Chapter 628 Obsession (25)

After a long silence, Ji Yun said in a hoarse voice: "In that case, it is very likely that we will not meet, even if there is a one in ten thousand chance of meeting, without memory, I may forget to treat you well."

"I know……"

Tears gushed out again, and Jiaojiao bit her lower lip tightly, so she couldn't hold back her crying.

Without his plan, she would be imprisoned in the cold palace after birth, and she would be alone. Even if they are brothers and sisters at birth, there is a ninety-nine percent chance that she will be close to each other.

But she was more afraid of his soul being scattered than strangers, and would never exist again.

She clenched her fists tightly, pinching her palms tightly with her nails, covering the dull pain in her heart with the pain in her palms, and said hoarsely: "Whether I am a fairy or a demon, I will definitely go to you after I leave the reincarnation of the previous life. If you are still willing at that time, I will meet you with my true identity..."

Even though she tried her best to suppress it, her voice still trembled a little at the end.

She knew very well that this vision would not go well.

Time has always been cruel, no matter how unforgettable love, unswerving affection until death, under its erosion, will slowly mottled and decayed.

What's more, in reincarnation, he will meet a new lover, who will replace her and become indispensable in his life.

Ji Yun's throat twitched slightly, and there were tiny crystals flickering in the bottom of his deep eyes, flickering on and off, obscure: "It doesn't matter if you don't have anyone to accompany you, and you don't have freedom?"

Jiaojiao's heart trembled slightly, she closed her eyes, took a deep breath, suppressed the nostalgia and fear in her heart, pulled the corner of her mouth, and pulled out a casual smile.

"It doesn't matter, why is life not life? Besides, there are rich clothes and good food, and someone will send food and clothes when the time arrives. It's too late for the people at the bottom to envy."

Ji Yun looked at her quietly, watching her try her best to cover up, but her eyes became more and more clear and lonely.

He turned his head away, the crystal eyes that had bloomed for a long time couldn't bear it any longer, and rolled down.

He raised his hand and brushed the broken hair on his forehead, quickly wiped away the tears at the corners of his eyes with his inner fingers, turned his head, pretending to be relaxed: "Then you must come to find me, and you can't miss the appointment."


Jiaojiao sniffed, and raised three fingers: "I swear, I will definitely find you when I go up to the poor and down to the underworld!"

After returning from the royal study, she locked herself in the room for a whole day, and when she came out again, the eyes of the people around her changed.

She didn't feel much about this, and after finding out that Empress Dowager Luo made excuses not to get along with her, she moved to Linhua Hall.

Three days later, Jiaojiao finally calmed down and went to the imperial study to find Ji Yun. When the eunuchs and guards at the door saw her, they retreated subconsciously and completely forgot to salute.

She ignored them, passed them through the door, and heard Pei Zheng's brisk voice, "The soldiers don't object to her, for them, being able to lead them to victory and come back alive is more important than anything else.

The princess is brave and good at fighting, and she can defeat one hundred on the battlefield. With her, the survival rate is obvious to all. Yang Heguang and the wealthy children worship her because of her bravery. The soldiers are willing to follow her, largely because of the survival rate. But the attitude of the people is..."

He didn't say the latter, and Ji Yun could guess that under the 2 years of slander spared by the National Teacher's Mansion, people's fear of Princess Xiyue is deeply rooted. The aristocratic family knows some inside stories, but they still don't want to have too much contact with her , it can be seen.

He raised his hand and pinched his eyebrows: "If the female ghost is to be eliminated, the National Teacher's Office must also be eliminated. If they continue to slander, after a few decades, our efforts will be in vain."

Seeing his frowning, tired face, Jiaojiao was moved and distressed, she stepped up and walked forward.

Hearing the sound, Ji Yun raised his head, his expression softened instantly: "Here we come."

Jiaojiao showed a big smile, and asked in a natural tone: "Is the time for the expedition set?"

"Seven days later." Looking at her deliberately raised smile, the corners of Ji Yun's lips became a little heavy, "I'm running out of time, and I have to march quickly to reach Lanwujian before the Xirong army."

Jiaojiao was silent for a while, and said: "In the past few days, first pick out some light cavalry, two thousand is enough, Lanwujian is easy to defend and difficult to attack, it is enough to stop the armies of the two countries."

After a pause, she continued: "I've been thinking about a problem for the past few days. The female ghost may not be limited to Kuocang Mountain to heal her wounds with the breath of death. Only dead people have the breath of death."

Ji Yun and Pei Zheng were startled at the same time. If it was true, it would make no difference whether they stopped it or not.

What's more, the army that Yaohan goes to stop will also contribute to the female ghost's healing.

This is a dead end, whether to send troops or not, can't stop the female ghost from healing her wounds with her life energy.

After a moment of silence, Ji Yun said: "Kuo Cang Mountain is her lair, and leading the army to Kuocang Mountain is her first choice. It must be the most beneficial place for her, and she should use troops to stop it."

"It makes sense!" Jiaojiao nodded, and then suggested, "Lanwujian is a dangerous place, cut the number of soldiers by half."

Ji Yun wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it, he agreed.

Pei Zheng said quietly: "Don't block all the roads, let a small part go to Kuocang Mountain."

Jiaojiao Ji Yunqi was startled, Xuan Er understood his intention.

The second year of Zhaowen was a year that had a great impact on the people of Donglu.

Just after the Mid-Autumn Festival, Emperor Zhaowen announced to the world that the invincible Grand Marshal and the new Princess Zhaoyue last year are actually the reincarnation of Princess Xiyue.

The people of Yaohan, immersed in the joy of victory, turned from joy to sorrow, shrouded in fear of subjugation.

The people of Shangjing even sold their houses and land, preparing to flee with their families. Unexpectedly, a few days later, the three princesses led an army again and left Shangjing.

Not long after the army set off, the three princesses led 50 elite troops to travel thousands of miles, and stopped Xirong's nearly [-] troops at Lanwujian in early September.

The Three Kingdoms were in an uproar.

Later, after Yaohan's army arrived, she dragged the two armies of Funan and Xirong to Lanwujian with a force ten times weaker than the opponent's.

After that, there was no news of the [-] army.

Some people were curious, and they went to Kuocang Mountain together to check it out, but they never returned.

Upon hearing this news, soldiers from Lanwujian Xirong and Funan mutinied and demanded an explanation from the generals. Some of them were radical and even surrendered to Yaohan, and Lanwujian ceased fighting.

Various forces sent dead men to Kuocang Mountain one after another, and after killing a group of people, a hard-fated young man finally came out alive.

According to him, from the small town at the foot of Kuocang Mountain to the foot of the mountain, within a radius of ten miles, there are densely packed corpses, rotting corpses, white bones, flies and insects all over the sky, and there is no living thing as far as the eye can see.

As soon as this news came out, the whole world was shocked!

The fact that the national teacher is a female ghost is almost a certainty, the prestige of the national teacher has plummeted, and the people everywhere smashed the national teacher's office in anger.

In the winter month of the same year, at the behest of Emperor Zhaowen Ji Yun, more than a dozen large prefectures across the country successively dispatched troops to besiege the local National Teacher's Mansion, which opened the prelude to overthrowing the Guoshi Mansion's rule of the world.

In the middle of the month, rich and famous families from all over the country came forward one after another, leading the common people to attack the National Teacher's Mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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