There was a smile in Ji Yun's eyes, "I thought you would write to ask me then, but I didn't expect to endure until today, but I underestimated your endurance."

Jiaojiao said angrily: "I want to ask such an important matter in person. Besides, sending messages through flying pigeons is not completely safe. What if someone peeps at me?"

Ji Yun raised his eyebrows: "Afraid that people will know that I am the reincarnation of a ghost?"

"Bah, bah, you're not a ghost, it's a ghost that hurts people, and you're not hurting anyone."

He lowered his eyes, fiddled with Li Li's sword tassel one by one, and his voice was soft, showing a little sadness: "It's a fairy who sees through the world of mortals, and a ghost with deep obsessions. I have obsessions in my heart, and I can't let go until I die. They say That's right, I am indeed the reincarnation of a ghost."

"Obsession?" Jiaojiao was curious, "What obsession?"

"I promise a person that I will find her in the next life, so I must do it!"

When he said this, his eyes were firm and his tone was gentle, with some kind of strange emotion, Jiaojiao's heart suddenly became dull, and his intuition told her that this person was most likely a woman.

She looked away and asked naturally, "Who is it? Your sweetheart?"

Ji Yun looked at her, gave a soft 'um', and said in a more sad tone, "Yes, my sweetheart, but I don't know if she also likes me."

Jiaojiao's heart became more and more panicked, she didn't know what was wrong with her, her heart was sour and uncomfortable.

Ji Yun's eyes flickered, "Jiaojiao, if you lived alone on an isolated island since you were young, and someone took you out of the isolated island to travel around the four seasons and see the customs and customs, would you like him?"

He fixedly looked at her, his eyes a little apprehensive: "Or just be grateful and treat him as a friend? Or...anyone who brings you out of the island, you will like him?"

Jiaojiao's heart froze, and she even took her around to play!
"She is her, I am me, how do I know what she thinks!"

She realized that her tone was particularly bad after the words came out, so she hurriedly remedied in a soft voice: "I mean, people think differently. You have to ask the person concerned about this kind of thing. Have you not found her in this life?"

"I found her. She is out of reach in my life." The cool night wind blew Ji Yun's hair from his temples, and the silvery moonlight fell on his lips, revealing a tasteless sadness.

Jiaojiao caressed her increasingly uncomfortable heart, and didn't want to continue talking about her. She changed the subject: "The reincarnation of all things has its own reason. Reincarnation with the memory of the previous life is against reincarnation, and you will be punished."

Ji Yun seemed to see that she was unwilling to answer, and his eyes fell silent, blending into the silent night.

After a while, he smiled indifferently: "It's okay, it's just that the soul is contaminated with Yin Qi, I'm used to it."

"No, your soul has been weakened to..."

Jiaojiao's voice stopped abruptly, paused, and said worriedly: "You will die out of your wits."

Ji Yun was stunned, "How do you know the condition of my soul?"

"I saw it." She slowly said what she saw that night, "If you compare your soul to a piece of cloth, your current condition is like a piece of cloth that has been buried in the soil for many years.

Old, tattered, fragile, the slightest tugging would shatter it into dust.In the next life, you should forget about her. "

"So, it was you that night!" Ji Yun's eyes suddenly lit up, the light in the eyes was smudged by the moonlight, and the gentleness seemed to ripple.

Jiaojiao nodded, she thought about what happened that night for a long time, but she still couldn't figure out why her angry words came from the sky.

"By the way, how did you manage to not forget your past life? Didn't you drink Mengpo soup?" There are many people in the world who don't want to forget their past lives, but not everyone can do it.

"Where did the Mengpo soup come from, it's just a fabrication of the world." Ji Yun laughed, "After death, the soul will lose consciousness, be attracted by the strange fragrance, jump into the pool like dumplings, and then be washed Go to memory and reincarnate."

"The Pond of Rebirth?"

Ji Yun was stunned: "How do you know it's the Rebirth Pond?"

Jiaojiao was also stunned for a moment, and tapped his head, "These three words just came out of my mind suddenly, I seem to have seen them somewhere.

On the bank of the Styx River, there is a pond that is said to be reborn, with a fragrant fragrance that can induce ghosts and gods, eliminate their sins, and enter reincarnation..."

After that, she couldn't remember anything.

Ji Yun was stunned, thinking of her origin, he was relieved, and said softly: "There is a woman beside the Styx River, she is different from us ghosts, her eyes are clear, her soul body is as compact as a real person.

She helped me open a hole at the weak point where the channel of reincarnation connects to the pool of past lives. The reincarnation I entered through that hole did not enter the pool of past lives, so I was able to retain the memory of my previous life. "

"The woman by the riverside? Meng Po? Why does she want to help you? What does she want?"

Ji Yun stretched his sleeves, put his hands behind his back, covered his trembling fingertips with his wide cuffs, and said in a casual tone: "I am an ordinary mortal, what can I do that is worthy of others' schemes. To her, it is nothing but It’s a matter of little effort, and there are ghosts in the underworld who are willing to help others.”

"Really?" Jiaojiao was very suspicious. Is it really easy to violate the way of reincarnation?
Ji Yun nodded affirmatively: "Although she is not Meng Po, she is not a mortal either, and she does not enter reincarnation."

Speaking of this, he had a thought, and asked sideways: "A person reincarnated without reincarnation, what do you think will happen?"

This doubt has troubled him for more than 100 years. Now that she knows the pool of past lives, she may know the reason.

"Reincarnate without going through reincarnation?" Jiaojiao scratched his head, "Impossible, reincarnation in reincarnation, first reincarnation and then reincarnation, if you don't enter the way of reincarnation, how can you reincarnate?"

"I'm pretty sure, she didn't enter reincarnation." Ji Yun looked at her steadily, "When I just died, my soul was very strong, and I was able to stay awake even in the face of the strange fragrance from the Rebirth Pond.

We agreed to go together in the next life. I waited for her by the river Styx for more than 100 years, but she didn't come.

Later, I met a soul who was also awake, and after asking, I learned that she had already passed her life..."

Thinking of those years of waiting on the banks of the Styx River, Ji Yun's heart slowly ached, surrounded by endless fatigue and despair.

It was that woman again, Jiaojiao pursed her lips, and said sourly: "Then she may not be human, people have to go through reincarnation, she is likely to be a monster, and it has to be a very, very powerful monster, I don't know..."

From the corner of her eye, she saw Ji Yun's gloomy expression, she couldn't say any more slanderous words, she touched the tip of her nose, and changed her words guiltily: "Of course it could be a god, it's beyond reincarnation."

"Beyond reincarnation," Ji Yun murmured softly, "So, she didn't miss the appointment on purpose, it's just that she couldn't help herself and didn't enter reincarnation."

His eyes fainted with a little smile, the dullness around him was swept away, the night wind blew past, and the ink hair flew up, drawing a brisk arc.

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