When the queen passed away, Emperor Xuande was in unbearable grief. Later, he found out that the queen had been framed by others, and was even more furious. He demanded a strict investigation to the end.

Ten days later, the truth came to light. It turned out that Concubine Shu, who was born in the Duke of Qi's mansion, colluded with the eunuch, the head of the imperial court, and wanted to take the queen and replace her.

Emperor Xuande was so angry that he executed all the staff and expelled them. He also thought that he had made great achievements in the government of Qi, so he only confiscated his title and did not confiscate his home.

After that, Emperor Xuande endured his grief and arranged for the two princesses from the empress, the eldest princess Yongle, to be sent to Pixiang Palace, where Concubine Zheng Xian would take care of her;

Concubine Zheng Xian was born in the Zheng family of Xingyang, Yaohan's top-notch family, and gave birth to the second princess, Sisi, who is only two years older than the third princess;

Concubine Luo's mother's family is the Marquis of Changping, her father, Marquis of Changping, is the Great General of Zhenxi, half of Yaohan's military power is in his hands, and she gave birth to the second prince, Ji Yun. Unfortunately, she was weak and sick since she was a child, and she suffered from strange illnesses every Zhongyuan , People secretly call him the Ghost Prince.

Both of them are popular candidates for the new empress, and it's very lively when you come and go in private.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it has been five years, and the position in the middle palace is still pending.

Imperial Garden, the southeast corner.

A young girl in a lavender palace dress is kicking a shuttlecock. She is as light as a swallow, sometimes with her left foot, sometimes with her right foot, and sometimes with left and right casters. Afterwards, like a light and agile little swallow.

The seven or eight-year-old girl next to her was in admiration. She clapped her hands and cheered bouncingly: "Big sister is amazing!"

At this time, the wisteria bushes by the flowerbed shook, and a chubby little girl emerged from it, and ran over in two or three steps: "Big sister, I want to learn how to kick the shuttlecock too."

Yongle's body froze, and the flying shuttlecock suddenly fell to the ground. She turned her head and looked at the chubby girl with a complicated expression, and said, "I haven't finished my homework yet, you guys can play."

Then he turned his head and told the servants of the second princess: "Look at them, don't let them get close to the water."

After speaking, he turned around and left with his maid.

Jiaojiao pursed her mouth, looked at her back and said nothing, Qianqian who picked up the shuttlecock was stunned for a moment, then pouted unhappily: "It's all your fault, what are you doing here?"

Hearing this, Jiaojiao immediately put away the grievance on his face, clenched his small fist, raised his hand and swung it up, roaring ferociously: "I'm not a broom star."

She was extremely strong, and Sissi, who had just passed her seventh birthday, was knocked down immediately, no matter where her opponent was.

The maids and eunuchs were stunned and hurried forward to pull her, but she grabbed the little eunuch's wrist with her backhand and bit down hard.


The little eunuch's screams resounded through the imperial garden, and the two maids' hearts trembled when they heard it. Seeing their second princess's teary, white and tender face was covered with dust, they hurriedly pulled her away.

Qianqian got up from the ground and was about to fight back. At this time, the palace maid and eunuch who was thrown away by Jiaojiao also arrived, and stepped forward in time to separate the two of them.

After being punched in vain, Sissy cried and shouted: "You are, you are the bastard! You killed your own mother when you were born, big sister doesn't want to talk to you, and father doesn't like you either!"

Jiaojiao broke away from the two maids, raised her right hand, revealing the blood-red gemstone bracelets around her wrists, and shook them viciously: "You——have——"

Sissi cried even louder. This was a tribute from Gao Fan. There were only two strings. Obviously, she and her elder sister saw it first, but her father gave it to her elder sister and third younger sister.

Wiping her tears, she shouted angrily: "What are you proud of? Father's favorite is the big sister. You don't even have a title."

Although she doesn't know what title is, Jiaojiao is still not to be outdone: "You don't have one either."

"You, you, you! Huh, concubine mother..." Sissy, who couldn't beat or quarrel, ran away crying.

In the evening, Ji Yun went to the imperial study to report his errands and was about to leave when Emperor Xuande stopped him: "Take care of her when you have free time, don't let her tear down my palace."

Ji Yun nodded blankly, and asked Xiao Xizi as soon as he left the imperial study room: "These days when I'm gone, what did the princess do?"

"Seven days ago, the princess's bamboo dragonfly flew to Wang Zhaoyi's roof. When she went to pick it up, she encountered a bug. She was frightened and trampled on Wang Zhaoyi's roof."

