Because none of the Qiang generals could defeat Jiaojiao, as the generals died one by one, the Qiang rebels retreated steadily.

At the beginning of the twelfth lunar month, the Dingwu army invaded the Qiang royal city, and the three princesses captured Alza, the leader of the Qiang tribe, alive.

On the eighth day of the lunar new year, Pei Zheng arrived in Shangjing and brought back the reason for the Qiang rebellion, which was instigated by the Baidi Kingdom in the north.

Ji Yun's eyes were heavy, and he asked: "Is there no sign of other forces intervening?"

"According to the clues we have so far, we can only see that Baidi is instigating." As he spoke, Pei Zheng was curious, "Have you heard any rumors? Besides the neighboring Baidi Kingdom in Shuobei, where else is there?"

"Our Pei family?" Pei Zheng stood up in shock, and Xuan Er became suspicious again. The family has always hoped for peace in Shuobei, so why would they instigate war?
"No," Ji Yun hurriedly reassured him, "It's the National Teacher's Mansion, I hope I'm overthinking it."

Pei Zheng nodded in agreement. The National Teacher's Mansion has power all over the world, and their actions are always unpredictable. If they take actions to provoke a war between the two countries, the world will not be peaceful.

After talking about the business, Pei Zheng talked about some interesting things about the border, "Where did you find such a wonderful person as Wei Daqiang, you don't know, but whenever your precious sister makes a move, he would like to follow her and serve as her personal guard, cheering for her.

Every time he was left to sit in the army, he would beat his chest and stamp his feet with hatred, tsk tsk tsk..."

When mentioning this matter, Ji Yun couldn't help but support his forehead: "If we knew her style at the beginning, we shouldn't have appointed Wei Daqiang as her deputy."

The two radicals got together, and every time he thought about it, he was so worried that he couldn't sleep at night.

Pei Zheng saw his worry, and comforted him: "The third princess does not act arbitrarily, at the military meeting, she adopted good strategies and made her own unique judgment.

Even if it is her own proposal, as long as time permits, she will persuade everyone before implementing it.In terms of being a marshal, she is very talented. "

Ji Yun was silent, and said: "Since that's the case, then send her some middle-level officers who are cautious in using troops to beat the side drums."

"The study room, Miss Meng, please come back!" The guard Leng Bangbang's voice suddenly came from outside.

Pei Zheng was surprised, when did Lu Wang's mansion have a Meng girl?
"Your Majesty asked the servant to take care of His Highness. The servant should do his best. His Highness has been reading for a long time, and he is tired after thinking about it. The servant made the snow clam and bird's nest soup with his own hands. I have to drink it while it is hot. Please let the guard on the left go in and report."

The soft and beautiful voice sounds like the spring breeze in March, refreshing the heart.

Pei Zheng looked at Ji Yun, lowered his voice, and joked with a smile: "Yo, I haven't seen you in a month, and His Royal Highness Lu Wang has Mei Jiao Niang washing his hands to make soup, tsk tsk tsk, I really envy the lonely people like me."

"I envy you to marry me." Ji Yun rolled his eyes unceremoniously.

Pei Zheng got up, walked into the secret door, and teased before leaving: "Don't rob His Highness Lu Wang."

Ji Yun ignored him, thinking about the recent heated discussions in the court, and said: "The Wenjiang dam burst, I don't worry about others, since you are back, why don't you go and investigate."

Pei Zheng was very angry: "My son is a donkey, so I have to take a break. I just came back from Shuobei, and I haven't slept soundly yet. Thank you for being able to say it."

"Able people should do more work."


Pei Zheng closed the secret door angrily, and left.

Ji Yun got up and went out, opened the door, frowned and said: "Let Mother Xu take her down, and teach her the rules."

The woman was busy trying to argue, but raised her eyes to meet his indifferent gaze, and the words of the argument stuck in her throat.

A few days later, spies came to report that Funan and Xirong had misfired at the border, and a fight broke out. Ji Yun immediately realized that he didn't think much about it, it was indeed the national teacher who made the move.

