Chapter 620 Obsession (17)

Not long after, he received a letter from Jiaojiao complaining, "Second brother, what kind of people did you send here? They are all thin-skinned and tender-fleshed, and they feel tired after walking two steps;
Pick and choose when eating, for a while I think the dishes are not fresh enough, for a while I think the meat is overcooked, and for a while I say the heat is wrong. This is a military camp, not a restaurant! "

At the end, he urged again: "Hurry up and send someone to take over the government affairs!"

Ji Yun laughed, picked up his pen and replied: I believe in your charm, you will be able to subdue them.

"Your Majesty, Lord Pei is here."

Ji Yun hurriedly said: "Please."

After seeing the ceremony, Pei Zheng said: "It's been too long, and the clues left on the bones are limited, so it's hard to find out. Only the baby's skeleton can be used to write something, but there is no conclusive evidence, and it is easy to be overthrown.

Moreover, even if it is found out, it is the problem of the National Teacher's Office, and the female ghost can be wiped out if she is not strict.

The snake hits seven inches, I still suggest to directly investigate the female ghost, after so many years, she will definitely leave some clues! "

Ji Yun rubbed the blood-red seal of King Baidi on the case table, and said: "Shi Ru said that he once picked up a little girl's embroidered shoes in Kuocang Mountain. The fabric is new and luxurious, and the workmanship is exquisite. Maybe this will be a breakthrough."

"Do you suspect that the female ghost killed the little girl?"

Ji Yun nodded, female ghosts are always cautious, except for the life masters who personally teach them, the four priests are not allowed to go up the mountain.

The terrain of Kuocang Mountain is dangerous and the security is strict, so it is basically possible to rule out strays; the embroidered shoes are brand new, and they will not be left by the former teacher.

The little girl appeared in Kuocang Mountain, but she could only be brought up by the female ghost.

Pei Zheng murmured strangely: "What is she taking a little girl up to the mountain for? To kill her? Inhale yang energy? No, then there's no need to bring her up the mountain."

Thinking of the female ghost wanting her own yin energy, Ji Yun thought, "Maybe it's because of his peculiar fate. I remember that there is a saying in Taoism that the year is cloudy, the moon is cloudy, the sun is cloudy, and people born at these special times are naturally suitable for being with ghosts." Let’s deal with each other and find out if anyone with a strange fate has disappeared over the years.”

"It's a direction, I'll check it right away!"

Ji Yun waved his hand: "Leave these things to other people. I came to you for other important matters. You go to Baidi to take over the government affairs and handle the surrender matters. Let Jiaojiao take the initiative and focus on chasing the Fenxi Army."

Pei Zheng raised his forehead: "It's another mother for your precious sister. I think she takes care of it quite well."

"I've been impatient for a long time," Ji Yun raised the letter in his hand and shook it, "here, it's the third time this month that I sent a letter to urge you."

Pei Zheng accepted his fate, packed his bags and rushed to Baidi when he returned home.

Half a month later, when she heard that Pei Zheng had arrived, Jiaojiao almost burst into tears, and immediately blocked him in the carriage with a large pile of letters and documents to be processed.

She raised her hand to call Yang Yuan, the sixth son of Duke Cheng'en's mansion: "Cousin Six, send Prince Pei Jiu to the royal court immediately!"

Pei Zheng, who was about to get out of the car, was stunned, Xuan'er pushed her away, jumped out of the car, and said angrily, "I have come all the way here, you should let me rest at least."

Jiaojiao raised her eyebrows at Huangtao, signaling her to put the letters and documents into the carriage, while she said to Pei Zheng with a smile, "It's the same when you take a carriage and rest on the road."

He turned back and pointed at the soldiers of the supply battalion who were dismantling the tents and packing up their belongings, "Look, I'm ready to go."

Pei Zheng: "..."

"Don't worry, I asked General Zheng to lead [-] troops to guard the royal court, and they will guarantee your safety!"

The army is ready to leave, what can Pei Zheng do, he can only seize the time to ask the business: "What is your charter for each tribe before? Which ones can be trusted, which ones need to be wooed, and which ones should be targeted. Give me a list."

"What else can there be? I only have a few soldiers and horses, and I have to pursue the remnants of Fenxi. It is extremely difficult to leave [-] to guard the royal court, so I don't have the energy to take care of other things.

If you are restless, you will be beaten, and if you are disobedient, you will be killed. "

Pei Zheng was dumbfounded, "So rough?"

Jiaojiao shrugged: "It's fine as long as it's easy to do. Back then when we invaded the royal court, those princes and ministers made a fuss. I picked a few kings who took the lead, and the others immediately became honest."

Pei Zheng was speechless, and felt that his brain must have been kicked by a donkey before, so he thought she was doing a good job of taking care of things.

This is just like taking care of the prisoners. Thanks to her prestige, such a simple and crude method has not gone wrong for so long.