"Is she not injured?" Ji Yun was shocked.

"No, Xiaochunzi called the guards in time to take her down. It was Wang Zhaoyi's roof. A dozen tiles were broken and a beam was broken."

Ji Yun breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good."

Xiao Xizi secretly rolled her eyes, what's the matter, it rained heavily that night, Wang Zhaoyi's palace was almost flooded, and five or six repairmen worked hard all night in the rain to finish it.

"Six days ago, the princess destroyed the epiphyllum that was carefully cultivated by the beauty Wang Yingxuexuan."

"Epiphyllum? It won't bloom until after the hour of the day. She doesn't go to bed so late, what is she going to Yingxuexuan for?"

"The princess is here to see You Tan Blossom. Five days ago, the princess..."

The corners of Ji Yun's mouth twitched, he had only been away for seven days, this is causing trouble every day!

"At noon today, I beat the second princess to tears in the Imperial Garden. After lunch, I plucked the feathers of a goose in our Linhua Palace. Xiao Chunzi didn't hug her tightly. The goose flew out and threw Wei Jieyu, who was passing by, into the water."

Ji Yun supported his forehead and said weakly: "Prepare the gifts and send them to the palaces tomorrow."

Xiao Xizi raised her head, looked around, and after confirming that there was no one there, she lowered her voice and said, "Your Highness, it would be better for your Majesty to take action on this matter, please persuade Your Majesty."

Ji Yun sighed lowly, why didn't he hope that the emperor would treat her like an ordinary daughter, after all, it was her wish to grow up like an ordinary child.

It's a pity that no matter how much he persuades, the father still avoids her like a snake and scorpion. If he can't see her, he won't see her. If he didn't have a deep affection for the former queen, and under the guise of seeing Jiaojiao, he would easily think of the former queen. The spies saw something.

Walking to the gate of Changxin Palace, the little man crashed into his arms like a cannonball, raised his head and complained: "Second brother, why did you come back, I miss you."

Her black and white almond eyes were shining brightly, and her tone of voice was crisp and sweet, which made her feel a little brighter.

Ji Yun glanced at her sideways, raised his eyebrows and said, "Really? How did I hear that you were busy causing trouble?"

"I didn't. It was the second sister who scolded me first."

"Where's Miss Wei?"

"That's her own bad luck. I just wanted to use goose feathers to make a shuttlecock. When I plucked the feathers, the goose ran away. I didn't expect Wei Niangniang to be afraid of geese!"

Ji Yun stared at her: "You still have reason, if you want shuttlecocks, let Xiaochunzi and the others buy them, do you need to make them yourself?"

As he walked in, he scolded, "There are also bamboo dragonflies, the roof is so dangerous, what should I do if I fall..."

As he talked, he didn't hear the argument, and he couldn't help but wonder, it wasn't her nature.

Turning his head to look, he saw Jiaojiao standing on the spot, wringing his index finger unconsciously, his expression was very tangled, as if he wanted to argue but was very worried.

"What are you doing there? Go in, and the concubine is waiting for us."

Jiaojiao looked up at him, and said softly: "Second brother, from now on I will be obedient and never cause trouble, so please don't ignore me."

Ji Yun was stunned, waved his hands to let the palace people disperse, squatted down and asked softly: "Who said something to you? Why do you want to be obedient?"

Jiaojiao bit her lip, fear flashed across her face: "Mother Concubine Luo took me to apologize to the second sister in the afternoon, and the elder sister told me that if I continue to be disobedient and cause trouble, you will ignore me.

I asked Xiaochunzi, Aunt Xu, Bifu, Huangtao and Concubine Luo, they all like obedient children, and I will be obedient in the future. "

Ji Yun's heart is extremely complicated. He has never seen such carefulness in her eyes. In Nanming, she was cold-hearted and indifferent. She didn't care about anything or anyone, and she didn't blink when the knife rested on her neck. , not to mention being cautious.

In this life, he is no longer cold-hearted, he is lively and active, he will make troubles everywhere without heart and soul all day long, and even argue with reason and confidence after the incident, and he is careful not to have anything to do with her.

After a moment of silence, he said softly, "You don't have to be disobedient and ignorant, I will always be here, and I won't ignore you just because you are disobedient."

"Really?" Jiaojiao's eyes lit up.

"When did I lie to you?"

"Second brother is the best!" Jiaojiao cheered, hugging his arm and rubbing it affectionately.

Suddenly, her dark eyes rolled, and she asked expectantly: "Then can I make another request?"

"Let's talk about it." Ji Yun couldn't help but laugh.

