all the way to fairy

Chapter 601 On the Big Picture

Chapter 601 On the Big Picture
Half a month later, the group arrived at the small town at the foot of Kuocang Mountain. As soon as they entered the city, they heard a familiar voice exclaiming in surprise: "You are here!"

Yunli looked up, and An Ran leaped down from the second floor of the inn nearby, followed by Ruoshui and Jingxu.

Seeing that she was safe, Yunli finally let go of her hanging heart, and learned from them that the others had already arrived at Kuocang Mountain.

Yunli leaned close to An Ran's ear and lowered her voice: "Fuyue Buyuan is here?"

An Ran nodded sullenly: "They were the first ones to arrive. The national teacher somehow blocked the way up the mountain, and only allowed us to go up the mountain three days later. Now, most of the people who arrived first are studying the method of going up the mountain at the foot of the mountain. .”

Fortunately, everyone's attention was attracted by this, so she was able to hide in the small town under the cover of Ruo Shui's master and apprentice to avoid the sight of Fu Yue and others.

Yunli's eyes lit up, this is a perfect time for revenge!

She tilted her head, facing Shangwei Linyou's bright eyes, his lips parted, and he said two words silently, 'I'll go. '

As he spoke, he quietly took off the Mengzhan Dao from her waist.

Yunli was silent. In terms of martial arts and sneak attacks, she was indeed not as good as her senior brother, so she agreed. She raised her voice to attract everyone's attention: "Road closure? This time, 3000 people came in from the human cultivator and demon cultivator, and all of them are Those who are good at fighting, can those so-called mages in the National Teacher's Mansion stop them?"

Hearing this, Mo Huai and the others also looked at An Ran, Yunli secretly rejoiced, and from the corner of her eye, she saw Wei Lin slowly withdrawing from the crowd, and walked into a nearby tailor shop.

"It would be great if people blocked the road." An Ran sighed softly, "The mountain is misty and foggy, and I returned to the original place after walking. There are more than 2000 human cultivators and demon cultivators. They wandered around the foot of the mountain for more than ten days. I just couldn’t make it up.”

"Mist?" Yunli frowned, "Mist in the Misty Swamp?"

Everyone couldn't help feeling tense, the mist in the misty swamp was terrifying, but they had a deep understanding that there was nothing they could do with their cultivation and spiritual power, let alone the inability to use spiritual power and consciousness now.

"That's not true, there is no poison, it just confuses perception and blocks the way forward..."

Next, Yunli asked fancy questions. The newcomers naturally wanted to know more information, and they stood on the street for a long time without knowing it.

On the other side, Wei Lin went out from the back door of the tailor shop and went straight to Kuocang Mountain. This small town is really small, named Town, but it is actually a village with only one street.

After leaving the long street, turning a corner, one can see a group of people gathering in darkness in front of the woods at the foot of the mountain.

The crowd is roughly divided into three parts, Renxiu is next to the road into the mountain, with Fuyue, Jinqing and other leaders of the four major sects as the core;

Tianwu Yaoxiu is very close to the Hai Clan, and the Demon King Runing and Haiwang Wanyang are chatting quietly together, looking at Renxiu from time to time.

Wei Lin adjusted his breathing and lowered his head. With the help of the light and shadow of the grass leaves, he slowly approached the crowd. When he reached the periphery of the gathering circle of Renxiu, he folded his hands on his chest, frowned, and walked out slowly in a contemplative state.

After walking back and forth a few times around the periphery, he looked for an empty space and approached Bu Yuan.

From Jianji to Yuanying, Buyuan was in Taiyi sect, and he was estranged from the people of Sijigu, and he didn't intend to distance himself from his position. There were few people around him.

After a few adjustments, Wei Lin had arrived at the back of Zhenjun Yanzhao's home, Luo's house, and Zhenjun Buyuan was standing in front of Luo's house, with his eyelids slightly lowered, not knowing what he was thinking.

At this time, Suxi Zhenjun said in a deep voice: "In midsummer and July, the sun is blazing, but the fog in the mountains never disappears. It should be because of the formation."

