After laughing, he took her to the lantern riddle guessing place again, guessing the lantern riddles several times lively, and finally picked out a carp lantern to take away.

Walking out of the crowd, Ji Yun joked with a smile: "Aren't you ready this year? You lost after only six rounds."

She doesn't have much talent for guessing lantern riddles, but she still insists that the lanterns must win by herself. Every time on the eve of Shangyuan and Mid-Autumn Festival, she recites lantern riddles madly, and she can always win the lantern she likes.

Jiaojiao resented, these days her heart was burdened with things, how could she be in the mood to memorize some lantern riddles, she could guess six stocks that were completely dependent on previous years.

"I've already got my favorite lamp, I'm satisfied, let's go!" She said, looking up and around, guessing lantern riddles is Pei Zheng's strong point, he will definitely come, so he has to leave quickly, so as not to run into him!
Ji Yun smiled, and let her pull her forward: "If the lantern you like next time is the leader's lottery, what would you do?"

"We'll talk about it then."

Walking to the riverside, I saw many people lighting up lanterns to make a wish, Ji Yun casually took the lantern from a street vendor, tilted his head and said, "Make a wish."

"It's okay to put the lights on, but it's fine to make a wish."

"Huh?" Ji Yun was puzzled.

"The gods are too busy to take care of the wishes of mortals." She pointed to the crowd around her, "Furthermore, so many people make wishes, even if they occasionally have time to take care of them, it is impossible for everyone's wishes to come true." , therefore, wishing is useless."

Ji Yun was silent, and said softly: "You just make promises, if the gods don't come true, I'll come."


Ji Yun smiled slightly: "A promise is a thousand dollars."

Jiaojiao thought about it, he was indeed very good at keeping promises, from childhood to adulthood, he would do everything he promised her.

Besides, he is so persistent that he even has to do what he promised in his previous life.

Thinking of this, her heart was sour, she carefully considered her words, and said cautiously: "May we meet each other year after year."

Ji Yun was stunned, his eyes became obscured, and the long eyelashes that drooped cast a shadow under his eyes, unable to see his emotions.

Seeing Jiaojiao is very disturbing, is it too straightforward?
She regretted that she should not use "Spring Banquet", which is to pray for husband and wife to stay together, especially the previous sentence is like Liang Shangyan, who is nakedly married.

In her anxiety, those deep black eyes were filled with mist and became blurred. After a long time, a soft, almost whispering voice came to her ears with a hoarse and ethereal voice.

"It's also my wish."

Jiaojiao jumped up, her heart was beating like thunder, but in a moment, she was lost again, what he understood was the regular meeting between relatives, not what she wanted.
After breakfast the next day, the Empress Dowager stopped Jiaojiao: "Today, Mrs. Marquis Pingchang brought her two daughters into the palace to pay her respects. You can meet me with me."

Jiaojiao was stunned, "What did I see them doing?"

The Queen Mother smiled: "The eldest daughter of her family has excellent manners, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and Yan Rongde. The Ai family wants to hire your emperor brother. Please take them to the Imperial Garden and take them to the Imperial Garden. Nothing wrong."

Jiaojiao was startled, her expression almost tensed: "Yes, I want to marry the emperor's wife."

As soon as this matter was mentioned, the queen mother couldn't help frowning: "I should have married a long time ago. Shangjing is at the age of your emperor brother, and his son is enlightened, so he has pushed back and forth until now..."

Jiaojiao let out a oh, and lowered her head, yes, he will get married sooner or later, but she can only appear as a younger sister.

She has met the eldest daughter of the Pingchang Hou Mansion, she has always been outstanding among the noble daughters, she has a calm temperament and is known for her talents, she is very suitable to be a queen.

The bead curtain at the door rattled, did you come so early?
She raised her head, but it was Concubine Zheng who brought her second sister Yongning to pay her respects. After Ji Yun succeeded to the throne, she gave her two younger sisters titles, one Yongning and the other Zhaoyue.

Needless to say, Yongning is different from the eldest princess Yongle, only Jiaojiao is different, and the officials didn't think much about it. After all, there is a difference between closeness and closeness.

It's just that there are some complaints about the use of the same Zhao as the emperor for the title, and the taboo Yue in the mainland, but Ji Yun insisted, and coupled with the hidden speculation of the aristocratic family, this matter has passed.

