Chapter 600
Yunliwei looked at each other face to face, and it took a while to recover from her contemplation. She asked, "During the Southern Ming Dynasty, how did Princess Xiyue die?"

The priest looked at them in surprise, and Xuan Er was even more respectful: "The history books of the Nanming, Yaohan, and Dawan dynasties were edited by the national teacher himself, and only the previous national teachers know the truth;
Moreover, during the Dawan Dynasty, Princess Xiyue disappeared, and the date of death is the approximate time estimated by the national teacher. "

Yunli suddenly realized that the Dawan dynasty was followed by the Xiling and Beichen dynasties. No wonder the writers of the scripts of these two dynasties, You Ai, started the chapter by looking for the traces of Princess Xiyue.

She squinted her eyes as she served as the national teacher, and began to inquire about the national teacher's affairs, but she was disappointed. This priest didn't know much, and he took it for granted.

The National Teacher's Mansion has existed for more than 2 years. The four priests of Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, and Xuanwu are in charge of the four directions, not divided by country. This is enough to show that the National Teacher has a strong desire to control the Eastern Land.

But no matter the selection of the four major priests or the mages of the various provinces, he will not intervene. It is completely up to the four major priests to decide on their own.

In case of an emergency, set up a case to burn incense and use the special Taoist talisman made by the national teacher as a sacrifice. After lighting it, you can have a direct dialogue with the national teacher.

"What dao talisman?"

Yunli was astonished. The sound-transmitting talismans made by the monks were all one-sided, and the Dao talismans in the Land of Absolute Spirits could actually make voice calls!

The white tiger priest was also unambiguous, and immediately ordered people to take out the Taoist talisman for several people to observe, and finally said cryptically that he could burn the Taoist talisman and ask the foreign teacher to talk to them directly, as long as he did not reveal that the Taoist talisman was given by him.

Yunli saw through Xiao Jiujiu under his graciousness at a glance, nothing more than valued their status as monks, and hoped to get some benefits from the immortal family.

There were health pills for her family in the purse, so she simply took out one and gave it to him: "Health pills, prolong life."

Priest Baihu was almost seventy years old, this health pill was like passing a pillow when he fell asleep, he was overjoyed immediately, and the depression of not being able to get back the jade rosary disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Yunli took the Taoist talisman and checked it repeatedly, and said suspiciously: "Why do I look like a ghost painting talisman, is there such a talisman?"

"Among us, you are the talisman master and know the most talisman seals. If you don't know, we don't know much."

After a pause, Wei Lin sneered again: "It doesn't matter whether he is a Taoist talisman or a ghost painting talisman, and the national teacher will understand after meeting for a while."

Unable to find any other information, they immediately went to the inn to pick up Duo Duo, and upon seeing them, Duo Duo jumped over happily: "Sister Yun, Brother Wei, you're here!"

Yunli only felt a purple light flash in front of her eyes, and a limp body crashed into her arms. She was very relieved that she didn't hurt her in vain, but she was so clingy after seeing her for more than a month.

The waiter who led the way sat down on the ground in shock, and exclaimed, "A monster!"

This voice alarmed most of the people in the inn, especially the guests in the nearby rooms. They all opened the door and looked, only to see a four or five-year-old purple-clothed girl in the arms of the yellow-shirted woman, with a pair of huge silver wings flapping slowly behind her back, bit by bit. The halo sprinkled into the air and disappeared quickly.

"Monsters! There are monsters!" The guests were terrified, some slammed the door shut, some stumbled and ran downstairs...

Yunli glanced at the big cloak on the floor behind Duoduo, then at her pouting and unhappy face, and immediately understood why she missed them so much.

Ah Yan's fighting strength is average, she acts for the sake of cheapness, Douduo can only wrap herself tightly with a big cloak, the little guy can't travel freely, and feels very aggrieved.

Seeing Yunli looking at her, Duoduo pouted: "I don't want to wear a cloak, the wings are uncomfortable."

Whoever's child is distressed, and they haven't done anything harmful to nature, but they have a different appearance and are not accepted by ordinary people.

They themselves are timid, how can they let Douduo be wronged, Yunli immediately made a decision: "Then take a carriage, you stay in the carriage first, and you can sit outside and play outside the city where there are few people."

"Sister Yun is the best!" Duoduo immediately cheered, and when Yunli was browbeaten, she added, "My sister is also the best."

Then he struggled to get off the ground, holding Mu Yan's hand and smiling sweetly.

Yunli glared at her angrily: "At least let me be the only one for a while longer."

Dodo stuck out her tongue and made faces at her mischievously.

Yunli shook her head. Thinking of An Ran who has not been seen so far, she couldn't help worrying. Although she had learned swordsmanship from senior brother Mo Huai and others for several years, she hadn't experienced many times in actual combat. If she met Fu Yue and others...

On this day, the sun was shining brightly, the weather was fine, the roadside was lush green, and the forest was breezy, Yunli held two Taoist talismans and said, "It's just an ordinary ghost painting talisman, the appraisal is complete."