Jiaojiao said again: "Don't worry, at the beginning Baidi wanted to take Shuobei in one fell swoop, so he mobilized elite troops from various tribes to form the Fenxi Army.

After King Bai Di was taken into captivity, many other tribe soldiers defected to the Fenxi Army. Even if the remaining tribes made troubles, they would not be able to stir up any splashes.

This Bai Di is really strange. I heard that many tribes were dissatisfied with King Bai Di in the past, and they would make troubles from time to time.

I thought that after King Bai Di was taken into captivity, they would take advantage of the trend and claim to be kings under the banner of restoring the country, but I didn't expect them to join the Fenxi Army one after another. "

While she was talking, Yang Yuan had already led the horse and waited beside the carriage, looking as if he was ready to leave immediately.

"I'm just a hard worker." Pei Zheng sighed, took out a letter and handed it to her, "Your second brother gave it to you."

After finishing speaking, he resigned to his fate and got on the carriage, heading for the royal court.

After reading the letter, Jiaojiao stroked her chin, subdued by charm?What charm do you have...

She turned around and looked under the big tree not far away. Several sons and brothers got melon and fruit snacks from somewhere, and they were leisurely eating melon seeds and fruits and chatting, which formed a sharp contrast with the busy logistical soldiers.

Looking at it made people angry, she looked away disgustedly, intending to do something out of sight.

Suddenly, a loud bang came from the direction of several people.

Looking up, I saw a delivery cart overturned and food spilled all over the ground. The logistics soldier pushing the cart fell beside the cart in a dog-gnawing posture, and there was a piece of banana peel not far from his feet.

Jiaojiao suddenly became furious, and continued to fight, the supply vehicles were seriously worn out, Baidi's affairs were uncertain at the moment, and it was difficult to supply, each vehicle was extremely important.

Before she could respond, a young man with a rough face and a black face cursed and said, "You dog, don't you have eyes? It's bad for you..."

"Shut up!" The culprits were so arrogant, Jiaojiao's mood dropped to freezing point.

Seeing her coming, the sons and brothers stood up one after another, quickly threw away the melon seeds and fruits, and saluted unnaturally: "Third Princess."

Her face was frosty, and she looked coldly at the charcoal youth Yang Heguang: "Pick it up, and apologize!"

Yang and Guang argued: "I didn't throw it, it was..."

"I don't like repetition."

"I said I didn't throw it away!" Yang Heguang poked his neck, full of dissatisfaction, "Princess, you don't distinguish between right and wrong, and you are unfair, I don't accept it!"

After finishing speaking, he glanced at the logistics soldier again, and said contemptuously: "Apologize to him? A corvee, is he worthy?"

Jiaojiao's patience ran out in an instant. Compared with the regular army that charged into the battle, the status of the logistics battalion was indeed inferior, but this did not mean that the logistics battalion was not important. Sometimes, they could even decide the outcome of a war!

What's more, these delicate young masters haven't been on the battlefield yet, and they have been eating and drinking for nothing, how dare they despise the logistics soldiers!
She suddenly raised her foot and kicked hard.

Yang Heguang was used to being domineering in Shangjing, so he didn't expect her to strike directly. Unprepared, he was kicked out immediately and slid a foot on the ground before barely stopping.

He curled up, panting in pain.

A group of sons and gentlemen froze in place. For more than ten years, the third princess was a little girl who was pampered and raised in the deep palace, a girl who fluttered butterflies and admired flowers.

During the days when they came to Dingwu Army, there was no war, and they never saw her wielding knives and guns. In their inherent impression, she was still that delicate little princess.

Seeing such a violent scene suddenly, everyone couldn't help being in a daze. Yang Heguang's body was covered with flesh, and it was difficult for grown men like them to hold him up. However, did the third princess' kick really fly, or did her feet leave the ground? kind of.

What's even more frightening is that she didn't blush or breathe, she looked very relaxed, as if she just lifted her feet casually.

Jiaojiao walked over slowly, looked down at Yang Heguang from above, "Not convinced? Hold on."

After a pause, he said again: "Since you look down on the logistics soldiers so much, you will go to the supply camp as an errand from now on."

Yang Heguang's heart tightened, he didn't care about the pain in his abdomen, he knelt down and begged for mercy: "Princess, forgive me, this subordinate knows it's wrong."

Bai Di's overall situation is settled, victory is a certainty, they came to be gilded, went to the supply camp, and have no chance to participate in the war, how can they make meritorious deeds?

Thinking of this, he turned his head to look at the logistics soldier again, and apologized swiftly, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have insulted you."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the logistics soldier to speak, he turned his head and looked at Jiaojiao expectantly, "Princess, your lord forgive me..."

Unmoved, Jiaojiao turned around and glanced sharply at the crowd: "Who threw the banana peel?"

"Me." A person stood up weakly, "I am not because of..."

