Emperor Xuande was furious, deprived Luwang Wangjue and his position, fined him ten thousand taels of silver, moved out of Linhua Hall, and closed his door in Jingshui Garden on Zhuque Street to contemplate his mistakes.

For a while, Changxin Palace was deserted, like a cold palace, but the Prince Huai Palace of the eldest prince Ji Xuan was full of people, and even some low-ranking concubines in the palace began to show affection to him.

People have to sigh that feng shui takes turns, who would have thought that the first prince who was born by a court lady and lived like a transparent person would one day surpass the second prince who was born by a noble concubine.

Even, it is very possible to aspire to the throne, after all, Emperor Xuande now only has two princes.

In golden autumn in October, cinnamon is fragrant.

In the clusters of golden osmanthus garden, Jiaojiao, dressed in a light blue dress, bowed her head in front of the stone table in the garden to paint.

After a while, she put down her pen, looked up at the sun, and said, "It's getting late, let's go back."

"Yes." Bifu Huangtao agreed, and put away her pen and ink in an orderly manner.

Walking to Qianli Pond, he was stopped by someone.

Jiaojiao looked up, and it turned out that there were two concubines chatting at the Yiran Pavilion by the pool, one was the noble lady who was in the palace of Yueqin, and the other was Rong Zhaoyi, the head of the nine concubines.

She was a little surprised, she had met these two people a few times at the palace banquet, and knew that such a person existed and had no personal relationship at all.

"Miss Jia, Niang Niang Rong." She bent her knees slightly, gave a shallow salute, and led Bif and the two of them to leave.

Jiagui raised his brows and scolded: "This is how the imperial concubine taught you the rules? You are perfunctory in front of the elders."

Jiaojiao was stunned, blinked her eyes, turned to stare at Jiagui, and asked slowly: "Are you talking about me?"

"Who else would it be if it wasn't you, a majestic princess, the rules are not complete, how did the imperial concubine teach you?" Jiagui's voice was stern.

Jiaojiao glanced at Rong Zhaoyi who had not made a sound from the beginning to the end, and then glanced at Jiagui who was almost jumping up and down, and smiled playfully: "A mere nobleman dares to talk about noble concubines, who taught you to violate the rules like this?" ?”

"Sharp teeth!" Jiagui sneered, "You are still the same as before, if you can let yourself be presumptuous, Luo Guifei can't protect herself, let alone you."

Jiaojiao sneered, and was about to reply, when an indifferent voice sounded behind him, "Changxin Palace has collapsed, but the Palace of Princess Yongle is still here."

Jiaojiao turned her head, and saw Princess Yongle wearing a gold silk eight-treasure beaded face, dressed in a water-blue cloud-patterned palace dress with folded branches and dragging the ground, walking meanderingly.

"Big sister." Jiao Jiao saluted with a smile.

Yongle nodded, and turned his attention to Jiagui again: "Father is alive, and I, Princess Yongle, are also doing well. Who gave you the courage to bully my sister?"

Jiagui bit her lip, she dared not speak out, before she entered the palace, she heard that His Majesty dotes on this Princess Yongle very much, he would never pick the moon if he wanted the stars, even the son-in-law would choose whoever he likes.

However, didn't Princess Yongle grow up in Pixiang Palace? How could she protect the third princess of Changxin Palace so much?
She looked at Rong Zhaoyi as if asking for help, she didn't want Rong Zhaoyi's eyes, nose, nose and heart to look like a piece of wood.

Yongle leaned closer, his eyes were sharp like a knife, cutting Jiagui's face, and he retracted when Jiagui was staggering, and said contemptuously: "I'm just a slave, but I dare to put on the airs of an elder."

"You, you, you!" Jiagui was trembling with anger, but it was a pity that after Yongle finished speaking, he pulled Jiaojiao and turned around to leave, not bothering to give her a look out of the corner of his eye.

Jiagui almost vomited a mouthful of blood, saw Jiaojiao turned his head again, and said quietly: "The water is cold in autumn, if Jiagui's anger cannot be quenched, why not jump into the thousand carp pond to get rid of the anger."

She was suddenly so angry that her liver hurt.

Yong Le shook his head helplessly: "You, you still don't know how to endure, I've already vented my anger on you, why bother to provoke her again. Now that I have a family and live in the princess mansion, I'm not afraid, but you still have to live in the palace. "

"I'm not afraid of them."

Jiaojiao shrugged her shoulders and didn't take it seriously. It's human nature to bully the weak and fear the strong. If you take one step back today, the other party will advance ten steps tomorrow.

Seeing that Yongle was about to make a long speech, she hurriedly changed the subject: "Are you entering the palace to pay respects to Father?"

Yongle saw at a glance that she didn't listen, and couldn't help but sigh secretly: "I have already met Emperor Father, and I am going to visit Concubine Zheng, and then I plan to go to Changxin Palace to see you."

"Thank you big sister for your concern, I'm fine."

Yongle glanced around, pulled her to an open space, signaled the maids to back away, and said in a low voice: "Listen to my sister's advice, don't go to Jingshui Garden, we are princesses, whoever is the prince is a princess, why bother to get involved?" Seize the heir. The battle for the throne is up to them, as long as our sisters are safe and sound."

