The imperial physician hadn't arrived yet, but Xiao Xizi and other people from Linhua Palace came back, still carrying a food box.

When Jiaojiao saw her, she remembered that she had been hungry for a whole day, and immediately clamored for food. Ji Yun hurriedly restrained her hands and feet, fearing that her excessive movement would cause the toxin to penetrate deep.

I don't want to, when the imperial doctor arrived, after looking around and asking about it, she concluded that she was not poisoned, not even a sliver.

Ji Yun couldn't believe it: "Are you sure she wasn't poisoned?"

At that time, there was only herself and her in the hall, she was so frightened that everyone was dumbfounded, and she was young, how could she know how to suck out the poison, how could she not be poisoned?
Several imperial physicians were also very surprised. The bite mark on the wrist was clear, the wound was an inch deep under the skin, and the snake's teeth were highly poisonous. It is reasonable to say that after the skin is broken, the toxin will invade the body and flow through the whole body along the blood. In a quarter of an hour, he must be poisoned and die.

She was fine, sitting for eight or nine hours without any sign of poisoning.

For the sake of caution, the old doctor Zhang asked again: "Princess, do you remember that the wound bleeds a lot after being bitten? What color is the blood? Do you feel dizzy, nauseous? Could it be that you passed out and someone came in to treat you?" Sucked out the poison?"

Jiaojiao shook her head, and said concisely: "There is a bend, I dare not sleep."

Thinking of her real identity, Ji Yun didn't dare to ask the imperial physician to investigate further, and said vaguely: "In the Linhua Palace during the Ghost Festival, strange things are very common. Since she is fine, the adults should go back first."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the imperial physicians to respond, he raised his voice and ordered: "Xiao Xizi, please send me a few adults."

A few imperial physicians thought about it, and it was for this reason that there were many ghosts with this ghost prince on the Ghost Festival, and the so-called poisonous snake might be caused by the undead.

Thinking of this, I suddenly felt cold all over my body, and hurried out of Linhua Hall.

Inside the house, after the meal was finished, Ji Yun waved back the palace servants and asked, "Jiaojiao, did anything special happen last night?"

With age, Yin Qi will weaken, but last night it weakened particularly sharply, and there are no evil spirits to entangle!
Jiaojiao flinched, recalling reluctantly: "A lot of ghosts came in, rushed towards us, and disappeared when they got to the bed."


Ji Yun found it inconceivable that the yin energy in his body was a great temptation for ghosts, and he was extremely weak during the Ghost Festival. They would not let this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity pass by, how could it disappear inexplicably?
Jiaojiao patted her small chest in fear: "Fortunately, they disappeared. I kept looking at Wanwan, but I couldn't move. If they don't disappear, they will definitely take my soul."

Ji Yun asked again and again, but at that time Jiaojiao's attention was all on the snake corpse, and he had no time to be afraid of those ghosts pounced on in various twisted postures and disgusting faces, let alone why they disappeared.

Helpless, he could only put it down temporarily, coaxed her back to Changxin Palace with nice words, and started to examine the snake corpse.

He ordered people to find the kitten, and pressed snake teeth on its legs to make tooth marks. After a while, the kitten died of anger.

Ji Yun fell into deep thought, this snake is indeed poisonous, why is she fine?

Hundreds of poisons are not invaded?

Secretly disposed of the kitten's body, and ordered his subordinates to search for the source of the poisonous snake and the suspicious person who appeared outside Linhua Hall yesterday.

He was about to go to Changxin Palace to have a look at Jiaojiao's injuries. When he passed by Taichen Palace, he saw Imperial Physician Zhang coming out of it. Ji Yun was slightly startled, and called out to him: "Father Huanglong is ill?"

Imperial Physician Zhang shook his head: "The Second Highness is filial, Your Majesty's dragon body is fine, and I called the old minister to ask about the poisoning of the princess."

Ji Yun nodded slightly, and said politely: "I'm sorry to bother you adults. I heard that your father loves Yuqian Longjing very much. I got some new ones. I will send them to you in a few days."

Physician Zhang bowed in fear, declined repeatedly before accepting.

The poisonous snake couldn't find out the source for a long time, and the Linhua Temple was in a special situation that day, there was no one else in the radius of a hundred miles except Xiao Chunzi and three people, and no suspicious person was found.

The matter of empty pay aroused the hostility of the upper-level generals, and Ji Yun was too busy to touch the ground, so the matter could only be let go.

Time murmurs like running water, three years pass by at the flick of a finger, and 17-year-old Ji Yun has to wait for the King of the Road.

It was raining in autumn this day, it was rare for Ji Yun to return to the palace, after Jiaojiao heard the news, he ran to Huadian to look for him, played until noon, and of course stayed for lunch together.

The imperial dining room is also very considerate, and the lunch delivered is very rich. The table is full of crystal quail, assorted chicken shreds, winter bamboo shoots and magnolia slices, purple ginseng and pheasant soup.

