all the way to fairy

Chapter 598 Warming God Lotus

Chapter 598 Warming God Lotus

When they first met, he leaped down from the high palace wall and broke into her world with a bright and clean body.

At this point, the barren heart has light, green buds spit out stamens, and greenery grows.

Tears were wanton, and blood spread into her mouth, full of bitterness, Xiyue murmured in a low voice, her voice whimpering like a desperate little beast: "I'm never afraid of death, nor greedy for life, but just longing for the world with you."

The sound of messy footsteps sounded, and the dark forest was illuminated by fire. Xiyue sat up slowly, leaving the blood pouring from the chest blocked by the arrow.

But she didn't seem to feel the pain, her cold eyes swept across the faces of the people surrounded by layers, and there was a sneering coldness on her lips: "Don't you want to ascend to the throne as soon as possible and become the emperor?" ? I guarantee that Nanming's new emperor will never be anyone present."

In the flames, her whole body was covered with bright red blood, and the tears rolled out terrifying bloodstains on her face, ferocious like a ghost, but every word and sentence was forceful, revealing endless majesty.

A huge chill seeped into everyone's hearts. The bloody curse of a dying person is already scary, let alone the curse of Princess Xiyue.

For a while, everyone froze in place, and no one dared to step forward, until the blood-stained eyes slowly closed, and they fell to the ground...

In the dark prison cell, the girl tied to the punishment post frowned, her thick eyelashes trembling slightly.

"don't want……"

A low sleepy voice sounded, and the dozing jailer suddenly woke up. Seeing her condition clearly, he hurriedly shook his sleeping companion at the table, "She is about to wake up, go and report to the mage!"

The jailer who was shaken awake hurriedly ran out, and the jailer who woke up first picked up the red-hot iron rod in the brazier, not for interrogation, but for self-defense.

After bringing these two people back to the National Teacher's Mansion a few days ago, they wanted to start an interrogation immediately, but unfortunately they couldn't wake them up no matter what.

What's even more wicked is that the two of them were cast like copper and iron, they couldn't be hurt by whipping or burning, and even the clothes on them weren't damaged in the slightest!
This kind of situation is unheard of, and even the ghosts and ghosts in the storybook can't do it to this extent.

Amid the anxiety of the jailer, the girl's eyelashes trembled more and more, and finally opened her eyes suddenly, the fundus of her eyes was orange red, like the bloody setting sun on the river in summer.

The jailer shook, and the soldering iron in his hand fell to the wet ground with a sizzling sound.

Yunli exhaled heavily, and finally recovered from the extreme despair. With a slight force on her hands, she broke free from the iron chains and ran to the next door. In her mind, the Wenshenlian was swaying gently, and the sense of coolness was rippling layer by layer...

The jailer stared blankly at the broken iron chain on the ground, and swallowed hard. It was made of high-quality black iron, but she broke it away so easily!
Is that human being?
Yunli ran along the narrow corridor, and could see from a distance in the cell at the end, Wei Lin with his head slightly lowered, hanging in big characters like she was just now.

She came to the cell in an instant, broke the iron railing and rushed over to hug him. The past and the past surged, and sharp pain spread in her heart.

This kind of pain is not as severe as the burning of Nirvana's heavenly fire, but it is deep into the bone, dense and dense, and fills the heart.

Covering her back with both hands, she patted her comfortingly, and she heard Wei Lin's voice as soft as a dream: "Why are you still crying? It's all over, aren't we fine now?"

Yunli felt aggrieved and choked up: "Those people are too bad."

She didn't do anything harmful, but she just wanted to live with him for a longer time. Those people who were full of power desires were not even willing to leave them a short time together.

"There is only one throne, and they will definitely kill each other in the future, and the final fate will not be as good as ours." Wei Lin comforted softly, while looking around, wondering if he had just been separated from the experience of the previous life, a little more Human feelings, the damp and cold breath of the prison penetrated into the body, a little cold.

Yunli sniffed, and said sullenly, "I must practice hard."

She no longer wanted to experience that sense of powerlessness, her lover died before her eyes, she didn't even have the ability to take revenge, she could only use her tongue.

Wei Lin lowered his eyes, and his voice was soft but firm: "It's about cultivating hard."

His eyes glanced at the trembling jailer in the corner, and the mage poking his head outside the door. After all, he was still weak. If Lu Fei was strong enough, would he still be afraid of being chased and killed?

He exhaled slowly, "Let's leave first."

Although these people are nothing to be afraid of, some things are always difficult to say in front of them.

Yunli let go of his waist, turned to hold his arms and walked out, ignoring the terrified mages and jailers the whole time.

She raised her head and asked, "Does it hurt?"

Thousands of arrows piercing the heart, how painful it is.

