journey that he didn't even think about bringing gifts to his family. He didn't want to use them. This gift must have been given by his third uncle in his name.

In the future, there will be no chance.

His melancholy did not dissipate even after leaving for a long time, and his eyes were full of reluctance.

As dull as Xi Yue, she also noticed something was wrong with him, and couldn't help being surprised: "Lu Fei, you are unhappy."


Xiyue looked into his eyes, very sure: "You have."

She turned her head, followed his gaze to look in the direction of Yunhuang Island, and suddenly realized: "You can't bear to go home?"

Thinking about it, Lu Fei is different from himself. He has family, relatives and friends, and they all care about him. After leaving for nearly two years, and only two days after returning, he must leave again. He definitely doesn't want to leave.

If it wasn't for him as an outsider, he would definitely not have left so soon...

She wanted to say, you go back, I can leave by myself, but when the words came to her lips, it became: "Next time you come back, you don't have to leave."

Lu Fei smiled and said: "I used to go out often, I'm not reluctant, I'm just thinking about where we are going next, the rest of our lives are long, don't worry, let's find a place to live, wait for you to recover your health, and then go see All over the great rivers and mountains."

"it is good."

Xiyue's eyes flickered slightly. Although that strange lotus flower was miraculous, it could not completely change her fate. The rest of her life would not be long.

However, she was already very satisfied with being able to get along for a few more years.

Lu Fei thought for a while, and then added: "Let's go to Nanming and find a place to live. You grew up in Nanming, where the climate is more suitable."

Xi Yue had no objection, and discussed with him enthusiastically what kind of house to buy.

After seven or eight days of tossing at sea, the boat was overturned by waves five times, and veered twice by the turbulence of the bottom of the sea. At noon on July [-]th, they finally resisted the Sea God's Abyss of Longyuan Kingdom.

I bought a carriage again and headed south slowly. On this day, Xiyue woke up from a nap and went out as usual, seeing a fiery red forest.

"Wow! What kind of tree is this? It's so beautiful!"

"Fengshu, we are almost at Maple Leaf Town." Lu Fei sat leisurely on the shaft of the carriage, letting the horse run slowly.

The leaves were red like fire, burning, jumping, and dancing. Xi Yue instantly thought of Kong Nian's flying red wedding dress, which was so shockingly beautiful.

"Let's go down and play!" She said, before the carriage stopped, she jumped down, and the red leaves on the ground, like frightened red butterflies, flew up in all directions and landed slowly.

Lu Fei broke out in a cold sweat, and said strangely, "Can't you wait for the carriage to stop?"

"It's okay, it's slow and short, it'll be fine."

Xi Yue didn't care, she jumped to a tree in a few steps, hugged the tree trunk and shook it vigorously.

The maple leaves were shaken by her, and finally, some maple leaves were overwhelmed and fell from the tree in a whirl, like red butterflies flying and circling in the air...

She was standing under the tree, intoxicated by the beautiful posture of the maple leaves falling, with a flowery smile blooming on her lips.

The corners of Lu Fei's mouth twitched. Sure enough, she, who can throw stones at people, would not wait for the wind to blow the maple leaves like ordinary girls.

However, it's nice of her to smile like a flower.

Lu Fei gathered strength in his palm and slapped it on the tree trunk beside him, more red leaves fluttered in an instant.

Xiyue was even more happy, her crisp laughter echoed in the forest accompanied by the flying red leaves, Lu Fei's heart also soared, and the depression of many days was swept away.

Xiyue played in Fenglin for a long time, and when she entered Maple Leaf Town, it was dusk, there were not many people on the street, and the shops and vendors closed one after another.

The inn business is booming, many of them are full, and there are carriages parked at the entrance of the inn with guest rooms.

Lu Fei chose a house randomly, and drove the carriage slowly over. The clever shop boy trotted forward, took the reins from Lu Fei, and said with a smile: "Please, two guests."

While speaking, he swiftly pulled the carriage behind the carriage in front, leaving a path for people to pass through.


Something fell, and then a man was heard screaming: "Ouch!"

"Master, are you alright?"

"Which son of a bitch hit me, get out of here, young master!"

The crowd followed the sound, and saw a burly young man in rich clothes covering his head, raising his head and roaring angrily upstairs. Not far from his feet, a fork was lying quietly on the ground.

It was obvious that someone upstairs didn't hold the window steady and dropped the fork pole.

The young man was tall and thick, with a face like black charcoal, under a pair of thick eyebrows, and a single eyelid with a fierce look, it was not easy to provoke at first glance.

Immediately, passers-by nearby looked over one after another, showing expressions of watching the show, and some people teased, "Young master, don't be angry, maybe it's Yuelao's special way of leading you the red line."

The crowd roared with laughter, and the Heitan youth became even more angry. After waiting for a long time for the person upstairs to show up, he waved his hand and called two servants to arrest him.

At this time, in a guest room upstairs, a man dressed in green with a jade belt, wearing a snow-covered golden crown, and his jade-white and handsome face was full of disbelief: "What did you say?"

In front of the window, a young servant in azure clothes stood with his hands down, his voice trembling, and he replied again: "I saw Princess Xiyue."

"Impossible, she died on the seventh day of July!" Zhao Xu didn't believe it. He strode to the window and pushed it open.

