Yunli leaned down, pressed her forehead between Wei Lin's eyebrows, urged Wen Shenlian, and sank her consciousness into his sea of ​​consciousness.

The always peaceful sea of ​​consciousness froze, and the white mist on the ice was thick and overwhelming. Yunli's thoughts were unprepared, and they were frozen in an instant.

It took a while before she recovered from the icy stiffness, sensed the direction of Wen Shenlian, and controlled her thoughts to fly there.

The lotus is faint, floating quietly on the ice, and the extreme cold can't hurt it in the slightest.

Suddenly, in the cold and lonely bamboo moonlight, a little bit of greenness flashed, Yunli hurriedly inspected carefully, it turned out that the stem of the Wenshenlian was covered with light blue runes, which flickered and flickered, spinning and swimming, like a living thing.

She instantly thought of a person, that mysterious woman in Tsing Yi, with her aura on the runes, if nothing unexpected happened, these runes should be her handwriting.

Just why?

Why did she keep helping senior brother?

While Yunli was thinking, a complex rune resembling a plum blossom button emerged, and the arc in the upper left corner was broken, and it was from there that wisps of coldness diffused.

She immediately understood that these cyan runes were used to seal the extremely yin soul, and now somehow, the seal was damaged, which caused the yin and cold air to leak out.

She hurriedly sank her thoughts into Wei Lin's Wen Shenlian, urging it to release a large amount of energy, leading it to the broken part of the seal, and using it to temporarily block the gap.

The gap was closed, and the coldness in the Sea of ​​Consciousness continued to drop under the continuous effect of the Warming God Lotus.

After doing all these well, she retreated, knowing the mysteries of the sea, others can only help, and more things need to be solved by Wei Lin after she wakes up.

The problem of the sea of ​​consciousness is temporarily suppressed, and the next thing to focus on is to solve the cold air flowing in the body.

Yunli frowned. If she was outside, she could use her spiritual power to help sort out and guide the cold air out.

But what to do now?
Since there is no other way, then reduce the harm, she transferred the Nirvana Sky Fire to the palm of her hand, and then put her palm against Wei Lin's heart.


A slight voice sounded, and Yunli raised her eyes, only to see Wei Lin's eyelashes trembling, and slowly opened them.

She exclaimed in surprise, "You're awake!"

Fang felt hoarse when the words came out, and only then did she realize how nervous she was before.

Wei Lin frowned, his eyes were full of surprise, and he said, "I seem to see someone who is very..."

Yunli interrupted before he finished speaking: "Let's not talk about this, fast luck, force out the cold energy!"

As she said that, she quickly helped him up. This extremely spiritual Donglu can't release his spiritual power, nor can he absorb spiritual energy for cultivation, but he can use it in his body to adjust his breath.

Feeling that his body was bad, Wei Lin was not obsessed with discussing the mysterious sneak attacker, he was busy with his heart, and hurriedly used his kung fu to sort out the violent spiritual power in his body and guide the cold air.

Yunli stared at him intently, for fear that an accident would happen if he didn't pay attention.

Soon, fine beads of sweat appeared on Wei Lin's forehead, his eyelashes trembled, and his expression gradually became labored. After a while, his whole body was soaked thoroughly as if he had been fished out of the water.

Yunli swallowed, then quickly held her breath, feeling inexplicably flustered, something out of control.

"Oh oh oh-"

The sound of cock crowing broke the silence, Yunli exhaled heavily, looked out the window, there was faint white light shooting out from behind the thick darkness.

Day is coming.


Wei Lin suddenly spat out blood, his face was gloomy like water: "No, these cold energies are conscious and cannot be forced out."

"Conscious? How could it be?" Yunli almost jumped up, the extremely yin fate soul is only extremely yin and cold, and it is still his soul after all. What the hell is consciousness?

She blinked quickly, with a murderous look in her voice, "Is that the national teacher?"

When he probed his sea of ​​consciousness earlier, he didn't find other people's will in his sea of ​​consciousness. Thinking about what he said halfway when he woke up, Yunli instantly understood.

The cold energy in his body is different from that of the Sea of ​​Consciousness. It is not caused by the extreme Yin soul, but left behind when someone attacked.

Wei Lin shook his head: "It's not like her."

Because Donglu couldn't practice, since he entered Donglu, he had been thinking about the law of swordsmanship when he had free time, and last night was no exception.

In the middle of the night, I suddenly felt that the surroundings were abnormally cold, and a Taoist door seemed to be opened in the dark, and there was a slight chill in the sea of ​​consciousness, which was different from the coolness of the Wenshenlian. When this chill appeared, the soul trembled.

Just as he was about to check, a sigh sounded in his ear, "It's really a success."

The next moment, a cloud of cold and domineering energy crashed into his body.

The energy was so powerful that he couldn't move immediately, and forced to open his eyes, only to see under the bright red skirt, a jade foot frosted with snow.

