Chapter 618 Obsession (15)

Jiaojiao frowned, what's going on?The phrase "you dare" was clearly said by him when he saw his second brother being locked up, so why did it come from the sky?

The second brother is really being locked up by a female ghost?
It's only spring, and it's still early before the Ghost Festival. How could there be ghosts looking for him?
She took a deep breath and looked at Wei Daqiang: "General Wei, the second brother is in danger, I want to go back..."

After replying to the words, a pair of disappointed eyes suddenly flashed in my mind. Under the gaze of those eyes, the remaining words were stuck in my throat, and I couldn't say any more.

She is the commander-in-chief of the three armies, how could she leave the army behind.

Wei Daqiang felt strange before waiting for her follow-up words, and reminded in a low voice: "Marshal?"

Is it his illusion? Why does it feel like the third princess is about to cry?
Jiaojiao pursed the corners of her lips, Marshal...

Yes, she is already the commander-in-chief of the three armies, and she is no longer the arrogant and willful third princess in the palace.

After a while, she let out her breath slowly, and asked in a deep voice, "Have you verified the whereabouts of the Fenxi Army?"

"It's being verified, and the scout will be back tomorrow morning."

"It's all gone, so I can rest." Jiao Jiao nodded, and walked towards the tent with heavy steps, "Huang Tao, bring a carrier pigeon in."

After Baidi's death, the Fenxi army that had rushed to the border retreated and gathered the remaining forces to counterattack and restore the country.

This army is very cunning, taking advantage of Yaohan's army's lack of familiarity with the terrain, they waged guerrilla warfare with them, and it was difficult to completely wipe them out in a short period of time.

Not only did they see it during the short dawn, but all the sleepless people in Donglu also saw it, and countless people woke up from their sleep, wondering...

Luwangfu Study Room.

The ghostly spirit was surging, pens, inks, papers and inkstones, books, calligraphy and paintings, cups and cups were all overturned and placed in a mess on the floor.

After a full cup of tea, the ghostly aura subsided, and Yinhua's ghost gradually emerged, empty and pale, no longer condensed as before.

She looked outside with lingering fear, the aura had long since disappeared, the moonlight outside the house was full, and through the window, the ground was covered in white.

It's her, Princess Xiyue!
Yinhua was angry and frightened, this was not the first time she was attacked by Princess Xiyue.

At the beginning of the year, when she learned that every hundred years, a girl named Dai Yue would be born in the royal family, she guessed that Donglu's sealing had something to do with that girl.

There is no hope of ascension, all her life's hard work was in vain, and the anger and aggrievedness that had been suppressed for many years finally found an outlet. She immediately rushed into the palace to kill the culprit to vent her anger.

Unexpectedly, the situation in the world changed, and a thunderbolt almost knocked her out of her wits. She fled back to Kuocang Mountain to recuperate for nearly a thousand years before she managed to recover.

At first, she thought it was a rule of heaven that monks were not allowed to attack mortals, so she instigated them to do it, and it was impossible if they didn't want to.

Later, she finally understood that Donglu was a place of healing that Da Neng, who was seriously injured, encircled for herself, and those monks, monsters, and spiritual plants were just ants who were affected by the disaster.

She has practiced for thousands of years, experienced all kinds of tribulations and tests, and was about to ascend to the Tao, but her hope was cut off before dawn, how could she be willing to do this!
Recalling the past, Yinhua's mood was agitated, and the ghostly atmosphere in the house that had finally calmed down surged again. A small portrait flew past her eyes. In the sunny garden, the girl was wearing a light yellow dress, smiling like a flower, with clear apricot eyes The eyes are full of bright sunlight, shining brightly.

Yinhua was furious, raised his hand and waved a few ghostly auras, tore the small statue to pieces, and said ruthlessly: "One day, I will avenge the old and new hatreds together!"

After finishing speaking, she floated out of the study, glanced at Ji Yun who was about to wake up, and disappeared into the night with several ghostly auras.

Priest Qinglong looked at the national teacher whose soul was almost transparent, and paled in shock: "Master national teacher! You are injured!"

Yinhua was expressionless: "Three things, first, let Emperor Xuande call her back and confiscate her military power, Princess Xiyue should stay in the deep palace obediently and wait to die;
Second, declare to the world that the second prince of Yaohan, Ji Yun, is the reincarnation of a ghost and will bring disaster to the world, and order Emperor Xuande to execute him immediately;

Third, the Juyin plan is speeding up. Three months later, I want to see the armies of the four countries gather at Kuocang Mountain! "

"Don't let us deal with the ghosts?" Qinglong Priest was full of doubts. If there were no ghosts, he would bring out some ghosts and ghosts to subdue them. Now such a good opportunity, why give it up to the royal family?

Yinhua's expression twisted, and he said bitterly: "No, let the emperor do it himself."

In the final analysis, Princess Xiyue's changes were caused by this Lu Fei. If she could kill him herself, how could she miss this opportunity to appease her anger.

But Princess Xiyue obviously protected him. She killed Lu Fei during the Southern Ming Dynasty, and she took revenge on all those who participated in the siege;
This time too, thousands of miles away, they actually triggered Lingguang to save him, and dealing with him was no different from directly confronting Princess Xiyue.

If Xiyue's identity is announced to the public, in the event of Bai Di's perishment, the aristocratic family will be more in awe of her; for the people of the Eastern Land, it is difficult to explain why Yaohan, who should be dying, can be wiped out under her leadership. Drop Bai Di.

Thinking of this, Yinhua added: "In addition, let Emperor Xuande continue to conceal the fact that she is Princess Xiyue."

After explaining all this, she hurriedly sent back to Kuocang Mountain from the magic circle in the house to recuperate.

Of the three things, the first two are all just a message, and Priest Qinglong decided to focus on guiding Yaohan's army to Kuocang Mountain.

Unexpectedly, the next day, he was caught off guard—Emperor Xuande was critically ill.

Needless to say, Priest Qinglong also knows the cause of the disease. How can ordinary people withstand the impact of the ghostly spirit of the thousand-year-old ghost?

He couldn't help complaining secretly to the national teacher, since he still has to use others to do things, why bother to be serious, he doesn't know how powerful his own ghost is, scaring and scaring are enough.

With a lot of slander in his heart, he turned around and went to Changpinghou's mansion, but was told that Changpinghou and his son went to the palace last night and have not returned yet.

He left a message for the mistress of the house, and he returned to the National Teacher's Mansion to direct the Juyin plan. At noon, the leader of the forbidden army, Han Jin, led people into the National Teacher's Mansion to ask for an explanation, and asked the Qinglong Priest to hand over the National Teacher.

The National Teacher's Mansion is the aspiration of the people, the sacred place in the hearts of the people, so a large group of officers and soldiers surrounded the National Teacher's Mansion, which naturally attracted the attention of the people.

Soon, they learned the reason for the siege of the mansion from the angry soldiers. The national teacher was a fierce ghost. He summoned Emperor Xuande last night and let his Yin Qi enter his body. After returning to the palace, he fell into a coma and was critically ill;

In the middle of the night, she broke into Prince Lu's mansion again and started killing. Except for Wang Lu who escaped by chance, none of the guards and servants of Prince Lu's mansion survived.

The crowd was in an uproar, and Xuan Er was filled with righteous indignation, rushing up to scuffle the soldiers, some of them even threw rotten vegetable leaves and rotten eggs at them, shouting that these fanatics who slandered the national teacher and blasphemed the gods would be smashed to pieces.

Han Jin stared wide-eyed, and shouted angrily: "Stop! Stop everything!"

(End of this chapter)

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