"The problem is, this is a land of absolute spirits, and we haven't felt the presence of spirit energy these days." Someone immediately sighed.

It's now!

A little under Wei Lin's feet, like a cloud of blue smoke flashed by, and when he reached Zhenjun Buyuan's side, he drew out the Mengzhan Saber, using the knife as a sword, it stabbed straight at the back of Buyuan's heart.

The sudden murderous intent gave way to Bu Yuan's scalp, his body stiffened for a moment, and the next moment he felt his heart and skin turn cold.

It's the blade!
At the critical moment, he slammed sideways, and finally dodged it a second before the blade pierced his heart. In the extreme tension, he even clearly felt the blade go straight through the flesh, from between the fourth and fifth ribs. After passing, and because of his sideways movement, he cut a large piece of flesh and blood horizontally to the left.

The opponent reacted very quickly. When he turned sideways, the blade immediately stood sideways and pressed down, cutting off the fourth and fifth ribs...

"Dream Cutting Knife!"


There was a sharp voice in his ears, Bu Yuan's mind trembled, and every nerve in his body was screaming for danger.

It turned out to be Qianjiu!
Still holding Yunli's invincible magic knife!

After leaving the blade sideways, he didn't stop for a moment, and suddenly moved away, but he heard the wind behind his ears. He changed direction without hesitation, and regretted it in his heart. He knew that he would not dislike mortal weapons. two.

The sharp weapon pierced the air, and the sharp whistling sound from the friction sounded again, this time from the front, Bu Yuan was shocked, how could it be so fast!

As soon as this thought slipped through his mind, a peach powder suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, the gorgeous peach light winding, dragging out a graceful arc, his thoughts were in a trance for a moment.

Amidst the peach pink, there was a blue shadow passing by, he couldn't help chasing the blue shadow, and saw that the blue shadow was as fast as a ghost, passed through the chaotic crowd in an instant, and arrived near Fuyue, and raised his hand like a peach powder. , It’s as beautiful as the peach blossoms falling in March in Yangchun.

He changed his target!
Bu Yuan heaved a sigh of relief, and was about to back away, but when he moved, he felt limp and weak, a boundless chill poured from his chest, penetrated into his limbs, and his nostrils were filled with a strong smell of blood.

He lowered his eyes, and saw a blood hole in his chest bleeding, Bu Yuan froze, when did this happen?

A huge and sharp pain spread from his heart, and he couldn't hold on any longer, and fell straight down.

When he landed, he clearly felt that the heart in his chest was broken into six pieces. It turned out that in that short moment, Qian Jiu stabbed three times in a row.

Bu Yuan only felt that the boundless darkness was spreading and dragged him into the abyss. He was a little unwilling.

At the end of his consciousness, he saw peach light spilling into the sky with bright red blood...

The cultivators of Canglan were terrified, just one face to face, within two breaths, Zhenjun Buyuan died under his knife.

Looking at the blue-clothed boy who forced Fu Yue to retreat steadily, the boundless chill penetrated into everyone's hearts, Qian Jiu's martial arts skills have reached this level.

"Shuzi dare!"

True Monarch Fuguang was the first to react, and rushed forward to help with his fist.

After being reminded by him, everyone in the Taiyi School attacked one after another as if they had just woken up from a dream. However, Wei Lin's attack was too fierce, and one move followed another, continuously.

Even though there were many people in the Taiyi Sect, under fear, the effect was minimal. True Monarch Fuguang snatched the magic sword from the younger generation, and used the sword to block the edge of the Dream Slayer.


The dharma sword was full of cracks, and it broke after only a moment of stalemate. Fortunately, this moment of interruption finally gave others a chance to insert.

He also gave Fu Yue a chance to breathe, he suddenly opened the distance, retreated to the entrance of Kuocang Mountain, and raised his voice: "Everyone, what are you waiting for, let's work together to take him down."

Wei Lin sneered, turned around with the knife and fought again.

On the other side, Yunli reckoned that it was about the same time, so she changed the topic: "Let's go, go and visit Kuocang Mountain."