Yellow paper and cinnabar, which are commonly used in the world, have drawn some random lines, and the brushwork is okay, but the ink is extremely careless, with irregular shades.

Wei Lin pondered for a while, then said: "It's fine if we guessed wrong, but if he is really what we think, and has lived for more than 3 years, then we should not underestimate him."

Yunli nodded. She was able to break through the lifespan limit in the Land of Absolute Spirits and realize the importance of faith. This national teacher should not be underestimated.

"Could he be someone from the upper realm?" Wei Lin was startled suddenly, and turned his head to look at Yunli suddenly. There are very few monks in the Canglan Continent who know the power of faith, let alone use it.

The national teacher is very concerned about Ali, controlling the countries in the Eastern Continent, and controlling her growth. Perhaps the imperial family's slander against her was also guided by the national teacher.

At the beginning, Ah Li was seriously injured so he could raise his soul in Donglu, so the national teacher, could it be the one who caused Ah Li's serious injury?
Yunli was stunned for a moment, and understood what he meant. She was not sure, logically, if the national teacher was the one who seriously injured her, then most of them would be hurt by both sides, and he would never let the enemy recover smoothly;

But it's also possible that it's not that he doesn't want to, but that he can't. After all, there is something protecting her in this sealed Donglu.

After thinking for a while, Wei Lin took out the fire booklet: "Ignite him to call him out, to test the bottom line."

Yunli nodded, and stretched out her hand: "Give me Huozhezi, I'll get some, in case he has any secret tricks."

Aware of her abnormality, Wei Lin didn't hold back, handed over the fire bag and raised his voice to ask: "The lion and the elephant fight the rabbit with all their strength, don't be careless in everything."

"Received!" Yunli got off the horse, found a big stone and put the Dao talisman, blew on the fire and ignited it, and then walked away.

Suddenly there was a strange wind, which made the trees rustle and the dust and mud flew up. Yunli waved her sleeves and brushed away the dust and mud leaves in front of her. Just as she was about to speak, she suddenly heard a cold, damp voice coming from all directions. came.

"What's the matter?"

Yunli frowned, her voice was so ethereal that she couldn't hear a man or a woman, but it inexplicably sent chills down the spine.

She looked up, only to see that the Taoist talisman had been burned out, and a beautiful woman appeared in the curling green smoke. She was startled when she saw several people, and then smiled slightly: "It turns out that they are guests from afar. Cangshan looks forward to all of you."

Said, suddenly disappeared.

"Spiritual thoughts!" Yunli was shocked, she could clearly show her face and figure, how strong is this national teacher's spirit!
Mu Yan and Ji Ruochen were also shocked, but Wei Lin frowned as he watched the scraps of talisman paper slowly fall to the ground.

Dodo wondered: "Isn't it impossible to use divine consciousness here?"

Yunli said in a deep voice: "Without spiritual power, that red python is still beginning to take on a demonic appearance."

Just as they were talking, the sound of horseshoes followed, and they stopped discussing. When they turned around, a few familiar figures came into view, but it was a pity that there was no An Ran.

Seeing them, the other party was also stunned, and involuntarily slowed down. It was Mohuai, Chunan, Zheng Rui and other Canglan people.

It was the first time they met in the alchemy ceremony, and Zheng Rui almost blurted out: "It's Master Yun..."

As soon as the words were out of my mouth, I realized that the positions were already opposing, so I immediately stopped and sighed deeply. The partners who traveled together in the past are already hostile when they meet again.

After looking at each other briefly, Mo Huai said lightly, "What a coincidence."

Wei Lin loosened his brows, and his voice was equally cold: "We both went to Kuocang Mountain, what a coincidence."

Seeing his cool gaze, the others involuntarily took a few steps back, and drew out their weapons with a bang, some of them were mortal swords, and only a few were magic weapons.

Yunli curled her lips, not paying attention.

Having seen her mighty combat power on Qingyu Mountain, although there are many monks, they dare not trust her in the slightest, especially when they saw the Dream Slayer on her waist, they were even more frightened.

A knife that is ridiculously heavy can exert ten times and a hundred times the effect in this extremely spiritual place.

Yunli has no plans to do anything. Firstly, there are no enemies among these people. Secondly, she is not interested in killing ants. Thirdly, she still has old acquaintances. If there is no reason, it is not good to act rashly.

Thinking of her old friend, she turned her eyes to Chu Nan, and met his complicated gaze.

Chu Nan spoke with a harsh voice: "Xingye Jingzhe, did you really kill him?"

Seeing the heavy Chu Nan all over his body, Yunli secretly lamented Xingye's crimes, the high-spirited young man who was full of money back then looks like a little old man now.

Looking at the gloomy Mo Huai, he is really a brother and sister, both of whom were killed by Xing Ye.

Now that she has done it, she dared to admit it, Yunli nodded, looked directly into his eyes, and said slowly: "Yes, the Absolute Spirit Formation on Qingyu Mountain was originally set up to ambush them."

