"At first, I thought something happened to the secret realm, but after I went out, I found out that Donglu was sealed." Yinhua closed her eyes, as if she had returned to that time of despair.

Overnight, thousands of years of hard work have been in vain, without spiritual energy training, unable to cast spells, unable to open storage bags, magical weapons reduced to scrap iron, except for the nourishment of spiritual power in the body, longer life expectancy, and mortals. No difference.

"Although everyone was careful and didn't use a single bit of spiritual power, they still couldn't escape the fate of running out of life. One monk after another died. Everyone searched the Eastern Continent, and finally found a natural five-element gathering spirit array on Yunhuang Island.

All the monks went there one after another. I got the news too late. When I rushed over, they had planted a lot of poison outside Yunhuang Island. I tried various methods but failed to get on the island.

I was not reconciled, and continued to search for spiritual energy, but I couldn't escape my fate. When I reached Kuocang Mountain, my life span was exhausted.

Unexpectedly, the twists and turns, a wooden hairpin that I got by chance in the early years was made of Yangshen wood, my spirit was attached to it, and it did not dissipate.

And Kuo Cangsheng used to be an ancient battlefield with extremely dark energy, nourished by it, my spirit grew stronger day by day.

Later, I developed a method of cultivating the soul, and I survived. "Yinhua's lips pulled out a bit of bitterness. She thought she had found a chance, but only recently did she find out that she has become a ghost cultivator and has no chance of immortality.

Tens of thousands of years of hope are shattered, how can you not hate it?

She opened her eyes, glanced at everyone, and said loudly: "Most people present must have guessed that the person named Yunli is the princess Xiyue who will be reincarnated in Donglu every hundred years. The seal was all due to her recuperation.

For more than 3 years, tens of thousands of people in Canglan have lost their way to immortality, just to fulfill her alone, can the superiors fool us wantonly?

Is our hard work and persistence a joke?Why!Her life is her life, isn't it the life of our Canglan sentient beings? "

Her voice changed from deep to passionate, extremely provocative, and her handsome face was slightly deformed, but the effect was not as she expected.

Everyone was silent and did not respond.

First of all, no one is a fool. In this situation, Yinhua, as a ghost cultivator, is better than any of them. It is obviously tricky to incite them to kill Yunli without doing it himself.

Secondly, Yunli's combat strength is amazing, and in the environment of the spirit, few people are her opponents.

In addition, most of the people present here are Empress Yuan cultivators and are about to ascend. At this time, protecting their lives and waiting for the ascension is the most important thing.

Yinhua was not discouraged, as if she didn't see the mockery in their eyes, she continued: "Do you know where she came from? Phoenix."


"Divine Beast Phoenix!"

Everyone was excited, and it was no longer the calm before.

A hint of sarcasm flashed across Yinhua's lips, as long as the temptation is strong enough, let alone gods and beasts, gods can also be pulled down.

She raised the corners of her lips and said quietly: "It's all thanks to that 'devil'..."

Inside the inn, Yunli was fiddling with the jade rosary, "How did we activate it at that time?"

All the way to Kuocang Mountain, she tried all kinds of methods, and even imitated the original environment, but she still failed.

Wei Lin frowned slightly, and said: "Maybe it's the wrong direction, could it be a magic weapon of ghost cultivators?"

"It's possible!"

Yunli's eyes lit up, she could show people the experience of her previous life, so it is not a mortal artifact, it must be a magic weapon.

However, all magic tools need to be activated. Donglu Jue Ling, it cannot be a monk's magic weapon, so the most likely thing is a ghost cultivator's magic weapon.

But, how did they activate the magic weapon of the ghost cultivator?
While wondering, Wei Lin stretched out his hand: "Give me a try."

Yunli instantly thought of his extremely yin fate soul, could it be that the jade rosary was driven by the yin energy in the senior brother's body that day?

This question was quickly answered. Wei Lin took the jade rosary and adjusted the angle skillfully. After a while, the flowers in the bead bloomed and withered again, and the world slowly disappeared from the senses...

Yaohan Kingdom, the ninth year of Xuande.

In the late autumn night, the moon was cold and frosty, but the Weiyang Palace where the empress lived was brightly lit, and the woman's hoarse and exhausted cries echoed in the palace.

Emperor Xuande, dressed in a dragon robe, sat in the first seat, unconsciously fiddled with the biyingying bead strings with his fingers, and the eunuchs and maids in the room held their breaths, not daring to take a breath.

"Second Highness, you can't go in!"

"Step aside!"

"Second Highness, don't embarrass this old slave. Your Majesty has ordered that no one be allowed to..."

In the tense atmosphere, there was a sudden commotion at the door, and with the sound of pushing, a young boy in a blue and white brocade robe broke in, staring blankly at the direction of the inner room.