With so many people, it would be nice if one sneak attack was successful, and she had to respond in time.

After finishing speaking, she winked at Mu Yan'an, and ran towards the lush Kuocang Mountain. As soon as she left the long street, she heard the sound of fighting.

Mo Huai and the others who followed were shocked, speeded up, and bypassed the big locust tree at the end of the street, only to see Renxiu and Tianwu Yaoxiu fighting in a group, because the two sides were in equal numbers, most of them were fighting one-on-one .

The demon has a strong body and strength, while the human has a flexible mind and good martial arts skills, so it was hard to separate them for a while.

Mo Huai was busy looking for the Taiyi Sect's team, and soon approached the entrance of the mountain, a group of Taiyi Sect members dressed in white background with gold trim surrounded a man in blue.

Wait, that's Qianjiu!
Mo Huai was startled, his brain turned sharply, and it became clear in an instant that the brief question just now was done on purpose by Yunli.

He felt blocked in his heart, and he could coordinate seamlessly with just one look. This tacit understanding made people jealous and disgusting.

"What is the demon king doing? Don't forget the covenant between our two clans." While attacking Wei Lin, Fu Yue raised his voice to question, seeing the other three factions surrounded by Tai Yi, he was satisfied.

In the battle, life and death are instant, even if there is Tianwu Yaoxiu to protect each other, with so many people surrounded, it will be a matter of time to win Qianjiu!
Suddenly, there was a yellow shadow like lightning, shooting straight towards this side, and after a closer look, it turned out to be Yunli.

Thinking of her strange power, the corners of Fu Yue's eyes twitched, and he hurriedly shouted: "Stop her!"

As he spoke, he saw Mo Huai and the others behind Yunli, and after another look, An Ran was still following behind him. Fu Yue was overjoyed, and hurriedly shouted, "Huai'er, take down An Ran."

When Yunli in front heard it, her feet froze suddenly, why did her cousin come here, didn't she and Ayan be asked to wait in the town?
She hurriedly turned her head and saw that An Ran was holding a shadow sword, and the horizontal sword was blocking the attacks around her. She turned her head and smiled at her: "I can do it."

Yunli was stunned, and suddenly realized that An Ran was no longer the princess who had no combat power. After ten years of hard training in the Weeping Valley of Immortals and years of sword practice on Qingyu Mountain, she had to be guided by a sword cultivator named Wei Lin. In terms of swordsmanship alone, she is not inferior to most people.

With the blessing of the heavenly magic weapon Zhaoying Sword, this pure fight is not very dangerous.

The premise is that Mo Huai and Chu Nan don't make a move.

Yunli looked at Mo Huai and Chu Nan, and saw that Mo Huai was stunned for a moment, then turned the Zijin sword in his hand, aiming at An Ran.

Her eyes turned cold, and she was about to retreat when she saw Runing in a moon-white robe suddenly appearing, stopped Mo Huai, and said in a warm voice, "Don't worry, Your Highness."

His Majesty's voice was like a stone falling into the water, which stirred up a thousand layers of waves in the hearts of everyone.

Who is Run Ning, the Tianwu Demon King, what could he be called His Highness?
The Sea Clan was even more shocked. They were both monsters. They knew more clearly what His Highness meant.

Wan Yang looked at Runing, then at Yunli who accepted it calmly, her heart raced, she quickly made a decision, and raised her voice to order: "Stop Renxiu."

Yunli was determined, she nodded toward Runing Wan, turned around and deftly crossed the battle situation, and went straight to Taiyizong's battle circle.

The Hai Clan joins, the situation will turn around sooner or later, the situation is critical, Fu Yue didn't bother to analyze her identity, and hurriedly shouted: "Now that we have gone up the mountain to take down the national teacher, it is the most important thing to find out, why don't you let it go for now?" Gratitude and grievances, discuss countermeasures together."

Zhenjun Fuguang also said: "Yunli, don't be arrogant, now we don't even know what that national teacher is, it is wise to cooperate."

