Chapter 597 The Origin (15)

Lu Fei flatly refused: "No, if you are the same as last time, you will stay silent when you get hit by an arrow, but there is no time to heal your wounds."

"Are you stupid? I don't know how to ride a horse and don't know martial arts. If you get injured, we'll be finished." Xi Yue was speechless. She couldn't speak last time, and she didn't know him well, so she didn't bother to say anything.

Lu Fei was so suffocated that he almost couldn't get up, he obviously didn't want to hurt him, but how could he say it would be so irritating!
After holding back for a long time, he said in a bad mood: "I am a handsome seven-foot man, how can I let you, a weak woman who can't learn martial arts, be a meat shield, just sit down obediently!"

After a pause, he eased his tone again: "I'll change the direction for you, sit on the back and shoot a slingshot, and you won't be afraid of falling."

While speaking, he grabbed Xi Yue's waist, quickly adjusted her face, and then concentrated on driving the horse across the ravine, running like the wind like lightning.

Hearing Xiyue murmured yes, both hands suddenly stretched out and passed under his armpits, her soft body pressed against her, and her breath was filled with her unique sweet smell.

Lu Fei's breathing was stagnant, his face was hot and his heart was beating out of control, pounding like thunder.

The two of them were close together, so Xi Yue couldn't hide his rapid heartbeat, and she didn't care. During the escape period, the rapid heartbeat is normal.

"You can drive the horse with peace of mind, and they will leave it to me." She said this sentence in a precise, sonorous and forceful manner, making people unconsciously convinced.

He turned sideways neatly, with half of his body hanging in the air, pulled out the slingshot, aimed at the eyes of the first maroon horse, and shot out suddenly.

The maroon horse's right eye burst instantly, and the slurry splashed everywhere.

The horse that got hit was in so much pain that it slammed into a tree by the side of the road. The mage on the horse was thrown out, and the people behind didn't have time to rein in the horse and stepped on it...

The roaring and neighing of the people behind made Lu Fei's charming thoughts disappear completely, and he took the time to turn his head to look at Xiyue's results, and couldn't help but sigh again that she is a good seed for learning martial arts.

Even on the back of a fast-moving horse, you can shoot so accurately. If you learn martial arts, you can ride a horse and draw a bow, and pass through Yang with a hundred steps.

One by one the stones were accurately ejected, and Xi Yue picked up the horse to strike. After a while, the neat pursuit team became sparse, and the mages had to slow down and distance themselves.

When the distance between the two sides exceeded the range of the slingshot, Xiyue changed into a comfortable posture, and sighed: "These mages are not as good as the people in the General's Mansion, can they not shoot arrows?"

Lu Fei also heaved a sigh of relief, the level of horse riding of the mages was indeed much worse than that of the pursuers of the General's Mansion, and it was estimated that they would be able to get rid of them completely after a few hours of running.

"You also said that you are a mage, and riding a horse with a bow is a soldier's specialty. Not everyone can hold a bow on horseback, let alone run accurately."

Lu Fei's riding skills are really good, he can't see the pursuers when he speaks, and can only hear the hooves of the horses that are fading away.

Just in case, after throwing off the pursuers, Lu Fei would make some arrangements to lure the enemy at every fork in the road. After walking for a day and a night, he arrived at a remote town in the early morning.

As soon as he entered the city, Lu Fei said in a low voice: "Let's move separately, I'll feed the horses, you can buy some food, and we'll meet at the city gate after we're done."

Xi Yue has no objection. The National Teacher's Mansion is spread all over the major cities and towns. For safety reasons, they will have to walk through mountain villages and small roads. It is rare to meet people in a few days, and the food must be well-prepared.

Suddenly, the rapid sound of horseshoes sounded, and the two of them froze in their footsteps, and hurriedly looked back.

A team of hundreds of people came out of the woods and galloped towards this side. The neat cavalry and solemn expressions were very similar to the scene at the gate of Maple Leaf Town. It looks like a bodyguard of a noble family.

This remote town has never seen such a battle. The pedestrians at the gate of the city were a little flustered, and hurriedly avoided both sides of the street, guessing their identities in low voices.

Lu Fei was not sure what they were here for, and decided to stay the same, pulling Xiyue back to the side of the road with the flow of people.

These people are all masters, and the horses they ride are also good horses, and they have reached the city gate in a short time.

The leader threw a certificate to the city gate tolerance, and raised his voice: "Longxi Chi family is ordered by the national teacher to arrest the thief who kidnapped the princess, close the city gate and search the whole city!"

Lu Fei's expression changed suddenly, he came to chase them, but how did the other party know they were in the town?

Without thinking about the reason, he made a decisive decision, put his arms around Xiyue, got on his horse, and rushed out of the city before the other party could react.

