Chapter 619 Obsession (16)

Han Jin was dressed in black iron armor, with awe-inspiring aura, the people were caught by his aura, and subconsciously stopped.

However, the crowd was only quiet for a moment, when an indignant aunt threw a rotten egg on his face and gave him a savage mouthful: "You officials are nothing more than domineering, how dare you If you come to the National Teacher's Mansion to act wildly, you won't be afraid of being blamed by the gods, who will let you cut off your children and grandchildren..."

What the auntie said was unanimously echoed by the people, and all kinds of rotten eggs, vegetable leaves, stones, small objects and even soup and water were thrown at him.

In an instant, Han Jin was submerged.

Several personal guards rushed forward to help him block it, and shouted at the top of their lungs: "Everyone, calm down, calm down, we will definitely give evidence for this matter..."

Unfortunately, no one listened.

Hearing the vicious abuse from the people and remembering the tragic death of his cousin, Han Jin's eyes turned red, he raised his hand to wipe the egg liquid from his face, and said in a deep voice: "I know you don't believe me, and I don't believe it myself. I don't want to believe that the national teacher we have believed in for generations is actually a murderous female ghost.

But the facts are in front of us, so we can't help but believe it.Last night, I escorted the national teacher who went to meet with His Majesty. When we arrived at the National Teacher's Mansion, all of us were stopped outside the house, and she only saw His Majesty.

As soon as she entered, she heard a loud slap, she slapped His Majesty, and then heard His Majesty yelling 'Ghost' in horror.

Two quarters of an hour later, His Majesty came out with disheveled temple hair, disheveled dragon robe, and an extremely frightened expression. He fainted on the dragon chariot as soon as he left the Imperial Teacher's Mansion.

We hurried back to the palace and invited the imperial physician. Except for a shocking bruise on his neck, there was no scar on His Majesty's body, and he was not poisoned, but he was unconscious and his time was running out.

After discussing with the imperial concubine, the virtuous concubine, and others, they ordered us to invite the prime minister, Lord Hou, and Lu Wang into the palace to discuss His Majesty's condition.

I never thought that as soon as I arrived at the gate of Lu Wang's mansion, I found the mansion door was wide open, and several guards lay dead outside the mansion. On the way to Lu Wang's study, there were corpses all over the place, all of them had wide-open pupils, dark purple faces, and extremely terrified expressions. distortion.

More servants died in their sleep. They were alright, without fear, but their faces were dark and purple.

Lu Wang was sitting under the big tree outside the study, and he also had the same bruise on his neck as His Majesty.He said that if it weren't for the vision from heaven, he would have died at the hands of the female ghost.

Many of you must have seen the vision last night, so I don’t need to say more.If you still don't believe me, the corpses of the people in Lu Wang's Mansion are placed there, let's go and see if they died violently?Would a normal death be like that overnight? "

The cause and effect and various details were clearly explained, coupled with the vision of last night, the people fell silent.

In the silence, a skinny old man whispered: "I saw it, I passed Zhuque Street last night, and saw a few guards running out of Luwang Mansion in panic, shouting ghosts as they ran.

Not far from the gate, Sen Bai's ghostly aura chased out, penetrated their nostrils, and then came out from their ears, and then they fell down. "

"I remembered it too! I heard someone shouting ghosts in the middle of the night last night." The man who spoke was dressed in stone blue clothes and dressed as a servant. Many people present recognized him. The neighbor of Luwang Mansion, Jing'an The concierge of the Bofu.

After him, several concierges from various houses on Suzaku Street expressed that they had heard some movement.

Seeing that the people gradually believed it, the aunt who threw rotten eggs raised her brows upside down: "This doesn't explain anything. We all know that King Lu is a devil, and the people in the palace may have been killed by him!"

This time, before Han Jin could speak, someone in the crowd questioned, "Then what happened to the strangle marks on his neck..."

Han Jin let out a little breath, King Lu was right, the national teacher is not unshakable, and the people who worship her as a god are beginning to be shaken, let alone those aristocratic families who have more information?

They had suspected it a long time ago, but they just pretended to be deaf and dumb because of the power of the National Teacher's Mansion. Now that the National Teacher is seriously injured, it is a good time to get rid of her.

He drew out his broadsword and tapped on the weapons next to him to attract everyone's attention.

"Today we must seek an explanation for His Majesty, the prince, and the innocent dead, and ask the high priest to hand over the national teacher!"

Priest Qinglong was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. Last night he personally entered the palace to invite the emperor out of the palace. He knew everything that should be known in Shangjing, and the matter of the state teacher's visit to Shangjing could not be concealed.

He pretended to be calm: "The national teacher has rushed back to Kuocang Mountain overnight."

Han Jin sneered, chasing after the loophole and beating him fiercely: "After nightfall yesterday, none of the gates of the four sides of the city had been opened, how did the national teacher get out of the city?"

