Chapter 629 Obsession (26)

The revived mages of the National Teacher's Mansion resisted fiercely. With the wealth and manpower accumulated over 2 years, they quickly resisted the motley army of wealthy and famous families.

In the twelfth lunar month, the armies of the three countries in Lanwujian shook hands to make peace, and set out in five routes to wipe out the forces of the National Teacher's Mansion.

Xiyue's reincarnated Princess Yaohan led [-] young and vigorous youths to go north into Kuocang Mountain, intending to fight the female ghost.

Unexpectedly, encountering a ghost hitting the wall, she tossed a day and a night in Kuocang Mountain and returned without success, but all the people she brought in came out alive.

This was the second time someone walked out of Kuocang Mountain alive except for that hard-fated young man, and it was all members of the team. One can imagine the sensation caused.

The aristocratic family confirmed their guess - the female ghost is afraid of Princess Xiyue!
Think about Nanming Dynasty, when Xiyue was angry, hundreds of rich and powerful families withered, their hearts were burning, looking forward to Jiaojiao's ability to break the ghost wall and go up the mountain to eliminate female ghosts.

However, the situation in Kuocang Mountain is not optimistic. The barrier set up by the female ghost is too strong, and Jiaojiao, who has never learned any mystic arts, is helpless.

She vaguely guessed that the last time she was able to seriously injure the female ghost, it was because of some mysterious force that was aroused by extreme anger.

Facing the hell on earth in Kuocang Mountain, she was very angry, but this kind of anger was limited, far from being able to arouse the mysterious power.

To her, those people are just strangers in the final analysis, and she will do her best to benefit them, but she will not risk her life for them.

On the contrary, in fact, she was faintly disgusted in her heart, and always felt that it was not worth it.

She can't let Ji Yun take another risk, besides, even if Ji Yun comes, with the female ghost's cunning, she won't make a move.

Of course, even if the female ghost would take action against Ji Yun, she would not let him come to a place where death energy gathers and resentment is deep.

In desperation, she could only lead troops to eradicate the forces of the National Teacher's Mansion one by one with Kuocang Mountain as the center.

The National Master's Mansion gathers martial arts cheats from all over the world, recruits talents, and has many masters. Under its full resistance, the suppression of various places is very difficult.

However, when he faced Jiaojiao, whose martial arts were far superior to theirs, without the tacit cooperation of the regular army, he retreated steadily.

Spring goes and winter comes, and there are six springs and autumns in a blink of an eye.

With the joint efforts of people all over the world, the national master's offices in various places were overthrown one by one, and only a small number of mages fled overseas.

The setting sun shines on the water, sparkling, and the sea surface against the afterglow of the setting sun is gorgeous and colorful. The sunset glow in the sky is like fire, as if it is about to burn out the last bit of residual heat.

Jiaojiao stood on the reef, looking at the rough sea waves, a small black spot slowly disappeared at the end of the field of vision, blending into the orange red where the water and the sky meet.

After a while, she turned around and said, "Camp on the spot!"

With an order, the soldiers got busy.

Yang Heguang leaned over and said in a low voice, "Marshal, are these gods going to find Yunhuang Island?"

Several generals around were immediately attracted. Yunhuang Island has always been mysterious. For thousands of years, countless people went to search for it, but all returned without success.

Under the curious eyes of everyone, Yang Heguang said: "My ancestors passed down a few words, it is said that Yunhuang Island is in this direction. This group of magic sticks have controlled the mainland for many years. They must know more, maybe they know that Yunhuang Island is in this direction. where."

Wei Daqiang became worried: "If we really let them enter Yunhuang Island, there is nothing we can do."

He looked at Jiaojiao and said, "Marshal, let's chase after him!"

Jiaojiao shook his head, and said lightly: "Don't worry, even if you find it, you won't be able to get in. We'll just wait here."

As early as seven days ago, Ji Yun guessed that they were going to Yunhuang Island based on the escape route, and specially sent a message to tell them not to chase. There is a formation barrier outside Yunhuang Island.

"Order to go on, make a good meal tonight, and reward the brothers."

"Come on!" Yang and Bare Pidian Pidian led the order to deliver the message.