Wei Lin felt a sharp pain in his heart, the pain in his body, how could it be as worrying as regret, how could he be reconciled to carrying his fate, but being ruined by a stranger's ambition.

He closed his eyes and slowly exhaled foul air: "It's not as painful as your advanced stage."

Yunli was silent, that's right, the pain of the body will pass as soon as it is endured, and those things that make people collapse and despair are always the pain of the soul and heart.

All the way in silence, she walked out of the prison quickly, looking at the sky like a setting sun, Yunli frowned: "I always feel like I've forgotten something."

"Meng Meng." Wei Lin reminded.

"Ah, my knife!" Yunli exclaimed, and tried to sense its position, but to no avail.

She frowned, turned around and asked the guard at the door, "Where's my knife?"

"It's still by the river." These days, everyone in the National Teacher's Mansion was terrified. They suspected that they had caught some kind of goblin, and they were afraid that the two of them would be held accountable for the kidnapping.

Yunli frowned suspiciously, and unfolded it again in less than a second. The Mengzhan Dao was as heavy as mountains, not everyone could pick it up.

Wei Lin also couldn't help laughing, the dullness in his heart was a little less, he didn't expect Zhan Meng to have its own anti-theft function.

"Let's go, go get Zhanmeng." As he said that, he casually untied one of the horses tied to the tree next to him, and turned over.

Yunli also stretched out her hand to untie the rein, and was about to get on the horse when she suddenly stopped, turned around and continued to ask the guard, "Where's the jade rosary?"

Speaking of which, it shouldn't be on Yunhuang Island, so how could it be at the National Teacher's Mansion?
The jade rosary is definitely not an ordinary thing that can bring people into the previous life experience, but I didn't see it as a magic weapon before.

Could it be that the grade is too high, beyond their current vision?

The guard swallowed, and argued hard: "The jade rosary belongs to me... the National Teacher's Mansion."

Yunli rolled her eyes: "You can get it, maybe how you got it."

The jade rosary was originally a tribute from Fengzhou. Emperor Nanming was worried that there would be no one in Zhaoyang Palace. One day she would be poisoned and no one would find out, and she would die prematurely, so he gave her the jade rosary.

She gave it to Lu Fei again. Seriously speaking, the jade rosary belongs to the senior brother.

Under her fierce gaze, the guard couldn't bear it anymore, and honestly explained the location, Yunli went into the warehouse, took it away, and then the two rushed to the river where they fainted.

A day later, as soon as we arrived near the destination, we heard the sound of chant chant from afar.

"Hey, hey..."

The corners of Yunli's mouth twitched, and when she got closer, she saw hundreds of strong and burly men, with their upper body naked, pulling on the ropes, leaning forward, holding her saber.

There are several white-clothed mages beside them, directing the team of trackers loudly, their voices are hoarse.

Yunli tugged on the reins lightly, and drove the horses over. Under the puzzled gazes of all the trackers, she bent down and pulled out the Meng Zhan Dao stuck in the ground, tore off the thick and thick ropes wrapped around it, and then put the sword away. At the waist, he and Wei Lin drove away, leaving behind the stunned trackers and the ghost-like mage.

The high-nosed mage Bai Jing in the middle slowed down first, and stammered: "Let them go, the national teacher hasn't arrived yet."

The mage next to him asked back: "Can you stop it?"

"But the national teacher..."

Before he finished speaking, the person who asked the question before said: "We have sent the information back, and the national teacher didn't arrive in time, so we can't blame us."

Yunli Weilin, who has keen five senses, naturally heard these words clearly, Yunli said bitterly: "National Teacher's Mansion, it's still so annoying!"

In the Nanming Kingdom, all kinds of power and dominance caused them so much misery. If it wasn't for the people in the National Teacher's Mansion today, or the group in the Nanming Kingdom period, she would have wanted to vent her anger even if there was a difference between immortals and mortals.

As she said that, there was no one beside her, she turned her head, Wei Lin had already stopped at some point, frowning slightly, as if she was thinking about something.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Has the national teacher changed?"

"What do you mean?" Yunli blinked, like a monk like Zhang Er, confused.

Wei Lin said in a deep voice: "In the historical materials of Yunhuang Island, there is no information about the replacement of the National Teacher. The power of the National Teacher's Mansion has never declined. After Yunhuang Island became a monk, he would always stay away from him."

Yunli was stunned, thought for a while, and asked: "As far as Lu Fei remembers, who is more powerful, the mage of the National Teacher's Mansion or the islanders of Yunhuang Island?"

As far as the mages they came into contact with, whether it was the chasing team she beat to pieces with stones in the Nanming period or the ones they met now, their martial arts were very ordinary, only a little higher than ordinary martial arts people.

Wei Lin frowned even tighter: "On par."

Relying on some items left over from the Reiki Age, Yunhuangdao even had an advantage over Shangguoshifu.

