Chapter 596 The Origin (14)

As soon as Wang Hu entered the room, he saw Yang Song who was bound by five flowers, and his heart froze. He looked again, and there were bloodstains all over his body, the colors were different, but he avoided the vital parts.

Wang Hu has the bottom line in his heart. Although the stalking is exposed, the other party is not a ruthless person, as long as he can bear the pain for a while.

"Last chance, one, two..." A clear and cold female voice sounded, Wang Hu collected himself, and was about to answer, but found that the person asking was not him.

He put on a terrified expression and was about to beg for mercy. As the three characters fell, the beautiful girl stretched out her hand unhurriedly, grabbed Yang Song's neck, and tightened it suddenly.


Yang Song's face immediately turned purple from holding back, his wide-open mouth struggled to make an uh-uh sound, his face was distorted and ferocious.

Under the squeeze of the muscles, the dark red blood stains on the right side of the neck fell off, and the dark red blood flowed out again, flowing down the back of the girl's fair hands, the clear white and bright red intertwined to create a soul-stirring color.

Wang Hu felt dizzy before his eyes, and what made him even more terrified was the girl's eyes, which were so calm, as if what she was holding was not a bloody neck, but a wooden stake.

With such eyes, Yang Song was also afraid, and struggled to squeeze out two words: "I... say."

However, the girl remained indifferent, her fingers were still tightening, and her nails turned white due to excessive force.


In the silence, the sound was particularly crisp. Wang Hu's back felt chills, and he held his breath unconsciously. He watched Yang Song stare and struggle violently a few times, his head drooping loosely.

Then, the girl turned her head and looked over.

In those cold eyes, Wang Hu clearly saw his frightened face.

"Now it's you, one, two..."

The cold voice sounded again, and Wang Hu's scalp exploded. He didn't dare to let her read to three, and hurriedly shouted: "I say! I say! My son is Zhao Xu, the third son of the prime minister's mansion, and he asked us to keep an eye on you. "

From her attack to the stalker's speech, Lu Fei was completely dazed in just a few breaths, and only then came back to his senses when he heard the stalker's words. Regardless of the shock in his heart, he asked: "What are you staring at her for? "

Wang Hu still looked at Xiyue: "Third Young Master didn't say anything, he just told us to keep an eye on it so that we don't lose track of him."

Lu Fei secretly thought that it was not good, the powerful ministers and nobles thought that Ah Yue was dead, and they were intensively preparing for the rebellion against the superior, and now suddenly found that Ah Yue was not dead, and their target must be on Ah Yue.

The third son of the prime minister is really, what is he doing in a remote town instead of fighting for power and profit in the capital.

Lu Fei's eyes sharpened, and he quickly made a decision: "Where is Zhao Xu?"

"Room No. [-], Tianzi, Hongmen Inn."

The Hongmen Inn is diagonally opposite the inn where they lived, and there was a tail early this morning, presumably because they were bumped into by someone when they entered the inn yesterday.

Next, Lu Fei asked a few more questions, but Wang Hu knew very little, he didn't even know Xi Yue's identity.

"I said everything, don't kill me, please!"

Seeing that there was nothing else to ask, Xi Yue pulled out Mo Li from Lu Fei's waist, and finished him with a backhand.

Lu Fei was startled: "You..."

"I didn't promise not to kill him."

Lu Fei: ...

He shook his head: "Let's go, I'll meet Zhao Xu tonight, get rid of the tail, and the rest of the journey will be more low-key."

After leaving the small courtyard, the two first went to the tooth shop to return the keys to each other, telling them that they didn't like the courtyard, and then went back to the inn.

As soon as she arrived at the entrance of the inn, the feeling of being stared at appeared again. Xi Yue walked a few steps to a small stall at the entrance of the inn, picked out a small gadget, and looked left and right.

Lu Fei pretended to be helpless and leaned against the stall waiting for her to choose, but actually looked around quietly, and soon locked on the owner of the tea stall opposite the inn.

Tea stalls are places for passers-by to quench their thirst. Most of them are placed on the roadside outside the city, and tea is also provided in the inn. This is still an inn street. Setting up a tea stall here is kicked by a donkey!

He searched again, but found no other suspicious persons. Presumably, Zhao Xu only sent three people. The tea stall was responsible for supervising their situation in the inn. The shopkeepers were suitable for following them when they walked around the streets, and the person pretending to be a pedestrian probably acted accordingly. , in case of emergency.

After finding the person, the two returned to the inn without further delay. In the afternoon, Xi Yue stayed at the inn to attract the attention of the stalkers at the tea stand, while Lu Fei went out to check if there were any other stalkers. Dispose of the corpse.

In order to allow the other party to monitor better, Xiyue swayed by the window every once in a while. Later, when the heat dropped and the afterglow of the setting sun soaked the maple trees, she simply lay down by the window and admired the gorgeous maple leaves on the street.