"Go to the supply camp too." Jiaojiao was not in the mood to listen to his excuses, and interrupted directly, "If you don't go, get out."

After speaking, she turned to leave.

The logistics soldier was grateful and worshiped: "Congratulations to the Marshal!"

Looking at Yang Heguang and Xing Hongyi, who were mourning their concubines, the young masters felt chills in their hearts. Xing Hongyi was the young master of the Dingyuan uncle's house and the nephew of Hussar General Xing Zhizhou.

The third princess didn't show affection at all, and she was punished when she said that she would be punished.

Looking at the logistics soldier who left, and thinking of his phrase 'Marshal', the young masters realized that the soldiers' respect and admiration for her was not because she was a princess.

On the other side, Jiaojiao, who was leaving, looked at the letter in his hand and muttered to himself: "It's better to suppress violently!"

For these dandies who are not as high as her in status, not as high in position as her, and not as powerful as her, if you subdue them with charm, you really flatter them!

She folded the letter casually and handed it to Huang Tao: "Old rules, put it away."

At noon, when the scouts came back, they found the exact location of the Fenxi Army. The army immediately pursued them. The two sides fought at Yandang Mountain. Three days later, the Fenxi Army was defeated and fled again.

Taking advantage of the steep terrain of Yandang Mountain, they broke up into pieces and escaped in three ways after crossing the mountain.

Naturally, the Dingwu army divided into three groups and pursued them. This pursuit lasted for a whole month, spanning almost half of Baidi, and killed tens of thousands of enemies. Only [-] elite cavalry of the Fenxi army fled.

Now that the enemy's whereabouts had been lost, Jiaojiao ordered the soldiers to camp on the spot and take the opportunity to take a good rest.

She took out a pen, ink, paper and inkstone to record the battle situation this month.

Huang Tao was grinding by the side, and seeing her tired face, she couldn't help persuading her: "Princess, please rest first, I haven't slept well for a whole month, and even the gods can't stand it. It's the same to write down notes when you have time, anyway, It's all over."

Huang Tao is very puzzled, why bother to record the battles that have been fought, those battles are over, even if a better strategic arrangement is found during the recording, it is just an afterthought, useless.

Why not use this time to rest and recharge your batteries.

Even if you want to record, you can wait until you have time to do it.

Jiaojiao shook his head: "The things that can be remembered in the brain are limited. After a long time, many details will be forgotten. After the war, we must review it in time."

It took a full half an hour for her to record everything and was about to rest when Wei Daqiang's personal guards came.

"Marshal, our people found a trace of the Fenxi Army near Shijiao Mountain, and the general has already led people to chase it."

"Shijiao Mountain," Jiaojiao repeated softly, looking subconsciously at the map at hand, looking for the location of Shijiao Mountain.

Soon, it was found.

Shijiao Mountain is located at the junction of the Kilan Plain and the Xubei Hills. Over the Shijiao Mountain is the Kilan Plain.

She was stunned, the commander of the Fenxi army had his head kicked by a donkey, did he plan to race horses with them on the plain?

Suddenly, she fixed her gaze and said loudly, "Huang Tao, bring me my notes!"

Huang Tao hurriedly brought the notes, Jiaojiao flipped through them, picked up a pen and circled a few points on the map, with a serious expression on his face.

This was the escape route of the Fenxi Army, and after marking them all on the map, she realized that it was not the first time that such a suicidal situation like today happened, but it was not so obvious before.

Sometimes, just at a fork in the road, the Fenxi Army chose a more dangerous direction.

"Why do I feel that they are deliberately leading us to a certain direction?" She propped her chin and checked the locations behind Shijiao Mountain one by one. There were indeed several locations that were very suitable for ambush.

But she felt that she was not a fool, and she would definitely be cautious and cautious about dangerous situations. Even if there was an ambush, it would be impossible to hit them severely in one fell swoop.

What is the purpose of the Fenxi Army?

After convening high-level generals for a meeting to discuss, there was still nothing. It was hard for everyone to imagine that with the current 5 troops of the Fenxi Army, what kind of shocking trap could be laid.

What's more, since King Bai Di was captured and announced his surrender, nearly [-] troops of the Fenxi Army had died on the way to escape, and the price was too high.

"Go and call General Wei back."

After pondering, Jiaojiao made a decisive decision, no matter what conspiracy the other party had, the best way now is to directly take down these 5 people, and then no matter what conspiracy he has, it will not work.

She looked at the map and circled a place of decisive battle—Nachuan Ridge with a Chinese ink pen.

"Everyone, no matter what method you use, you must push the Fenxi Army to Nachuan Ridge..."

It was night, when it was raining heavily, Jiaojiao rushed out with [-] elite cavalry, riding fast, day and night, detoured to the front of Naichuan Ridge, and completed the encirclement with the rest of the troops.

(End of this chapter)

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