all the way to fairy

Chapter 602 Ghost Repair

Fu Yue's eyes widened, his eyes were filled with disbelief, but Wei Lin didn't stop at all, and while turning his wrist, he drew his saber away, and in an instant he was at a safe distance of three feet away.

"The grace of saving life?" He looked at Zhenjun Fuguang sarcastically, and said with a sneer: "Not to mention that your grace of saving life is complicated, but it is pure grace of saving life, and you are trying to blackmail me with it!"

At the end, his eyes swept across the crowd sharply, with an obvious warning.

Everyone showed apprehension, and when they met his gaze, they all involuntarily took a few steps back.


Mo Huai's eyes were scarlet, and under his impatience, he had amazing explosive power, breaking through the obstruction of the two demon cultivators, and rushed to Fu Yue's side.

Fu Yue stretched out his hand with difficulty, and grabbed Mo Huai's arm tightly, "Avenge... revenge, marry... Xi'er, protect the forest..."

Bright red blood spat out from his mouth, staining Mo Huai's body and eyes, "Master, don't talk."

Fu Yue's eyes widened, and he exhausted all his strength: " me."

There was a tremor in Mo Huai's eyes, he looked up and saw Yunli took the Meng Zhan Dao and pinned it to his waist.

As if feeling his gaze, she raised her eyes and looked over, her eyes were calm and unwavering, like a sharp knife, mercilessly slag on Mo Huai's heart.

"Master Nephew Mo!"

True Monarch Fuguang's words pulled back Mo Huai's thoughts, he looked down at Fuyue who was full of unwillingness, and struggled to say every word: "I promise you."

There was a trace of relief in Fu Yue's eyes, and the hand holding his arm dropped down.


"Brother in charge!"

"Brother in charge!"

Three mournful voices sounded from the rear almost at the same time. Yunli paused for a moment, then raised her steps again, passed through the crowd calmly, came to the demon cultivator, and asked, "How is the situation here?"

Runing replied softly: "The mountain is extremely cold, and we dug up many bones in it. It seems that the resentment of the dead has condensed and blocked the mountain road."

"Bones?" Yunli glanced at the desolate and silent mountain forest, and suddenly had a bad premonition in her heart.

"Yes, there is a little guy from the Mitian Mouse Clan who is lazy, so he dug a hole to go to sleep after poking around, who would have thought that with one paw down, he would dig out a lot of bones.

After the report came out, we dug in other places, almost everywhere, and there were many human bones. "

After Runing finished speaking, the Mitian Shu patriarch who was dozing beside him proudly puffed up his chest, his face beaming with joy.

Yunli frowned, Kuocang Mountain is the place where the National Teacher practiced, how could there be so many bones, even if someone was dissatisfied with the rule of the National Teacher's Mansion and went up the mountain, the corpses should be cleaned up afterwards.

"She cultivates with death energy?" Wei Lin murmured.

Yunli was stunned, and instantly remembered the coldness in the national teacher's spiritual thoughts, and cried out: "She is, ghost cultivator!"

"Ghost cultivator?" Runing wondered, "What is ghost cultivator?"

The others also looked at her, it was the first time they had heard of the word ghost repair.

Yunli's face was solemn: "Cultivators in the Netherland cultivate with death energy."

"But this is the world." Wei Lin was puzzled.

"This is the weird place. The cultivation method of ghost cultivators can only be found in the Nine Nether Underworld. There is a lot of death there, and it is a holy place for ghost cultivators. No ghost cultivator is willing to come to the human world."

"If you don't want to come, it means that you can't come. Could it be that she came to the world unintentionally and was trapped in Donglu by the seal?" Wei Lin said in a deep voice.

Yunli thought for a while, then shook her head: "No, Donglu is full of spirit energy, not death energy. Although there is little death energy here, it is not without it. In 3 years, if she came from the Nine Nether Netherworld, she would be It won’t be this weak cultivation level now.”

Ghost cultivators often abandon their bodies and cultivate their souls. The degree of condensed spirit is much stronger than that of low-level monks.

The spiritual sense of the national teacher is indeed rare among monks, but in terms of ghost cultivation, it is just a low-level ghost cultivation just getting started.

After all, cultivating ghosts and cultivating immortals are two systems, and there is not much information about ghost cultivating in the inheritance of Feng Clan. Yunli raised her eyes to look at the towering Kuocang Mountain, and said in a deep voice: "The situation is not optimistic, she can use ghost skills , but we can't cast spells, I wonder if those passively triggered defensive magic tools will take effect on ghost spells?"

Everyone's hearts sank to the bottom of the valley in an instant, the difference between immortals and mortals was like a moat, even a monk in the Qi training period could easily destroy a group of martial arts masters.

After pondering for a while, Wei Lin said: "Since she brought us here, she either wants to get us all together, or she wants to cooperate."

If the latter is okay, if it is the former, it is a bit dangerous.

Immediately, Empress Yuan Da Neng said: "What are you waiting for, leave here quickly, the mainland ban will be lifted, I don't want to die here at this time."

"That's right, let's go, let's go! True Monarch Ling Su is still determined and sees the long-term. He is not confused by the secret treasure at all. He just waits outside. Once the ban is lifted, he will be able to rise through the calamities."

"Is he looking at the long-term? He is clearly afraid of death. Before the siege of Canye Pavilion, he found all kinds of reasons to stay away from the battlefield. When there was no reason to find, he just restrained him, for fear of losing his life."

