Chapter 609 Obsession (6)

"What?" Ji Yun was baffled by the endless words.

"Just remember it. By the way, I also want to learn martial arts. Help me find a master."

"Don't you want to learn?"

Now, Jiaojiao was confused: "When did I say that?"

Ji Yun was dumbfounded, Xuan Er said vaguely: "Success, I will arrange people to enter the palace in a few days."

The martial arts master arranged by Ji Yun entered the palace three days later, and Jiaojiao practiced basic skills for a period of time and began to learn bow and arrow.

In the evening of that day, after the martial arts master left the palace, he went straight to the Jingshui Garden, boasting that the three princesses are geniuses and natural archers. For the first time in their lives, they bent their bows and shot arrows and hit the bull's-eye.

Ji Yun was slightly stunned, he knew she was talented in archery, but it was really unexpected that she had such a record in archery for the first time.

Before that, he always thought that her accuracy was trained by hunting birds in Zhaoyang Palace.

Pei Zheng had a thought, and after the martial arts master had left, he said, "Since the princess is so talented, why not let her learn the art of war, so it will be better in the future..."

"No!" Before he finished speaking, Ji Yun immediately interrupted, "The battlefield is dangerous, she can't go."

Pei Zheng secretly rolled his eyes, and the next day when he went to the palace with his elders to pay his respects, he ran into Jiaojiao in the imperial garden, after which a book on the art of war was quietly placed on Jiaojiao's desk.

Time came to Xuande for 23 years.

At the Shangyuan family banquet, Luo Guipin vomited continuously and found out that she was two months pregnant.

In March, Master Yideng of Yuan'an Temple determined that it was a boy.

Since then, rumors have spread in Beijing.

There were rumors that Emperor Xuande valued love and righteousness, and he did not forget the old one even when he had a newcomer. He had intended to hand over the prince to Concubine Luo and Concubine Luo to raise him together. The Changping Hou Mansion was beaming with joy.

There are also rumors that when Master Yideng saw the pregnant Luo Guibin that day, he was so shocked that he tore off the beads in his hand, and kept muttering, God bless Yaohan.

During the Dragon Boat Festival, the crown prince Ji Xuan got drunk and misbehaved, was reprimanded by Emperor Xuande, and closed his doors to contemplate for three days.

In June, the imperial censor wrote a letter to impeach the prince for competing with the people for profit and misbehavior. After verification, the emperor trained the prince again and punished him for one year.

In July, the great victory at Zhenxiguan was rewarded by the Marquis of Changping, and Luo Guipin's father paid homage to the third-rank general.

In August, concubine Luo Gui gave birth to the third prince, Ji Yao. During the three baptisms, everyone praised him for his fullness of heaven and his appearance of wealth.

At the beginning of October, Emperor Xuande's dragon body fell ill, and for three days after his resignation, all the concubines in the harem were sick in Taichen Palace.

As night fell, Jiaojiao stood on the long steps in front of Taichen Palace, looking at the gate of the palace, Bifu walked quickly and replied in a low voice: "Everything is fine at the gate of Sifang Palace."

At the end of Haishi, Huang Tao came out from Taichen Palace: "Your Majesty is awake."

Jiaojiao nodded, turned and entered the hall.

The hall was filled with concubines, Luo Guifei and other high-ranking concubines surrounded the dragon bed to express their concerns; the low-ranking concubines did not dare to push forward, so they could only hold the handkerchief and weep with joy.

Over the long years of more than ten years, Jiaojiao has already seen clearly that her father doesn't really love her.On the contrary, when he saw himself, the shadows in the depths of his eyes contained fear and loathing.

At this time, she stopped going forward to annoy people, and stayed silently in the crowd.

Emperor Xuande had a headache from being quarreled by a room full of women, and after several high-ranking concubines finished expressing their concerns about him, they sent all the concubines back, leaving only Concubine Luo Gui, Concubine Zheng Xian, and two princesses who had not yet left the cabinet to serve.

At the beginning of Zishi, everyone in the hall was drowsy, when suddenly there was a sound of 'squeak', the door of the hall was suddenly pushed open, and the cold night wind blew in, causing the candles in the hall to flicker.

Emperor Xuande's heart skipped a beat, his drowsiness disappeared instantly, he sat up abruptly, and called out: "Xu Dequan!"

The chief eunuch Xu Dequan responded and was about to go out to check while shaking the floating dust. Prince Ji Xuan walked into the Taichen Palace in armor, knelt down to salute, and prostrated loudly: "Participating in the father, the son got the news that there are bad people breaking into the palace. Escort."

Passing through the gate of the palace, you can see that the soldiers of the East Palace are in armor and sharp, and they have surrounded the Taichen Palace tightly.

With this posture, everyone suddenly understood three points, and looked at Emperor Xuande, only to see that his face turned pale with anger, and scolded: "Idiot!"

After scolding, he still couldn't get angry, grabbed the medicine bowl next to him and threw it at the prince, saying bitterly: "The mud can't support the wall!"