"Master Guoshi's supernatural powers are beyond the expectations of ordinary people like you. How can a mere city gate stop her!" Priest Qinglong spoke eloquently.

"'You are a mortal'? So the high priest admits that the national teacher is not a human?"

Priest Qinglong panicked, he complimented him habitually, and said it smoothly!

He bit the bullet and said nonsense: "Master Guoshi is a master of Taoism, so he is naturally not an ordinary person."

Han Jin's eyes sharpened: "Whether it's an expert or a ghost, I'll find out later! Get out of the way, we must go to the National Teacher's Mansion to search today!"

After finishing speaking, without giving the high priest a chance to refute, he turned his head and said to the people: If you are worried, you can watch from the sidelines, but you must not obstruct official duties. "

As soon as these words came out, the people swallowed the persuasion that was already on their lips, and readily agreed.

No matter how reluctant Priest Qinglong was, he couldn't hold back the imperial guards and the people at this time, and he was reluctant to open the door and let them in.

Han Jin winked at one of his subordinates, who immediately understood, squeezed out of the crowd calmly, and rushed back to the palace to report.

"Go back to the prince, the plan is going well, and the forbidden army has entered the National Teacher's Mansion."

Ji Yun nodded slightly: "If there is a situation, report it immediately, and you must leave before sunset."

After a pause, he added: "Don't hurt the common people."

The national teacher stays in Kuocang Mountain all the year round, and there should not be many traces left by her in the national teacher's mansion, but the national teacher's mansion has stood for nearly ten thousand years, and it must be full of filth. will also be damaged.


The man was ordered to leave.

Ji Yun looked at the midday sun, and the tension in his heart relaxed a bit. Under the shining sun, no matter how angry the female ghost was, she could only hold back in the dark.

With a creak, the palace door behind him opened, and the little eunuch Xiao Fuzi hurried over: "My lord, Your Majesty has summoned you."

Ji Yun hurriedly walked towards the hall, Xiao Fuzi followed him, and said in a low voice: "The imperial doctor said, it's a return to light."

Ji Yun's footsteps faltered, Xuan Er quickened his pace, and entered the Taichen Palace. The main hall was full of ministers of civil and military affairs, and a group of concubines and concubines were also waiting nearby. Eunuch Xu guarded the door of the sleeping hall. When he saw him coming, he hurriedly opened Open the curtain.

Ji Yun was slightly taken aback, this is to see him alone.

In the dormitory, Emperor Xuande sat on the bed leaning on the large pillow with the golden dragon pattern, his face was rosy, and changed from the previous blue and white.

He looked at Ji Yun with a complicated expression: "If I could, I would never choose you. You have the blood of the Marquis of Changping on your body, and you are too affectionate. The word "love" is taboo for emperors. No choice."

The eldest son Ji Xuan's mother's family is in decline, his character is weak, he can't suppress Chang Ping Hou, and he has committed the crime of treason against the palace. If he is passed on, the officials will definitely not accept;

The third son, Ji Yao, was young, and his mother's house was the residence of the Marquis of Changping. If he was established, the Marquis of Changping would be able to control the court without any effort, and turn the Ji family into the Luo family's world.

I was in my prime, so I thought I could add another prince. With the princess Xiyue going out to fight and attracting the attention of all parties, the prince would grow up safely.When Xi Yue dies ten years later, Marquis Changping's power should be almost divided, and there will be no worries at that time.

I don't want to, but the sky fails to fulfill people's wishes.

The only gratifying thing is that under his own design, Ji Yun broke with Changpinghou. Even if he was in power, Changpinghou's mansion would not be very close to honor;
In addition, judging from the means that Ji Yun has shown in recent years, it is absolutely no problem to balance the court and govern the country.

Yaohan was handed over to him, and there was hope to keep it.

Ji Yun pursed the corners of his lips: "Believe it or not, before you imprisoned the minister, the minister never thought of taking over the heir."

He raised his head slightly, looked at the sachet hanging on the curtain, and said sadly: "What I want is to protect Yaohan and prove to the world that she is not a disaster star that intercepts the dynasty's fortune, nor is it a bad omen.

I just want to fulfill her wish, so that she can grow up happily like an ordinary girl under her parents' knees, instead of being imprisoned in a deep palace compound, guarding the same piece of land from birth to death. Square sky. "

When a person is about to die, he sees many things clearly, Emperor Xuande sneered: "Since you don't want to seize the heir, why did you push the flames and force your elder brother to force the palace?

Xiyue is related to Yaohan's life and death, I will protect her, if you stay in Jingshui Garden honestly, today I don't have to..."

Ji Yun's lips moved, and he really wanted to ask if he should die honestly when he released snakes and poisoned him, so that the secret of Jiaojiao being Princess Xiyue became the only one he had ever had, so that he could avoid Chang Pinghou's delusional thoughts. A top secret that he alone knows.

