Chapter 622 Obsession (19)

The next day, it was his turn to be on duty.

Seeing Jiaojiao coming out of the house, Yang Heguang approached courteously: "Morning princess..."

Before he finished speaking, he was pushed back by Jiaojiao, and when he stood still, he saw that the general who had swung a big tree as a spearman on the battlefield actually squatted down, and carefully picked up a peach from the place where he had just landed. The petals rest gently in the palm of your hand.

Yang Heguang felt very disillusioned. Is this still the heroic and mighty Generalissimo who counts one as ten?

Jiaojiao didn't notice his disillusionment at all, she looked at the water tank in the corner of the yard, and then at the ground, her brows were furrowed, and she looked very embarrassed: "It doesn't seem good to just drift with the water and be crushed into mud?"

Yang Heguang was so shocked that he almost blurted out: "He Fang evildoer, what did you do to our Marshal?"

Jiaojiao turned her head and cast a sideways glance at him: "If you haven't woken up, jump into the pond to wake up."

This look, this tone, is undoubtedly the third princess.

Looking at the peach blossoms on the window sill, feeling the spring breeze blowing the petals down, Yang Heguang suddenly thought of Pei Zheng's meaningful eyes yesterday.

For the next two days, Yang Heguang and the guards on duty were miserable. When patrolling, they were very cautious, walking on thin ice, afraid of accidentally stepping on falling petals.

What is even more disillusioned is to watch their majestic Generalissimo turn into a sentimental, sad little girl, picking up petals all over the courtyard.

Yang Heguang really wanted to give his yesterday's self a big mouth, and send some flowers decently!

The colleague who was on duty knew that he sent the flowers, and had a deep resentment towards him, so he beat him up in private.

Afterwards, Yang Heguang had a shadow on Hua, and vowed never to let Hua appear in front of his marshal.

When the time entered July, Baidi Kingdom was divided into five counties, and the governance teams in each region had been gradually completed. They could return to Beijing only when the last county guard arrived.

Today, it was Yang Heguang's turn to be on duty again.

Jiaojiao went out to purchase special products, and was going to bring them back to Shangjing to give to Ji Yun. Not long after she left, she saw a few little maids sitting in a pavilion by the road, rubbing purple flowers.

Shocked, Yang Heguang rushed forward and snatched the flowers from the little maid.

The little maids were all frightened, and quickly knelt down to salute, hurriedly expressing that they were not lazy and their work was done.

Jiaojiao frowned, and scolded: "Yang Heguang, your skin is itchy, right?"

"not me……"

"What kind of impatiens are you a big man grabbing? What's the matter, you want to dye your nails too?"

While speaking, she motioned the little maids to stand up, and said: "Purple red chooses temperament, skin color, and clothes. If one can't be done well, it will be ugly.

You can try the pink impatiens, the pink ones are so beautiful, and the red ones are also good, they are gorgeous and very attractive. "

Yang Heguang was stunned. Didn't the three princesses love flowers? How could they watch them destroy flowers?
On the tenth day of the seventh month, it is suitable for marriage, groundbreaking and travel.

Jiaojiao returned to the court with a large army of teachers, and the people along the way warmly welcomed them. It lasted one month and arrived in Shangjing on the twelfth day of the eighth month.

Passing through the woods on the outskirts of Beijing, she saw a crowd of people in the Jieguan Pavilion from a distance, but when she walked closer, she saw the leader clearly, and she was extremely disappointed.

After meeting with the welcoming officials and going through the process, she went straight to the palace amidst the people's thunderous sound of "Princess Chitose Chitose Chitose Chitose Chitose" and finally met the person she wanted to see at the gate of the palace.

Dressed in a bright yellow dragon robe, with a handsome figure, standing in front of the palace gate, the sun shone on him, and his whole body seemed to melt into the light.

"Second brother!" She jumped off the horse and ran forward quickly.

Ji Yun was in a daze for a moment as he looked at the figure that was flying towards him. He thought of the way she walked around the veranda holding a long red lacquer carved box in Zhujian Villa, and the way she was walking around the verandah. She gradually overlaps...

Jiaojiao cheered and rushed over to hug his neck, and rubbed his neck affectionately: "It's been more than a year, I miss you so much!"

It was originally a joyous speech, but for some reason, the ending sounded a little trembling unconsciously.

After a while, without hearing his answer, Jiaojiao was a little puzzled, raised his head, and saw Ji Yun's eyelids drooping slightly, looking at her silently, his eyes were like stars, shining with amber luster when the sun shone in.

His gaze was blurred and melancholy, as if he was looking at her, but at the same time he seemed to be looking at something farther away through her.

That gaze was too gentle and tender, like a strand of hair passing through the tip of the heart, bringing a strange slight itching.

Hearing her call, Ji Yun blinked his eyes, seemed to come back to his senses, raised his arms around her like a child, and said in a low voice: "Welcome home."

The voice was soft and deep, as if waking up from the past.

Jiaojiao only felt a warm current slipping through her heart, and all of a sudden, those wars and slaughters, blood and ferocity all disappeared like a dream, leaving only this cool embrace that was safe and real.

"Cough cough cough..."

Pei Zheng's nearly breathless cough came from behind, and it was only then that she remembered that this was in front of the palace gate, and she still had a process to go.

He hurriedly withdrew from Ji Yun's arms, stood in front of the generals, and bowed down with them to worship the new king.

Ji Yun received all the senior generals in the imperial study, and said that they would discuss meritorious deeds and rewards in the court tomorrow, and then let all the generals go back, only Yu Jiaojiao and Pei Zheng stayed.

After they left, Pei Zheng still couldn't stop complaining: "Knowing that you brothers and sisters are deeply affectionate, there's no point in embracing each other warmly in front of the palace gate. It's only been over a year since we last met, and it's as if we've been separated for half our lives.

The third princess is now the Grand Marshal!You have to pay attention to your image.Tsk tsk, you didn't see the expressions of those generals, all of them stared like brass bells, looking like a ghost.

Having seen her act coquettishly, how would they associate her with the majestic Generalissimo on the battlefield in the future! "

Jiaojiao rolled her eyes: "I'm a marshal, and I'm also a woman. I bravely killed the enemy on the battlefield. Does it conflict with me being coquettish in front of my family?"

Pei Zheng: "There is no conflict, but this comparison is very disillusioned."

"That's because they are narrow-minded. I can't treat myself as a man just because of their feelings, can I?"

"Uh..." Pei Zheng was speechless.

"I know the prejudice of the world, thinking that only men can be officials and ministers, and women should rely on men to live. In your subconscious, I, an alien, should also have the characteristics of a man.

But I am indeed a woman, and I fulfill my duties as a marshal and enjoy being a woman, so don't take me for a man. "

Pei Zheng was stunned: "This argument is novel."

"It is indeed prejudice." Ji Yun thought of Yunhuang Island, because he is a descendant of monks, there is not such a big difference between men and women, if a woman is capable, she can also throw her head in charge.

Seeing that they had something to talk about, Jiaojiao said: "You guys go ahead first, I'll go back to Changxin Palace to greet Concubine Luo, second brother, will you come after you're done?"

Ji Yun laughed: "Naturally."

(End of this chapter)

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