Chapter 610 Obsession (7)

The setting sun was setting to the west, and the orange rays of light poured into the hall through the windows, dragging the shadows of people and things long.

Emperor Xuande sat in front of the imperial case, frowned as he looked at the book in his hand, unable to write for a long time.

Suddenly, hurried footsteps sounded outside, and Emperor Xuande, who had just been forced into the palace, couldn't help but be terrified.

The servant held the booklet and hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, Shuobei urgent report!"

Emperor Xuande's heart sank, he took the booklet and quickly scanned it all over, only to feel a stream of blood rushing straight to the top of his head in an instant.

Qiang rebellion!

How come at this time?Did they know that Princess Xiyue was born in Yaohan?Is the fate of subjugation still inevitable?

Emperor Xuande fell into deep thought...

"His Majesty?"

Eunuch Xu, who was standing by, was shocked. He actually saw fear in the eyes of this ruthless emperor who played tricks?

And his hands were shaking!
Emperor Xuande came back to his senses, took a deep breath, curled up his fingers, stopped trembling, and began to consider candidates for counter-insurgency, and eliminated the generals of the Marquis of Changping faction, and there were only five people who were qualified to counter-insurgency.

Although Hussar General Xing Zhizhou had a bad relationship with Marquis Changping, he was born in Dingyuan Bofu and could not be chosen;
Uncle Cheng Engong also led soldiers in his early years, so it should be no problem to counteract the rebellion, but the Queen's matter...

Wei Daqiang, the general of the Fuguo, came from the common people, but he has no foundation, but he is ambitious, arrogant and arrogant. In troubled times, he must be a hero, so he cannot be sent!

Although the remaining two generals were not born in famous families, they are descendants of aristocratic families. The emaciated camels are bigger than horses. If there is any disagreement, the consequences will be uncontrollable.

Emperor Xuande sat slumped on his chair. Among all the military generals in the dynasty, he couldn't find a general who could rest assured and agree with him to counter the rebellion.

The setting sun moved out of the imperial study room little by little, and the lady in charge of the lamp moved lightly with lotus steps, lighting up the lamps and candles in the hall one by one.

"Your Majesty, the Eldest Princess and the Third Princess seek to see you." The servant's voice broke the silence in the hall.

Emperor Xuande cheered up, and the two of Xuande came in.

After seeing the ceremony, Yongle smiled and said: "Grandpa is in good spirits, and he is also happy to guide his cousins ​​on military exercises."

"That's good."

Yongle saw that he was not happy, and intentionally said some interesting things about the family, colorful clothes to entertain relatives, she looked at Jiaojiao, and teased: "Today, the third sister gave you a face, and the sixth cousin's men were beaten by the seventh cousin during the exercise. There is no way to fight back.

Seeing that they were about to lose everything, the third younger sister jumped on the horse to replace the sixth cousin, took the lead and went deep into the enemy line, and captured the seventh cousin alive, turning defeat into victory!
The sixth cousin raised his eyebrows, as if he had won the seventh cousin, and taunted that the seventh cousin was not as good as a little girl. Grandpa was so angry that he picked up his crutches and beat him..."

Emperor Xuande was startled, turned his head suddenly, and looked at Jiaojiao with burning eyes: "You really beat your seventh cousin?"

Jiaojiao smiled modestly, with a little embarrassment: "Nearly won, cousin Qi is a bit underestimating the enemy."

Emperor Xuande was very excited. The Seven Boys of Cheng En Gong's Mansion are young talents who are trained to be the pillars of the country in the future. If Jiaojiao can win him, doesn't it mean that she can also lead troops to fight!
Thinking about that night, she was able to protect herself under the siege of thousands of people in the Eastern Palace, which shows the strength of her martial arts.

In the future, her identity will be exposed, and everyone in the world will be enemies. Only the Ji family is in the same camp as her, and she will not betray the Ji family.