By chance, she raised her head to pick up vegetables, and saw a blush, she turned pale with fright: "Second brother, you're bleeding from the nose!"

Ji Yun was stunned for a moment, and then saw a drop of blood dripping into the rice, the blood showed an abnormal dark purple color.

Without thinking about it, he pulled out the silver hairpin from his hair and inserted it into the assorted chicken wire at hand. The silver hairpin turned black at a speed visible to the naked eye.

His expression changed suddenly: "Toxic!"

Try other dishes, without exception, they are all poisonous, fortunately he was thinking about something just now, so he only ate a bite of shredded chicken.

"Go quickly..."

Before he finished speaking, his vision went dark and he lost consciousness.

"Second brother!" Jiaojiao jumped up and straightened Ji Yun's head, only to see blood flow out from the corners of his nose and mouth.

"Come here! Xiaoxizi, Xiaochunzi! The imperial physician—" She shouted anxiously, but no one came in for a long time.

When she went out and saw that Linhua Palace was empty, she was so anxious that she got angry and cursed, "Where are you going to die?" and ran out, preparing to call the imperial physician by herself.

When she ran to the courtyard, she suddenly stopped, looked back at Ji Yun, who was lying on the table, who was not aware of his personnel, then glanced at the empty Linhua Hall, turned around decisively, carried Ji Yun on her back and ran towards the imperial hospital.

She was born with great strength, and carried Ji Yun who was sick and weak since childhood without any pressure, and arrived at the Tai Hospital in less than a moment.

"Imperial Physician! Imperial Physician Zhang! Imperial Physician Wang! Come and see, my second brother has been poisoned!" Before entering the door, she yelled loudly.

Seeing her, all the imperial physicians looked a little unnatural, pushing each other and refusing to go forward, until she entered the imperial hospital, Zhang imperial physician bit the bullet and said: "Third Princess, why are you here?"

My second elder brother's life was hanging by a thread, Jiaojiao didn't have the time to observe their expressions, and quickly glanced at the situation in the courtyard. Under the east veranda, there was Zhang Guifei's couch, and an old doctor with white beard and hair was tremblingly getting up.

She strode over, pulled it away, put Ji Yun on it, turned around and grabbed the doctor's hand, and said anxiously: "Detoxify him quickly!"

The elderly Jiang Tai doctor was staggered by her, and he managed to stand still, with a troubled face: "The old minister is in charge of gynecology, and he is not good at detoxification."

Jiaojiao immediately let go of him, and looked at the imperial physician next to him, who shook the medical box in his hand: "The concubine Xian has not been eating well recently, and I have ordered you to go to check the pulse."

Jiaojiao's heart sank slightly, she was more than eight years old, she had seen the conspiracy and schemes in the palace long ago, food was poisoned, the imperial doctor refused, it was obvious that someone did it deliberately, to put the second elder brother to death.

She looked at the others again, and sure enough, the imperial physicians all found various reasons to decline when they met her gaze.

"My minister is going to give birth to the concubine Mei."

"Master Zuo Xiang suddenly suffered from a stubborn illness..."

Jiaojiao collected her expression, and said in a cold voice: "One, two, three."

The imperial physicians didn't understand what she meant, some of them went out with the medical box, and some of them surrounded her, delaying with words: "Third Princess, don't worry, Imperial Physician Wang who is good at detoxification is taking a rest today, I will send someone to invite her. "

"Yeah, hurry up..."

Jiaojiao quickly pulled out the hairpin on her head, stably inserted it into a person's heart, and then pulled it out suddenly.

Blood spurted out from the imperial physician's chest, spilling all over the surrounding imperial physicians.

The imperial physicians who persuaded Jiaojiao seemed to be strangled by the neck, and their long-winded words stopped abruptly; the imperial physicians who wanted to go out to see a doctor were as if they had been immobilized, and they froze in place.

The entire Tai Hospital fell silent in an instant, only the rustling of the wind blowing the leaves, and Ji Yun's painful groans.

Jiaojiao didn't give them a buffer time, turned his head to look at one person, and said coldly again: "One, two, three."

After the last word fell, she raised her hand and sent the blood-stained hairpin into the man's heart neatly.

Bright red blood splattered again, and the imperial physicians were frightened and frightened, and quickly scattered away from her.

Several old imperial physicians tried to make eye contact and discuss solutions, but Jiaojiao didn't give them time. After pulling out the hairpin, she kept looking at an imperial physician.

Under her icy eyes, the man trembled, and before she could count, he quickly pulled out the silver needle, rushed to the imperial concubine's bed, and gave Ji Yun a few needles: "I'll give the second prince the needle first to curb the spread of the poison." Shitou, hurry up and fetch Baicao Pills!"

After him, Imperial Physician Zhang also came forward to call for pulse: "This poison is extremely poisonous, and the Second Highness has always been weak. I am afraid that Baicao Pills will not be able to completely detoxify. Song Mo, go grab the medicine!"

Imperial doctor Zhang has superb medical skills and is also the deputy hospital of the imperial hospital. With him taking the lead, other imperial physicians took action one after another. Join them and get busy.

