Ji Yun got up: "It's getting late, you should have a good rest, three days later, the Mid-Autumn Festival, there will be a grand lantern festival in Beijing, this time you can have a good time."

She has always had a special liking for the hustle and bustle of festivals such as Shangyuan and Mid-Autumn Festival, and she always wanted to sneak out to play. In the past, Emperor Xuande was afraid that she would be discovered by the National Teacher's Office, so he always obstructed her in various ways, so she didn't have a good time.

However, this news did not make Jiaojiao happy. On the contrary, she suffered from insomnia for the first time in her 15 years of life.

All night long, she was thinking about who Ji Yun's remoteness is. She searched through her memories, but she couldn't find a possible partner. For more than ten years, most people have avoided him because of his 'devil'. , There was no very special woman beside him.

Until the morning of the next day, Jiaojiao went out to change clothes on the way, and when she came back, she saw Pei Zheng shaking open the folding fan gracefully, with an air of embarrassment: "Who is my son, who would be afraid of a sour old man?"

And Ji Yun looked at him with a smile on his face.

The relationship between the two has not changed even after he ascended the throne.

After sorting out these things, and looking at the beautiful picture that she was used to, she suddenly felt that it was very annoying, and she really wanted to make some noise to break this beauty.

Wait, what is she doing?How can you have such an idea?

She shook her head vigorously, trying to get this thought out of her mind, but seeing the two laughing, the urge to step forward to destroy became stronger and stronger.

What's going on here?Why would you want to destroy it?

The moment this answer surfaced in her mind, she suddenly realized that the strangeness of the past two days.

Confused, she took a step back in shock and bumped into the threshold behind her.

The loud sound attracted Ji Yun and Pei Zheng's attention, and Ji Yun raised his eyebrows: "What are you thinking about? You are so absorbed that you can hit the threshold whenever you walk."

"Haha, it's nothing." Jiaojiao smiled guiltyly, walked over, and stood in the middle without thinking.

When she stood still, she realized that she separated the two of them.

For a moment, she felt even more guilty. She looked at Pei Zheng on the left, and then at Ji Yun on the right.

That's right, she usually stands in this position, uh, was her intention to destroy the two of them so obvious before?
Second brother, did he see it?
If he knew, would he feel disgusted?Will you alienate yourself?

Thinking of this, she raised her eyes and looked at Ji Yun quietly. The noon sun shone on his face through the slightly opened window, and his skin was translucent and white. When thinking about problems, he likes to lower his eyelids slightly, with long eyes The eyelashes almost covered half of his eyes, making his eyes look more profound, so charming that people couldn't move their eyes away.

She couldn't imagine that those eyes were looking at her with disgust, nor could she accept any indifference and alienation from him.

As if aware of her gaze, Ji Yun turned his head and raised his eyebrows in doubt: "Do you have an idea?"

"Idea? Ah, yes, I have an idea, um~ If you want to cut the grass, you must kill it to avoid future troubles!"

Ji Yun curled his index finger, and slowly clasped the tabletop, "It's best to kill her, I'm afraid she won't be able to hide."

For more than a year, none of the killers, assassins, monks and priests sent to Kuocang Mountain have ever been to Kuocang Mountain, and they encountered ghosts hitting the wall at the foot of the mountain.

It turned out that they were discussing this, Jiaojiao breathed a sigh of relief, tried to suppress the distracting thoughts in her heart, and suggested: "How about I try it?"

Since she was the one who forced the female ghost back with a roar last time, maybe she was born to restrain her.

Pei Zheng's eyes lit up instantly, the female ghost has always been afraid of Princess Xiyue, she might really be able to.

"You can try it!"

"No, it's too dangerous!"

Two voices sounded at the same time. Jiaojiao first moved Ji Yun to worry about her safety, and then looked at Pei Zheng suspiciously. She had never told anyone about drinking away the female ghost. Why did he seem to be looking forward to him going?
Could it be that he discovered his own thoughts and wanted to use this to get rid of his rival?
She became vigilant and looked at him calmly, only to see him eagerly arguing: "No, the female ghost has never shot at her, she is very jealous..."

"Brother Pei!" Ji Yun was angry and suddenly turned cold.

Pei Zheng apologized, took a breath, picked up the teacup and took a sip, but the expression on his face showed that he had not given up on this plan.

"What are you talking about? Why can't I understand?" Jiaojiao blinked her eyes, full of doubts, why did she feel that the two of them had secrets that she didn't know?
This realization made her feel very uncomfortable.

"It's nothing, let's stop here today, everyone have a good time, and discuss this matter after the festival!"

Adding one more disturbing thing, how could Jiaojiao have a good holiday, she was in a state of anxiety and irritability for the next few days.

She wanted to ask Pei Zheng privately, but she was worried that she would not be able to control the jealousy in her heart. If she said something vicious and hurt Pei Zheng, it would be a minor matter. If Ji Yun found out about her hidden friendship, she would not dare to take the risk.

She lived in anxiety and restlessness, until the eve of the Mid-Autumn Festival, when she learned that Ji Yun would take her to play outside the palace alone, she became happy.

It's a pity that it soon became known that all the female members of the Pei family had come out to enjoy the lantern festival, and Pei Zheng would also be there.

On the night of Mid-Autumn Festival, the streets are brightly lit and full of fiery trees and silver flowers.

She stared at Ji Yun's sleeve for a long time, and finally mustered up the courage to grab it. When Ji Yun looked over, she pretended to be natural: "There are so many people, don't get separated."

Ji Yun bent his lips, his eyes blurred softly, and suddenly grabbed her hand, "The sleeves are not strong."

As he spoke, he turned around and led her forward, his wide sleeves hanging down, covering the hands they held tightly.

Feeling the familiar warmth and coolness on the hands, staring at the shaking sleeves, glistening and dizzy, did this succeed?

Not far away, Ji Yun stopped beside an old man selling candied haws, took a bunch of candied haws and handed them to her.

The bright eyes were instantly bright, as bright as stars, Ji Yun couldn't help but smile, after eating snacks for so many years, he was never bored at all, every time he ate, he was as happy as a little mouse stealing rice.

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