Jiaojiao woke up from hunger, the sun was scorching outside the house, the sun scorched the earth, the green pines in the courtyard were wilted, and the pine needles were curled, but the house was cold.

In the haze, there was a faint flute sound.

She rubbed her sleepy eyes and saw Ji Yun who was still in a coma on the couch, she was immediately annoyed: "Oh, why did I fall asleep."

Ji Yun's eyebrows were tightly locked together, and his breath was very disordered, but he didn't cry anymore.

She pushed and tried to wake him up again: "Second brother..."

She cried for a while, but failed, her bright eyes were full of worry, she grabbed his hand and put it on her lips to blow, hoping that he would get better as soon as possible.


Her stomach was singing empty plans, she turned her head and glanced around the room, put down Ji Yun's hand, and was about to go down to get some snacks on the table, when she was about to stretch out her feet to put on her shoes, she suddenly saw a thin black and red snake crawling across the threshold Come in.

She froze for a moment, she sat on the bed and didn't dare to move, her heart was pounding and almost jumped out of her chest, she wanted to shout, but her throat seemed to be choked, and she couldn't make any sound.

The venomous snake crawled towards this side, crossing the table and chairs and coming to the bed. The ferocious snake's head suddenly stood up slowly and turned around, as if it was looking for something.

After a while, the snake's head hung down again, and it crawled to the end of the bed, and climbed up the couch from the legs of the bed.

A drop of cold sweat dripped down her bright and clean forehead, and landed on the back of her hands supporting the mattress, splashing out in despair.

don't want!do not come……

She shouted desperately in her heart, but the heaven did not hear her prayer, and the poisonous snake crawled to Ji Yun's feet.

What was even more frightening was that Ji Yun, who was tortured by Yin Qi, had an irregular sleeping position, with one foot exposed outside the quilt.

It's getting closer, it's near his ankle!
Its slender tail is wrapped up!
The ugly snake head leaned over...

Jiaojiao stared, his pupils dilated, and fear accumulated in his eyes...

Finally, the accumulation reached its limit, and a hint of ruthlessness emerged, the moment the snake's head was about to bite, she leaned over suddenly, pinched the poisonous snake like lightning, and grabbed it.

The poisonous snake was frightened, and its head twisted and bit her wrist fiercely, but she didn't notice it, as if she couldn't feel the pain, she blinked her eyelashes quickly, and instead held the poisonous snake with both hands, snapped it violently, and threw it out. ...

Accompanied by a crisp slap, the poisonous snake that was broken in two fell to the ground, slid for a certain distance, one stopped on the edge of the threshold, and the other lay on the edge of the table leg, with a small amount of light red blood oozing from the cut.

The cruelty in her Jiaojiao eyes dissipated, and she looked down at her hands in a daze. The cold and greasy feeling soaked in the bone marrow seemed to still remain on her hands.

She screamed, and rubbed her hands on the mattress frantically, trying to wipe off those terrible residues, but the cold and slippery feeling seemed to be embedded in her palms, and she couldn't wipe it off, but it became clearer as time went by.

Not only that, the cold and slippery feeling seemed to come to life, turning into countless thin snakes, spreading and entwining from her palm.

All of a sudden, she seemed to be covered with snakes all over her body, before her eyes were all kinds of ferocity, and the sticky coldness was everywhere.

She couldn't move, and didn't dare to move...

Time passed slowly, and the scorching sun moved across the sky and slowly fell into the horizon.

When the last ray of light disappeared in the hall, there was a sudden gust of wind, the trees in the courtyard rattled, doors and windows rattled, and dense footsteps sounded, but no one came in for a long time.


It seemed that someone was whispering or crying, and the boundless chill enveloped Linhua Hall.

The broken snake on the ground seemed to be writhing, something flew out of it, met in mid-air, and turned into a giant python with red and black circles, roaring and rushing towards this side, but stopped at the side of the bed, struggling for a while ,Disappear.

In the Baohua Hall not far from Linhua Hall, Bifu's face was as pale as paper, and she tremblingly said: "What should I do, it's getting dark, and the princess hasn't come out yet."

Xiaochunzi swallowed, grabbed Bifu with one hand and Huangtao with the other, trembling all over: "Today, tonight is the most dangerous, the princess can't stay inside."

"Then go in and pick up the princess?" Huang Tao has always been courageous and calm.

"I dare not." Xiaochunzi almost cried out, this is Zhongyuan, there are so many people who die tragically in the palace every year, it is uncertain how many ghosts gathered in Linhua Palace at this moment.

Bi Fu anxiously said: "Then what should we do? If the princess has something bad or bad, we won't be able to survive."

Huang Tao frowned and thought for a while, and said: "We can still find ways to resolve being entangled by a ghost. If something happens to the princess, we will surely die. We must go in and bring her out. Let's go together, so the three of us can take care of us."