"What are you here for?"

Emperor Xuande's angry voice was particularly terrifying in the closed room, and the eunuchs and maids knelt down in unison, shouting in unison: "Your Majesty, calm down!"

The second prince Ji Yun came back to his senses, lifted his robe and knelt down, and replied loudly: "I have some doubts about my homework, I want to ask my father to clarify."

Emperor Xuande's face turned cold, and he said expressionlessly: "Do you think I am in the mood to explain to you now?"

Ji Yun lowered his head, and answered casually, with a somewhat perfunctory tone in his tone: "It's because I didn't think carefully."

Emperor Xuande became even more angry and was about to growl when a resounding baby cry sounded from the inner room. Both father and son were attracted and looked over together.

After a while, the maid in charge of the palace in a Chu-colored dress came out with the child in her arms and said beamingly, "Congratulations, Your Majesty, the empress gave birth to a princess."

There was a flash of nervousness in Emperor Xuande's eyes, he handed the bead string in his hand to the eunuch, and stretched out his hand: "Let me hug you."

The aunt in charge was even more delighted, she responded respectfully, and when she stepped forward, she found a man kneeling in the middle of the room, and when she took a closer look, it turned out to be Ji Yun, the second prince born by Concubine Luo.

She couldn't help but be surprised. To prevent accidents, His Majesty sent away all the concubines who came to visit. Why is the second prince here?
Looking at his face, it was also very strange, his eyes were fixed on the princess in her arms, his complexion was as pale as paper, as if he had been struck by lightning.

Thoughts were swirling in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face, the aunt in charge firmly handed over the child to Emperor Xuande, and stepped aside.

"Ah—" Before she could stand still, she heard a short exclamation, and the aunt in charge trembled, and hurriedly looked over, only to see Emperor Xuande standing up suddenly, his face full of horror, the newborn little princess had been thrown out by him .

The aunt in charge's mind was blank, and she strode forward, but her outstretched hand was empty. Just when she thought it was time to finish, a pair of hands reached out from below, and caught the swaddling baby before it fell to the ground.

It's the second prince!

The aunt in charge breathed a sigh of relief, and raised her eyes to look at Emperor Xuande, only to see him bent down, uncovered the swaddling clothes and looked at the little princess carefully for a while, then raised his head and ordered with a cold face: "Go and invite..."

"Father, my son has something important to report!" Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Ji Yun's raised voice, "My son requests to face the saint alone."

The trembling Emperor Xuande slowed down, narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Ji Yun on the ground.

Ji Yun raised his eyes and looked straight into his eyes, neither dodging nor avoiding.

All the eunuchs and maids in the house noticed that the father and son were unusual, held their breath, and wished they could bury their heads in the floor.

I don't know how long the oppressive atmosphere lasted, and Emperor Xuande finally said: "You guys go out."

The eunuch and maid hurriedly retreated as if she had received an amnesty. The aunt in charge deliberately slowed down as she passed by the second prince, but seeing that he had no intention of handing over the princess, she went out obediently despite her hesitation.

The house fell silent.

Ji Yun took a deep breath, suppressed his chaotic emotions, and said in a deep voice: "Father, this matter cannot be reported to the national teacher. My son has a way to save Yaohan."

"Do you know who she is?" Emperor Xuande's voice lacked any warmth.

Ji Yun looked at the red and wrinkled baby in the swaddle, feeling the coolness rippling in the depths of his mind, a trace of despair flashed in his eyes: "Princess Xiyue."

"How did you know?"

Ji Yun pursed the corners of his lips, quickly cleared up the difficulties in his heart, and replied: "I guess. The father, the queen, and the queen love each other deeply, love the house and the crow, and the father will love the little... sister born by the mother."

He paused for a moment, suppressed the slight tremor in his voice, and continued: "Calculating the time, Longqing Kingdom has been destroyed for a hundred years, and it is time for Princess Xiyue to be reincarnated. The combination of the two can surprise the emperor so much If you lose your little sister, it can only be Princess Xiyue."

Emperor Xuande's face was sullen, his expression was indistinguishable, and after a long time he said: "You are careful."

Ji Yun looked at the baby in the swaddle, it was no different from an ordinary baby, why did the father recognize it at a glance?
Even though he knew it would cause suspicion, he still raised his eyes and asked tentatively: "I don't know how Father recognized her?"

Perhaps the impact of the imminent subjugation of the country was too great, Emperor Xuande was not in the mood to suspect anything else, and said with a cold face: "Did you see the little red spot between her eyebrows?"

Ji Yun lowered his head and took a closer look. Sure enough, there was a small red spot the size of a needle point between his eyebrows. The baby's skin was glowing red. It was easy to ignore it at first glance.

However, in the Southern Ming Dynasty, Ah Yue's forehead was very smooth, and there were no red spots at all.