Besides, her lifespan is limited, and the military power is in her hands, so there is no need to worry about not being able to take it back.

The only problem now is how to get the ministers to agree to the princess's expedition and take control of the army.

Emperor Xuande swept away the previous gloom, and asked the two sisters interesting things about their visit to their natal families with great interest, and kindly left dinner before ordering the palace servants to send the two princesses away.

In the next few days, the civil and military groups of the Manchu Dynasty were furious and strongly opposed Emperor Xuande's proposal to send the princess to the expedition.

Emperor Xuande insisted on going his own way, even if he was scolded as a faint king, he would not hesitate to send his three princesses to quell the chaos.

Several old ministers threatened each other with death, and Emperor Xuande never compromised. He said that if he wanted to bump into a pillar, he would hit it quickly. For the matter of a coffin, the court has no shortage of money.

Lu Wang, who was worried about his sister's safety and strongly opposed it, had to let go of his worries when he saw this situation, persuaded the veterans, and proposed a compromise method, appointing an experienced veteran as the marshal and the third princess as deputy.

After a little thought, Emperor Xuande agreed to send another general, but the three princesses should be the commander.

Facing the emperor who was pretending to be a faint king and disowned by his relatives, the officials had no choice but to make concessions. However, the generals felt that they were insulted, and no one wanted to live under the boudoir Jiao'e, and they all said they were sick.

Emperor Xuande directly announced the decree and ordered the generals of the Fuguo, and he also said that if he did not accept the decree, he would be regarded as resisting the decree and not obeying the decree, and all his families would be executed.

The general of Fuguo, who came from the common people and had a shallow foundation, recovered from his illness the next day, and he accepted the order in desperation to go to war.

The day before his departure, Ji Yun went to Changxin Palace to practice for Jiaojiao. The sky was clear and cloudless, and the fallen leaves outside the window rustled silently.

Ji Yun warned in detail: "Marching and fighting also pay attention to the right time, place and people. You don't know much about Shuobei. When you get there, listen to the thoughts of the local officers and soldiers. Don't go your own way and be arrogant.

Wei Daqiang is our man, you can use it with confidence, he is a good knife, but he is a bit reckless, you have to restrain yourself;
In case of an emergency, if you can't wait for help from the capital, you can go to Luming City for help. The prefect is the fifth master of the Pei family, Pei Zheng's uncle.

Pei Zheng will also follow you, he has read a lot since he was a child, and he has a wide range of knowledge, and there are also members of the family who are on duty in the army, so it would be no problem for you to be your military advisor..."

Jiaojiao opened his mouth and took his unfinished words: "The most important thing is that Luming City is not far from Shuobei. If things get out of control, with him, the ninth son of the Pei family, he can immediately let the Pei family come forward to control the situation!"

Ji Yun nodded, and was about to continue explaining, when Jiaojiao approached him suddenly, reaching out his hand to support his frowning brow.

"Don't worry, second brother, I'll be fine. A few days ago you said that a small tribe's rebellion is nothing to fear. The important thing is to find out the reason for their rebellion after suppressing the rebellion. I'm just going to suppress them. Look at you Worried, I never let go of my brows."

While speaking, she exerted a little force to smooth his frowning brows.

A little bit of warmth spread out from her fingertips, soaked into the skin, sank into the blood, and spread to the apex of her heart, Ji Yun was slightly absent-minded.

Hearing what she said later, he came back to his senses, put aside her hand, frowned again with his outstretched brows, and glared at her fiercely: "Don't underestimate the enemy. Swords have no eyes on the battlefield. If you don't pay attention, your life will be in danger."

Jiaojiao collected her expression, and raised her finger to make an oath: "I promise, I will take good care of my life."

Ji Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, watched the sky darken, and gave some instructions before leaving Changxin Palace and returning to Prince Lu's Mansion.