After struggling for a while, Bifu also agreed. Although Xiaochunzi was terrified, she had to agree at this moment. The two of them left, so he wanted to stay here alone.

He tremblingly said: "I want to go in the middle."

"I also want to go in the middle." Biff also tried tremblingly.

Although Huang Tao was also afraid, but seeing the cowardly appearance of these two people, she could only bite the bullet and say: "I will go ahead and lead the battle. Hurry up and discuss it. The later the time, the more dangerous it will be."

Biff and Xiaochunzi immediately began to compete for the middle position. The two carried out all the small favors they had done in the past. In the end, Bifu was not as thick-skinned as Xiaochunzi, and agreed to go last with tears in her eyes.

The three of them were almost close to each other, moving towards the Linhua Hall bit by bit.

I don't know when, a round of fuzzy hairy moon appeared in the eastern sky. Under the pale moonlight, palace walls, palaces, trees and flowers cast countless mysterious shadows.

Xiaochunzi's heart was about to jump out of his throat, he shrank his neck, looked at his nose and nose, and tried his best to hide himself behind Huangtao.

As he was walking, he found that the person in front of him was not moving. His heart skipped a beat, and he asked in a trembling voice, "Why don't you leave?"

The person in front didn't answer, just stood there.

Xiaochunzi settled down, and was about to ask again, when she suddenly felt something wrong with Huangtao's clothes under the moonlight. This season's palace maid's clothes are grayish pink, with gray and green twig patterns embroidered on the cuffs, skirts, and shoulders. It's a round pattern, and if you look closely, the color is wrong!
Xiao Chunzi felt a chill rushing from the soles of his feet to the Tianling Gai. He swallowed hard, and slowly raised his head. Before he could say a word to Sister Huangtao, he met a pale and swollen face, as if soaked in blisters. Pass.


Xiaochunzi uttered a terrifying scream, not caring about how the female ghost could see her face when her back was turned to him, and was about to run away, only to find that there were two or three people in the palace alley.

Hearing his movements, they all looked over at the same time, and a tall headless ghost dressed as a guard turned around and asked quietly, "Have you seen my head?"


Xiaochunzi couldn't take it anymore, covered his eyes with both hands, turned around and ran desperately.

Turning around the palace alley, plunged into Baohua Hall, got under the Buddhist altar, buried his head on the ground, put his hands together on top of his head, and kept saying: "Buddha bless, Buddha bless..."

Suddenly, a hand was placed on his right shoulder, and Xiao Chunzi froze, and was about to scream, when a hand from the left stretched out to cover his mouth, "Don't scream, I'm Biff."

The voice was low and trembling badly, but the familiar voice could still be heard, it was indeed Biff, and the gentle body temperature came over.

Xiaochunzi limp on the ground: "Sister Bifu, why are you here?"

"As soon as we walked out of Baohua Palace, we found that there were many ghosts in the palace alley, so we retreated back. Unexpectedly, you didn't notice it, and followed a female ghost in a daze, and we didn't dare to call you."

It was Huang Tao's voice, and Xiao Chunzi turned his head to see that the one squatting on his right was Huang Tao.

He was so scared to pee, Bifu and Huang Tao had already retreated, so didn't he walk with the two ghosts all the way before!
Bif felt a little sorry, and said in a friendly voice, "We thought you would find out soon, but we didn't expect you to find out as soon as you walked out of the alley."

Xiao Chunzi burst into tears: "As soon as I looked up, I saw a soaked face, and the neck was twisted to the back. It scared me to death."

Bifu huddled: "That's Cailian from Qiongguang Palace, who entered the palace with me. She disappeared suddenly on the day of Gu Yu, and was found in the well of Lenggong two months later. I heard that her neck was turned in a different direction." .”

Huang Tao also said: "The female ghost who hanged is Lan Guiren, the white silk given by His Majesty three months ago."

"Two sisters, can we stop talking about this? It's scary." Xiao Chunzi trembled in fright.

Bifu Huangtao kept silent, the hall fell into silence, the wind outside became louder, the roof seemed to be toppled, the lamps and candles on the altar flickered, and the light spots on the ground flickered, as if fighting with evil spirits.

After a while, Xiao Chunzi couldn't take it anymore, and said with chattering teeth, "Are they going to Linhua Hall?"

Huang Tao hummed, and said: "I heard that every year in Zhongyuan, ghosts who have not been reincarnated in the palace will go to the Second Highness. I thought it was a rumor, but I didn't expect it to be true."

Biffu tugged at the hem of her skirt helplessly, and tremblingly said, "Of course it's true, I heard from Aunt Rong that the birth of His Highness the Second Highness was terrifying, there was a strong wind outside, ghosts were crying and wolves were howling.

The rare and exotic beasts in the Hundred Beasts Howled all night. During the dog days, the delivery room was as cold as an ice cellar, and they almost didn't give birth.

