At the beginning of the 24th year of Xuande, Baidi's country was destroyed, and the whole world was shocked.

No one expected that not long after the war between the two countries started, Bai Di would die before the war!

In the Yaohan Palace, Emperor Xuande finished approving the last booklet and put him back on the imperial case. Eunuch Xu stepped forward cautiously, waiting for orders.

"Go and tidy up, I will rest in the palace today." He raised his hand and rubbed his forehead, only to feel that he was very flustered tonight.

Eunuch Xu responded in a low voice, and hurriedly went out to send the little servants to the various palaces to inform the concubines that their evening makeup can be removed.

In Taichen Palace, Emperor Xuande finished undressing and washing under the service of the maids, and was about to take a rest when there was a rush of footsteps.

He frowned, Eunuch Xu understood, hurriedly went out to inquire about the situation, and walked in quickly: "Your Majesty, the high priest is here, saying that the national teacher is here."

"National teacher?!" Emperor Xuande was shocked, his heart beating wildly.

After a while, he settled down and tried his best to stop the panic in his heart. The National Teacher lived in Kuocang Mountain all year round. Even if the dynasty changed, he rarely went down the mountain. The affairs of the National Teacher's Mansion were all decided by the four priests.

Going down the mountain in person this time, he must have discovered that he had concealed the birth of Princess Xiyue.

The people who knew about it that day, except for the third child, all died...

These thoughts flashed through his mind quickly, he nodded lightly, and said in a deep voice: "I will go to the National Teacher's Mansion to pay my respects tomorrow morning."

As he spoke, he sat on the dragon bed and pondered what to say for tomorrow.

Eunuch Xu was in a dilemma: "Your Majesty, what the High Priest means is that the National Teacher is going to see you now."

"Now?" Emperor Xuande was surprised, it was almost midnight now.

Eunuch Xu nodded.

Emperor Xuande's heart fell.

A group of people left the palace and arrived at the National Teacher's Mansion. The high priest stopped the palace guards and only let Emperor Xuande enter the main hall alone.

The hall was dim, and the white gauze curtain fluttered gently, as if someone was whispering in his ear, Emperor Xuande's heart tightened, and he felt a little cold all over his body for no reason.

He slowly lifted the curtain blocking the way, and called out cautiously: "Master of the State?"

No one answered.

He continued to move forward, passing through three curtains in a row, and finally saw a graceful figure reflected on the white gauze in front of him.

He was shocked, the national teacher turned out to be a woman!

After only a moment, he calmed down his emotions, bowed respectfully and saluted: "I pay my respects to the Master of the State Teacher, I don't know why the Lord summoned you late at night, why?"

"What's the matter?" Angry voices came from all directions, and the curtains in the room fluttered violently and rustled.

Emperor Xuande pretended to be calm: "Please make it clear, my lord."

After the words fell, the white gauze in front of him condensed into a long whip, and slapped him hard on the face.

Emperor Xuande hissed in pain, covered his face, and was filled with disbelief that he, the majestic king of a country, was actually beaten!
He clenched his fist tightly, trying to control the anger in his heart.

"Explain? I won't leave the mountain for a long time, and the ants are getting more and more courageous. They dare to play tricks in front of me!" Yinhua was furious.

"My lord, calm down."

Emperor Xuande complained incessantly. He had expected the day when the Dongchuang incident would happen, so he prepared his speech early, and only waited for the national teacher to point it out. .

Finally, Yinhua said what he wanted to hear, "How dare you betray me and conceal the birth of Princess Xiyue, what a dare!"

"Princess Xiyue?" Emperor Xuande put on a surprised expression, "She was born? In my Yaohan?"

He took a deep breath and hurriedly asked: "Who is it? Sissy? No, I watched her when she was born; Jiaojiao? It's not right either. Although I didn't see her when she was born, I went to see her the next day." , there is no little red dot on the forehead!"

"Didn't you see it when you were just born?" The curtains flying in the room stopped.