But the elders on the island are very jealous of the national teacher, and every time they mention it, they always look like they are secretive. When he is mentioned in the scriptures on the island, there is also a hint of fear between the lines.

A thought crossed his mind, Wei Lin was shocked, and slowly raised his eyes: "I have a bold guess, maybe the national teacher is the same person from beginning to end."

Yunli stared: "You mean, he is a monk? No way, 3 years, he is a monk after the Yuan Dynasty, and he can't live so long!"

This guess is crazy.

Wei Lin's eyes were piercing: "If you go to Kuocang Mountain and have a look, you will know."


When I arrived in the city, I asked someone. The place name of Kuocang Mountain has not changed, and it is still the place where the national teacher lives and practices.

During the period, the two visited the Zangshu Pavilion of the branch of the National Teacher's Mansion, which did not record the resignation and succession of the National Teacher.

In addition, the historical books collected by the National Teacher's Mansion are also very different from those circulated outside, or in other words, the ancient books circulated outside have been deleted by the National Teacher's Mansion, especially the legend about Princess Xiyue.

As for the royal family who went to Yunhuang Island to find the panacea recorded in the classics, it was actually Lu Fei who brought her back to Yunhuang Island and got the Wenshenlian to change her fate.

Thinking of Wen Shenlian, Yunli pursed her lips: "Senior brother, I want to see your sea of ​​consciousness."

Wei Lin was slightly startled, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Do you know that lotus?"

Since the establishment of the foundation and splitting the sea of ​​consciousness, he has thought about the origin of the lotus in the sea of ​​consciousness more than once, but he still has no answer.

It's even more chaotic now, it can repair the consciousness, and it can also be reincarnated. This twin lotus must be a treasure of heaven and earth, but how could it grow in a place of absolute spirit?
Yunli clenched her fists, trying her best to suppress her surging heart: "I want to confirm."

At that time, her consciousness was already blurred, and she didn't see the appearance of the lotus. She guessed the Wenshen lotus based on its efficacy and the previous description of the bamboo moonlight lotus by her senior brother.

"You forgot, you can't use your spiritual sense here." Wei Lin sighed, "Go out and confirm, you can talk about guessing first."

"I have a way."

As she said that, Yunli approached, put her forehead against his forehead, touched the lotus flower in her own sea of ​​consciousness, and with the help of Bingdilian's unique telepathy, let her thoughts flow out along with the coolness.

When the mind entered the sea of ​​consciousness, both of them were startled, a strange feeling rose in their hearts, Yunli silently said that business is important, and then controlled the mind to fly to the center of the sea of ​​consciousness.

Light mist filled the air, clouds curled up, and in the center of the vast Sea of ​​Consciousness, a bamboo moonlight lotus stood tall and graceful, with white stamens and slightly closed petals, giving off a faint light. It was exactly the appearance of the legendary Warming God Lotus.

With her mind withdrawing from Wei Lin's Sea of ​​Consciousness, she still couldn't believe it: "It's really Wen Shenlian!"

"Wen Shenlian?"

Yunli was incoherent excitedly: "I kind of understand why I chose Donglu as a place to nourish my soul. It's probably because of it, one of the nine wonder medicines of heaven and earth——Warming God Lotus."

"Nine Wonder Medicines of Heaven and Earth?" Wei Lin was stunned, although he didn't know what it was, but the name sounded very impressive, but there was no trace of spiritual energy in that deep pool.

Yunli took several deep breaths in a row before she managed to calm down the excitement in her heart. After sorting out the information in the inheritance, she said eloquently: "Generally speaking, there is a limit to the cultivation level of taking the elixir of spiritual plants. The spiritual power, the result will only explode and die;

Some elixirs are divided into races, just like the spirit fruit that Xiao Hei took in the alchemy test, which can greatly increase the cultivation level of monsters, but it is of no use to people's cultivation.

However, the Dao is the highest, and all spirits are equal in front of the most precious and strange spirits in the world, whether it is a mortal without cultivation, a golden fairy above the nine heavens, a monster with unenlightened spiritual wisdom, or a thousand ghosts from the Nine Nether Underworld. The soul can be taken, and the effect is the same!
Warming God Lotus is also an extremely rare existence among the nine great medicines. It is the gentlest and most effective thing in the world for warming and nourishing the consciousness. Even if the soul is broken to only one fragment, it will slowly repair it without any side effects.

Even the Immortal Monarch and God Venerable of the Ninefold Star Tower would be tempted to meet them. It also has a very special point, once it recognizes its owner, it will never change its owner.

If the former owner's mind and soul are completely destroyed, it will also dissipate into nothingness, so there is no such thing as an innocent man who is guilty of his crime! "

PS: Thank you, Da Luo Jinxian, for your great reward and monthly pass!
Thanks to little doding, hzhz1234, and sumo4 for their big monthly tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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