In the past, His Majesty loved our empress very much, but since the Second Highness was born, His Majesty did not like to come to our Changxin Palace, and avoided our empress as much as he could. "

Xiao Chunzi nodded and added: "If our lady hadn't come from the Changping Marquis Mansion, and the old Marquis has worked so hard, the lady and the Second Highness would have been burnt to death long ago."

After a pause, he continued: "I heard from Xiao Xizi that the Hou Mansion is going to send Miss Seven into the palace, and the ex-wife has lost her temper."

Bifu cried out: "Then our Changxin Palace is going to..."

The situation in the palace concerns himself, Xiaochunzi gradually forgot his fear, and sighed softly, now the Changxin Palace can stand still, it all depends on the support of the Houfu.

His Highness the Second Highness is a 'ghost' and cannot inherit the throne. If the seventh lady enters the palace and gives birth to a prince, the Hou Mansion will naturally support the birth of the seventh lady, and the empress and the second highness will become abandoned children. People's lives will not be easy.

Huang Tao didn't care, "What are you afraid of, we are serving the third princess, she was born first, and His Majesty values ​​her the most, so nothing will happen.

In my opinion, you are thinking too much. Since His Majesty entrusted the third princess to be raised by the empress, he has not forgotten the empress, and the Second Highness has been doing business all the time, so the Eldest Prince is no match. "

Xiao Chunzi shook his head, all this was for the sake of the Changping Marquis Mansion, if the Changping Marquis Manor gave up His Highness, His Majesty would naturally not take His Highness seriously anymore.

The night seemed endless, and when the morning light fell on the ground, the three of Xiaochunzi wept with joy, embracing and celebrating the rest of their lives after the catastrophe.

"Go and see the princess!" Bifu struggled to climb out from under the altar, rubbed her stiff legs, and ran towards Linhua Hall stumbling, Xiaochunzi Huangtao hurriedly followed.

From a distance, Jiaojiao could be seen sitting on the head of the bed with one leg stretched out and the other bent, her eyes wide open, staring at the door in horror.

The hearts of the three raised their hearts, and they quickly asked: "Princess, are you all right?"

Jiaojiao didn't answer, but still stared at the door.

When they got closer, the three realized that what she was looking at was the snake corpse at the door.

"How could there be a snake? It's still a poisonous snake!"

Xiaochunzi exclaimed, walked to the bed in three steps at a time, carefully stretched out his hand to check his clear breath, found that there was still breath, and then let go of his hanging heart.

The princess is fine, and their lives are saved.

From the corner of the eye, Ji Yun showed signs of waking up inside, and he was even more happy, cheering, "Second Highness is about to wake up!"

Ji Yun who was awake blinked his eyes, turned his head and saw Jiaojiao sitting stiffly, he panicked, he just said a few days ago that she was afraid of ghosts, but she stayed in Linhua Palace all day, this night, she must be scared broken.

He hurriedly sat up, took her into his arms, patted her on the back, and comforted her softly: "Don't be afraid, it's all over, it's all over!"

At this time, Bifu and Huangtao also surrounded the bed, the three of them were standing beside the bed like a wall, unable to see the snake corpse, their bright tears flowed out, and they buried their heads in Ji Yun's chest, crying miserably: "Second brother, you finally woke up, there is a snake, woo woo..."

Ji Yun was puzzled, what kind of snake, isn't it a ghost?
When the three of Xiaochunzi got out of the way and saw the snake corpse broken in two on the ground, he was even more surprised, who would throw the snake corpse in?

The target is Jiaojiao?To scare her?
No, no one dares to enter the Linhua Palace on Zhongyuan Day, the snake crawled in alive!

Thinking of this, he quickly pushed Jiaojiao away: "Have you been bitten by a snake? Let brother see."

Jiaojiao struggled and refused to raise her head, crying, "I don't want it, I'm afraid!"

As she struggled, Ji Yun soon found the bite mark on her wrist, the wound was red with blood stains.

With a thud in his heart, he growled and ordered: "Quick! Go get the imperial physician!"

This kind of snake is highly venomous. If you cannot suck out the snake venom in time after being bitten, you will definitely die.

Seeing that she was still shrinking into his arms, remembering what she said that day, she ordered Bifu Huangtao to take out the snake corpse.

Without the disgusting snake corpse by his side, Jiaojiao was finally willing to let him go, sobbing and narrating yesterday's terrifying experience.

Ji Yun was stunned: "You broke the snake? Aren't you afraid of snakes?"

Jiaojiao shook and cried, "It wants to bite you."

Ji Yun felt warm in his heart, and the coldness remaining in his body seemed to dissipate in an instant, and said softly: "Jiaojiao is very brave, but next time you must not be reckless, how can you grab it with your hands, it is poisonous."

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