"Is it okay not to be brave? Some things are terrible."

Ji Yun was a little dazed, she never expected that she would make such a strange request, she is a five-year-old girl, as long as she is healthy and happy, what should she do bravely at this time?
After thinking about it, he asked, "What are you afraid of?"

"A lot, ghosts, bugs, snakes, mice, pain, and ugly and disgusting things."

Ji Yun was even more at a loss. Most girls are afraid of this, "Why do you ask such a question? Is there someone who won't make you afraid?"

Jiaojiao nodded: "Someone told me that I should not be afraid. If I am afraid, I will make mistakes and the consequences will be very serious."

"Who said that?"

Jiaojiao tilted her head slightly, with confusion in her eyes, after thinking for a long time, she scratched her head: "Forgot."

Ji Yun let out a deep breath, and said slowly: "Of course you can be afraid, everything in the world has something to be afraid of, but you can't be afraid all the time, you have to overcome it slowly."

Jiaojiao thought about it seriously, then nodded heavily: "Yes."

Ji Yun got up, and was about to take a step when he remembered something, "When did you care so much about your big sister's words?"

"The eldest sister said that it's not that she doesn't like me when she ignores me. It's just that Concubine Luo and Madam Zheng don't get along. She and I belong to two palaces, so we can't be too close. If this happens, Concubine Luo will be angry, and Madam Zheng will also be angry. angry."

Ji Yun was full of emotions for a moment, looking back on the past, that little girl in Yongle was proud and self-willed, but now she has learned to be patient, to be perfect, to observe her words and feelings.

The next day, Jiaojiao woke up and ran to Linhua Palace, but learned that Ji Yun had already left the palace, so she sat on the stone steps pouted: "Why are you leaving again!"

Xiao Xizi hurriedly explained: "His Royal Highness is checking the vacancy rate. This is a big matter, but His Highness has not forgotten the princess."

He pointed to the room, "I brought you your favorite candied haws. I went directly to Changxin Palace after the interview yesterday. I didn't have time."

"It's almost there."

After Ji Yun returned to the palace, another five days had passed, when she heard the news, Jiaojiao didn't even bother to have breakfast, and rushed towards Linhua Palace.

After entering the Linhua Palace, I found that the whole palace was silent and empty.

She was a little confused, and was about to go out to find someone to ask, when she suddenly heard a soft murmur from the direction of the bedroom, "Cold."

It's the second brother's voice!
She rushed in, only to see her second elder brother curled up on the balcony by the window, shouting coldly.

Strangely, his face was covered with sweat.

"Second brother, what's wrong with you?" She hurried up, "Are you sick? I'll call the imperial doctor. Xiaoxizi—Xiaoxizi—"

She yelled at the top of her voice for a long time, but no one answered, Jiaojiao felt strange, looked worriedly at Ji Yun who was shivering from the cold, turned around and wanted to call the imperial doctor in person, but the moment she turned around, her hand was pulled.

"Second brother, you're awake! Why are you sick? Why aren't Xiao Xizi and the others here?"

"I...it's fine, there's no need...to call the imperial doctor, you go back to Changxin... Palace, brother can't play with you today." He said a word intermittently, weakly, as if he would completely lose his breath in the next moment.

Jiaojiao was flustered, and the words rolled down with tears, "You are so cold, you will die if you don't look at the doctor."

Ji Yun forced himself to cheer up: "Jiaojiao is good, brother is fine, he will be fine tomorrow. Zhongyuan today, you hurry back to Changxin Palace."

"I do not want!"

Ji Yun was so anxious that he couldn't help it, but Yin Qi soaked into his bones, and his consciousness fell into darkness again.

"Second brother."

Jiaojiao yelled, seeing that he was shouting cold again, she climbed up to the cool bed, lay down beside him, stretched out her small short arms to hug him, the extreme cold passed through her robe, she couldn't help it. Trembling, but not letting go, tremblingly said: "It won't be cold if you hug it."

Outside the Linhua Hall, Bifu looked in and then quickly retracted, and said anxiously: "What should I do? The princess is going in!"

Xiao Chunzi panicked and feared: "Why don't you hold the princess, today is Zhongyuan!"

Huang Tao trembled: "I, I, let's go, someone is blowing on my neck."

Xiao Chunzi's complexion paled instantly, and he said bravely, "What nonsense, it's broad daylight now."

The three of them hesitated for a while, but they still didn't have the courage to step into the Linhua Hall, so they had to retreat outside a palace alley and wait for Jiaojiao to come out by herself.

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