I saw three children running out of the inn. The child in coarse linen hugged the tree trunk, using his hands and feet like a monkey, climbed up the tree in twos and twos, and sat on the branch to greet his friends under the tree.

The remaining two children in brocade clothes were used to being pampered, hugging the tree trunk for half a day, but they didn't go up.

The child on the tree jumped down again to demonstrate to them, "Hold the tree with two feet, and go up with your hands..."

Then he climbed up the tree again, the two children under the tree tried, but still failed, the anxious child on the tree murmured: "Why are you so stupid, my cousin is only five years old, he can climb up .”

As soon as these words came out, the two children below became angry, and the white and tender little fat man raised his head: "Hmph, brother, we won't play with him anymore, brother will take you to hunt birds."

The shorter child's eyes lit up, and he ran into the house: "I'm going to get the slingshot."

Xiyue upstairs watched it with gusto, and soon, the little dwarf ran out with a polished object in the shape of a tree branch with rubber bands tied at both ends, and handed it to the little fat man.

The little fat man picked up the piece of leather wrapped by the stone in the center of the rubber band, then squeezed the piece of leather and pulled it away, aimed at a bird on the tree, let go, and the stone shot out.

Unfortunately, the aim was not accurate, and the shot missed. The bird was frightened and flew away.

Xi Yue's eyes lit up. This thing called a slingshot can be thrown farther and with much stronger force than throwing stones directly.

She turned around and went out, stopped the three children who were chasing the birds in the courtyard of the inn, and said, "I'll fight for you."

The little fat man's suspicious gaze was undisguised: "Can you do it?"

"You'll know if you try it." Xiyue easily took the slingshot out of his hand, picked up the stone, aimed at the sparrow sitting on the cornice, pulled it away, and let go in one go, only to hear a slap, and the sparrow fell down.

The little fat man cheered and ran over to pick up the sparrow, pulled the wings and shook his legs, and happily expressed that he would eat stewed sparrow tonight.

The little dwarf also followed, stretching out his hand to touch the feathers of the sparrow, while the kid in coarse linen looked at Xiyue with admiration: "Sister, you are amazing!"

Xi Yue smiled at him, looked at the slingshot in her hand, it was indeed better than throwing stones, she beckoned for the little man, and took out a piece of broken silver: "Can you sell the slingshot to sister?"

The little dwarf shook his head: "Sister, I'll give it to you, can you give me a sparrow too, I want to live."

"No problem, go get a chopstick!"

The little dwarf ran into the inn, grabbed a handful of chopsticks and came out. Xiyue pulled out one, twisted her wrist slightly the moment she threw it, and the wooden chopsticks spun and shot out.

The smooth middle just hit the sparrow's neck, and there was another slap, and the sparrow landed, staggered up, and looked dizzy.

"Sister is amazing!" the little dwarf cheered and rushed over, hugged the sparrow in his arms, fondled it fondly.

The child in coarse linen tugged at Xiyue's sleeve: "Sister, I want to learn how to hunt birds."

The little fat man also yelled anxiously: "I want to learn, I want to learn!"

Xiyue, who got the slingshot, was in a good mood, and agreed immediately, and the little fat man hurried back to the house to fetch two slingshots.

When Lu Fei came back in the setting sun, he saw Xiyue and a fair child sitting on the steps gnawing persimmons, and the two little kids, one fat and one dark, shot non-stop at the only persimmon tree in the yard with a slingshot.

There were persimmons that had fallen from the tree on the ground, green, red, and yellow. The waiter waiter stood in the hall, looking at them from time to time, hesitating to speak.

Lu Fei raised his forehead and threw a piece of broken silver to the waiter: "We bought it."

Seeing him, Xiyue hurriedly got up: "My sister is going back, so let's go here, as long as I practice hard, I will be able to be like my sister, one shot at a time."

The corners of Lu Fei's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help showing sympathy for the parents of the two children. The little boy at this age is already at the age where people hate dogs. If he learns to slingshot, the destructive power will make their parents' blood soar. .

Back in the room, he said, "No one followed, presumably only Zhao Xu found you, and the solution to those two people's blundering, they must have something to do tonight..."

In the dead of night, Lu Fei quietly left the inn in black and came to the roof of Hongmen Inn Tianzi No. [-].

He gently removed the tile by a crack, and saw the young man in Tsing Yi leaning halfway on the slab by the window, gently tapping the palm of his hand with the folding fan, with a solemn expression, glancing at the candle flame from time to time.

It's him.

Lu Fei immediately recognized him as the young master who showed his face after the incident of throwing people with a pole in the street yesterday, and it turned out that he was exposed at that time.