Suxi Zhenjun also persuaded: "The overall situation is the most important."

One punch at a time, Yun Li forcibly tore open the encirclement, one behind the other with Wei Lin, forming a pincer attack on Fu Yue.

She sneered: "I have always had a clear distinction between grievances and grievances. Since he dares to touch my people, he must be prepared to pay for his life!"

While speaking, his fist slammed on a man's body, and the man flew backwards in an instant.

On the opposite side, Wei Lin slashed horizontally, forcing the people in front of him to retreat, and said with a light smile, "Since the overall situation is the most important thing, why don't you step aside and kill him, and we will naturally give up. If one or two people die, what does it matter to the overall situation?" .”

Fuguang Zhenjun said angrily: "Using words to confuse reason, the teacher in charge is my Taiyi sect teacher, the leader of the righteous way, how can it have nothing to do with the overall situation."

Yun Li Maliu answered: "It's okay, he's dead, you can change to another head teacher. As for the leader of the righteous way, good and evil are at ease in people's hearts, how can we simply divide them by sect and race? He is right and evil, but you can't say It's up to you.

Besides, in this land of absolute spirits, he is neither the strongest nor the smartest, and he has no expertise. His death is nothing more than your Taiyi sect and the Lin family's dissatisfaction.

But a small number of people will not have much impact on the overall situation.Of course, if you are broad-minded and willing to let go of personal grievances, there will be no impact. "

True Monarch Fuguang was so blocked that he could not speak. Fuyue could become the head teacher of the Taiyi Sect because of his status and strength;

Now in the land of absolute spirits, the demon cultivators are united, and their strength is far above them. Without the blessing of identity, Fu Yue is indeed an ordinary person.

With the addition of the Sea Clan, the stalemate immediately fell to one side, and the members of the four major factions were gradually restrained.

Seeing that the demon cultivators hadn't killed them, the suppressed Xiuxiu struggled symbolically a few times, and then allowed the demon cultivators to isolate them. In the blink of an eye, Fu Yue was only surrounded by Fu Guang and Fu Shu's two juniors to protect him.

Seeing this situation, True Monarch Fuguang sighed secretly, wondering how to negotiate with the united demon cultivators.

In desperation, he could only brazenly show his kindness, and said to Yunli: "Since you have clear grievances and grievances, because I stopped Xingye and bought you time, let my senior brother go."

Yunli frowned. Among all the true masters of the Taiyi Sect, she only felt that Fu Guang was a good person. Although he was old-fashioned, he had a bottom line. When Zhanmeng Dao recognized the master, 'Fuyu' wanted to use the name of inspection to seize Zhanmeng. The knife, he helped to solve the siege.

When Yingmei was rescued, he was indeed the one who tried his best to stop Xingye and bought them time to escape.

But Fuyue stares at the two of them covetously, and designs on Ah Yan and her cousin. If this opening is opened, wouldn't everyone dare to follow suit, and they still have so many relatives who care about them.

Before she could speak, An Ran interjected with a sneer: "That's not how kindness is calculated. Rescuing Yingmei back then was to save Yexiao's family in Zhongzhou, eliminate Gu troubles, dismantle Remnant Ye Pavilion, and indirectly help Taiyi Sect.

At that time, we were in a cooperative relationship, and it was only natural to help win time.Besides, Ye Xiao's family directly benefited from rescuing Yingmei, and the kindness of Zhenjun should be counted on their heads. "

True Monarch Fuguang blushed, and he didn't want to repay his kindness, but he couldn't watch his fellow disciples die.

He pursed his lips and tried to argue: "I directly helped Yunli Qianjiu. As for them rescuing Yingmei and solving the crisis in Central Continent, they can repay their kindness to the Yexiao family. That's all I recognize."

Wei Lin's eyes turned cold, he tapped his toes, and jumped out of the encirclement. Before everyone could react, he was in front of Fu Yue, and sent the Zhan Meng Xing Yun Liu Shui into Fu Yue's heart.


PS: Thanks to Xiaododing and Sugar_18 for their monthly tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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