The next day, the army went out with great momentum, the shouts ripped through the sky, tens of thousands of tons of spirits were sent to the front of the army, Jiaojiao immediately looked back at Ji Yun on the tower, the autumn wind cut off his sight, but not his worries.

She waved her hand, smiled brightly, shouted "drive", and kicked the horse's belly with her legs, leaving Ji Yun with a heroic figure from her back.

There is no moon in the night, only two or three lone stars.

Outside the woods on the outskirts of Beijing, Ji Yun was wearing a satin cloak of indigo silk and dark gold feathers, with his hands folded in the sleeves, and said with a faint smile, "I've worked hard these past few months, Daoist Shi."

Opposite him, stood a kind mother and kind-eyed great monk with waxy yellow monk robes, and he cupped his hands and bowed: "It's easy to talk about it, let's cooperate, your elder brother is easy to fool, and it doesn't take much trouble."

Ji Yun smiled. Although Ji Xuan is not very smart and lacks experience in court affairs, he is not without a little political acumen, let alone such a big event as forcing the palace.

He could decide to force the palace so quickly, the ambiguous predictions of "Master Yideng" played a lot of role.

Shi Ru was a little impatient, stopped the greetings, and went straight to the point: "Your Highness promised to save my life after the matter is completed."

Ji Yun smiled slightly and said softly: "Han Zhuo."

A young man in black walked out from behind him, holding a small dark red wooden box in his hand.

Shi Ru knotted the wooden box and asked suspiciously, "This is it?"

"The identity token of Yunhuang Island, you can use it to board the ship."

Shi Ru is overjoyed, Yunhuang Island has always been a blind spot of the National Teacher's Mansion, and once he gets there, he no longer has to worry about being found by the National Teacher.

He saluted again: "Farewell, poor Taoist."

After walking a few steps, he stopped again, turned around and said, "Your Highness, the yin energy brought from hell must be related to your not forgetting your past life. Reincarnation of life and death has its own reason. Reincarnating with the memory of your previous life is against the way of reincarnation, Your Highness." Better not to do it."

Han Zhuo's eyes widened, what did he hear?Reincarnation with the memory of the previous life?Monster?
He couldn't help but look at Ji Yun, seeing that he just raised his eyebrows slightly, he was surprised for a moment, then regained his composure, and didn't even refute!
Ji Yun quickly cleared his mind. The first Zhongyuan Festival after his birth was extremely cloudy and the situation was more than ten dangerous.

In desperation, the concubine mother tried to send someone to invite the master of the National Teacher's Mansion. At that time, Shi Ru, who had just arrived in Beijing for a tour, came.

He should have seen some clues at that time. He had kept silent for so many years, but he chose to speak at this time, just because he was worried that he would silence himself, implying that he had a way to suppress Yin Qi.

Thinking about these things clearly, Ji Yun became more calm, and said lightly: "Taoist priest, take care."

Watching Shi Ru go away, he ordered without looking back: "Follow him secretly and escort him northward. If his identity is exposed, kill him."

The clear and cold voice brought back Han Zhuo's thoughts, he put away his shock, and followed Shi Ru silently.

In the following days, news from the north flew to Shangjing like snowflakes. Seven days later, Ji Yun received Pei Zheng's personal letter, and Jiaojiao rushed to Shuobei with three thousand cavalry.

For the sake of An Jiyun's heart, Pei Zheng, the military adviser, naturally accompanied him, galloping all the way, and the others almost fell apart.

Pei Zheng also expressed his admiration for Jiaojiao. The princess who was raised and raised in the deep palace adapted quickly, even faster than some veterans.

Pei Zheng also listed a small detail.When they were in Beijing, although these soldiers practiced every day, it was not a wartime, and they were a little relaxed. Now they are going out suddenly, and the soldiers can't adapt well in a short time.

Especially after a day's journey, many soldiers can't fall asleep quickly, but the three princesses have been sleeping in seconds since the first rest, setting a time, when to sleep, and when to wake up, exactly.