The servant wasn't there, Lu Fei was slightly happy, after thinking about it, he went to the window and extinguished the candle with one palm.

There was only one person in the room, and Zhao Xu couldn't talk to himself, so eavesdropping was useless.

Before Zhao Xu got used to the darkness, he entered with his sword and stabbed Zhao Xu in the heart.

Zhao Xu was also alert. He rolled on the slum, avoided the blade, turned back up again, and opened his folding fan to deal with Lu Fei's attack.

"who are you?"

Lu Fei didn't answer, and fought for a while, but no one came in. So far, he was completely sure that Zhao Xu didn't bring many people, and the boy should go to the inn with the others to find Ah Yue.

All the servants who served him have been sent out, so the number of people he brought will not be many.

Lu Fei didn't keep his hand anymore, and his speed became faster and faster. Finally, in the rain-like attack, Zhao Xu was lethally freed. With Mo Li's sword in his hand, he slashed straight at it. The sword hit a vital point, and Zhao Xu was killed on the spot. .

He quickly rummaged through the house, but found no useful information, so he hurried back to the inn.

At this time, in the inn, Xiyue held her breath, stood at the corner between the bed and the window with a brocade handkerchief on her face and a slingshot in her hand, watching two black shadows tiptoe towards the bed.

Finally, when they came to the bedside, one gestured to the other, gently lifted the curtain, and the other immediately slashed at him with a big knife in his hand.

The bedding sagged, the bed was covered with red powder, and a rich aroma wafted out.

The knifeman slashed so hard that his upper body was almost perpendicular to the bed. He sucked up most of the red powder that floated out, then shook it twice and fell down on the bed.

"No, it's a trick!"

The person who lifted the curtain exclaimed, and hurriedly raised his hands to cover his mouth and nose, only to hear a soft sound, something pierced through the air, and then his knees hurt, his feet were unstable, and he fell straight on the bed, and then, there was no more up.

Xiyue put away the slingshot, took out the rope prepared earlier in the morning, dragged the two of them to the pillar by the outer door and tied them up, and put away the powder left on the bed.

Soon, Lu Fei came back, and opened their face towels to see that one was a boy in Tsing Yi, and the other was the owner of a tea stall.

The conjecture was confirmed, and he was completely relieved.

After thinking about it, he killed the owner of the tea stall with a sword. He was also a stalker. He didn't think that this person would know more than the other two, but the valet must know a lot.

Sure enough, after waking up the servant, he quickly glanced around the room, and when he saw Xiyue, his eyes were filled with fear, and his teeth were chattering: "Princess Xixiyue!"

With a thought in his mind, Lu Fei gestured to Xiyue with his eyes.

Xi Yue understood, and glanced at the servant coolly: "Tell me, who did Zhao Xu notify of my whereabouts?"

The boy's face was pale: "No, no."

"I hate people lying to me the most. If you lie, I will not only kill you, but I guarantee that you will fall into the animal life after life, and you will never have a chance to be a human being."

The servant was dripping with cold sweat, and his face twitched rapidly. Under Xi Yue's clear eyes, the line of defense finally collapsed and he said tremblingly: "The National Teacher's Mansion and the family."

Lu Fei was startled, and he didn't care to despise the coward. The National Teacher's Office has power all over the mainland. There is a branch of the National Teacher's Office in Yuzhou not far from Maple Leaf Town. One day is enough for them to come here.

At that moment, he stabbed the servant to death without hesitation, and said to Xiyue, "Get ready, we'll leave at dawn."

After finishing speaking, he rushed to the back kitchen and brought a lot of cooked food. The two of them ate hurriedly, packed the rest, and rode horses to wait at the gate of the city when the sky was light. Open it and rush out.

Xi Yue looked at the city wall, it was much shorter than the capital city, so she suggested: "Let's dig out directly."

"No, we can't run far without horses. On this day, if you want to come to the National Teacher's Mansion, you have already notified the major towns. Under martial law, it is even more difficult to get horses."

While waiting, the sky came up and the city gate slowly opened. Lu Fei stepped forward on his horse and was about to go out when he heard the sound of neat horseshoes.

A group of mages in white rode galloping from the flaming maple forest, and they were the first to shout: "There is an order from the National Teacher's Mansion to close the city gate—"

Lu Fei pulled the reins and shouted: "Drive!"

Before the city guards could react, they rushed straight towards the city gate, while Xiyue pulled out the slingshot and shot at the guards, preventing them from closing the city gate.

As soon as he got out of the city, Lu Fei immediately rode his horse and ran towards the side path. The mages made a sharp turn and chased after him.

Previously, Xi Yue was tense, but now she realized that Lu Fei had put her in the front, and it was really inconvenient for her to shoot the slingshot, so she immediately shouted, "Let me sit in the back!"

(End of this chapter)

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