Chapter 616 Obsession (13)

The moment it came into contact with Yinhua's ghost, a puff of green smoke rose from the talisman paper, but unfortunately it was extinguished in an instant.

Holding the damaged talisman paper, she gritted her teeth with fury on her face: "Shi Ru's talisman!"

Ji Yun raised his eyebrows: "I'm curious, how can you teach a Taoist apprentice to catch ghosts?"

"Do you know Shi Ru?" Yinhua stared at him intently, suddenly realized, "It's your fault that he disappeared without a trace?"

Ji Yun was noncommittal.

"Who the hell are you?" Yinhua became more and more suspicious. Besides Princess Xiyue, when will another mysterious person appear in Donglu?
Ji Yun intentionally asked her about her grievances with Jiaojiao, why Jiaojiao was imprisoned in the deep palace for life and death.

Yinhua didn't give him a chance, and rushed towards Ji Yun with a sneer: "No matter who you are, if you dare to spoil the good deeds of this seat, you will die!"

Ji Yun never knew how to catch him without a fight. After he learned from Shi Ruchu that the national teacher was a ghost, he paid attention to the methods and utensils used to deal with ghosts. Over the years, he collected some, such as the one in his hand that was refined with the blood of a black dog. beans.

However, he underestimated Yinhua, her speed was too fast, and when he was about to throw the beans, Yinhua was already on his body.

The beans fell from Ji Yun's hands, rolled along the smooth floor for a certain distance, and got stuck in the gap between two stone slabs.

Ji Yun struggled to take a step, but Yinhua took away the control of his body. 'His' face showed ecstasy, and the voice was also Yinhua's female voice: "It really is the yin energy from hell, hahaha...God is still Take care of this seat!"

This weird scene frightened the guards to death. Those timid ones even put down their weapons and ran away with their heads in their arms: "Help—there is a ghost—"

The guards who didn't run away didn't dare to step forward, holding their weapons and trembling uncontrollably.

The ecstatic Yinhua stopped suddenly, and his heart was full of doubts, wait, this soul is familiar, whose is it...

A handsome face emerged from the depths of her memory, she suddenly widened her eyes, she was beyond shocked, and the Yin Qi around her body also churned endlessly.

"It's you! It's you! It's you!"

good chance!
Seeing the opportunity, Han Zhuo strode forward, picked up the beans in the crevice of the stone, and threw them vigorously at 'Ji Yun'.


Accompanied by a hiss of pain, 'Ji Yun' body shook a few times, and Yinhua's ghost was driven out.

She didn't care about teaching Han Zhuo a lesson, she just looked at Ji Yun in shock, and murmured: "So you are Lu Fei's reincarnation!"

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, she sensed something was wrong. Lu Fei didn't know that when Princess Xiyue was just born, there would be little red spots between her eyebrows. Besides, after reincarnation, the past was forgotten, how could he tell Princess Xiyue apart?

Convinced Emperor Xuande to conceal the birth of Princess Xiyue, uncovered corrupt officials within more than ten years, checked the army's empty pay, reduced the common people's taxes, and forcibly reversed Yaohan's decline.

One by one, the noble, intelligent and capable prince can indeed do it, but there is a better explanation in connection with the yin energy from hell in his soul.

Yinhua's pupils trembled, and he said incredulously, "You haven't forgotten your previous life, and you still have Lu Fei's memory! How is this possible? How did you do it?"

She found it unbelievable, but when she possessed her body just now, the soul she saw was indeed Lu Fei's, and the look in his eyes at this time all showed that it was true!

The guards were stunned by the huge amount of information, they forgot to be afraid for a while, looked at Ji Yun, and waited for his answer.

Ji Yun lowered his eyes, quietly looking at the ground not far away, wondering what he was thinking, when the cool night wind blew by, raising the broken hair on his forehead.

After a long while, the pair of deep phoenix eyes slowly lifted up, and they shot straight at Yinhua with lingering and chilling eyes.

The thin lips parted lightly, and every word seemed to swear: "I paid such a high price to come back from hell just to change her fate. If someone blocks her, gods will block and kill gods, and Buddhas will block and devour Buddhas!"

Intimidated by his eyes, Yinhua forgot to refute for a while, but when she realized it, she suddenly felt that she couldn't hold back her face. She was so dignified and capable, but she was intimidated by a little kid, and she said where to save face.

"What a big tone, I want to see how you kill ghosts!"

As she said that, her figure disappeared suddenly, and a gust of wind blew up on the flat ground, blowing people blind.

"So what about reincarnating with memories, your yin energy, this seat is about to be fixed!"

Ji Yun quickly took out the Zhang Yang Fire Talisman and held it in front of his forehead. When the Yin wind hit, the Yang Fire rushed up.

After a while, the cloudy wind subsided, and Yinhua's figure reappeared a foot away, obviously a bit darker than before.

She had a gloomy face: "You are a living person, Yin Qi is harmful to you, but it is beneficial to this seat. It is not just right that we each take what we need."

Ji Yun said coldly: "No need, you and I have different goals, just be an enemy honestly."

The negotiation is based on equality between the two parties. The other party's words and demeanor are full of contempt. How could he be kind enough to help him and do some tricks in the middle? He is afraid that he will die in advance.

Yinhua's eyes flickered slightly, and he snorted softly, "If you don't drink the toast, your soul is extremely weak. Even if I don't make a move, you will lose your soul sooner or later."

There was a sneering arc on Ji Yun's lips: "Since that's the case, you can just wait, why bother to do anything, it's unnecessary."

Yinhua sighed in admiration: "You can look down on life and death at a young age, not bad, you have the potential to become a monk.

However, do you know what a soul is scattered?It is not death, it is more terrifying than death, completely disappearing between heaven and earth. "

Ji Yun's eyes tightened suddenly, his thick eyelashes trembled slightly, and soon he restrained his emotions: "It's okay, as long as you don't leave any regrets when you live."

As he said that, he threw another Yanghuo Talisman at Yinhua, and at the same time, Yinhua's ghost seal just finished condensing, and also attacked Ji Yun.

Ji Yun slashed horizontally with his sword, but did not destroy the ghost seal at all. He turned around to avoid it, and at the same time sprinkled a handful of refined beans, the ghost seal swayed, and still flew towards him...

Unlike his left-handed and right-handed, Yinhua was calm and relaxed. After avoiding the Yanghuo Talisman, he raised his hand, and ghostly air flew out, and got into the nostrils of the guards next to him, and then came out of the ears, and flew out of the courtyard.

The guards were so limp on the ground that they were lifeless.

After a stick of incense, the ghostly aura that flew out returned to her body, and the whole Luwang Mansion was as silent as death.

"No one bothers us now." She waved lightly, and the Yanghuo Talisman on the ground flew to her hand without wind.

Pressing the index finger against the thumb and rubbing it lightly, the Yanghuo Talisman burned and turned into ashes in an instant, but Yinhua's ghost remained unchanged.

Ji Yun was startled, his expression changed suddenly, the Yanghuo Talisman didn't work on her, she was just acting!

ghost print!

Never get her ghost mark!

She has been doing the show for so long to complete the ghost seal. This ghost seal must be very powerful.

Ji Yun jumped up and fled outside using lightness kung fu.

But it was already too late, Yinhua raised his hand to make a tactic, ghostly spirits caught up with him, weaving a net around his body to bind him firmly, making him unable to move.

(End of this chapter)

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