True Lord Fuguang was furious: "Presumptuous, I, the Supreme Elder of the Taiyi Sect, can you talk about it?"

The few people who spoke fell silent, but there was disdain on their faces, the head teacher was all killed, and they didn't see the arrogance of the Tai Yi sect resisting, showing any prestige to them.

Suxi Zhenjun sighed lowly, and brought back the topic: "What's the use of leaving now, if the spiritual energy doesn't recover for a day, we will not be her opponents, and it will be dangerous to be alone.

What's more, we came here to find the reason for the mainland's ban, so as to completely undo Canglan's ban.Leaving now, without spiritual power, how to get out of Donglu is a problem. "

Yunli frowned slightly, "We have already arrived, why do we have to wait three days later? What's so special about three days later?"

Wei Lin said softly: "Today is July [-]th, and three days later it will be July [-]th...Hungry Ghost Festival!"

Everyone was shocked, Ghost Festival, the legendary Ghost Festival, the day when the world is most cloudy, for ghost cultivators, this day should be the time when her cultivation base is the strongest.

Someone quickly found a contradiction: "Since she is a ghost cultivator, we don't have a cultivation level now, and it is easy for her to restrain us. Why do you want us to go up the mountain when you are the strongest?"


Runing looked at Yunli and said thoughtfully, "Perhaps there are some of us who she fears!"

"Who is she afraid of? Who has fought against her?"

"It wasn't me. Our group lit Zhang Daofu and saw her divine sense."

"It's not us..."

Yunli touched the tip of her nose, if nothing unexpected happened, Princess Xiyue would be the one that the national teacher was afraid of, but she didn't know if the national teacher knew that she was Xiyue.

No matter how many guesses are made now, they are just guesses. We have to wait three days before seeing the national teacher before we can see the outcome.

Now that they knew that the other party might be a ghost cultivator, the reason for not being able to go up the mountain should be ghost skills, so everyone didn't do that useless work, and simply went back to the town to recharge their batteries and wait for three days to go up the mountain.

In the anticipation and apprehension of everyone, two days passed in a flash.

On the evening of July [-]th, before going to bed, Yunli went to the kitchen to find some rooster comb blood, glutinous rice, and broke off a few peach branches. Ghost Xiu is also a ghost, and maybe these methods of suppressing ghosts can also defeat ghost Xiu.

Speaking of which, they are all Taoist priests, and their job is to catch ghosts, but now they are more afraid of a ghost cultivator, which is really ironic.

In the middle of the night, she woke up suddenly, and just when she was feeling strange, intermittent babbles sounded from the next door.


She was stunned, senior brother doesn't sleep, why is he still talking in sleep?
She got up and went out, it was pitch black outside, she couldn't see her fingers, the night wind was whimpering, ghosts were crying and wolves were howling, it was very scary to hear.

She knocked on the door: "Brother, are you awake?"

No one answered.

Yunli's heart tightened, she pushed the door hard and walked in, only to see Wei Lin curled up on the bed with an extremely painful expression.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Her heart trembled, and she strode forward to feel his pulse. A biting cold came from his hand, and the pulse was also chaotic.

what happened?

Yunli blinked quickly, tried her best to restrain her panic, and probed carefully, a strange cold energy flowed through his body, arousing his spiritual power to be restless.

An Ran and others who were alarmed in the nearby guest room rushed over quickly. Seeing this situation, they were all shocked and asked anxiously, "What's wrong with him?"

"Ayan, come and take a look." Yunli hurriedly stepped aside.

Mu Yan stretched out her hand, and as soon as she touched Wei Lin's hand, she quickly took it away like an electric shock: "It's so cold!"

"It's really so cold?" An Ran wondered, Mu Yan, a dignified Golden Core cultivator, couldn't bear to be touched, how cold is it?

She stretched out her hand to test it, and she quickly retracted like Mu Yan when she first touched it. In just a short moment, she felt that her soul was about to be frozen.

Yunli's heart tensed into a string, and her thoughts sank into her body. She adjusted the Nirvana Heavenly Fire to the palm of her hand and covered Wei Lin's wrist until the cold energy receded from Wei Lin's wrist. She quickly let go of her hand and turned to Mu Yan Said: "Look again."

After a while, Mu Yan took her hand away and said solemnly: "With spiritual energy nourishing, the body is fine for the time being, but that energy is too cold, if it cannot be expelled in time, it will cause damage to his meridians and organs."

After a pause, he asked again, "Where did this cold energy come from?"

An Ran was also very surprised: "No one came at night."

Even though there is no aura and they cannot practice now, these cultivators did not go to sleep, or closed their eyes to rest their minds, or thought about how to deal with ghost cultivation tomorrow.

All the monks lived in the inn, even if a mosquito flew in, they would never be able to hide it from them.

Tonight, there is really nothing unusual.

After finishing speaking, she looked at Yunli. Among them, she was the strongest in terms of perception ability.

Yunli shook her head: "I don't know, I suddenly heard him talking in his sleep, and ran over..."

In the blink of an eye, she suddenly remembered that Shaohao Luo once said that the senior brother is the soul of extreme yin and fate, and today is the Ghost Festival, could it be the reason?

Yunli pursed her lips, raised her eyes and looked outside, Run Ning and other demon cultivators were surrounding the house, and further away, there were other cultivators standing.

"Go out first, look outside, and don't allow anyone to approach."

An Ran and the others were puzzled. Seeing her firm expression, they didn't ask any further questions. They retreated and closed the door. One person each from the corridor, the roof, and the street looked after the house.

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