Please be safe, Concubine Zheng's mother and daughter have not left yet, Concubine Zheng and Empress Dowager Luo began to chat with each other, the two who had been fighting for most of their lives, after the death of Emperor Xuande, actually looked like best friends.

Yongning leaned closer to Jiaojiao's ear, "You know, Lin Ruyue is going to be our emperor's wife."

Jiaojiao said with a wooden face: "I just found out that you are very familiar with her?"

Yong Ning curled his lips: "She is a model for us to go to Beijing's boudoir. Her words and deeds seem to be picked out of a book. As boring as she is, only mothers and concubines like her. I don't think the second emperor will like her."

Jiaojiao's heart is astringent, but he likes Pei Zheng, the kind who will never change life and death.

At noon, the three of Lin Ruyue came. They hadn't seen each other for several years. She was more and more slender, with slender shoulders and a thin waist, she walked gracefully, with a sense of alienation and dignity from her neck to her eyebrows.

Jiaojiao was in a complicated mood, jealous that she could stand by his side in an upright manner, and pitied her for not being able to get her husband's love.

After several questions, Empress Dowager Luo sent a few juniors to visit the Imperial Garden, and before leaving, she secretly gave Jiaojiao a wink.

As soon as the four of them arrived at the Royal Garden, they bumped into Ji Yun passing by, followed by Aunt Minzhi who was still in Changxin Palace.

What else does Jiaojiao not understand, this is also the arrangement of Empress Dowager Luo, her heart is like a ball of cotton wool, and she is so stuffy that she can't breathe.

Sister Lin Ruyue knelt down and saluted.

Ji Yun raised his hand to signal the two to get up, and said with a smile: "I heard that the second miss Lin and the second imperial sister are close friends in the boudoir, and she is getting married soon, so the second miss should often come to the palace to accompany her."

As soon as this remark came out, except for Jiaojiao, the expressions of the three people were different.

The second Miss Lin, who was silently serving as the background board, was suddenly called upon. She looked up in astonishment, but soon felt that something was wrong, she hurriedly lowered her head, and replied slowly: "Yes."

Yong Ning was stunned, since when did she become close friends with Lin Ruxing?
And Lin Ruyue's face turned red in an instant, she was a smart person, and quickly understood what Ji Yun meant, he was going to change today's default acquaintance into Princess Yongning inviting friends into the palace for a small gathering.

Jiaojiao glanced at Lin Ruxing, who had no sense of existence at all, and asked Yongning strangely: "When did you and her become close friends in the boudoir? Where is Miss Yang Liu?"

Yong Ning glanced at Ji Yun's expression, and said with a dry smile, "It's just the two years since you left."

Jiaojiao was still puzzled, and looked at Second Miss Lin again, no matter how she looked at her temper, she was not in line with her own second sister's temper.

Ji Yun didn't say any more, turned around and left, walked a few steps and then turned back and said: "Jiaojiao, go back and rest when you're sleepy."

Jiaojiao rubbed her face, she had been restless these days, she was really haggard, with his words, it would be easy for Empress Dowager Luo, so she said some polite words, and got up to leave.

Thinking that she would inevitably be questioned by Concubine Luo after returning home, she simply went to the nearby Yiran Pavilion to relax, and ordered Huang Tao to go to the imperial dining room to get some refreshments.

In August, the sun was so hot that the flowers and plants were wilted by the sun. She lay on the railing, drowsy.

Dimly heard a series of footsteps, looked up, the Lin sisters were sitting and resting next to the rockery, Yongning didn't know where to go, unexpectedly not a single palace official was left for the two sisters.

She was lamenting the narrow road to Yuanjia, when she suddenly heard the silent Second Miss Lin ask: "Sister, why does His Majesty address the two princesses differently, one is the Second Imperial Sister, and the other is Jiaojiao, doesn't he like the Third Princess?"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Lin Ruyue glanced around nervously, and reprimanded in a low voice, "Is it something we can guess about royal secrets..."

What else did she teach later, Jiaojiao didn't care to listen to it anymore, her mind exploded with a bang, yes, why is it different?

Before that, she had never thought about this problem, and she had been like this since she was a child, and she didn't feel that there was anything wrong.

But a few days ago, after realizing what she was thinking, she found that she could no longer say the phrase 'Second Brother'.

Thinking about it carefully, he never seemed to call her sister.

Perhaps, that unreachable does not refer to gender, but to identity. That person is actually her!
Her eyes suddenly tightened, her hands were firmly grasping the railing, her heart was beating like thunder, and there was a loud bang...

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