"This little red dot will dissipate in seven days. This is the preliminary method to identify Princess Xiyue. The national teacher must personally identify it."

Ji Yun frowned, the red spot that was so obvious when he was a baby is probably a cinnabar mole when he grows up, it shouldn't disappear as soon as it grows.

From this point of view, this identification method is very accurate, and basically does not require a second identification by the National Teacher.

He straightened out his thoughts, and said the method he had been thinking about for many years: "Father, Xiyue is not devouring the fate of the country, our royal family is very clear about this, and some aristocratic families are also very clear.

In Erchen's view, her birth is not only a reminder to us, but also a chance for us to reverse course!
During the time of Dongjing Kingdom, Princess Huaiyang and her son-in-law tried to change, but they found out too late, in less than four years, they could do too little.

We are different now, she lived to be 19 when she was born in Longqing Kingdom last time, so we have at least 24 years now.

There is so much we can do in 24 years, rectify the administration of officials, improve the people's livelihood, and strengthen the army. When our soldiers are strong and the people return to their hearts, are we still afraid that the country will perish? "

Emperor Xuande's eyes flickered slightly. For more than 2 years, in so many countries, it's not that no one has thought of this method. It's just that the national teacher pays close attention to her. If she doesn't report it, the national teacher will blame her...

His eyes swept across the inner room, and there were a few elongated shadows reflected on the screen of red sandalwood seats, which were the queen's maids and nuns, helping the sleeping queen to tidy up.

Outside the house, the palace maids and eunuchs, Wen Po's eunuch and other eunuchs were all standing in the courtyard.

In recent years, the royal families of various countries have been very vigilant about the birth of children. Even if an unfavorable concubine gives birth, the emperor will personally guard it.

In addition, except for the necessary personnel, no one else is allowed to come close, the insiders are limited, and the possibility of leakage is much smaller than before.

More importantly, Princess Xiyue's lifespan has changed since the Nanming Kingdom 200 years ago. The Longqing Kingdom a hundred years ago unexpectedly lived to 19 years old, a full 600 years earlier than the previous rule.

Will she live longer this time?

Emperor Xuande clenched his fists, and said in a deep voice: "She should be hungry, take her out to nurse her. You also go back, as the emperor's brother, you have to prepare well for the three baptisms in three days' time."

Ji Yun's body was stiff for a moment, and then he replied: "Yes!"

He slowly walked out of the palace door with the baby in his arms, and looked up at the sky. The autumn moon was hanging high, as clear and bright as when he first saw it in the Mid-Autumn Festival that year. reflect his figure...

"Father, can I give her a nickname? How about Jiaojiao?"

Emperor Xuande was slightly stunned. Since he wanted to hide his identity, the title Xiyue could no longer be used, nor could the word Yue. It would be a good idea to have a nickname.

Thinking of this, he nodded and said, "Yes."

In the side hall, Jiaojiao vomited some bubbles after eating her milk and fell into a deep sleep. Ji Yun looked at her sleeping face, with a tasteless sadness blooming on her lips, brother and sister...

blah blah blah!
After a gentle knock on the door, Xiao Xizi's personal servant's voice sounded outside the door: "Your Highness, it's getting late, we have to go back."

Ji Yun ignored him, and sat quietly beside the cradle, looking down at a certain ground not far away. After a long time, he opened his mouth, his voice was almost raving: "I have been waiting for you in Huangquan for more than 100 years, why didn't you Come?"

His answer was the baby's sweet breathing.

In the early morning of the next day, Ji Yun ate a few mouthfuls indiscriminately and hurried to Weiyang Palace. As soon as he reached the door, he heard a sudden cry from inside.

Seeing the person who bumped into him clearly, the eunuch hurriedly complained: "This slave deserves to die!"

"What happened?" Ji Yun raised his heart high.

"The Empress is bleeding profusely and died!"


Ji Yun couldn't believe it. When he left last night, he heard that the queen had woken up once and used ginseng soup. Why did he suddenly bleed heavily?

The eunuch was in a hurry to go to the errand, and left a sentence, "I will go to the palaces to report the letter" and ran away in a hurry.

Ji Yun arrested another eunuch and asked, "Where is the little princess?"

"The little princess just fell asleep after breastfeeding, and the eldest princess was clamoring to see the empress, but was stopped by Aunt Lingzhi..."

Just as I was talking, I saw a group of people dragging a few bloody corpses out. Ji Yun, the eunuch and maid of Weiyang Palace, didn’t know much, but he did know the imperial doctor, Wen Po, and the aunts and eunuchs who were in charge. They were all dead. .

"They are?"

"The empress passed away, His Majesty angered them for not doing their best..."

Ji Yun felt a chill in his heart, and instantly understood what was going on with the bleeding.

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