Jiaojiao shook her head: "He is my second brother, how can I let him go?"

Yong Le was in a hurry: "His grandfather, Chang Pinghou, gave up on him, so what are you doing?"

"What do you mean?" Jiao Jiao was puzzled.

Yongle lowered his voice and told her about the current situation of the government: "The Marquis of Changping holds half of my Yaohan's military power. Without his acquiescence, a mere corruption, how could the father take away the second brother?" Prince?"

Jiaojiao defended: "Second elder brother is not corrupt."

"Since my father has made a conclusion, if there is no one, then there is!"

Jiaojiao was silent, and Xu asked again: "Why did the Marquis of Changping abandon the second elder brother? He also has half of the blood of the Marquis of Changping's mansion."

Yong Le sneered: "Naturally, it's a benefit. The Second Emperor Brother has thoroughly investigated the matter of the army's lack of pay these years. The Marquis of Changping, which controls half of the military power, suffered the most damage. The Zhenxi Army has long been dissatisfied."

After a pause, she leaned closer to Jiaojiao's ear: "Seven days later, the thirteenth lady from the side branch of the Changping Marquis Mansion will enter the palace and be conferred the title of Concubine Luo."

Jiaojiao was startled, "How come?"

"The imperial decree for sealing has been drawn up. Just now, my father showed it to me in private. It was he who asked me to persuade you not to go to Jingshui Garden again."

Jiaojiao's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

After a while, she raised her eyes and said softly: "You know, when I was learning to speak, the first word I learned was Second Brother, and the first color I could distinguish was the light blue on his clothes. Walking, is to throw himself into his arms.

As far as I am concerned, it is not the same for everyone who is a prince, as long as he wants to be a prince, I will definitely help him! "

"Three sisters!"

"It's very harmful for the army to eat empty pay. What he did was beneficial to the country and the people. It was the Changping Marquis's fault.

Moreover, the thirteenth lady hasn't entered the palace yet, and Concubine Luo doesn't want her to enter the palace. The situation is not so bad that it can't be reversed. "


"Don't worry, I will protect myself."

She has always been stubborn, even ten bulls can't bring back what she decided, so Yong Le had no choice but to give some instructions and then went to Pixiang Hall.

Jiaojiao fell into deep thought. Concubine Luo Gui has always opposed the Changping Marquis Mansion to send people in. She has been in the palace for many years and has a deep foundation. A few years ago, the Marquis Manor wanted to send Miss Seven, who was a descendant, but she strongly opposed it, so she had to give up.

Now, what did the Hou Mansion use to convince her?
After meditating all the way, back to Changxin Palace, the maid of honor Juxiang was preparing a meal, seeing her back, she hurriedly saluted and said, "Princess please be well, Bifu Huangtao, quickly serve the princess to clean her hands."

"Where is Concubine Luo?"

"I'm doing makeup in the room, the princess is waiting."

Jiaojiao nodded, sat down by the south window, and waited for the palace attendant to bring the washing utensils.

At this time, she suddenly heard Ji Yun mentioned in Concubine Luo's words in the inner room, she subconsciously listened carefully, and Aunt Minzhi's worried voice clearly entered her ears.

"Your Majesty, think twice, Miss Thirteen is a successful woman, and she is afraid of raising tigers."

Jiaojiao was slightly stunned, in fact, she was not only born with great strength, but also had extremely sharp five senses, unless she deliberately whispered to her ears, otherwise the movement in the same house could not be hidden from her.

On weekdays, when she occasionally hears other people's secrets, she usually goes in one ear and out the other, pretending she didn't hear them.

But what the two of them said today was obviously related to her doubts just now, so she naturally wanted to listen carefully.

Concubine Luo Gui said in an unprecedented light tone: "It's okay, Your Majesty has already promised that if she gives birth to a prince, I will raise him."

"Your Majesty just hinted that if..."

"There's daddy, my own daughter and niece, do I still have to choose?"

Aunt Minzhi hesitated, as if she couldn't bear it: "Then the Second Highness..."

"He is my own son, and I will ensure that he has no worries about food and clothing for the rest of his life. Tomorrow, you go out of the palace to persuade him, autumn is cold, and by the way, bring some clothes over there."

Jiaojiao felt a boundless chill in her heart, her biological mother, who should be naturally bound to honor and disgrace with her second elder brother, actually gave up on him too.

Why all of a sudden, everyone's attitude changed?
"Princess? Princess?"

Jiaojiao blinked her eyes and came back to her senses. Seeing Bifu holding the copper basin with doubts on her face, she smiled and cleaned her hands as if nothing had happened.

The next day, just as Aunt Minzhi led the two maids out of Changxin Palace, a person jumped out from the corner and said with a smile, "Aunt Minzhi, where are you going?"

"Princess?" Minzhi was surprised, "Didn't you go to study in the palace?"

"Today is female celebrity, I skipped class." Jiaojiao has no guilt about playing truant, and once again inquired curiously.

