At the critical moment, Cheng Geer suddenly fell to one side, almost parallel to the horse's back, narrowly dodging the sharp arrow.

The cold sweat broke out on the back, he gasped for a few times, and was about to get back on the horse when another sharp arrow flew in. In the suspended state, the only thing Cheng Geer could do was to move his body to avoid it. The key.

The arrow flew into his body, and the huge impact caused him to fall off his horse and roll down the slope.



The chasing cavalry hurriedly reined in to look for him. When they found him, Cheng Geer had fallen into a coma. In desperation, the soldiers had no choice but to take him back to the army station.

I didn't want to, but saw that the army was in turmoil. It turned out that during the time they were leaving, another cavalry raided and left with one blow, causing hundreds of casualties.

Everything in the winter snowfield is dormant, and in the night, only snowflakes are falling.

Jiaojiao wrapped her cloak tightly and looked up at the sky with snowflakes falling. It’s the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month. It’s almost the Chinese New Year. I don’t know what the New Year’s scene will be like in Shangjing...

The clatter of horseshoes sounded, followed by Wei Daqiang's hearty laugh: "Hahaha, I'm so happy! I'm so happy!"

The general Zheng Cheng also echoed with a smile: "Yes, I have been harassed by the Tartars these days, and now it's their fault! The marshal's plan!"

Jiaojiao turned around, looked at the two of them and said: "The rest will be left to you, take turns to harass, remember, you will retreat as soon as you strike, and you must not love to fight! Time must be changeable, and no one can see any rules."


Jiaojiao was still a little worried, and reminded again: "The goal of our trip is only to disturb the enemy, not to seek victory. Our reinforcements are already on the way."

Nearly [-] troops, if the opponent is encircled, these thousands of troops will fall in without any bubbles.

After repeated instructions, she led two thousand cavalry and a guide through the snowy field and headed towards Bai Di Wang's court.

Kuocang Mountain, National Teacher's Mansion.

In the turbulent Yin Qi, Yinhua's figure was slim and charming, and her voice was gloomy and stern: "How is the investigation?"

In front of her, there were phantoms of the four high priests. Hearing this, the four of them showed bitterness and shook their heads slightly.

Priest Baihu boldly asked: "Could it be that Princess Xiyue hasn't been born yet?"

In the past few years, they have secretly investigated the princesses of the four countries, and even the princesses of the royal families. There are no girls raised in secret in the palaces and palaces of various countries.

The daughters of the royal family, those who are not favored, live cautiously and swallow their breath; those who are favored, each have their own way of life, and none of them is like Princess Xiyue.

"No." Yinhua was in a bad mood, having controlled Donglu for more than 2 years, the ants worshiped her as if they were gods.

In the beginning, there was no news of Xiyue's birth. She didn't think about betrayal at all, thinking that there was another change. After all, there were many changes after the Nanming Dynasty.

However, it has been one hundred and three years since the death of Xiyue in the Longqing Dynasty. Princess Xiyue must have been born, and there is still no news. There is only one possibility.

The royal family betrayed and hid her birth!

A mere mortal dares to betray!
Yinhua was so angry that she almost lost her mind. She wished she could kill all these ants in one fell swoop!

The billowing yin energy was constantly churning, and the mountain was full of dark winds. Even if they were not present, the four priests were terrified.

After making an appointment for a cup of tea, Yinhua finally suppressed the anger in his heart, and ordered in a cold voice: "Investigate again, investigate the circumstances of the births of princesses under the age of 20 in every detail, and give priority to investigating those who died of stable wives and wet nurses." Understand."

Since he betrayed, he must hide and pretend, and according to the previous emperor's attitude towards Xiyue, he would not be able to find out.


"How did Shi Ru find it?" Yinhua asked again.

"The subordinate is incompetent. Since he lost his trace in Xunyang City nine years ago, there has been no news of Master Ming. He seems to have evaporated from the world."

Yinhua's mood was even worse, another rebellious ant who betrayed under his nose!

"Find him and kill him without mercy!"

In addition to being angry, Yinhua felt deep fear in her heart. In the final analysis, these ants dared to betray because of the accident in the Nanming Dynasty, which made them realize that Princess Xiyue's will is far stronger than her own national teacher. It can be said that those who follow her prosper, and those who oppose her perish.

No, you can't let her out of your control.

Just one accident changed the attitude of the aristocratic family towards her. After a few more times, wouldn't it be true that all the beliefs of the people in the world belong to her.

Without the incense offerings from the ants, how can I cultivate and advance?
It is too slow to test the national strength of the four countries, we must find her out as soon as possible!
Thinking of this, Yinhua broke off contact with the four priests and came to a secret courtyard in a small town down the mountain.

In the courtyard, the trees are verdant and the vines are luxuriant, almost covering the entire courtyard. The candles in the house are like beans, and a thin figure is reflected on the window.

With a creak, the door opened, and a young man in a snow-white Taoist robe walked out, bowing his head and saluting: "My lord."

As the wind blew, a few pages of paper floated towards the young man. Yinhua said coldly, "These birth dates should be calculated one by one."

After speaking, she floated into the room.

The young man roughly glanced at the horoscope above, his expression changed suddenly, these are the horoscopes of the birthdays of the princesses of the four countries.

Glancing at Yinhua who was waiting for the result above the incense table, the young man showed a bitterness on his lips, and went in silently and began to calculate.

He was recruited by Yinhua after the previous teacher left. He has only been studying for less than nine years.

After trying his best to calculate the birth date of the first princess, his whole body was covered with cold sweat, as if he had been fished out of the water, his lips were pale, without a trace of blood.

Yinhua was unmoved.

The young man had no choice but to continue to calculate, and after a while, a streak of bright red blood soaked from the corner of his mouth, he swayed and fell down.

Startled, Yinhua hurried over, only to find that he was just unconscious.

She was extremely disappointed, and raised her hand to inject a wisp of Yin Qi into the boy's body, ordering him to continue to calculate after he woke up...

Half a month later, the boy's complexion was pale and dry, his eye sockets were sunken, his eyeballs were protruding, his movements were slow, and he looked like a mummy.

After calculating one, he stopped, waited for Yinhua to infuse him with Yin Qi, then mechanically picked up another one and started to calculate. Following the calculation, he saw a large group of orange glows explode in front of his eyes...

There was a loud bang, and the place where the boy was was was covered in debris like rain.

Yinhua floated over quickly, blowing away the meat and bones, and saw the words on the note on the ground, the third princess Yaohan.

"It turned out to be Yaohan!" Yinhua was furious, and the Yin energy in his body was surging, smashing the objects in the house.

Suddenly, the soul moved slightly, and the priest of Qinglong was calling her.

"My lord, Bai Di has perished!"

"What?" Yinhua paused, Princess Xiyue was born in Yaohan, which proved that Yaohan was the weakest in the four kingdoms, why did Bai Di die?

"The third princess Yaohan led troops to surprise King Baidi's court and captured King Baidi alive."

"Yaohan, the third princess?" Yinhua asked in disbelief, her cold and stern voice carried the fear she hadn't realized yet.

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