Chapter 615 Obsession (12)

Bai Ling tightened again, her fingers were almost strangled, and the blood could hardly flow. Emperor Xuande opened his mouth wide, and struggled to squeeze out vague words: ""

Just when he thought he was going to die, the white silk around his neck loosened, and he fell limply to the ground, gasping for breath. The feeling of regaining the air was so wonderful that every cell in his body screamed happily.

"Say, what's going on? If you dare to lie..." The light veil fluttered, gently brushing against Emperor Xuande's cheek, like a lover's gentle hand.

Emperor Xuande flinched, knelt on the ground, and kowtowed heavily: "Master, please forgive me, I really didn't..."

"I'll talk about it when I think about it." The words were light and airy, full of aura, and the words on the lips of Emperor Xuande were stuck.

He gritted his teeth, and was about to continue to defend, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw that there was nothing under the white gauze in front of him, without feet.

He raised his head abruptly, and glanced at the figure reflected on the curtain from the beginning to the end. He was obviously standing behind the curtain, so how could he have no feet?

Thinking of the ethereal, ethereal voices coming from all directions, and the chill in the room, Emperor Xuande shuddered.

Yinhua spoke again: "I don't want to hear a lie."

There was a wind in the house, and the curtain was blown away. Emperor Xuande clearly saw that there was no one behind the curtain!
However, when the wind stopped, the graceful figure on the snow-white curtain still existed, and even leaned over.

A drop of cold sweat rolled down his forehead, he gritted his teeth, stood up suddenly, and lifted the curtain. On the table was the Ruinao Incense Burner, with a few sticks of burning incense stuck in it, the smoke was lingering, and the woman's body Hide and show.

"Damn it-"

Emperor Xuande screamed, turned around and ran out, bang bang bang, all the windows were closed, and the curtains danced like a demon with teeth and claws, entangled him and dragged him back into the house.

"It seems that I really underestimated the courage of you ants." Being disobeyed repeatedly, Yinhua was furious and determined to torture him severely.

When he found out that Yinhua was not a human being, Emperor Xuande was so frightened that he couldn't resist anymore, and explained the original things cleanly like beans poured out of a bamboo tube.

After digesting for a while, Yinhua asked: "He really knew that it was Princess Xiyue before he had seen it? Did he ask you to hide it?"

"It's true. I also felt strange at the time. He said he guessed it, and asked me how I recognized it."

Yinhua observed his expression, she didn't seem to be cheating, she fell into deep thought, she only told the emperors of all countries about Princess Xiyue's red brows, the second prince should really not know, then how did he recognize Xiyue princess?
Really just guessing?
A nine-year-old child can have such a scheming, concealing the news, trying to change his ways, and it really made him succeed.

The current Yaohan is not only not the weakest in the Four Kingdoms, but under the protection of Princess Xiyue, he may even be the strongest.

"It seems that I have to meet you, the third prince."

Emperor Xuande hurriedly said: "I will arrange for him to come to pay respects at the mansion tomorrow when I go back."

"No, I'll go in person," Yinhua said, looking at the pale crescent moon outside the window, "Go now! You can go back."

Emperor Xuande almost wept with joy, he answered yes, and scrambled out.

Not long after Emperor Xuande came out of the palace, a black shadow turned into Lu Wang's mansion, walked through the pavilions and pavilions, and came to Ji Yun's study.

"What? The national teacher summoned His Majesty at this time?" Han Zhuo's eyes widened, and he looked out of the window suspiciously.

The visitor nodded and replied: "Your Majesty has been out of the palace for a quarter of an hour, and he should see the national teacher by now."

Han Zhuo looked at Ji Yun with a sullen face: "Your Highness, this is unusual. Except for urgent military affairs, even His Majesty will not summon his courtiers in the middle of the night. What is the national teacher going to do?"

Ji Yun's eyes were deep, and he said meaningfully: "She summons anyone in the middle of the night."


Han Zhuo looked bewildered, but Ji Yun had no intention of explaining, and said to the black-clothed guard: "You must report any movements of the emperor in time."


Sending off the guards, Ji Yun sent Han Zhuo away as well, while he stared at the candlelight in a daze: Ah Yue's fate of being isolated forever came largely from the control of the national teacher.

Only by overthrowing the National Teacher's Mansion can she get rid of her fate and grow up like an ordinary child.

However, the National Teacher's Mansion has been passed down for tens of thousands of years, and the tree has deep roots. It is not easy to bring it down.

The national teacher is also a female ghost of ten thousand years. In the hearts of the people in the world, she is no different from a god. If she bluntly says that she is a ghost, not only will no one believe her, but it is very likely that the people in the world will criticize her.

It's hard to do this in a short time, I don't know how much I can do in this life...

While thinking about it, the candlelight in the room flickered a few times and then went out suddenly. At the same time, a cold wind blew in.

"Who!" Ji Yun drew out the long sword on the desk, stood up and scanned the room vigilantly.

Soon, he concentrated his mind on the slightly closed window, with a flick of his wrist, the sword light rushed out like snow, smashing the window to pieces.

After the smoke cleared, there was no one outside, but the guards rushed over after hearing the sound, and asked nervously, "Your Highness, is there an assassin?"

Ji Yun frowned, just now he clearly felt someone outside the window, how could he disappear?
Suddenly, he thought of that cold wind, how similar to the scene of the Ghost Festival.

He sneered and said: "Master Guoshi, you are here, why don't you show up and say something?"

"Master of the State Teacher?" The guards became agitated, looking around in surprise and nervousness, trying to find out where the State Teacher was.

Under the shadow of the whirling tree, a white shadow gradually appeared, Xuan Er moved lightly, and slowly walked out of the shadow of the tree, looking at Ji Yun with eyes full of scrutiny: "Why is this sword in your hand?"

Ji Yun's heart moved slightly. According to the descendants of the Jiang family, the Mo Li sword was taken away by Jiang Shida after the two of them died. Since then, the sword has been kept in the Jiang family. It is reasonable that the national teacher should have never seen it.

When the mages of the National Teacher's Mansion reported back afterwards, did they mention Mo Lijian?

"I heard that you suggested to your royal father to conceal the birth of Princess Xiyue, what a daring one!" Yinhua's tone gradually became serious, and suddenly there was a strong wind, and countless vines flew out amidst the shaking trees. Yun wrapped around.

Ji Yun waved the Mo Li sword, smashing the vines that hit him, and the invisible coolness passed through the sword light and soaked into the skin.

Cold, cold to the bone marrow.

In an instant, he only felt that it was the day when Zhongyuan's ghost door opened again, and boundless Yin Qi invaded his body.

After a moment of stalemate, Yinhua exclaimed, "Yin Qi? How can you have hellish Yin Qi in your body?"

She stopped, looked Ji Yun up and down, and asked solemnly: "Who are you?"

Ji Yun pinched his palms, tried to stay awake, and threw a talisman while he was unaware.

(End of this chapter)

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