At that time, the way the three thousand cavalrymen looked at her changed.

At first, Pei Zheng couldn't understand it, so he asked someone to explain it to him. The soldier said that he was fighting day and night, and if he wanted to live long on the battlefield, he had to learn how to doze off.

Don't underestimate napping. After resting, you will be more energetic, and your chances of surviving the fierce battle will be greater.

Therefore, experienced soldiers fall asleep faster than ordinary people.

He has only heard of one person who can develop the ability to fall asleep instantly, the famous God of War Shi Qianshan in the Northern Qi Dynasty in history!
In addition, Jiaojiao also arranged all kinds of marching-related affairs such as marching, rest, and night duty in an orderly manner. Those who didn't know would think she was an experienced veteran.

Now, she has initially won the support of the three thousand cavalry.

After reading the letter, Ji Yun was stunned. He remembered his previous life, in the water late at night, on a galloping horse...

It seemed that no matter how bad the environment was, she could fall asleep instantly.

On the eighth day of the first month of winter, Jiaojiao and his party arrived at Taigu Town, Shuobei, and saw the Qiang army attacking the city from a distance.

Thick smoke billowed, and the sound of killing shook the sky.The walls of Taigu Town were densely covered with rebels, and boulders rolled down from the walls from time to time, smashing down the rebels on the wall.

However, there are too many rebels, and when one batch is dropped, another batch will be added immediately.

"Boys, come with me!"

Jiaojiao sternly shouted, and rushed out, with the momentum like a rainbow, menacing.

Infected by her, the three thousand cavalry screamed, crossed the field like lightning, and rushed straight at the rebels.

After reaching a certain distance, Jiaojiao grabbed the bow, put on three sharp arrows, pulled it to the full string, and then released it suddenly after aiming. Rebel vest.

The soldiers' momentum rose again, and they broke into the rebels in one go, disrupting the rear formation of the rebels.

As the [-] cavalry came in and out, the rebel army was cut to pieces. Seeing the reinforcements coming, the defenders of Taikoo Town on the city tower immediately opened the city gate and launched a counterattack.

In an instant, the situation was reversed, and the rebels suffered heavy losses and withdrew.

Jiaojiao gave up after chasing him for a few miles and went back to Taikoo to rest.

Pei Zheng stayed in the distance, dumbfounded.

When Jiaojiao rushed out, he didn't have a good secret path, he hadn't tried it yet, and he didn't have any arrangements, so how could he just rush out in a daze!

But the result was jaw-dropping. When she yelled, "Boys, come with me," the three thousand cavalrymen seemed to become one. At that moment, they had only one brain, and that was the third princess.

And when she fired three arrows at once, the momentum of the soldiers reached its peak, like a sharp sword, invincible, chopped the rebels to pieces, and prevented their encirclement.

After arriving in Taigu Town, Pei Zheng wrote to Ji Yun immediately, saying that it was the first time in his life that he had seen what it means to be aggressive like fire and powerful like a rainbow!

The three princesses on the battlefield are as dazzling as a little sun, she is born to belong to the battlefield!
After a short rest in Taigu Town and understanding the situation, Jiaojiao joined forces with the Taigu garrison and set off again. Before the rebels reacted, they rescued Dama City, which is known as Shuobei's granary, and solved the short-term food and grass problem.

Half a month later, the Dingwu Army led by Wei Daqiang arrived one after another and started the official war.

Jiaojiao's style is obvious, or he will lead elite cavalry to attack fiercely, disrupting the layout of the rebel army formation;

For a while, the rebel army paid extra attention to the leaders, and the newly appointed commanders all put on the uniforms of ordinary soldiers, huddled in the army formation, and did not dare to take the lead easily.

However, in the battle, it is inevitable to issue orders, and the offensive of the army will change accordingly.

At this time, Jiaojiao would quickly find the commander and shoot him.

(End of this chapter)

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