Chapter 623 Obsession (20)

Pei Zheng handed over a secret letter: "Xi Rong is enlisting troops wantonly, including the old and the weak, women and children. It can basically be confirmed that they have cooperated with the National Teacher's Office."

"If you are blinded by profit, you are not worthy of being a king!"

Ji Yun was startled and angry at the same time. After asking about the news from Fenxi General, they guessed that the female ghost wanted to lure them to Kuocang Mountain in order to kill the two armies and heal their wounds with death energy.

The news was sent to Funan and Xirong immediately, and the kings of the two countries also expressed their views. They will treat it with caution, and after discussion, the two sides even ended the war.

I don’t want to, a few days ago, the emperors of the two countries suddenly sent news that they planned to build a plank road to secretly hide Chencang, and led an army to Kuocang Mountain under the pretext of asking the national teacher to mediate, and wiped her out while she was seriously injured.

I also hope that Yaohan can also find a reason to send troops there, and the three countries will work together to overthrow the national division.

Ji Yun felt that something was wrong, the female ghost tried her best to lure the army to Kuocang Mountain, this move was right in her arms, luring the enemy is not such a way of lure.

Besides, professional people do professional things, and Taoist monks should be sent to deal with ghosts.

He guessed that the emperors of the two countries should have reached some kind of agreement with the National Teacher's Office, intending to send the army to the female ghost to heal her wounds.

Now this news confirms his guess, Funan has not reached the point of subjugation, so why let the old and weak, women and children join the army.

Ji Yun tapped his finger on the table lightly, pondered for a long time, and asked: "There is no precedent for women joining the army. Didn't all the officials in Funan stop it?"

"People are talking about the example of our three princesses, and now they are advocating women's meritorious deeds, but I guess that many officials should know the inside story.

I have asked secret agents to secretly investigate the whereabouts of the officials and eunuchs in the Funan Army, and news will come back in a few days. "

There are millions of soldiers from Funan and Xirong who are preparing to go to war. They must prevent them from going to Kuocang Mountain to die and give the female ghost a chance to heal her wounds!

After thinking for a moment, Ji Yun said: "The decree will be announced to the world to expose the conspiracy of the female ghost, and the two armies will also send people to publicize it."

"This... I'm afraid it will have little effect." Pei Zheng didn't agree very much, because of the weirdness of Ji Yun's Zhongyuan Festival, he was the reincarnation of a ghost, not only the common people believed it deeply, but also many aristocratic families doubted it.

People won't believe his words.

But the glorious light of the national teacher, the world is convinced, and the two sides are in a state of hostility. Even if he tells the truth, people will only think that he is pouring dirty water on the national teacher.

Pei Zheng's eyes were deep: "Actually, there is another way to reveal the identity of the princess. With the lessons learned from the Nanming Dynasty, the two countries must be afraid, or it may not be enough to stop."

"No!" Ji Yun flatly rejected it.

Pei Zheng raised his voice: "What you want is to prove to the world that she is not a catastrophe, so her identity must be made public!

Now it's just a little earlier, so why not use the name of Princess Xiyue to frighten Funan and Xirong? "

Ji Yun was speechless, he didn't know these things, but he has personally experienced the horror of gossip over the past year. If her identity is revealed, people in the world may not know how to discuss and curse behind her back, and even condemn her face to face.

Pei Zheng continued: "Besides, Yaohan's people love her so much now, it's best to make it public at this time.

Taking a step back, even if we fail to prevent the two armies from going to Kuocang Mountain in the end, once they die, the female ghost's conspiracy will be defeated, and the people will naturally know that she was wronged by the female ghost. "

Ji Yun hesitated, and told him rationally that disclosing her identity now would be the best time to do everything in one fell swoop, but he always thought that maybe he could come up with a better way later.

"The female ghost also knows the identity of the princess. She doesn't reveal it now, but she doesn't want to. If the situation changes, it is better to reveal the identity than to conceal it. She will definitely reveal the princess's identity, and even make great use of it. At that time, we will be passive gone."

Ji Yun pressed the center of his brows tiredly, and sighed: "Let me think about it again, it will be the Mid-Autumn Festival in three days, at least let her spend the Mid-Autumn Festival with peace of mind."

Pei Zheng raised his eyebrows, instead of continuing on this topic, he discussed another issue.

Today is different from the past, many people in the world are shaken by the status of the national teacher. At this time, if her plan succeeds and millions of soldiers die in Kuocang Mountain, it is tantamount to admitting to the world that she is a female ghost.

Such a bad plan was carried out in a hurry, which proved that she was seriously injured and urgently needed a lot of Yin Qi to heal her injuries.

"This is an opportunity for us!"

Ji Yun frowned: "I'm afraid this is a game against us. After all, the hidden guards we sent to Kuocang Mountain died a year ago. It's not that she was too injured to move..."

At this time, Changxin Palace was full of laughter.

Huang Tao stood in the middle of the room, scribbling and writing, so excited that she couldn't control herself: "As soon as the army appeared from the woods, the people fell to their knees with a thump, and there was a black cloud. It is estimated that all the people in Shangjing were there, shouting all the time. Shouting 'Princess Chitose', my voice became hoarse...

They looked at our princess with reverence and eagerness. The girls in the teahouse threw the handkerchiefs and sachets at the princess like raindrops. Brush up and fall off...

As the only woman in the army, the servant has also received the attention of the common people..."

Biff nodded between her eyebrows, and jokingly said: "Look at how frivolous you are, I didn't know, I thought you had killed the enemy in battle. Learn more from our princess, stay calm and calm."

Xiao Chunzi was one of the servants who greeted him, and he also saw the scene with his own eyes. He nodded vigorously: "That's right, our princess rode a tall horse without changing her face, passing through the cheers of the people."

Jiaojiao curled her lips: "The love of these people is very fragile. Today they will support you because of your achievements and fame, and tomorrow they will spurn you because of a little flaw. There is nothing to be excited about."

Ji Yun, who had just walked to the door, heard this and couldn't help being stunned. When he was alone after dinner, he tentatively asked: "If one day the people spurned you, would you be sad?"

Jiaojiao didn't care: "No, it's just a group of strangers, why should I take their attitudes to heart?"

"Don't you feel wronged? You fought on the battlefield for them, shed blood and sweat, but they easily abandoned you because of some unnecessary things."

Jiaojiao lowered her head, peeled the orange seriously, and replied without raising her head: "No, I didn't go to the battlefield for them. I would not do things that I don't like for strangers."

These sober and indifferent words reminded Ji Yun of the cold-hearted and indifferent Nanming in an instant. He had never realized so clearly that she had always been that person and had never changed.

It's just because there are some fetters in this life, it's not like Nanming's wanting nothing.

Jiaojiao didn't want to waste time on these boring questions, so she put aside the half-peeled orange, cleared her throat, and asked: "Listen to Han Zhuo, Shi Ru said that you have not forgotten your past life, is it true? "

(End of this chapter)

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