Under normal circumstances, when the Chi family came to the city, they should have taken out their portraits and asked the tolerance if they had seen them, instead of asking to close the city gate and search when they came up, which meant that the other party was sure that they were in the town.

But how do you know?
They have only just arrived.

After thinking about it, the only explanation is that someone has used a secret tracking method.

But he couldn't remember when the other party did his tricks at all, and he rarely met people, let alone close contact, along the way.

In Maple Leaf Town, apart from fighting against Zhao Xu's people when they silenced him, he had never let them get close before.

After throwing off the Chi family's chasing team again, they stopped by a small river with lush water and grass, let the horses repair and graze and drink water, while the two hurriedly checked their clothing and accessories.

I checked my whole body and found no abnormalities, and there were no abnormal smells or traces on the clothes, accessories, and skin.

In desperation, the two simply jumped into the river to wash, then mounted their horses and continued to flee for their lives. Unexpectedly, three days later, they were discovered by Ling Anxun's family again and started a new round of fleeing for their lives.

Along the way, people kept discovering his whereabouts, and changed his whole body, even the horses, but it still didn't help.

Lu Fei couldn't figure it out, and tracked down the multi-medication powder, even if it was a special medicine powder that was insoluble in water, it should be gone after changing clothes.

Moreover, the medicine powder is time-consuming, it has been less than half a month, how could it still be found?
The night is dark, like thick ink that cannot be melted away, the cold wind whizzes across the wilderness, and the grass leaves are swaying, adding to the bleakness.

Lu Fei sat on the upper air vent to block the gusts of cold wind blowing, even so, the bonfire was still blown to the wood, nearly extinguished.

Another gust of cold wind blew, and he stretched out his hand to block it: "I'll keep watch until midnight, you go to bed first."

This time, Xi Yue didn't fall asleep like before, she pursed her lips and said, "Lu Fei, let's go."

Lu Fei paused, and said in a bad mood: "I'm leaving? I'm leaving, are you going to die!"

Although a little bit reluctant, Xiyue still said in a deep voice: "This is the best choice, it's better to die alone than the two of us."

They have tried all kinds of methods, but there is still no way to get rid of the tracking, and they don't know the tracking methods left by the other party.

Since the target of the National Teacher's Mansion is her, most of the tracking hands and feet are also on her. Without her as a shining target, with Lu Fei's ability, he can definitely escape.

"I didn't save you to send you to die!" Lu Fei raised his voice, his tone was firm, "We will definitely be able to escape, but if we can't, let's go to Kuocang Mountain. He, Destroying the National Master's Mansion!"

Without the National Teacher's Mansion, you can take her back to Yunhuang Island and live under the name of Ah Yue.

Xiyue slowly curled her fingers to make a fist, her index finger and middle finger were always a little distance from her palm, and she couldn't clenched it tightly. She opened her mouth, and finally swallowed back the words that had reached her lips under Lu Fei's burning and firm gaze. .

She let go of her fingers and let her ten fingers hang down to her side, "Didn't you say that the National Teacher's Mansion is all over the mainland, and there are still mysterious and rarely seen national teachers, can you destroy them?"

"Always give it a try!"

After a while, Xiyue raised her eyebrows: "Then you go to sleep, I'll watch the night, and I can make up for it on horseback."

Lu Fei thought it was the same, so he didn't insist. He wanted to ride a horse, so he had little time to rest, and he had to hurry up during the rare rest time.

Putting his clothes on the hay, he fell asleep on his side, and within two breaths, he heard a faint vibration with his ears on the ground.

Suspicious, Lu Fei pressed his ears tightly, and listened intently with breathless breath. A series of rapid vibrations came to this side, which was the sound of horseshoes.

Seeing his movements, Xi Yue lay down on the ground and listened carefully, and said, "There is only one person, could it be a pursuer?"

Lu Fei shook his head, put out the fire in twos and threes, and the four fields fell into darkness.

After a while, I heard a familiar voice, "Brother Lu, Miss Ayue, where are you?"

It's Jiang Shida.

After confirming that only one person came, Lu Fei said: "We are here."

Jiang Shida came over looking for the voice, and hurriedly said: "Get out of here quickly, the National Teacher's Mansion and all forces have surrounded this place!"

Lu Fei pondered for a moment, and chose to believe him.

"Follow me!" Jiang Shida didn't bother to explain, and at the same time as the words fell, he had already galloped out with his whip.

After running for a certain distance, he found that the sound of horseshoes behind him gradually slowed down. He couldn't help turning around and urging: "Hurry up!"

But Lu Fei stopped his horse, "It's too late."

I don't know when, the thick clouds in the sky cleared away, revealing the white and miserable moon, and groups of people and horses came out from among the weeds and dead branches stretching their teeth and claws, blocking the way forward.

"There is even a helper."

