Chapter 621 Obsession (18)

On the top of Naichuanling Mountain, you can see far away, and on the vast plain, the glistening green dances with the wind, deep and shallow, like waves.

At the end of the field of vision, a black spot suddenly appeared, and it was shooting towards this side. As the distance got closer, the black spot became bigger and bigger, and gradually revealed the whole picture. It was the [-] Fenxi elite cavalry who had fled.

She turned around and looked at the [-] cavalry behind. They had been on their way day and night, and they had barely reached Nachuan Ridge half an hour ago. The soldiers' eyes were red like rabbits, but their eyes were firm.

She said in a deep voice: "I know everyone is very tired, but we must stop the attack of the Fenxi Army, stop them, and buy time for the army behind!"

Everyone responded in unison: "Marshal, don't worry!"

Jiaojiao nodded, turned around, and the bright red cloak drew a sharp arc in the wind, like a ball of flames, igniting the fighting spirit in the soldiers' hearts.

At this time, the earth began to shake, and the [-] Fenxi Army, like a thunderbolt, crossed the field and appeared at the foot of the Naichuan Ridge. Thousands of horses were galloping, unstoppable, and the hearts of the soldiers beat unconsciously.

However, when their eyes fell on the unmoving figure in front of them, and on the flying red cloak, the fear and timidity in their hearts were suppressed.

After several months of fighting, wherever this smear of red has passed, there is no disadvantage!

After a while, she exhaled and let out a sound, like a phoenix chirping at the sky, spreading across the mountains, subduing the sound of galloping horses: "Arrows come!"

A bodyguard quickly places a heavy bow in her outstretched left hand, while another holds a quiver to her right.

The crowd became excited, and the exhaustion from the march for several days was thrown away by them. They all held their breath and focused, and their eyes followed her movements firmly.

The movements of drawing the arrow, stringing the string, and drawing the bow were smooth and flowing, and after a moment of aiming, the arrow was released, and the arrow went like a shooting star, crossed the low and gentle slope, and sank into the chest of a bearded man riding a Haiqing horse.


"There is an enemy attack, everyone be careful!"

Accompanied by a series of chaotic exclamations, the Fenxi army stagnated, and the people around the big man quickly surrounded him to protect him firmly behind him.

Another general stood up and shouted loudly: "Look for cover!"

Three more sharp arrows flew towards him, and the standing general and the two guards beside him fell down.

"It's the third princess Yaohan! Go back!"

As soon as the three arrows were fired, the Fenxi army immediately understood who the enemy was, and became more and more flustered.

In nearly three months of fighting, they have already seen the horror of the third princess Yaohan, with superb archery skills, taking the head of an enemy general is as easy as picking something out of a thousand armies;
Commanding the legion to fight is also remarkable. Even if there are negligence, she can make up for it in time with her strong personal combat power.

At this time, the general who was hit by the arrow first struggled to stand up, ignoring his own injuries, and shouted: "No, rush over! There are not many of them, catch Yao alive..."

Before he finished speaking, another sharp arrow flew towards him, hitting the center of his eyebrow.


The soldiers exclaimed, and soon someone realized that Yaohan's army had been falling behind, and his side was all cavalry, marching very fast.

To be able to detour far beyond them and reach Nachuan Ridge first, it must be a long journey day and night, and you must be tired at this time.Besides, if you don't attract the attention of your own army, the opponent's number will not be too many.

"Soldiers, go!" An officer shouted.

The [-] cavalry rushed towards Nachuan Ridge regardless, and what greeted them was a rain of arrows as dense as raindrops.

After a few waves of arrow rain, the Fenxi Army reached the middle of the mountain, and huge boulders rolled down from the top of the mountain, and the soldiers who rushed in front were smashed to blood by their men and horses...

About two quarters of an hour later, the stones prepared in advance were gone, and the Fenxi army had already rushed forward. Next, they could only resist desperately with their flesh and blood.

Jiaojiao looked back. So far, the casualties of one's side are negligible, while the casualties of the enemy are heavy. However, the numbers of the two sides are still too large, and the enemy can overwhelm them in an instant.

Glancing around, her eyes fell on the big tree next to it, which was inch by inch!

"Cut down two trees!" While speaking, she snatched a big knife, cut down a nearby tree, rushed up with the trunk in her arms, used the big tree as a spear, and swung it wildly. The Western Army was swept down and rolled down the mountain.


"I go!"


"Marshal mighty!"

The soldiers on both sides of the enemy and us are all dumbfounded, and the uncontrollable fear grows in the hearts of every soldier of the Fenxi Army. Is this still human?
The Dingwu army watched with enthusiasm, wailing and followed her to kill the enemy, while the two guards went to cut down trees.

They all understand that their marshal is fighting for their hope of survival, and if she delays for a moment, they will have more hope of living...

When Jiaojiaowu broke the third big tree, there was finally a cry of killing from the foot of the mountain. Wei Daqiang arrived first from the rear with his soldiers and horses.

