all the way to fairy

Chapter 630 Instigation

Chapter 630 Instigation
The breeze is gentle, the sun is warm, and the sun shone on the body in bits and pieces, making it warm and pleasant.

Yunli slowly opened her eyes in the beautiful sunlight in the morning, those desperate eyes seemed to be still in front of her eyes, for a moment, she couldn't tell the difference between reality and memories.

Tilting his head, Wei Lin was lying beside her, he hadn't woken up yet, his brows were frowning, he couldn't stop mumbling something, his expression was very painful.

Yunli turned sideways, put her arms around his neck, and buried her face in the socket of his neck, tears streaming down her face.

"Hey, why do you hug me and cry every time I wake up, Ari, when did you become a crying bag?"

The familiar chuckle sounded in the ears, Yunli's tears flowed more fiercely, her voice choked up: "Why are our two lives so miserable?"

No, the second life was even worse. Blood relationship made it impossible for them from the beginning. The most difficult identity difference in this world is blood relationship. No matter how hard you try, it is an insurmountable obstacle.

The arms around her were tightened, and his voice trembled slightly with lingering fear: "It's all over, in this life, we have no obstacles."

The sadness in Yunli's heart dissipated a little, yes, it's all over.

She took a deep breath, and as the saying goes, bitterness comes with sweetness, after two lifetimes of suffering, this life's childhood sweetheart will come to fruition, and there will be no more obstacles.

She raised her head and looked into Wei Lin's eyes, her voice was a little nasal after crying, and she sounded a bit coquettish: "Brother, let's get married after we go out."


Wei Lin's breathing was stagnant, and his eyes became sore, getting married, that is something that the two generations long for but are hard to achieve.

He lowered his head and looked at the face that was close at hand. His skin was as white as pearls, and his light orange eyes were full of attachment and expectation.

"it is good."

Yunli smiled, and was about to get up excitedly: "Then hurry up, go to Xiongyingling to destroy..."

Before he finished speaking, his lips were blocked by a piece of tenderness unexpectedly, Wei Lin's exquisite eyebrows were less than an inch away from her, and his eyelashes even brushed her skin, causing a slight itchiness.

Yunli blinked her eyes, something exploded in her mind, and it went blank...

It didn't know how long it lasted before the softness slowly moved away from her lips. She panted violently, as if she had experienced an extreme drowning, but the breath she exhaled was hot.

"Cough, cough, cough..." A few awkward coughs came from outside, breaking the ambiguity in the room.

An Ran poked her head out from the door: "Although I really don't want to disturb you, but we have to hurry, you can continue on the road."

Beside her, Mu Yan covered her mouth and snickered, meeting Yunli's gaze, she explained: "We didn't want to peek, it was purely coincidental."

Yunli's face became hot again, she was so ashamed to face others, and was surrounded by crowds!
To die!
Wei Lin stood up, glanced around the room, and asked calmly, "Where are we? Where are we going?"

That calm and thick skin made Yunli very envious, until he saw the tips of his ears that were bleeding red.

Hey, wait, hurry up?
She glanced inside the room, only to realize that it was the inn in Kuocang Mountain, she couldn't care less about being shy, and hurriedly asked.

An Ran said: "Let's talk on the way, let's go first."

When he went out, he saw the Yaozu headed by Run Ning, Renxiu headed by Suxi Zhenjun and others, and Wanyang's Haizu.

If you count them more carefully, the number of people has decreased. Whether it is the Yaozu, Renxiu, or Haizu, there have been reductions in staff, and the number is still quite a lot.

She was very surprised: "Is that female ghost so powerful?"

Most of the people present are Nascent Soul Golden Pills. Although they can't use spiritual power, their physical strength is there, and they have spiritual power to protect their bodies.

An Ran's eyes were serious: "Her ghost skills are indeed limited. If she can use her spiritual power, the Foundation Establishment monks can be eliminated, but she is very good at provoking people's hearts."

She looked at Yunli with some confusion, and said: "She said that you are a phoenix, an immortal bird, and if you drink your blood, you will live forever."

Yunli: "...So those people are tempted and want to drink my blood?"

Wei Lin frowned, looked at An Ran, and asked, "Didn't you tell them the Longevity Curse?"

As he said that, he looked at Mohuai in Chunan not far away. When facing the giant heart in Jiuliyuan, Shaohao Luo Zeng Yanming said that the blood of the Feng clan is cursed. If you drink it, all ascetics who are related by blood will die .

At that time, Mo Huai and Chu Nan Chu Feng were also present, and there was a living example of the Mo family, who would dare to act rashly.

"It's because I said it that only a small number of people are moved." Recalling that when Yinhua just revealed this secret, An Ran couldn't help being startled when everyone was gearing up and making excuses for greed.

People practice Taoism and pursue longevity, and the temptation of the blood of the phoenix is ​​too great. If it is not for the longevity curse, she is not sure whether she will be tempted.

Wei Lin broke out in a cold sweat, everyone was innocent and conceived a crime, no wonder the Feng clan wanted to curse themselves, if there was no Longevity Curse, everyone present today would become enemies nine times out of nine.

Ah Li is going to be dismembered by them!

Yunli laughed at herself: "If the blood of the phoenix could be so miraculous, there would be no phoenix in this world long ago."

She raised her eyes, looked at the clear sky, and exhaled slowly: "Longevity is not so easy, even our Phoenix family can only obtain eternal life after Nirvana."

She got on her horse and said loudly, "Let's go to Xiongying Ridge."

Eagle Ridge?Wei Lin raised his eyebrows, "The key to lifting the ban?"

In the second life, Jiaojiao had never been to Xiongying Ridge, how could he be sure it was there?

In Yaohan's era, there was nothing special about that place, even the country it belonged to had no special records.

Yunli nodded, and said before he could ask, "The Buddha said, don't say it."

In the second life, in order to see Ji Yun for the last time, Jiaojiao held her breath and refused to leave, her soul was pulled repeatedly.

It was also at that time that she discovered Eagle Ridge.

There, there seemed to be something sucking her soul, and the nine moons were vaguely seen.

Hearing this, all the big monsters and powers were overjoyed, they turned around and hurried towards Xiongyingling.

When they reached the border of Nantang, a group of people blocked the way.

Seeing Yunli, they breathed heavily, and their eyes flashed with greed and desire.

A big man licked his dry lips, and said loudly: "You must have known our request, because of you, the Canglan Continent has been banned for more than 3 years, and countless people have exhausted their lives and died of hatred.

Cultivation emphasizes cause and effect, this is what you owe us, you just need some blood, we are already very kind. "

Yunli laughed angrily: "Ha, do I have to thank you all for thinking of me?"

She turned her head to ask the people around her for verification: "Do I look kind and easy to bully?"

Without waiting for anyone to answer, she turned her head again with contemptuous eyes: "The monk's rule has always been that the weak prey on the strong and the strong respect.

What's the matter, you can trample and deprive mortals and low-level monks like ants, so I can't take away the aura of a few low-level continents to heal and heal? "

(End of this chapter)

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