Immediately, he couldn't help but rejoice that Shi Ru, the Commander, had already been sent to Yunhuang Island, otherwise, the national teacher would not have provoked war among countries, tested which country was weak, and found Princess Xiyue in this way, but the three countries would have attacked Yaohan together.

Shuobei, Shanyuguan on the border.

Huang Tao was dressed in military uniform, and raised the curtain to report: "Princess, Han Zhuo asks to see you."

"Han Zhuo?" Jiaojiao was stunned, "Why did he come here?"

Han Zhuo is the cousin of Han Jin, the leader of the imperial guards, and the personal guard of the second brother. He is not in Shangjing to protect the second brother. What are you doing here?
In the letter received recently, the second brother didn't say that he would send someone?
She quickly suppressed her doubts and invited Han Zhuo into the account.

After seeing the ceremony, Han Zhuo presented a letter: "This is a letter from Master Shi Rudao to the princess."

"Master Shi Ru? Who is it?"

"It's Master Yideng from before."

This man Jiaojiao knew that he was an expert sent by the second elder brother to listen to the elder brother, and it turned out that the identity of the monk Yideng was fake.

She opened the letter, and there was only one sentence on it, Bai Di's king seal was carved out of rare red jade, which can drive away the king's yin energy.

Jiaojiao got up abruptly, so excited that she couldn't help herself, she grabbed Huang Tao's hand and shared her joy: "He said that Bai Di Wang Yin can drive away the evil energy of the second brother!"

Huang Tao was happy for a while, but suddenly her consciousness was wrong, "Bai Di, Wang Yin?"

"That's right! That's great, that's great!" Jiaojiao tried her best to take a deep breath to calm down her excitement, completely ignoring Huang Tao's surprise.

Han Zhuo also said: "Princess, is this a fraud? The National Teacher's Office..."

"National Teacher's Mansion?"

This sensitive word made Jiaojiao calm down instantly. A few days ago, the second elder brother wrote in a letter saying that the National Teacher's Office intends to provoke war among the four countries.

As soon as she calmed down, she realized that the one that could suppress Yin Qi was the Bai Di King Seal, the supreme symbol of royal power. Unless Bai Di was destroyed, it was basically impossible to obtain it.

Han Zhuo raised his eyes and glanced at Huang Tao, Jiaojiao understood, and said: "Huang Tao, you go out and watch, no one is allowed to approach the handsome tent."


After Huang Tao walked out, Han Zhuo replied: "Master Shi Ru is originally a member of the National Teacher's Mansion. When he sent him away, he once said that the yin energy on His Royal Highness Lu Wang was brought out from hell, and with His Highness, "

He paused, and continued: "It's about not forgetting the previous life."

The bright eyes darkened, and he said in a deep voice, "Tell me about the situation that day in detail."

After listening to the detailed description, a bunch of question marks surged in her heart. She could see the origin of Yin Qi, and Shi Ru was quite capable.Generally speaking, such a person's status in the National Teacher's Mansion will not be low.

Why did he defect from the National Teacher's Office?
And the second elder brother, since he cooperated with Shi Ru, promised to protect his life, and even sent Han Zhuo to secretly escort him, why did he expose and kill him?
"How did Shi Ru and the second elder brother get acquainted?"

Han Zhuo recalled: "That happened nine years ago. His Highness went to Xunyang to do business. When he was out of the city, he was searched by the National Teacher's Office. He got into His Highness's carriage and held His Highness hostage. Not long after he left the city, he passed out due to excessive blood loss.

His Highness found a doctor for him, and suggested that he disguise himself as a monk and go to the temple to practice. "

Jiaojiao frowned, second elder brother wouldn't know him, right?

After pondering for a while, she said: "Our first task now is to determine whether the King Baidi Seal can really drive away Yin Qi, if it can, even if it is a trick, we must get it!