Isn't this the right reaction?

The prince was stunned, and was hit straight, dark yellow potion and blood dripped from his forehead.

He raised his head in a daze, clutching the wound on his forehead, for a moment he forgot that he was here to force the palace to rebel, and blurted out: "Father, please calm down!"

The corner of Jiaojiao's mouth twitched, and he winked at the tall and thin guard behind him, and the guard reminded softly: "His Royal Highness!"

The prince woke up like a dream, stood up, opened his mouth to say the lines he had rehearsed in advance, and suddenly remembered that his father did not follow the script.

However, now that he has reached this point, there is nothing to hide. He raised his head, looked at Emperor Xuande, and smiled sadly.

"Stupid? Since you despise my stupidity, why did you make my son a prince? How will a prince who has no foundation be reprimanded by you and impeached by the imperial court to get along with the third brother who is backed by the Marquis of Changping in the future?" fight?
This son-in-law knows that his qualifications are dull and he doesn't like you. That son-in-law doesn't dare to think about it, he just wants to be an idle prince and live a safe life.

But the son-in-law became the prince.

May I ask which prince in the world will tolerate the brother who was the prince alive?If you don't rebel, will your servant have a way out? "

Emperor Xuande was so angry that his liver hurt, and because of the presence of others, he couldn't speak too clearly, so he could only glared at him with eyes that hated iron and steel: "I don't know what it means!"

This naughty son was set in one trap after another, and he didn't learn to be smart, but now he pretends to be smart.

Thinking with your toes, you don't think he wants the third child to be in power. Which emperor would like to have a minister with power?

At this time, he couldn't help secretly regretting that it was too early to attack the second child. Without his restraint, the arrogance of the Pinghou Mansion has grown stronger these years.

Thinking of the three princes, both of whom were related to the Marquis of Changping, Emperor Xuande could only suppress his anger and temporarily save this idiot, just in case.

He almost gnashed his teeth to persuade: "You take people out now, there is still a chance for everything."

Unexpectedly, the crown prince did not understand his painstaking efforts at all, and laughed loudly: "Opportunity? There is no turning back when I draw the bow. From the moment I step into this temple, I have no way out."

As he said that, he drew his sword and pointed at Emperor Xuande, his expression became ferocious, and madness surged in his eyes: "Father, don't worry, you won't suffer for a long time soon. My son is the prince, as long as you die, the world will be your son's son." It's my servant's."

After the words fell, the sword in his hand stabbed out mercilessly.

At the same time, the Donggong soldiers who entered the palace with him stepped forward one after another, approaching several female relatives and palace people.

"Nizi! What are you going to do?" Emperor Xuande panicked at this moment, he was very sure that this naughty son would not succeed, and the Changping Marquis Mansion would definitely control the situation in the name of escort.

But the timing of the attack can't be determined, if the old man is determined to wait for this rebellious son to kill himself and then reappear, Luo will be surnamed in this world!

"Father, be careful!"

Accompanied by an exclamation, a white hand stretched out like lightning, and the moment the sword tip pierced Emperor Xuande's chest, it grabbed the prince's sword-holding wrist and stopped the sword from continuing to penetrate.

Emperor Xuande looked at the person standing in front of him in surprise. Although he was very concerned about the matter of this special daughter, he always avoided it when he could. With fewer meetings, the relationship between father and daughter would naturally not be close.

Unexpectedly, at this time, she would stand up and protect herself regardless of safety. Thinking about her dependence on her second child all these years, and often going to Jingshui Garden against everyone's opposition, the fear of her in her heart suddenly decreased by half.

It seems that although Princess Xiyue has a mysterious background and strong strength, she is pure-hearted, and if she is kind to her, she will repay her.

Emperor Xuande couldn't help rejoicing that although he didn't see her often these years, he gave her all kinds of rewards compared to Yongle, and even because of his connivance with her naughty deeds, in the eyes of outsiders, his favorite daughter was her.

Jiaojiao exerted a little force on her wrist, the prince let go of the sword with a scream, she caught the long sword with her left hand, cut the prince's arm behind her back with her right hand, put the sword on his neck, and shouted loudly: "Stop all hands!"

"His Royal Highness!"

As early as when the prince was screaming, the guards and soldiers of the East Palace were about to rush over to rescue him, and the soldiers outside the palace also rushed in.

It's a pity that Jiaojiao's movements are too fast, the whole set of movements is smooth and flowing, and it is completed in the blink of an eye.

The master was captured, and the soldiers were naturally cautious and did not dare to act rashly.

They rebelled with the prince, hoping that after success, they would be promoted from the dragon to the throne, and the prince died, and there was no use in rebelling.

What's more, they didn't have to stop, because of the distance, they didn't even have time to catch a hostage, and they didn't have any bargaining chips.

"Let go of the prince!"

Someone raised a knife and yelled at him sharply. Just two steps forward, a blush appeared on the prince's neck, and the soldiers who were about to move stopped immediately.

Jiaojiao said with a cold face, "Now, get out!"