The crowd who were waiting to see the good show saw a young man in fine clothes, and their interest suddenly dropped. Look at the whole body of the other party, which is unmatched by Heitan youth.

Sure enough, when he saw the other party, the young Heitan's aura suddenly weakened a lot, but he couldn't leave directly in public, and said without confidence: "Don't you know how to apologize when you hit someone?"

Zhao Xu ignored him and searched the crowd with blazing eyes. He soon saw a young girl in light yellow clothes on the steps of the inn diagonally across the street. Turning sideways and talking to the young man in blue and white clothes beside her, the corners of her mouth curled up into a bright smile.

The boy glared at her, shook his head helplessly, and pulled her back into the inn.

Zhao Xu's heart was in a turmoil. It was really Princess Xiyue!
Could it be that she guessed wrong, her birthday is not the seventh day of July?

Eighteen years ago, there were only three pregnant women in the palace. At the beginning of the year, my aunt Zhao Guifei gave birth to Princess Jing'an, and at the beginning of July, the empress gave birth to a dead baby due to dystocia.

Needless to say, my aunt was not a dead baby born by the empress. Could it be that Fanggui gave birth to a daughter back then and was replaced by the emperor?

Zhao Xu fell into deep thought, turned around and went back to the inner room to sit down. His servant gradually suppressed the panic in his heart, walked to the window, and said, "I accidentally hit this young master just now, I'm sorry."

After finishing speaking, he quickly closed the window and went to discuss with Zhao Xu.

The black charcoal youth on the street was depressed for a long time, and walked away in despair. There was no excitement to watch, and the crowd slowly dispersed.

"My lord, could it be that we got the age wrong? She may only be 17 or 16 years old. That eunuch Wang Xi is the most cunning one. Maybe he lied to us."

Zhao Xu shook his head: "In those years, my eldest brother has checked the pregnancy of concubines in the harem, and the most suitable one is the dead baby of the queen. The guess of picking pearls is also correct. More importantly, Wang Xi died in the early morning of Qixi Festival .”

After pondering for a moment, Zhao Xu ordered: "Go, pass the news to the National Teacher's Office, and find some smart people to follow her."


The flaming Maple Leaf Town has a soul-stirring beauty, Xiyue immediately decided to stay here, and make plans when she gets tired of it.

Early the next morning, the two went to the dental shop to rent a yard. During the house inspection with the dental man, Xi Yue gradually felt that something was wrong, pulled Lu Fei's sleeve, and whispered: "I don't think something is right, there are malicious eyes Stare at us."

She pointed to the Yaman who opened the door eagerly, and lowered her voice: "We won't meet black people, will we?"

"It's not her." Lu Fei looked indifferent, "When we left the inn, there were these tails."

Xi Yue blinked: "Do you want to catch up and ask?"

"Naturally, after a while you..."

Yaren opened the door and warmly welcomed them in: "This yard is a bit small, but although the sparrow is small and well-equipped, it is better than being quiet..."

Xi Yue walked into the east room a few steps, and led the toothman to explain, while Lu Fei quietly withdrew, turning out from the side of the courtyard.

The peddler in a gray-brown blouse sat under a tree to rest his feet, raised his arms to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and then flicked his sleeves to fan the wind, but his eyes looked at the gate of the yard from time to time.

Suddenly, a bright light flashed from the side, and the salesman was about to take a closer look, when his neck felt cold, and warm liquid oozed out, and he felt a tingling pain right away
"Who sent you here?" The visitor's tone was sharp, like a cold sword touching his neck.

The shopkeeper froze there, stammering: "Young man, what are you talking about? The villain is just resting here, young man, spare your life!"

Lu Fei exerted a little force with his fingertips, and the sharp blade sank a little in an instant, "My patience is limited, if you don't say anything, just change someone else."

The shopkeeper's scalp was numb, and he shouted again and again: "Young hero, spare your life, young hero, spare your life, the villain really doesn't know what you are talking about?"

Lu Fei frowned, and glanced at a few vendors across the street. This is not a place to ask questions. After thinking about it, he simply knocked the vendor unconscious with his palm, and took him into the back room in the courtyard.

At this time, Yaren finished explaining the main courtyard to Xiyue, and walked towards the back room. Lu Fei strode out and said, "This set of environment is quiet, but it's too small. The previous set was quite big, and the courtyard wall It's a little bit broken."

He showed a dilemma, struggled for a while, and suggested: "Why don't you go and do it first, the two of us will take a good look here, and I will definitely give you an answer today."

The dental man was also straightforward, directly gave them the key and left.

The two immediately went to the back room, tied up the salesman and woke them up, and began to question him.

It's a pity that the shopkeeper's mouth is very tight, no matter how intimidating Lu Fei is, he insists that he is a shopkeeper and does not follow them.

Lu Fei drew out his sword, intending to finish him off, but was stopped by Xiyue, she stared at the shopkeeper and sneered, "Lu Fei, go and grab another one."

This morning, besides the salesman, there were many people following them. These people appeared alternately, and they were very experienced.

Lu Fei was a little puzzled, so he went out as told, and when a stalker pretending to be a pedestrian came to the blind spot of other people's vision, he quickly covered his mouth and dragged him into the corner, and brought him back to the back room.

PS: Thank you Carrot Rabbit, Gorgonia Die Siyi, and Huanxi 202082545 for their monthly tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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