You rest for two days and return to Shangjing immediately, second elder brother must be surrounded by someone to protect him. "

After sending Han Zhuo away, she immediately wrote a letter to Fei Ge to pass on a letter to Ji Yun, telling Bai Di Wang Yin that he could dispel Yin Qi, and asked about Shi Ru's origin.

After sending out the letter, she began to rack her brains and think about how to verify Wang Yin's Yin-dispelling energy function. She just finished the beginning when she heard a sharp voice: "Report—"

She got up suddenly and went out, and when she reached the door of the big tent, she almost bumped into Huang Tao.

"Princess, Bai Di is attacking the city!"

Jiaojiao was surprised that the winter in Shuobei was extremely cold, and the truce during the freezing period was a tacit understanding between the two sides for a hundred years.

She strode up the tower, and in the white snow, a black tide spread from afar. It is roughly estimated that there are at least 3 horses!
"Marshal!" Wei Daqiang and other generals gathered together, with equally dignified expressions.

Wei Daqiang spat harshly: "Why is Baidi crazy?"

Jiaojiao had a sullen face, the battle started in midwinter, and the casualty rate was more than double that of other times. Although Baidi soldiers were more resistant to severe cold than Yaohan's, they couldn't afford to hurt one thousand enemies and eight hundred self-inflicted injuries.

They will not go to war lightly unless there is a great benefit to it.

What did the National Teacher's Mansion promise Bai Di?Or something else?

She took a deep breath, suppressed the complicated thoughts in her head, and said loudly: "Then beat them until they don't go crazy!"

"Yes!" All the generals responded in unison, with a loud voice.

The Qiang rebellion had just been quelled, and Baidi's instigation was discovered. The army is still implementing the wartime standard, and they did not rush into the battle unprepared.

All the generals dispersed immediately, and each guarded a section of the city wall.

Jiaojiao looked at Bai Dijun who was approaching, and said: "Archers, get ready!"

The messengers around him immediately issued a semaphore, and a large number of arrows were sent up from behind.

Soon, Bai Di's army came to the tower, and a general riding a white horse and wearing silver armor walked out of the army and said loudly: "I heard that the beauty of the third princess Yaohan moves the world. As peerless as rumored, how is it compared to the number one oiran in Baihualou in our country!"

As soon as this remark came out, the Dingwu army was furious immediately, and Wei Daqiang even jumped onto the battlements, spitting: "You sissy! Come here for me, I'll beat out the egg yolk for you!"

The soldiers were also very angry, so impatient, they even wanted to shoot arrows.

Jiaojiao sneered, drew out two sharp arrows and placed them on the bow, and slowly pulled the bowstring.

The angry soldiers fell silent for a moment, and walked over expectantly and excitedly.

In the distance, on the left of the general in silver and white armor, a bearded man curled his lips in disdain, and said in a low voice, "It's pretty powerful, and it's easy to be fooled when you get excited. It's still a little tender."

The sharp-edged young man on the right pursed his lips, "The Qiang people's fighting power is not low, so we should be more cautious, Burke, provoke her again."

General Yinbaijia nodded, and said in a calm manner: "Oh, I forgot about the princess's golden body for a while, and I can't listen to vulgar words. I'm sorry, I'm sorry! We rough men have no taboos when talking, the princess should go home to embroider Go, it won't be too late to come out after Yaohan's boy dies!"

While speaking, he steered the horse forward a few more steps, stopped three feet away from the shooting range, and his eyes wandered unscrupulously on Jiaojiao.

Suddenly, in the line of sight, two black dots flew rapidly, getting bigger and clearer, they were arrows.

Burke didn't panic, and the corners of his mouth taunted. This distance is not within the range at all.

Burke raised his chin slightly, closed his eyes, and pretended to be waiting for a sharp arrow to stab him.

There was a wind blowing by the ear, blowing the broken hair on the sideburns and blowing it on the face.

As expected, he didn't wait for the sting of the sharp arrow entering his body, and the curvature of his lips became wider and wider.

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