all the way to fairy

Chapter 599 The Unkillable Princess

Chapter 599 The Unkillable Princess

Yunli's eyes were shining brightly, and she grabbed Wei Lin's arm excitedly: "You can meet Bingdi Wenshenlian, this is unique in heaven and earth!"

Wei Lin, who has always been known for being unlucky, was a little unbelievable for a moment, he could still meet such a god?
The soul can be repaired even if it is broken into pieces. In a sense, it can already be called immortal.

"More than that!"

The more Yunli talked, the more excited she became: "It's also very proud. Once there is one plant in a plane, there will never be a second plant.

If our previous guess is correct and the Canglan Continent is part of the Qingxuan Starfield, that means there will be no second Warming God Lotus in the entire Qingxuan Starfield. "

"Hiss!" With Wei Lin's usual calmness, he couldn't help taking a breath, and suddenly felt that he was the most special in the entire Qingxuan Star Region.

It’s nothing without Xianyuan. There are so many creatures in the Qingxuan Starfield, but there is only one Wenshenlian!
Yunli was still chattering excitedly: "Of course, not every plane will be born with a Wenshenlian. Its growth environment is changing, and there is no way to find it. Whether you can meet it depends on luck!"

"Wait," Wei Lin interrupted her, "Didn't you say that you chose Donglu as a place to raise your soul because of it?"

Yunli was stunned for a moment, yes, he didn't find any trace of it, so how could he choose Donglu?
She pondered carefully, and the divine objects such as Wenshenlian were very clearly described in the inheritance, not only the basic information, but also some uncertain research conjectures were also passed down.

"The Warming God Lotus is a spiritual creature of heaven and earth. There are rumors that those who have reached the peak of cultivation may be able to vaguely sense it a little bit."

Wei Lin was puzzled: "Didn't you seal Donglu?"

Yunli hesitated, Donglu was not only sealed, but also involved the loophole of monk reincarnation, this is changing the rules of the world, I am not that powerful.

"I have been reincarnated for more than 2 years, and I have not taken away the Wen Shenlian. It should not be me."

"Who sealed it?" Wei Lin was puzzled, she pulled out the sealed feathers, and the fog in the swamp had no effect on her.

Shaohao Luo once said that she nourished her soul through mortal wombs, but now it seems that all the reincarnations of more than 3 years are nourishing souls.

Then the reason for Donglu's ban was to serve her soul cultivation, if not her, who else could it be?

"That's not clear." Yunli spread her hands, "But I don't think I did it."

Wei Lin's eyebrows twitched, and suddenly he thought of the Xiyue Lu Fei had met for the first time, with a cold heart and no desires or desires, all thoughts were lost.

Raised in the deep palace, she should not have such complicated emotions. What did she experience before that?And why was he seriously injured and fell into the lower realm?

On the way, Yunli played with the jade rosary, looked left and right, up and down, but she still didn't see the grade. If she hadn't been brought into her previous life experience by it, she wouldn't have thought it was a magic weapon at all.

Wei Lin glanced at the road boundary monument and reminded: "We've arrived at Diqiu."

Yunli hurriedly put away the jade rosary. Diqiu was the capital of Chenghan Kingdom, and it was also the ancient capital of several dynasties.

The national teacher practiced in Kuocang Mountain all year round, regardless of world affairs, the daily affairs of the national teacher's mansion were all in charge of priests and mages.

The priest in charge of the affairs of the Han Dynasty was in the Imperial Teacher's Mansion in Diqiu. As one of the few people who had direct contact with the Imperial Teacher, he should know a lot of information, so the two decided to ask him for a question.

When they arrived near the National Teacher's Mansion, they were about to go in when they suddenly heard the noise coming from far and near. Looking back, they saw a gorgeous chariot in the shape of a Taiji pattern slowly approaching. The white beard and white floating dust are the bones of immortality.

Wherever they passed, the people knelt down on the ground and paid homage reverently.

As soon as they knelt down, the standing Yunli Weilin suddenly stood out from the crowd, especially eye-catching, and the guard at the door sternly reprimanded him: "Bold, don't kneel down when you see the priest!"

Without waiting for the two of Yunli to react, the priest on the chariot saw their appearance clearly, and immediately shouted: "Don't be rude."

He lifted his breath and flew out of the chariot, came to Yunli and Yunli, and said respectfully: "The two are monks from overseas, please hurry up."

Yunli raised her eyebrows, noncommittal.

The priest explained to himself: "A few days ago, I received a letter from the Master of the State Teacher. There are celestial beings coming from overseas. Only then did I understand. I didn't know the identities of the two celestial beings before. Please forgive me. The State Teacher has an order. Where..."

Before he could finish speaking, there was a loud noise from inside the courtyard wall, and the huge snake's tail was raised, causing waves of water, and the kneeling people around were stunned.

"what is that?"

"A... monster?"

"It's the snake's tail..."

"There are monsters in the National Teacher's Mansion!"

