Chapter 612 Obsession (9)

Two popping sounds sounded in my ears almost at the same time, a very familiar sound, like a flying arrow piercing through the fabric, piercing into the flesh...

Burke opened his eyes suddenly, and before turning his head, he heard two muffled groans.

Looking back, the bearded general had a gray-black sharp arrow in his chest, and he fell straight off the horse. Looking to the right, the concubine's younger brother, Naunari, also fell to the ground.

Burke's expression was fixed on his face, why?How could it be hit at such a long distance?

Or two arrows fired together, each hit at the same time!
On the city wall of Shanyuguan, Jiaojiao put down his bow and arrow, and said in a cold voice, "How is this handsome embroidery? Bai Diyuan! Handsome!"

She bit the word "marshal" very hard, almost slamming every single word. Burke's face turned pale for a moment, and he firmly grasped the reins.

The commander is dead, and the morale of Bai Di's army is low. There is no suspense in this battle. By the dawn of the next day, Bai Di did not attack any section of the city wall, so he had to retreat.

In the next half month, they launched raids twice in three days, and as a result, more and more generals died, and soldiers suffered heavy casualties.

During this period, Jiaojiao received a letter from Ji Yun, saying that Shi Ruben was a life teacher secretly trained by the state teacher, and his skills were far above the four priests.

His only mission is to identify Princess Xiyue, but after the calculation, the fortune-teller will suffer backlash and die, so the national teacher will secretly train a fortune-teller every hundred years.

Shi Ru didn't want to die, so he defected from the National Teacher's Office.

Strong in ability and hostile to the National Teacher, Shi Ru's words are probably true, and it is not a conspiracy of the National Teacher's Office.

Ji Yun also explained in detail the cause of the war between Funan and Xirong. Three months ago, the youngest son of King Xirong went to the border with his elders to play and disappeared suddenly.

The preliminary investigation of Xirong found that he was robbed by a group of horse thieves and taken to the territory of Funan. The Xirong side immediately sent personnel to negotiate with the gatekeeper at Funan.

The general of Funan promised to help find it, and let a small team from Xirong enter the territory to search for it himself, full of sincerity.

Unexpectedly, in the end, the body of the little prince Xirong was found in the pond of the guard's mansion. The death condition was extremely miserable, and there were signs of being violated.

Although Xirong Fang was furious, he was very restrained, worried that he would be provoked by traitors, but after further investigation, he found that the little prince was raped to death by the guard's third son who was a child molester.

Xi Rongfang could no longer hold back his anger, and threatened to destroy Funan and avenge the little prince!

The general of Funan shouted conspiracy, and at the behest of the Funan National Army, he said tearfully that he was willing to offer the head of his third son to appease the anger of King Xirong.

How could the King of Xirong not know that this was a conspiracy, the little prince was traveling, surrounded by heavy guards, how could ordinary horse thieves abduct him?
In the initial search, they did not suspect the Funan defender, but due to a series of coincidences, the body of the youngest son was exposed in full view when the Xirong search team was a guest at the defender's mansion.

However, the king of Xirong couldn't accept the humiliating death of his son, and the youngest son did die under the third son of the guard. Funan must give Xirong an explanation for this matter.

After the grief, the king of Xirong gave a solution. Naturally, the life of a prince cannot be taken by the son of a general. Funan can either cede the land, or offer the head of a prince to be buried with the youngest son.

Although the King of Funan has many sons, there are also many who are not favored, but no matter how unfavored, they are still his own sons, how can they be buried with the little prince of Xirong!
Wouldn't that declare to the world that the princes of Funan are not as noble as the princes of Xirong? To put it another way, it is equivalent to declaring that Funan is not as noble as Xirong.

The cession of the land would leave a bad reputation for thousands of years, and the King of Funan naturally disagreed, and the two sides fought over it.

Recently, Funan conveyed to Xirong that this was Yaohan's conspiracy, in an attempt to bring disaster to the east.

Ji Yun is very clear that the driving force behind this matter is the national teacher, but the national teacher's house has deep roots, let alone whether people in the world believe it or not after he exposed it, even if the monarchs of Funan and Xirong believe it, they dare not point the finger National Teacher's Office.

In desperation, Ji Yun could only put the blame on Bai Di's head.

At the end of the letter, Ji Yun confessed that the world is likely to be in chaos, and he will help Jiaojiao get more military power, which can reduce Yaohan's internal friction to the greatest extent.

After reading the letter, Jiaojiao sighed and scolded the national teacher for his wolfish ambitions. He was enshrined by the people of the world, but he did not fulfill his obligations, and instead brought disaster to the world.

A few days later, in the camp of the Chinese army, Wei Daqiang touched his chin: "Marshal, something is wrong with the Tartars, how do I look, they seem to come to die?"

In the past half a month, Bai Di's 3 horses had already been killed and killed more than half, but he still didn't give up. He came to harass him from time to time, which made everyone stunned for ten days and a half months without a full sleep, very annoying.

Jiaojiao frowned, pondered for a moment, and said: "They must have reinforcements coming, General Xu, take a few scouts to investigate into Baidi's territory, and see how many reinforcements they have?"


"General Wei, General Yuan, under your arrangement, the soldiers will take turns to be on duty. If you encounter enemy attacks in the past two days, you don't have to dispatch all the soldiers."



While the discussion was in full swing, the guard suddenly came in: "Marshal, a letter from His Royal Highness King Lu!"

Jiaojiao was overjoyed, and hurriedly received them. These letters were sent by flying pigeons, and the information that could be sent at one time was limited, so they could be scanned at a glance.

"In the middle and late October, there was a sudden heavy snowfall in Baidi, and most of the cattle, sheep and livestock froze to death."

Wei Daqiang sneered: "It turns out that they ran out of food, and they planned to come to Yaohan to grab it! I said why they are crazy, so they are crazy from hunger."

The crowd laughed.

Jiaojiao's thought was that there was not enough food, so he would not be able to fight for a long time. This time, Bai Di would definitely send a large number of troops, hoping to break through the Shanyu Pass in one fell swoop with an overwhelming number.

As a result, Bai Di's country is empty, and he is expected to sneak in and steal the king's seal!
Seeing her bright eyes, Wei Daqiang was immediately excited: "Marshal already has a clever plan?"

Jiao Jiao nodded slightly: "We have endured them for so long, we should take the initiative to attack! General Xu, find out the number and location of Bai Di's reinforcements, and come back immediately; General Wei, pick out six thousand cavalry who are good at equestrianism, and let them rest well. No rotation for two days! Look for three guides, make some logistical preparations..."

Three days later, General Xu reported: "There are about [-] Baidi's reinforcements, and now they have arrived in Meiguli, about a hundred miles away from Shanyu Pass."

On the same day, Jiaojiao, together with Wei Daqiang and Zheng Cheng, each led [-] cavalry out of the customs, rushed into Meguli from three directions, entered Baidi's reinforcements, and left before they organized a siege.

Bai Di's reinforcements sent out elite cavalry to chase them twenty miles away, but they lost track and had no choice but to return.

At the beginning of Shen Shi, the exhausted army huddled behind a snow hill and gnawed dry food. A group of cavalry rushed out from behind the snow hill again, like a sharp sword cutting a knife in the center of the army.

General Bai Di was so angry that he stomped his feet and led his troops to chase after him. Half an hour later, the distance between the two sides was reduced by more than half, and it was only a matter of time before they caught up.

Suddenly, a black dot flew from the white and chaotic snow...

No, it's a trick!
(End of this chapter)

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