With a soft and cold sound, bunches of torches lit up on the right, followed by the left, front, and back. After a while, there were dots of torches all around, illuminating the surrounding fields like daylight.

"Third brother, come back!"

A steady voice came from behind, Jiang Shida turned his head and saw his elder brother's face was so gloomy that he could drip water.

"Brother." Jiang Shida called weakly, and lowered his head under his elder brother's fierce gaze.

After a while, he pointed at Lu Fei again: "Everyone's goal is Princess Xiyue, it has nothing to do with him, can you let him go?"

Next to the Jiang family team, the leading man teased inexplicably: "Tsk tsk, what a righteous Mr. Jiang!"

The others were silent, and turned their eyes to the woman on horseback. In the firelight, her face was serious, and her eyes glanced around from time to time, as if thinking about where it would be better to break through.

There were also a small number of people who were paying attention to Lu Fei, and he cupped his fists towards Jiang Shida, and said in a deep voice, "Thank you Brother Jiang for your kindness, I have promised to protect her with the sword in my hand, Brother Jiang please back."

The eyes of the leading mage in the National Teacher's Mansion were dim. In ten thousand years, this was the first time someone had gained Princess Xiyue's trust and stayed by her side.

With a thought in his mind, he raised his voice and said to Lu Fei: "I think you were young and ignorant and deceived by her. If you can repent in time, I will spare your life."

"Deceit?" Lu Fei clenched his long sword tightly and sneered, "In terms of deception, who can compare to you, fooling the people, turning black and white..."

While speaking, Xiyue in front of him turned her face sideways, covered her lips with his clothes, and said in a voice as thin as a mosquito: "Go east first, pretend to go to the team of Zhujian Villa, and turn to the southeast to break through when they are in front of them. I'll take care of that fat man."

Lu Fei sneered and continued to ridicule what they had done, then suddenly rushed eastward with his sword light like snow, and slashed horizontally.

The Mo Li sword was forged by Jianjian Villa, and they knew its power very well. The people in the villa did not dare to be sloppy at all, and raised their swords and held their knives to block Mo Li's attack.

People from all walks of life also surrounded that side. After one blow, Lu Fei turned abruptly and ran to the southeast. At the same time, there was a sound of "shoo", and the round Zhennan King fell to the ground with his horse and men, leaving a gap.

Lu Fei reined in the reins, and the horse under his crotch jumped into the air, leaping over King Zhennan.

"Fire arrows!"

Xiyue, who proficiently leaned out and pulled the slingshot, was startled, and saw black shadows stand up in the dark forest. The bow strings were full like the full moon in the sky.

There is even an ambush!

Xi Yue's eyes widened, and fear emerged in her heart. She saw endless flames lit up, and densely packed sharp arrows pierced through the sky from the flames.

Do not!
She dropped the slingshot, grabbed Lu Fei's shoulders and wanted to go back, but Lu Fei hugged her waist tightly: "Don't move."

"Let go, Lu Fei, let go! You're going to die!" She almost yelled the last sentence, her voice was so sharp that it distorted, and the fingers on Lu Fei's shoulder turned white due to the force.


The sound of sharp arrows piercing through the flesh resounded intensively, and she stretched out her hand to stop those flying arrows, but it was in vain.

In a short moment, her palm, Lu Fei's back, and the horse's body were all filled with sharp arrows of various colors. In the blur, she saw arrow feathers of various colors and materials, and saw different patterns engraved on the arrow shafts. pattern...

Warm liquid flowed from the chest, some from Lu Fei's, some from hers, there were always some good soldiers in the armies of various countries, and the arrows shot passed through Lu Fei's body and penetrated into her body.

The painful neighing of the horse under her crotch made Xiyue recover from her dizziness, "Lu Fei."

She let out a soft cry, and was thrown out by the horse. The world was spinning, and the hand holding her waist never let go.

Rolling down the gentle slope, I don't know how long it took, and finally stopped. Xi Yue tried to get up, and called out: "Lu Fei! Lu Fei, wake up..."

Through the sparse moonlight, she saw that Lu Fei was covered in blood, his face, arms, and neck were exposed, and there was not a single piece of good flesh. The arrow behind him was roughly broken as it rolled down, and penetrated deeper into his body. .

Tears fell one by one, washing away the blood and dirt on Lu Fei's eyelids, he opened his eyes slightly, and said with difficulty: "Don't be afraid, I'm in...the Underworld...waiting for you, we will be together in the next life..."

Before he could speak, his head was tilted to one side, and he lost his breath.

Xi Yue's heart was twisted like a knife, and she was surrounded by great despair. She lay on Lu Fei's chest, tears welling up, and all the past flashed in her mind one by one.

PS: Thanks to Shilitang Shengge and book friend 150915223637404 for their monthly tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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