The crowd became flustered and ran away towards the distance. Some of the timid ones fainted from fright on the spot.

The priest froze for a moment, left a sentence of "excuse me" and rushed into the Guoshi's mansion, Yunli Weilin looked at each other and rushed in too.

I saw a big red and black-striped boa constrictor going berserk, smashing the pavilions to pieces, looking closely, it turned out that the boa constrictor was chasing a man in purple clothes.

The man's figure was light, and he kept borrowing strength from the branches of the rockery, but he was in a panic, like a headless fly, hiding in a disorderly manner.

Looking at his face again, Yunli was stunned: "Ji Ruochen!"

Looking back, Ji Ruochen looked happy, and hurriedly ran towards them: "Fairy Yun, Young Master Wei, help—"


Another voice of surprise sounded, and Yunli looked over, only to see Mu Yan standing beside a broken rockery, panting, and several white-clothed mages next to her showed hesitation, it seemed that they were chasing her earlier.

Seeing Yunli looking over, Mu Yan hurriedly said, "Hurry up and save Ji Ruochen."

Naturally, one of his own could not just stand by and watch, Yunli took out the Mengzhan Dao, jumped up, and slashed horizontally.

The priest shouted urgently: "Be merciful!"

It's a pity that it was already too late, the saber slashed seven inches straight, the huge python struggled a few times, and fell to the ground with a bang.

"What's going on?" Yunli looked at the two of them, an alchemist and a spiritual doctor, they were both Zhan Wu's scum, what did they come to the National Teacher's Mansion for?
"You have to ask them about this." Panting, Ji Ruochen gouged out the eyes of the priest, "Poison, give medicine, what a national teacher's residence!"

Looking at the red python whose head and body were separated, the priest's face was ashen. Hearing this, he raised his eyes to look at Yunli Weilin who was beside him, and then at Mu Yanji Ruochen who walked over. He asked in surprise, "Are you also monks?"

Ji Ruochen was depressed: "Not all monks are good at fighting."

Wei Lin reminded: "Speak the business."

"A few days ago, I passed by a place and found a large number of people with haggard faces and lifeless faces. After diagnosis, I found that they were poisoned and evil spirits entered their bodies.

Then I gave them a prescription, who would have thought that they would throw it away when they turned around, saying that they would go to the National Teacher's Mansion to ask for spiritual water to cure their illnesses, and that someone had encountered similar strange diseases before, as long as they worshiped the National Teacher devoutly, a bowl of spiritual water Under the water, the disease will be cured when the water arrives.

I just want to see what water is so effective and can cure all diseases! "

These words, he gritted his teeth, as a doctor, the most difficult thing to tolerate is these crooked ways of fooling patients.

Mu Yan continued: "I also found that some people were poisoned in Shangyang. They were so poisoned that they couldn't get back the spiritual water from the National Teacher's Mansion. A large number of people died. I only rescued a small part. Later, when I met Ji Ruochen, The two joined forces to save more people."

Because of this, the two were rumored to be genius doctors. The National Teacher's Office did not know where it came from. Instead of thanking and commending them, they wanted to kill them. Even if the two talked nonsense, they would not listen to the explanation.

Fortunately, the two of them are at the golden core stage and the foundation building stage. Although their martial arts are not good enough, their bodies are as light as a swallow, and Duo Duo, the winged one, pretends to be a monster from time to time to frighten the pursuers, so they barely escape.

The two felt that the attitude of the National Teacher's Mansion was strange, so they wanted to find out. Who would have thought of the National Teacher's Mansion, but found the source of the poison in the lake in the garden, and when they went into the water for further inspection, they provoked this python monster, and the poison is exactly The saliva left in the mouth of the python demon.

Yunli's eyes became subtle, she poisoned first, then sent water to detoxify, and then thought about the people's attitude towards the National Teacher's Mansion, what else did she not understand?

Wei Lin glanced at the embarrassing priest lightly, and asked: "Is this the order of the national teacher?"

The priest nodded, coughed twice in embarrassment, quickly suppressed his embarrassment, and said neither humble nor overbearing: "The national teacher has an order. If you celestial guests want to know the truth, you should go to Kuocang Mountain. She will wait for you there."

Wei Lin asked again: "Where is this python? It was also sent by the national teacher?"

Yunli and the others all looked over, waiting for his answer. This boa constrictor has begun to have a demonic nature and has no spiritual energy. How did it cultivate?
The priest nodded: "The ones that were delivered 93 years ago were only as thick as the mouth of the bowl. After all these years of raising them, they grew to such a large size."

Speaking of the latter part, his tone was somewhat resentful, he looked at the boa constrictor on the ground, and couldn't help being terrified. The ex-priest repeatedly told him before he died that he must take care of the boa constrictor.

He also said that the python has spirituality and is the treasure of the State Teacher's Mansion. If the State Teacher knows that the python is dead, he doesn't know how he will punish himself.