Then, he lost consciousness.

Although it was only a short glance, it was enough for him to see clearly that the soul body of the other party was as compact as a real person, and even the patterns on the hem of the skirt were clearly visible.

In the Taoist talisman, the spiritual thoughts of the national teacher are in the form of shadows, although they are clear enough, they are not the same.

Yunli thought for a while and asked, "Are you sure she is a ghost cultivator? Could it be a human?"

A ghost cultivator whose soul body has been condensed to that level is already not low, at least it is equivalent to the Nascent Soul stage in human cultivation.

It's a bit strange that such a powerful ghost cultivator came to the world to hurt a Jindan stage human cultivator.

Unless, she knows that her senior brother is an extremely yin soul, and she wants to do something about it.

But if it is a human cultivator, how does it use the magic technique?
Wei Lin's eyes darkened, and he said in a deep voice, "It's a ghost cultivator."

As he said that, he suddenly felt that the cold energy in his body was much more docile. He turned his head and looked out the window. The first rays of morning light shone through the clouds to the earth, awakening all sleeping things.

Wei Lin took a deep breath and practiced his kung fu again, trying to force the cold energy flowing through his body to his left hand to seal it.

This time it went smoothly, and the work was completed in a short while, her left hand was so cold that she couldn't feel it at all, Yunli hurriedly called Mu Yanji Ruochen.

After taking the pulse carefully, the two looked dignified, but within a few hours, there were many injuries in the body, if this cold energy could not be cleared out in time, the left hand might be completely necrotic.

Mu Yan said in a deep voice, "We have to get out as soon as possible."

Yin and cold energy is dead energy after all, it will annihilate the vitality of the body, only relying on spiritual power to warm it up, the effect is not good, it is better to restore the vitality of the heart of plants and trees as soon as possible.

Yunli also understands this reason, not only the cold and dead energy in her body, but also the seal of the extremely yin fate soul, so she has to go out as soon as possible and find a way to ask the woman in Tsing Yi.

Wei Lin asked in a deep voice: "What is the function of the extremely yin fate soul?"

In that sigh, there was surprise, joy, and some strange admiration, as if it was done by a familiar person.

Yunli pursed the corners of her lips: "I don't know much about ghost cultivators. I only know that it is the top talent in ghost cultivators. It is said that all previous Hades are extremely yin souls."

As she said that, she was startled suddenly: "The ghost cultivator woman is coming straight at your body. Could it be that she wants to damage your body and make you turn to ghost cultivation?"

"Master Ming?" Wei Lin raised his eyebrows.

"He is the leader of the Nine Nether Underworld, equivalent to the Heavenly Lord of the Ninefold Star Tower." Speaking of this, she suddenly became nervous, "Brother, you don't want to be the Underworld Lord, do you?"

Wei Lin gave her a white look, "Don't you want to cultivate immortals? What am I going to cultivate ghosts for?"

The Yunli chick nodded like pecking at rice, and said again and again: "We want to cultivate immortality, ghost cultivation is not good at all, and we can't enjoy such a beautiful sunshine."

Wei Lin was amused by her reaction, and he felt relieved. He raised his head and said to An Ran and Ruoshui: "It's getting late, you guys should leave quickly."

After two days of discussion, everyone agreed that the other party was more likely to seek cooperation. If they wanted to kill them, it would be easier to break them individually, and there was no need to gather them together.

Since it was cooperation, the danger was greatly reduced, so they decided to split into two groups. An Ran and Ruoshui Zhenjun followed the crowd to Kuocang Mountain to see what the national teacher wanted.

Yunli Weilin tried to re-enter the past life memory through the jade rosary, hoping to find clues to completely break the mainland ban from Xiyue's experience.

Mu Yan and Ji Ruochen are not good at fighting, so it is not appropriate to go, and stay with Jing Xu, Lu Jian and a few other demon cultivators to protect their safety.

An Ran nodded, "Be careful."

Pulling Mu Yan aside again, she whispered: "Let Lvjian and the others do something, you must guard them every step of the way."

Mu Yan nodded: "Don't worry, I know how powerful it is."

Thinking of the two who were in a coma for a few days and were arrested by the National Teacher's Mansion, she couldn't help but be terrified.

After sending An Ran and his party away, Mu Yan discussed with Ji Ruochen about prescribing a decoction to help Wei Lin treat frostbite. Although common medicines are not as effective as Lingzhi, they are better than nothing, and they can recover a little bit.

A quarter of an hour later, An Ran followed the crowd and stood in the depths of Kuocang Mountain, looking at the quaint palace with blue bricks and black tiles. She was astonished. It is indeed the residence of ghost cultivators, and the location is really unique.

Through the dense forest, there is a low-lying pit with a radius of thousands of miles. The palace of the national teacher stands in the center of the pit, surrounded by green vines.