However, looking at the dying emperor on the dragon bed, he swallowed back these heart-breaking questions, and only said: "I don't feel relieved to hand her over to you."

Time was running out, Emperor Xuande no longer entangled in the past, hummed twice, and raised his voice: "You must promise, you must keep the Ji family."

This is also Ji Yun's goal, he nodded, and said loudly: "I will do my best!"

Obtaining his promise, Emperor Xuande was relieved, and ordered Ji Yun to call Wen Wu into the house, and publicly announced the succession of the emperor's second son, Ji Yun.

The last decree was issued, the military situation is important, the third princess does not need to go back to Beijing for the funeral, and then she closed her eyes amidst the crying of the officials and concubines.

At dusk, the imperial guards came to report that a large number of skeletons were found in the mansion of the Imperial Teacher in Shangjing. After inspection, [-]% of them were human bones.

The public was in an uproar, and public opinion was no longer one-sided.

That night, few people in Shangjing could sleep peacefully, and everyone ignored the death of Emperor Xuande and paid attention to the movement outside, especially those officers and soldiers who participated in the search, all of them were terrified.

After staying up all night, Ji Yun heaved a sigh of relief before the national teacher took revenge, guessing that the national teacher was seriously injured this time.

He started working on Emperor Xuande's funeral and was very busy.

Priest Qinglong was also in a state of desperation. The task given to him by the national teacher was to have Emperor Xuande execute Ji Yun. Now that Emperor Xuande passed away early, Ji Yun was enthroned as emperor. To persuade his subjects to kill him would be a crime of treason.

What is even more frightening is that Emperor Xuande woke up and probably informed the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs of the real identity of the national teacher.

Priest Qinglong was in a state of mind for a while, he didn't know where to start, and he couldn't get in touch with the national teacher...

After nearly one month of national mourning, Ji Yun ascended the throne and changed his reign name to Zhaowen.

After dealing with the Wenjiang dam burst, Pei Zheng, who came back from the south, rushed into the palace to meet the new monarch excitedly. As soon as he entered the imperial study, he saw Ji Yun holding a pen and hanging his wrist, writing something.

After seeing Li, he joked, "Are you picking your brother-in-law?"

Ji Yun raised his eyebrows, "What?"

"You don't know," Pei Zheng said bitterly, "I was surrounded by seven aunts and eight aunts right after I came back, and they all asked me, what are your requirements for choosing a brother-in-law."

Ji Yun's eyes paused slightly, and he said vaguely: "Marriage matters cannot be sloppy, there are too many things to do just after enthroning, I have no time for a clone, and the second sister's marriage has been handed over to Concubine Xian."

Pei Zheng pretended to be angry: "Is it sloppy? What everyone cares about is the marriage of your precious third sister."

Ji Yun's expression faded a bit: "She is still young, don't worry."

When his friend ascended the throne, Pei Zheng was in a good mood. He didn't notice his abnormality for a while, and still joked to himself: "Sister-in-law can choose slowly, and the draft can't be delayed. I heard from my mother that all civil and military officials are working hard now. To be your husband."

Speaking of this matter, Ji Yun also had a headache, and his mother had mentioned this matter several times.

While talking and joking, Pei Zheng caught a glimpse of the imperial edict he had just completed on the table, naming the third princess as Princess Zhaoyue.

Pei Zheng frowned slightly: "Zhao? Does this offend your name? And the word Yue, isn't it inappropriate, it makes people think of Duke Xiyue..."

He paused, a trace of suspicion flashed in his eyes, "Could it be that she..."

Ji Yun admitted straightforwardly: "It's just what you think."

This matter was mainly concealed from the national teacher. Now that the national teacher is known, there is no need to hide it; more importantly, after 14 years of hard work, Yaohan's strength has greatly increased, and now Jiaojiao has also initially proved himself with military exploits.

It is very appropriate to reveal your identity at this time.

"She, she, she is..." Pei Zheng gasped, unable to speak in shock.

After a while, he managed to calm down a bit, and murmured: "I really didn't see it, wait a minute, the national teacher's attack on the late emperor and you could not be because of her..."

Ji Yun nodded again, and told about the concealment of Jiaojiao's identity with Emperor Xuande.

Thinking of the current situation in various countries, Pei Zheng gave a thumbs up: "Amazing! For more than 2 years, your father and son are the first kings to change their destiny!"

Ji Yun said in a deep voice: "The biggest crisis has just begun before we can talk about success."

Pei Zheng raised his eyebrows: "The national teacher will not allow Princess Xiyue to escape her control."

Ji Yun looked out of the window and said lightly: "So, take advantage of her illness and kill her!"

Next, Ji Yun ordered Dali Temple to thoroughly investigate the bones of the National Teacher's Mansion, and at the same time sent the noble children to Baidi to join the Dingwu Army.

(End of this chapter)

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