Chapter 627 Obsession (24)

I don't know how long it took, but when she came back to her senses, there was no one around the rockery. She brushed aside the green vines hanging from the pavilion, and galloped towards the imperial study.

She has to confirm, this kind of guessing is too uncomfortable!

After leaving the imperial garden, she walked through the long palace alley, turned several verandas, and finally came to the imperial study room. Before waiting for the servant to tell her, she pushed the door open and entered, "I have something to do..."

When she saw Pei Zheng, she swallowed the rest of the words in time. She was so annoyed that she was so excited that she forgot that Pei Zheng was also in the imperial study at this time.

Of course, this kind of thing can't be said in front of outsiders. You have to make up some reason to fool it first, and then find another opportunity.

While thinking about it, Pei Zheng's eyes lit up, and he said happily, "You came just in time, your second brother has something to tell you."

"Huh?" Jiaojiao blinked her eyes, always feeling that these words were strange.

She looked at Ji Yun suspiciously, and saw that he pursed his lips, looking extremely embarrassed, as if he didn't want to say anything.

He also heard Pei Zheng anxiously say: "Your Majesty, this matter cannot be delayed any longer. The Funan army has already set off, and Xirong is also ready to go. They are closer to Kuocang Mountain, so they should arrive first."

Jiaojiao became more and more confused. Shouldn't troops be sent to stop the armies of the two countries in this situation? According to Pei Zheng, what Ji Yun told her can be resolved?

Pei Zheng didn't reassure her, and immediately bowed to leave after finishing speaking: "Your Majesty and princess, I will leave first."

When he reached the door, he even ordered the head of the servants directly: "Eunuch Wang, Your Majesty has important matters to discuss with the princess, please take the people back and watch the gate of the palace, and no one should disturb you."

Jiaojiao was shocked: "Does this count as a false edict?"

Still face to face!
Ji Yun frowned: "He trusts me and treats me like a brother."

He let out a long breath, walked over and pulled Jiaojiao to sit down on a soft chair, thought for a moment, and asked softly: "Jiaojiao, do you know why your title is Zhaoyue?"

Jiaojiao shook her head, when she first heard about it, she just thought it sounded good, the word Yue, she thought it was Yue at first glance, Jiaojiao Mingyue, it matched her nickname quite well.

But looking at his expression at this time, it is obvious that this title was not intended to be nice.

Ji Yun pursed the corners of his lips, and said with difficulty: "Do you remember Princess Xiyue in history, actually..."

Xiyue, Zhaoyue?
Jiaojiao was excited, raised her voice and asked back: "Am I the reincarnation of Princess Xiyue?"

Ji Yun's throat tightened, and he vomited out with difficulty: "Yes."

She froze in place, the noon sun shines through the window paper, illuminating the room brightly, but she lost her vision in an instant, and everything she saw was blank.

After a long time, she let out a huff in a flat tone, unable to detect emotions, anger, sorrow, or joy: "It turns out that the unlucky ghost is me."

"Jiaojiao..." Ji Yun's eyes were filled with distress, and he held her hand tightly, his voice was low and gentle, "It won't happen in the future, as long as you get rid of the national teacher, every life in the future can be like this life." , grow up happily."

She blinked her eyes and murmured to sort out her thoughts: "Princess Xiyue was supposed to report to the national teacher after she was born, and then be locked in a resplendent cage, but I didn't, and you have the memory of the previous life, so it's you What did you do, right?"

Ji Yun nodded heavily.

In an instant, she smiled brightly: "So, the unreachable person in your heart is me."

She was joyful at first, but her voice trembled a little when she spoke, and her beautiful almond eyes gradually filled with water: "It is because of me that I am tortured by Yin Qi, and it is because of me that the female ghost came to you. It's also because of me, everything is..."

She couldn't go on anymore, tears fell down like broken beads.

A warm current flowed through Ji Yun's heart, he was naturally happy when his dedication was seen, but he didn't want her to feel guilty.

He raised his hand and gently wiped the tears from her face. His voice was as soft as spring flowers in March: "You are so good, the world shouldn't treat you that way. Don't feel guilty, just remember, for you, I am willing!"

Jiaojiao's tears flowed more and more fiercely, she couldn't bear it anymore, she threw herself into Ji Yun's arms, hugged him tightly, choked with sobs: "How can you be so good."

Then, she felt a pair of powerful arms encircling her, as if they wanted to separate a paradise for her from the storm.

She pressed her head tightly against his lean chest, and listening to his firm and powerful heartbeat, she suddenly discovered that this warm embrace was actually warmer than ever before, surpassing everything in the world.

A warm breath came out from the top of your head slowly: "As long as you smile like a flower, everything I do will be worth it."

Jiaojiao's eyes became hot, and tears came out again, soaking Ji Yun's clothes, she closed her eyes, tears were still flowing wantonly, and her vague voice was full of despair: "What should I do, I don't want to let you go .”

Her voice was so soft that it was almost a whisper, and it was crying, so vague that Ji Yun couldn't hear it clearly.

At this moment, he was happy and distressed.

She was not as afraid of the established fate as he was worried about, and she also liked him, he was not wishful thinking.

He let out his breath slowly, put his chin lightly on top of her head, rubbed it comfortingly, and said softly, "Good boy, don't be afraid."

The head in his arms moved, and he slowly raised his head, those smart almond eyes were filled with water mist, whirling and blurred.

She blinked her eyes, crushing the tears in her eyes, his face was clearly reflected in it, and the distress and lingering almost overflowed.

The soft fingertips moved up slowly, vaguely tracing his lips, nose, eyes...

Suddenly said: "Mid-Autumn Festival wish, can I change it?"

Ji Yun's eyebrows moved slightly, and Xuan Er chuckled, "Why do you need to change, just make one more wish, even if you have ten or a hundred wishes, I will definitely help you realize them."

Her clear eyes were moist again, her pink lips trembled slightly, and her words rolled down with tears.

"Next life, forget about me..."

Ji Yun's smile froze on his lips, "...what?"

"If you want to forget me... in the next life, you must enter... the pool of past lives."

Ji Yun's eyes were stinging, and he called hoarsely: "Ah Yue."

"You can't be out of your wits, you can't..."

She sniffed, trying to stop her sobs, and analyzed: "Your yin energy is not innate, the longer you stay in this world, the more it will dissipate, and you will die in your seventies and eighties. Even though your soul is weaker, it is still enough to survive the pool of past lives. , reincarnated for several lifetimes, and can be brought back slowly."

Ji Yun opened his mouth, but his throat was sore and he couldn't speak.

He remembered that in Jianjian Villa, she said "but there will be no you in the next life", the first time he saw fear in her eyes, and at that moment, he saw the whole world in her eyes.

Her world, only him.

How could he annihilate the only light in her world?
As long as he wanted those eyes, no matter how long the wait, no matter how painful the journey, he would persevere.

(End of this chapter)

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