A trace of pain flashed in Chu Nan's eyes, and there was a sense of sadness and helplessness all over his body. The forest wind blew past him, making his hair flutter and his clothes fluttering, but the heaviness around him could not be blown away.

Hearing this, Mo Huai felt relieved and bowed solemnly: "Thank you."

Although he really wanted to avenge himself, he knew it was unrealistic. Leaving aside the fact that Xingye's Jingzhe was already at the pinnacle of Canglan, when he grew up, the other party had already ascended to Qingxuan; Talent, it is impossible to kill two people.

As soon as Mo Huai's voice fell, a man behind immediately echoed: "Thank you two for eliminating harm for the people!"

Silence, deadly silence.

After two breaths, a neat voice sounded in the forest: "Thank you two for eliminating harm for the people."

The corners of Yunli's mouth twitched, these people really, maybe they were still scolding them as monsters and witches in their hearts just a second ago.

She glanced at Chu Nan who lowered her eyes, her lips became more and more bitter, and said, "We are for ourselves."

Zheng Rui laughed dryly, and suggested: "You must have also discovered that this national teacher's spiritual power is rare in the world, and now everyone has a common goal, why not go together?"

Yunli has no objection, the shortest road to Kuocang Mountain is this one, and it is inevitable to travel together.

Zheng Rui heaved a sigh of relief, glanced at the remains of the Dao Talisman on the ground, and said: "We also lit a few of these Dao Talismans. I'm afraid the Supreme Elder can't match such a clear spiritual sense."

"Is there a strange wind?" Wei Lin interrupted suddenly.

"Yes, every time one is ignited, a strange wind will blow up first, and then the woman's divine sense will appear."

Yunli frowned, her spiritual thoughts manifested, why is there a strange wind?

Then she remembered that the National Teacher's Mansion poisoned the people with the poison of the python demon, and gave them spiritual water to drive away evil spirits and disasters. She murmured: "Isn't it just to keep the mystery and make a fuss?"

As she spoke, she looked at Wei Lin, "What did you find?"

Wei Lin frowned, his face was extremely solemn: "When the strange wind appeared, I felt a chill."

After a pause, he added: "It's similar to the coldness outside Zhongzhou City when it lured the enemy to shoot an arrow."

Mo Huai quickly raised his eyes to look at him, then quickly lowered his eyes, and naturally looked away.

"Arrow in Zhongzhou City!" Yunli was stunned. At that time, the Ice Spirit Root killer from Canye Pavilion pierced it with ice. How could it be similar to the strange wind caused by divine thoughts?

Moreover, she didn't feel the cold.

She turned her head: "Ayan, did you feel the cold just now?"

Ji Ruochen shook his head, but Mu Yan said: "I didn't feel the cold, but the wind felt very bad. However, after the foundation is established, it will not be disturbed by cold and heat, and it can make Mr. Wei feel the cold. The wind must be tricky."

Zheng Rui frowned: "Junior Sister Mu said so, but I remembered that there is indeed a slight discomfort when the strange wind appears."

Yunli's heart sank. Zheng Rui has always been rough but subtle, and has an extremely keen sense of danger. Back then, when Jiuliyuan sealed the magic seal lake, Mohuai, Chunan and other core disciples relied on the life-saving means given by the family's great powers. Zheng Rui Rui, on the other hand, relied on his intuition and escaped decisively by leaving.

His feeling should be right.

She took out the remaining Taoist talisman and said in a deep voice, "Try again."

As he spoke, he ignited the Dao Talisman, let go of his senses and felt it carefully, the strange wind that suddenly appeared, like a short and sharp cry, made his heart tighten.

Immediately afterwards, that handsome face reappeared, with a bit of displeasure in his eyes: "I have said that I am waiting for you at Kuocang Mountain. If you call again, don't blame me for being rude!"

Yunli ignored her and continued to feel, neither cold nor uncomfortable, she turned her head to look at Wei Lin, his brows frowned even tighter, his eyes scanned the surroundings sharply, obviously feeling the coldness again.

After the woman's spiritual thoughts dissipated, Wei Lin's face sank like water: "The cold breath comes from her spiritual thoughts."

The strange wind is also gloomy and cold, but it is lighter than the spiritual sense of this national teacher. Before his mind was shocked by the sudden clear spiritual sense, he only noticed the coldness of the strange wind.

Zheng Rui also said: "I didn't feel the coldness, but this woman's divine sense makes one's hair stand on end."

Others are not much different from previous feelings.

After the discussion came to no conclusion, everyone set off immediately and encountered many monks Canglan one after another on the road, many of whom were powerful Empress Yuan, who was between the Eastern Continent's Jue Ling, seeing Yunli Weilin and his group, they did not dare to act rashly.

PS: Thank you, Da Luo Jinxian, for your great reward and monthly pass!
Thanks to La80, Huanxi 202082545, Gorgon 蒛 豜 屜, Xiaododing for their big monthly tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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