Minzhi smiled and said: "By the order of your mother, go to the Jingshui Garden to visit the Second Highness."

"I'm going too! I'm going too!"

Aunt Minzhi agreed after a little thought. It's not necessary for female celebrities to learn about royal girls, and it doesn't matter if they skip classes.

Because she found excuses to go to Jingshui Garden every three days, the guards in front of the palace gate checked Aunt Minzhi's palace badge and let her go without any further questions.

When she arrived at Jingshui Garden, she said to Xiao Xizi familiarly: "You take Auntie to Lanting Garden, and I'll call Second Brother."

After speaking, he lifted his skirt and ran towards the garden in a hurry.

Xiao Xizi was stunned, he didn't say His Highness was in the garden, how did the princess know?
Jiaojiao ran wildly all the way, and from a distance, under the golden ginkgo tree, Ji Yun was practicing with a long blue sword in his hand, with every move and style flowing.

After a while, he put his sword back into its sheath, lowered his head and took off the sleeve seal between his wrists. The wide sleeves of his robe were filled with the breeze, as if he wanted to ride the wind back home.

"Didn't I tell you not to come to Jingshui Garden? It's only been three days, why did you sneak out of the palace again?"

After finishing speaking, he turned around, looked at Jiaojiao, and asked suspiciously: "Have you caused trouble again?"

"Aunt Minzhi came to give you winter clothes by order, and I came with her." As she spoke, she pouted dissatisfiedly, "I'm so obedient, how could I get into trouble, I always get into trouble."


There was a suffocated laughter from the side, and he looked over, only to find a man in green clothes standing under the tree, with picturesque eyebrows and a body like a jade tree.

Holding a scroll in his hand, he showed his white teeth in a smile, seeing Jiaojiao looking over, he hurriedly covered his mouth with the scroll, coughed twice, suppressed his laughter, and said seriously: "I have seen the third princess."

The voice is soft, as if sent by the wind, low-key and blends in with the environment.

Jiaojiao thought about it seriously, and was sure she had never seen such a person before, so she blurted out, "Who are you?"

"Pei Zheng."

Ji Yun introduced to her: "This is the ninth son of the Pei family in Luming City."

Jiaojiao let out a soft oh, then stopped paying attention, pinched her nose, looked around, and said disgustedly: "Why do you practice sword under the ginkgo tree? Ginkgo fruit smells so bad, if you accidentally step on it, tsk tsk... eh, no , when did you learn martial arts?"

"Recently, I have nothing to do in the past few days, and I am practicing to strengthen my body." Ji Yun handed the sword to Xiao Xizi, and took Supa to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

Being held horizontally by Xiao Xizi, the long sword showed its full face, Jiaojiao was instantly attracted, "What a beautiful sword!"

She stretched out her hand to brush the azure sword hilt, and traced the milky white flowers on the sword grid. A trace of doubt flashed in her eyes, "Hey, I seem to have seen it somewhere?"

Ji Yun's hands paused, and he looked at her quietly, with a secret expectation in his eyes.

Pei Zheng smiled: "I just brought this sword to your brother yesterday. It has been kept in the private treasury of the Jiang family in Pingyang. Where did the princess see it?"

"Pingyang? Where is it?"

Ji Yun's eyes darkened, and he said in a deep voice, "In Funan Kingdom."

"Oh, that must be my memory." Jiaojiao took her hand away from the sword, she had never even left Yaohan's capital city, let alone Pingyang in Funan Kingdom.

Pei Zheng raised his voice and praised: "This Jiang family is a legend! In the Southern Ming Dynasty, Princess Xiyue was kidnapped by a thief. The National Teacher's Mansion and all the aristocratic families are asking Suyuan to kill her. This sword is the sword of that thief. .”

Jiaojiao tilted her head in doubt: "What does this have to do with the fact that the Jiang family is a legend?"

Pei Zheng smiled mysteriously: "These are the official descriptions given by the National Teacher's Office, but in fact they are chasing and killing Princess Xiyue.

Within three months after Princess Xiyue's death, those who participated in the siege that night either died of illness or accidents, and their families also declined within 50 years.

The only exception was Jiang Shida, the ancestor of the Jiang family, who died at the age of 86, and his lineage has continued to this day.

The Jiang family had already been a century-old family in Nanming, and it has continued for another hundred years. Isn't such a long-lived family a legend! "

Jiaojiao widened her eyes: "Princess Xiyue is so powerful! Why didn't the ancestor of the Jiang family die?"

"Before the siege, the ancestors of the Jiang family tried to let the two of them go. He and them seem to be friends."

Jiaojiao was shocked, and then wondered for a moment: "How do you know this kind of family secret?"

"Master, Pingyang Jiang Chenghong."

The past was too heavy, Ji Yun didn't want to hear more, so he changed the subject: "Didn't Aunt Minzhi come, let's go."

Then he said to Pei Zheng, "Brother Pei, wait a moment."

Jiaojiao thought about the business, made up an excuse to dismiss Xiao Xizi, dragged Ji Yun along and said, "I just want to tell you that everyone has their own position, but I'm definitely on your side."

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