Jiaojiao's heart relaxed slightly, she dropped her hairpin, walked over and grabbed Ji Yun's hand, sobbing and whispering: "Second brother, you must get better."

All the imperial doctors were stunned, just now they were cold and indifferent killers, but now they have become frightened chicks crying and panicking!

This change is huge!
After pouring down two bowls of medicine, Ji Yun woke up.

Jiaojiao burst into tears immediately, expressing her fear speechlessly.

Ji Yun struggled to regain clarity amidst the scalding heat and the cold, held her hand weakly, and smiled vaguely: "I'm fine, don't be afraid."

Grief flashed through his nearly brown eyes, and he said in a low voice but firmly: "Jiaojiao hasn't grown up, brother dare not die casually."

Although the poison was cured in time, after all Ji Yun was weak, and barely healed after nearly half a month of lingering sickness.

Inside the Linhua Hall, Jiaojiao took a big bite of the lotus cake and chewed it fiercely, as if she was chewing on Concubine Zheng Xian: "Pixiang Hall is so cunning, Concubine Luo took people to search it as soon as she got the news, No evidence was found!"

Ji Yun felt a pain in his heart, and his voice was faint: "Maybe she really wasn't the mastermind."

"How is that possible?"

Jiaojiao swallowed the lotus cake, and said angrily: "You don't know, all the imperial physicians were refusing that day, and the imperial physician Wang who is best at detoxification exchanged values ​​with others and rested at home;

And in our Linhua Palace, someone falsely spread the decree of Concubine Luo Muyi and called Xiao Xizi, Xiao Chunzi and others away. Other palace people were also called away for various reasons, and even the guards disappeared.

Three days later, it was reported that Madam Zheng was pregnant. How could such a coincidence happen!She must have known that she was pregnant in advance, and deliberately planned this out, just to get rid of you, a powerful competitor, in advance for her son! "

Ji Yun's lips parted with a bit of bitterness: "It's just speculation, without conclusive evidence, you must not act rashly."

Jiaojiao rested her chin, thinking in thought: "You're right, it doesn't have to be the Pixiang Palace, other people are also possible, such as the elder brother, he has always been jealous that you have more sacred heart than him.

Well, I have to go and tell Concubine Luo that the Pixiang Palace is to be watched, and Brother Dahuang must not let it go, and there are other ladies, it is also possible! "

Ji Yun didn't want her to guess the person behind the scenes, so he took advantage of the situation and said: "Go, remember to discuss with the concubine mother more, you are inexperienced and young, if the people behind the scenes dare to do something to me, there is no guarantee that they will not do something to you."

"I know." Jiaojiao nodded solemnly, lifted her skirt and ran towards Changxin Palace.

Watching her leave, Ji Yun sighed sadly: "The most ruthless emperor's family."

Even if Concubine Zheng Xian had the guts to poison the prince blatantly, she would not do it. Moreover, there is only one person who can silently call the guards of Linhua Palace and make the entire imperial hospital obey orders.

On that night eight years ago, the servants in Weiyang Palace, Wen Po, Nanny, and imperial eunuchs and maids all died. If he died too, only that person in this world would know that Jiaojiao was Xiyue.

When did his killing intent start?
Ji Yun suddenly thought of Zhongyuan three years ago, that poisonous snake that suddenly appeared in Linhua Palace, and the source of which could not be found out afterwards.

He wanted to kill himself at that time.

On the Hungry Ghost Festival, Linhua Hall was empty for a hundred miles, and I fell into a coma again. What a great opportunity.

Didn't do anything for the next three years, was it because Jiaojiao insisted on guarding herself during the Hungry Ghost Festival?
Ji Yun recalled that after the poisonous snake incident, Imperial Physician Zhang had gone to Taichen Palace to report back, so he also guessed that Jiaojiao is invulnerable to all poisons.

One pile after another, all point to that person as the mastermind.

Ji Yun's heart ached unbearably, even though he had memories of his previous life, he didn't love Cheng Huan's parents since he was a child; even though he was suspected many times because of his identity;

He even put all the filial piety towards his parents in his previous life on them, but in the end he was poisoned again and again.

Tiger poison doesn't even eat its eggs!
Ji Yun closed his eyes, exhaled heavily, and when he opened them again, the pain and sadness in his eyes disappeared.

After this time, he used silver needles to test for poison when eating, did not drink tea or alcohol, only drank plain water, and brought enough guards when he traveled daily, but he was assassinated many times, and his life was hanging by a thread many times.

Through repeated experiences, he became a qualified prince, cultivated his power, and gradually gained the right to speak in the court.

In the 19th year of Xuande, Xu Kaiwei, Minister of the Ministry of War, impeached the second prince Ji Yun for embezzling the funds for building the Yuanjiang dam. The imperial army found dirty money in Linhua Hall.

The old Changping Hou burst into tears, saying that he was sorry for the promotion of the former emperor, and sorry for the cultivation of His Majesty today.

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