The vines grow extraordinarily lush, but they don't give people a sense of vitality, but a ghostly and cold feeling.

"Do you feel that it's very cold after arriving here?" A skinny man crossed his arms and asked nervously.

Someone stopped immediately: "What nonsense, everyone present is Jindan Nascent Soul, and the cold and heat have not invaded, how can it be cold?"

"Don't tell me, I feel quite cold too." A timid female cultivator shrank her neck and leaned against her companion.

An Ran frowned. It was obviously a silent environment, but it always gave her a tyrannical feeling.

When he was moving, he accidentally kicked something, and a piece of gray stuff flew out, smashing against the palace wall.

"Looks like bones."

An Ran lowered her head and put aside the lush vines under her feet, and suddenly took a breath. Under the vines, there were bones of different shapes lying here and there.

Seeing this, other people also started to check. In just a short while, they cleaned up all the nearby vines, and there were bones underneath.

It turned out to be a mass grave.

Runing took a few steps forward, and said coldly, "Since you invited us, why don't you show up?"

At this time, an ethereal voice sounded faintly, "Why are you, Princess Xiyue?"

"Princess Xiyue?"

"Is she among us?"

"Isn't it only reincarnated in the Eastern Continent..."

The crowd rioted. Everyone had a certain understanding of Donglu's history, so they naturally noticed Princess Xiyue who would appear every hundred years in Donglu's history.

They also asked about her unusualness from the mouths of the mages in the National Teacher's Mansion, and many people even secretly speculated that she was the reason why the Canglan Continent was sealed.

A large part of the reason why everyone came to Kuocang Mountain was because they wanted to know who the current Princess Xiyue was from the national teacher.

Why do you listen to what the national teacher said, she has already gone out, and she is still one of them!
Suxi and Jinqing quickly exchanged glances, and when they came to Donglu and discovered the existence of Princess Xiyue, they knew that their judgments had been wrong all these years.

The one who broke the seal was not Qianjiu, but Yunli, and she was also the one recuperating in Donglu.

Later, Fu Yue carefully recalled the Taoist name bestowed that day, and when he thought of Yunli, the word 'Yue' came to mind by accident.

At that moment, several people broke out in a cold sweat, it could quietly affect Fu Yue's judgment, the origin of the other party may be beyond their imagination.

But 3000 years ago, what appeared above the misty swamp was clearly the figure of a young man, and Xi Yue was a woman in every life.

A faint figure floated out of the palace, the woman raised her head slightly, and sighed lowly: "It's been 3 years, I think no one remembers me, I am Yinhua of Qijuemen."

"Zhenjun Yinhua!" Zhenjun Jinqing blurted out, his face full of disbelief.

Seven Absolute Gates!
An Ran frowned slightly, looked at Runing beside him, and at Jinqing and other Tianxin Pavilion people not far away. This sect has a deep relationship with Tianxin Pavilion and Tianwu Yaoxiu Capital.

Feeling her gaze, Runing smiled warmly: "It seems that my little friend has heard of Qijuemen, which is really rare."

An Ran awkwardly adjusted her bun: "When I'm bored and looking through history books, I'm curious. If you pay more attention, you'll know a little bit."

Speaking of which, Tianwu Yaoxiu used Qijuemen so thoroughly back then, secretly helping Qijuemen to destroy Yaowanggu, but prevented him from eradicating the grass and roots, and later even uprightly supported the surviving alchemists to build Tianxin Pavilion.

Today, Tianxin Pavilion has once again become one of the four Canglan sects, but the Qijue Sect has long been annihilated in the long river of history.

Runing didn't seem to see the meaning in her eyes, and explained gently: "Since I'm looking through the history books, I want to know the Zhirou Zhenjun of Qijuemen, this Yinhua Zhenjun is the disciple of Gu Zhirou's line. , and besides Gu Zhirou, the Qijue Sect's most prestigious person."

"I didn't expect that there are people in the Canglan Continent who know about me." The national teacher said with emotion.

Jin Qing's expression was complicated: "The True Monarch is very capable. My ancestors once said that if you hadn't disappeared suddenly, the Qijue Sect might have flourished for thousands of years, and they wouldn't have lost so quickly."

"So, the Qijue Sect is broken?"

An Ran glanced at Wen Xueluo in the crowd. The Yunshu Immortal Mansion belonged to True Monarch Zhirou. Wen Xueluo got her inheritance, so she was her descendant, and Qijue Sect was not considered a continuous inheritance.

Wen Xueluo felt something in her heart, she looked over, saw that it was her, and quickly looked away calmly.

The soul of the national teacher is a little distorted, like a candle that is blown left and right by the wind: "When I broke through the late stage of childbirth, I went out to travel and found a small secret place in Donglu, so I went to check it. Suddenly one day , The sky and the earth shook continuously, and the aura disappeared in an instant."

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