Not long after, the other two armies arrived, and the situation between the enemy and ourselves was turned upside down in an instant. By the early morning of the next day, almost all the enemy's middle-level generals and above were killed in battle, and nearly [-]% of them died under Jiaojiao's care.

The remaining 5000 troops surrendered with a white flag under the leadership of a leader, and of the 2000 elite brought out by Jiaojiao, only [-] survived to the end.

She rubbed her swollen head, and ordered someone to bring over the remaining young generals of the Fenxi Army.

"Tell me, where are you going to lead us?"

Several young generals have not yet entered the state of captivity. You look at me and I look at you, hesitating.

Jiaojiao yawned: "Chop it up if you don't say it, don't delay my sleep."

"Kuo, Kuocang Mountain," one person hesitantly said, "Xuanwu Priest said that as long as you are led to Kuocang Mountain, the National Teacher will have a way to wipe out you all, and will help us restore the country."

Another person added: "On this road, we also have the help of the National Teacher's Office, so we can persist for so long."

Jiaojiao was stunned for a moment. After King Baidi surrendered, all members of the royal family were escorted to Yaohan to go to Beijing. The meaning of this restoration of the country is that the national teacher will support the new king among this group of people.

The National Teacher's Mansion is powerful, and with their support, even a beggar can counterattack and become the king of a country.

No wonder this group of people are so strange, regardless of casualties, and no matter how many generals died, the new generals fled with the Fenxi Army as usual.

However, this promise sounds like a cover. If the National Teacher's Office really wants Bai Di to restore the country, why must it lure Yaohan's army to Kuocang Mountain.

With the power of the National Teacher's Mansion, Yaohan's army can be trapped in Baidi's territory, and then slowly plot it.

Jiaojiao ordered Huang Tao to fetch the carrier pigeons, sent letters to Ji Yun and Pei Zheng respectively, and planned to rest for a few days before heading back to court.

Too many things have happened in the past few months, and she has many questions to ask Ji Yun herself.

Unexpectedly, two days later, he received a letter from Pei Zheng, asking her to sit in Wangting. In order to prevent her from running away, Pei Zheng even sent someone to wait for her on the way back.

In desperation, Jiaojiao had no choice but to separate from the army and let Wei Daqiang lead the army back to Shuobei, while she went to the royal court with her personal guards and those young masters.

Fortunately, she was only here to act as a deterrent to the door god, and Pei Zheng took care of everything.

Today, the sky is bright and clear, and the wind is smooth.

Jiaojiao dressed up with Huangtao in disguise, wandered in the street, tasted Baidi's special snacks, and felt the exotic customs.

Not long after, she heard Bai Di's people talking about Ji Yun being the reincarnation of a fierce ghost, which would bring disaster to the world. She hurriedly found someone to inquire carefully, and learned that this was an imperial edict issued by the National Teacher's Office a few days ago.

Now, she was not in the mood to hang out, and hurried back to ask Pei Zheng.

"Aren't you busy chasing the Fenxi Army a few days ago, so I stopped the news. It's just a counterattack by the National Teacher's Mansion, it's not a big deal."

Pei Zheng spoke calmly, but Jiaojiao's mood was not at ease. He had just ascended the throne, his foundation was not stable, and Marquis Changping was watching over him. At this time, being splashed with dirty water by the National Teacher's Office could not be a big deal.

That is the National Teacher's Mansion that surpasses the Four Kingdoms. Their words are regarded as the standard by the common people.

She asked in a deep voice, "How long will it take here?"

"It won't be long. It's not that easy to accept a country." Pei Zheng sighed lowly. He also wanted to deal with the matter here quickly and go back earlier.

Time flies, spring goes and winter comes, and it is another year in a blink of an eye.

In March of Yangchun, the peach blossoms are burning.

Pei Zheng passed by the courtyard where Jiaojiao lived, and suddenly saw Yang Heguang coming out of the courtyard, his face radiant.

He joked with a smile: "Today, what method did you think of to please the third princess?"

The sons and buddies who came out of Shangjing are a bit of a dandy, but they have the unique blood of a young man. After the first battle in Nachuanling, they worship Jiaojiao very much, especially this Yang Heguang, and they want to worship her as their teacher!

"Several peach blossoms!"

Yang Heguang was beaming with joy. In the past year, he had given away all the things he could give away, such as brocade clothes, hairpin jewelry, magical weapons, and even a few handsome young men. I like it very much.

Unexpectedly, she picked up a few peach blossoms on the side of the road today, and she liked them very much!

"You actually gave her peach blossoms!" Pei Zheng's expression suddenly turned subtle.

Yang Heguang's heart tightened, "What's wrong with Peach Blossom? I think the princess likes it very much."

Pei Zheng smiled meaningfully and left.

Yang Heguang was baffled, thought about it and felt uneasy, and found another way to go in, only to see Jiaojiao was putting those peach blossoms in a vase with a gentle expression like water, and he really liked it.

(End of this chapter)

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