All the soldiers look at me and I look at you, hesitating.

Jiaojiao snorted coldly, moved her fingers slightly, and the sword blade on the prince's neck sank half an inch immediately, and blood flowed out.

The prince screamed in pain, and hurriedly shouted: "Get out! Get out! Get out!"

A middle-aged general dressed as a general stared at Jiaojiao, raised his hand and waved: "Back!"

As soon as they moved, Jiaojiao immediately took the prince to go out. When they were approaching the entrance of the hall, the four doors suddenly opened, and the sound of iron armor grinding the ground was extremely shocking in the tense and quiet environment.

Jiaojiao raised his eyes and looked, several rows of armored soldiers came out from all directions, surrounded the soldiers of the East Palace, and bunches of torches illuminated the surroundings like daylight.

"Your Majesty! The old minister came late to rescue you, you have suffered!" An old and loud voice came from behind, and Marquis Chang Ping walked out of the formation in a silver-white armor. Wherever he passed, the soldiers automatically moved out of the way.

The night breeze was blowing, his old face was hidden in the beating firelight, obscure, and he looked at the prince full of grief: "His Royal Highness, you are so confused! I have always ruled the world with filial piety, and your majesty is very kind to you. You How can you force the palace to rebel?"

Facing the well-trained Zhenxi army, the prince's bloodless face was instantly pale as paper. Only now did he understand why Emperor Xuande called him stupid.

When he came in, Han Jin's forbidden army had already controlled all important places in the palace. Now that the Zhenxi army appeared here without a sound, it could only mean that Han Jin had rebelled, or in other words, he did not really take refuge in himself at all.

This is a game!

A game waiting to jump in!

From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Emperor Xuande coming out with the support of Eunuch Xu, and he laughed miserably: "What a loving father! If you want to abolish me, why bother to make such a big circle..."

Emperor Xuande had a heart attack again, this rebellious son is really stupid, until now, he still thinks that he and Changpinghou jointly set up the situation.

"Brothers, fight hard! Take down the dog emperor!" After a brief silence, some soldiers in the Eastern Palace shouted loudly, waving their spears and charged directly at Emperor Xuande.

At the end of the road, they all went crazy, completely disregarding the prince's life and death, and went straight to Emperor Xuande, trying to hold the emperor hostage for survival.

Jiaojiao was startled, knocked the crown prince unconscious with one palm and threw it into the hall, then leaped over with one long step, and stabbed the soldier's back with his sword.

The next moment, I felt a wind blowing in the back of my head, and another soldier attacked.

She immediately drew out the long sword, rolled over, and after getting out of the way of the opponent's attack, the long sword pierced through, crushing her heart, then threw away the long sword, grabbed the man's long spear, and swung it...

Changping Hou raised his voice and shouted urgently: "Help me!"

However, there are thousands of soldiers in the East Palace, no matter how brave the Zhenxi Army is, it will be difficult to break through their encirclement in a short while.

Standing in front of Emperor Xuande with a spear in his hand, Jiaojiao protected his surroundings tightly.

The desperadoes attacked fiercely, but in a short while, dozens of corpses were lying around her.

At dawn, the rebellion finally came to an end, corpses were strewn across the field in front of Taichen Palace, and blood flowed like rivers.

Three days later, Jingshui Garden.

After the eunuch announced the decree, he beamed and said, "His Royal Highness, accept the decree."

Ji Yun received the imperial decree, his face was neither sad nor happy, he just ordered lightly: "Xiao Xizi, send it to the prince."

The Xuanzhi eunuch didn't care too much, and happily followed Xiaoxizi out.

Pei Zheng came out from behind and said with a smile, "Congratulations, the second goal has been achieved."

Ji Yun looked at the imperial decree in his hand complicatedly, for this time the crown prince forced the palace, one after another, the layout lasted for two years.

Now that he succeeded, the crown prince was abolished, and he re-appointed himself King of the Road, and once again participated in the government.

It also made him more aware of his father in this life. For Emperor Xuande, all children are chess pieces.

Pei Zheng shook the ink paper fan and shook it lightly: "Now, there is only one goal left. I hope His Majesty will not let us down."

Ji Yun exhaled slowly: "Don't worry, he will definitely order Jiaojiao to go."

Pei Zheng shrugged his shoulders, and said in a brisk tone, "That's right, after this incident, His Majesty's fear of Chang Ping Hou has increased to a higher level. At this time, he dare not send people from Chang Ping Hou's faction to quell the chaos."

After a pause, he closed the paper fan and tapped his palm: "It's just that I don't know one thing. Apart from Chang Ping Hou's faction, there are other generals in the court. Why are you so sure that His Majesty will send the third princess there?"

Ji Yun lowered his eyes, naturally because Jiaojiao is already 14 years old, and there is not much time left for Yaohan. Anyone who has the military power may take over the Ji family after Jiaojiao's identity is exposed.

At this time, the military power is naturally best held in the hands of the royal family.

(End of this chapter)

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