Jiaojiao ordered several generals to arrange the camping, and set a meeting in two quarters of an hour, and then found a big stone, preparing to use it as a temporary meeting place.

During the waiting period, she fell asleep, and when she woke up, two quarters of an hour had passed, and there was only a little light left in the afterglow of the setting sun in the sky.

"Princess, what's wrong with you?" Huang Tao was worried.

Looking at the last ray of light on the sea level, Jiaojiao let out a breath slowly: "You have been fighting with me for six or seven years. In the days to come, you will pretend to be me."


Huang Tao was dumbfounded, and immediately knelt down: "I don't dare."

Jiaojiao didn't say much, turned around, watched the last ray of light being swallowed up by the darkness, and said, "Go and call General Wei and the others to come over."

As the night was dark, a carriage quietly left the camp and headed east.

Half a month later, Maple Leaf Town.

The wind howled, the lightning flashed and the thunder rumbled, the sky seemed to be split open, and the raindrops as big as beans poured down from it, and as far as the eye could see, it was a vast expanse of whiteness.

Bang bang bang!
There was a hasty knock on the door, and Yang Heguang opened the door, exclaiming, "Your Majesty!"

He was busy saluting, but Ji Yun grabbed his arm, "She..."

There was undisguised fear on the face of the young emperor, Yang Heguang was stunned, he had never seen such an emperor.

In his memory, he was young and mature, and he was always calm and unhurried. Even if he was imprisoned by the late emperor's transformation, he still looked calm and breezy, as if everything in the past was under his control.

At this time, he no longer had the aura of an emperor, just like every ordinary person who was about to lose a loved one, he was afraid and reluctant to give up.

There was a sharp pain in his arm. Yang Heguang came back to his senses and hurriedly reported: "The princess slept for longer and longer. She woke up seven days ago, ate porridge, urged the minister to hurry, and then fell asleep again. She hasn't woken up yet. These God, it has been raining continuously for days, and the mountain road is difficult to walk, so I dare not leave."

"Seven days ago?" Ji Yun's heart trembled, he staggered, took a step back, and held onto the door frame to stabilize his figure.

I still remember that in the last period of Nanming, she didn't wake up for seven days, and yesterday was her 21st birthday.

He pushed Yang and Guang away, and flashed into the bedroom like a cloud of green smoke. When his fingers touched the curtain, they stopped.

A wave of timidity arose in his heart, he was afraid that after opening it, he would face her without breathing.

His five fingers were clutching the curtain, his joints turned white, he gritted his teeth, and lifted the curtain, and saw her restless sleeping face.

His brows were tightly furrowed, there seemed to be tears in the corners of his eyes, his body twisted a few times uneasily, and there were a few breathless moans between his lips and teeth.


Ji Yun's heart flustered badly, he stretched out his hand to touch her body, it was icy cold, even worse than when he entered the Zhuoxiang Cave back then.

"Jiaojiao! Wake up! Jiaojiao..."

As if hearing his call, her brows furrowed even tighter, and her long and curly eyelashes trembled slightly, like butterfly wings.

Accompanied by a short and sharp cry, she suddenly opened her eyes, as if waking up from a nightmare, a faint orange light flashed in her eyes.

"You came."

"Jiaojiao." Ji Yun was pleasantly surprised.

She tremblingly raised her hand to touch his face, "Don't...cry..."

Ji Yun blinked, only to realize that he was crying.

He reached out to hold her raised hand, wanting to squeeze it tightly, but worried that she would not be able to bear it, so he only dared to hold it gently.

Her hand moved slightly, as if she wanted to move up, Ji Yun didn't understand what she meant, and followed her direction to help her complete it.

Jiaojiao's fingers rested between his brows, rubbed gently with the pulp of the middle finger, although the voice was as low as a mosquito, it was solemn and sacred: "I use the name of... Shaohao... to bless you... peace... Joy...every disaster turns into...good luck..."

Ji Yun was stunned, Shaohao?
The next moment, the soft and cold hand slipped from his palm. He was startled, and quickly grabbed it. When he lowered his eyes, the pair of beautiful almond eyes slowly closed.


(End of this chapter)

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