Thinking of this, he glanced at Yunli who had an inexplicable expression, and complained in his heart. The national teacher himself was afraid of these celestial beings, and he was really powerless as a little priest.

No, even if the jade rosary is taken away, you can't get it back. You have to smile and say good things: "When will the celestial beings go to Kuocang Mountain, the poor road will prepare the car."

Wei Lin said softly, "No hurry, we want to borrow Zangshu Pavilion to have a look."

"Everyone please, everyone please!"

The priest led the way with a forced smile, and Yunli turned sideways and whispered to Mu Yan: "Why didn't you see Duoduo?"

"It's inconvenient for her to come out. I left her in the inn."

Yunli blinked her eyes, what she said meant that she couldn't put her wings away!
Dodo is a void creature, and what she cultivates is to absorb the power of the void. She approached Mu Yan and lowered her voice: "What about teleportation?"

Mu Yan shook her head, "I can't either."

Yunli raised her eyebrows, this seal is indeed far stronger than they thought!

When we arrived at Zangshu Pavilion, the building collapsed, most of the books were scattered on the ground, and some fell into the water. Because the mages were busy chasing Mu Yanji Ruochen, no one went to salvage them.

The corners of Yunli's mouth twitched, and she didn't know what to say for a while.

The priest rolled his eyes and said courteously: "I have read all the books in the Library Pavilion. If you want to know anything, you might as well ask me."

After pondering for a moment, Wei Lin said, "Princess Xiyue."

The priest's eyes were clear, and he reminded vaguely: "The legend of Princess Xiyue is indeed the most mysterious in the mainland, and the classics collected in the State Teacher's Mansion in every state and county are the same."

Yunli frowned. Along the way, they consulted several book collection pavilions in several states and counties. The records were very simple, in which country they were born in, when they died, and then they died three years later. There was no valuable information. .

The priest had been watching the expressions of several people, and said after seeing this: "But I know one thing about Princess Xiyue, this matter is only known to the national teacher, me and a few other priests in the world, and the royal families of all countries don't know about it."

Yunli was startled, secretly thinking that this trip to the National Teacher's Mansion was really not in vain, and after waiting for a while, the priest did not speak, so she couldn't help urging: "Speak."

The priest stammered: "My jade rosary..."

Yunli's face darkened, it turned out she wanted to negotiate terms, she flicked the blade of Mengzhan Dao, and looked at the priest coolly: "Speak up, what are you talking about?"

Under the sun, the blade of the blade is shining, and the crisp buzzing sound lasted for a long time. The priest's scalp was numb. Thinking of the news from the branch office to Diqiu, he couldn't help but take a step back, "Ahem, the jade rosary can be seen by you, It is an honor for our National Teacher's Office."

Yunli said with a cold face, "Princess Xiyue."

The priest trembled, not daring to think about anything else, and hurriedly said, "Princess Xiyue cannot be killed."

What the hell?
Yunli suddenly widened her eyes, looked at him and then at Wei Lin, suspecting that there was something wrong with her ears.

The priest seemed to know that they would be shocked, and squinted his eyes slightly: "Then about 2 years ago, just after discovering the relationship between Princess Xiyue and the fate of the country, an emperor wanted to kill her early to avoid future troubles.

He first ordered Mrs. Wen to drown her, and Mrs. Wen carried her to the pond. Before she could throw her down, the soles of her feet slipped. Mrs. Wen fell to the ground straight, her head hit the stone, and died of her breath. Xiyue was still a baby. The princess was safe and sound.

At first, they thought it was an accident, and they changed people. A poisonous snake sprang out from the side, and killed the little eunuch who was holding the princess.

The emperor ordered the guards to hack to death directly. When the guards swung the knife, their hands cramped, and the big knife flew out and penetrated into the belly of the concubine who was watching.

Everyone was terrified, calling out that the monster came to the world, the emperor ordered it to be set on fire, and the heavy rain poured down, extinguishing the match.

Later, she tried poisoning again, but she was invulnerable to all kinds of poisons, and tried all kinds of methods, but to no avail. "

Yunli was shocked, she really couldn't be killed!But in the Southern Ming Dynasty, she was shot to death by an arrow!
After thinking about it, she asked curiously, "Have you tried starving her to death?"

Wei Lin was speechless, and glared at her, it's you, okay?

"Why haven't I tried it?" The priest had lingering fear on his face, "Other methods have accidents, so the emperor wanted to use the safest method, a baby can't find milk by itself.

The first two days were fine, but on the third night, there was a flash of thunder, and a thunderbolt knocked down the emperor's bedroom, almost burying the emperor inside.The emperor was so frightened that he didn't dare to have the heart to kill the princess.

It was also after that that the royal family gradually realized that Princess Xiyue was blessed by heaven and earth and came to continue the country. "

PS: Thanks to Fengwu Jiutian, book friends 140808154105094, Lei Siyan, Xiao Jiuer, and Xiao Doding for their big monthly tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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