Emperor Xuande breathed out quietly, he frowned, and recalled: "The queen gave birth that night, I was waiting outside, and then my third son came, saying that his grandfather said some strange things to him, he didn't understand , I’m here to ask for advice.”

Speaking of this, Emperor Xuande showed a hint of helplessness at the right time, with a hint of resentment and resignation: "Marquis Changping controls half of my Yaohan's military power, and I am concerned about his affairs, so I immediately took the third child to the side hall for questioning.

Later, Jiaojiao was born, but the queen was bleeding heavily. The queen and I were young and married, and we couldn't care less about anything else. We went to the delivery room to comfort us, and personally ordered the imperial physicians to treat us. Unfortunately, at dawn, the queen still couldn't get over it. "

Emperor Xuande's voice was choked with sobs, his eyes were a little moist, he hurriedly lowered his head, and a cloudy teardrop fell to the ground.

"Continue." Yinhua's voice was cold and ruthless, without any emotion.

Emperor Xuande wiped the corners of his eyes and continued: "I was mourning unceasingly. I only remembered at dusk that I hadn't seen my little daughter who just had an accident, so I hurriedly ordered someone to bring her. The servant comforted me and said that Weiyang Palace was busy at night. Guarded the little daughter until midnight before leaving, and went to Weiyang Palace to guard it early in the morning, the palace people served them very attentively.

I took a closer look, and there was no little red spot on his forehead. Later, when he arranged for adoptive mothers for the two princesses, considering that the third child was very fond of this younger sister, he gave the younger daughter to his mother concubine Luo Guifei to raise him. "

After finishing speaking, he swallowed nervously: "What? The little girl is Princess Xiyue?"

The graceful figure on the curtain is a bit distorted: "Why did you kill Wen Po and other palace officials?"

"This..." Emperor Xuande showed some hesitation, "The empress passed away, I mourned uncontrollably, and my mood was extremely irritable, and I didn't like anything.

A palace official blocked the way, so I kicked her. Her head hit the edge of the table, and a pool of bright red blood flowed out. At that time, I felt dizzy and my brain was buzzing.

When I came back to my senses, I was filled with grief. The servant said that I ordered all the people in Wenpo palace to be beaten to death, but I didn’t remember that I had given such an order. Trying to think about it gave me a headache. I haven’t figured out what it was. What happened, they were beaten to death, and they had no choice but to let it go. "

He paused and said vaguely: "Later, I stayed away from my third son."

"Your third son? What happened to him?"

Emperor Xuande was full of embarrassment: "My third son has been very strange since he was born. Every time in Zhongyuan, he will have a strange disease, which will attract the ghosts from nearby. I issued an order to all the palaces to stop the rumors.

The fact that the palace man was killed by a stick is really strange, I couldn't help feeling suspicious, so I slowly moved away from him. "


There was a bit of curiosity in Yinhua's tone, and Emperor Xuande was overjoyed, and continued to increase his credibility: "The first Hungry Ghost Festival after his birth was extremely dangerous, so I invited a mage from your mansion to suppress it. Save your life.

At that time, the master said, he didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse if he survived. Over the years, I thought about the friendship between father and son, and I couldn't bear to touch him for a long time. "

After finishing speaking, he cautiously raised his head and glanced, only to see the slender figure on the curtain motionless, as if lost in thought, Emperor Xuande was determined, with his head lowered, a triumphant and mocking smile appeared on his lips.

So what if the National Teacher's Mansion is superior to the royal family, after all, they are just a group of sorcerers who practice mystical arts, and they don't understand government affairs and people's hearts at all.

Just when he was secretly complacent, the snow-white curtain floated over, wrapped around his neck, and tightened suddenly.

"How courageous, you dare to lie in front of me!" Yinhua was so angry that she dared to lie in front of her. If it wasn't for the last smile of the other party, she would have believed it!

Emperor Xuande felt that his neck was bound by a steel ring, and he couldn't breathe. He dug his hands into the white silk and tried to create a little space with his fingers.

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