all the way to fairy

Chapter 631 Borrowing the Way

Chapter 631 Borrowing the Way
The big man was furious: "How can this be the same? We only target one family at most. You are a disaster, but the entire Canglan Continent is still more than 3 years old! Tens of thousands of cultivators have been cut off because of you. Can you afford it?"

Yunli's eyelashes trembled, she pursed the corners of her lips, and said calmly, "I don't care if you can bear it or not."

In fact, she no longer needs to bear this karma, and someone has already helped her resolve it.

For this reason, he even did not hesitate to change the rules of reincarnation of one side of the world.

She let out a breath slowly, suppressing the heavy heart, holding Zhanmeng in her hand, pointing the tip of the knife at the big man, her voice became cold again: "Stop using those vain morals to kidnap me, if you want my blood, then come and fight!" !"

Under the sunlight, the silver-white blade gleamed coldly, and its sharpness was menacing. The big man took a step back unconsciously, with a little timidity in his eyes.

Xuan Er, the color in the depths of his pupils was changing, and there was a strange white glow faintly. He snorted coldly: "In this case, let us see the strength of the divine bird Phoenix!"

He raised his hand to make a tactic, and a huge ghostly palm print quickly struck.

Yunli's expression remained unchanged. She had learned from An Ran and the others that the female ghost used some means to make those who took refuge in her convert the spiritual power in her body into ghost power and display it from An Ran and the others.

Although the strength of the original spiritual attack is not the same, it is enough to deal with today's cultivators.

She kicked her toes on the horse, jumped into the air lightly, avoided the palm prints, stretched her arms like wings, and after gliding in the air for a short time, landed in front of the big man, sending out the Mengzhan Dao straight out.

Her speed is too fast, so fast that the big man is in a trance, whether she has used spiritual power.

The biting killing intent quickly woke him up, and without a word, he swung his weapon quickly, trying to block Yunli's attack.

However, the mortal weapon in his hand couldn't stop Zhanmeng, as soon as the assistant touched it, it was cut off like tofu.

The big man was startled, he straightened up, and jumped out in the opposite direction. The next moment, a mountain-like force pressed down from his back, and his whole body was slapped on the ground with a slap, accompanied by the sound of bones breaking. Heart-piercing pain spreads...

Shocking screams sounded, everyone's hearts trembled, and they were once again shocked by her fierce fighting power.

Under Yinhua's means, the big man has recovered his combat power during the Qi training period, but he is still suppressed by her brute strength.

Yunli bent down, picked up the Mengzhan Dao on the big man's back, and looked at the instigated crowd: "I don't care what plots the female ghost has, or what she promises to you, if you dare to block the way, don't blame me for killing! "

Wei Lin stepped forward on his horse and raised his voice: "The main goal of everyone coming to Donglu is the same, to break the seal and open the way to ascend. Don't be fooled by a female ghost who is at the end of the road. Don't put the cart before the horse."

After a pause, he said softly, "We have found the key to unlocking the ban."

The instigated people on the opposite side looked shaken and looked at each other, but they really backed away.

Yunli got on the horse, but there was always a faint crisis in her heart. What exactly does the female ghost want to do?
At first, she invited everyone to get together on the mountain. They thought it was for cooperation. After all, she had been trapped in Donglu for many years. Her primary goal was the same as theirs, which was to get out of the ban.

I don't want her to instigate everyone to deal with her again, with a look of hating her so much.

But the instigation didn't seem to be very successful, a beating, a clue to unblock the ban, and they were easily dismissed!
The female ghost seems to have done a white job?
She tugged at the rein, slowed down, told Wei Lin and the others her doubts, and said, "What do you think? Does she seem like someone who knows how to work in vain?"

An Ranxiu frowned slightly: "Will you worry too much? Now she is just desperately struggling. Those people are only provoked by her because of greed. Their main goal is not consistent with the female ghost."

Runing also nodded in agreement: "The female ghost's previous goal should also be to release the ban as soon as possible, so she agreed to gather at Kuocang Mountain for a discussion on that day. The date was chosen in Zhongyuan, which shows how much she fears us."

As he said that, he looked at Yunli, "But that day you pointed out that she is a ghost cultivator, and she has no chance of immortality. She can't ascend, so she doesn't want me to ascend, so she tried her best to prevent us from breaking the ban."

Is that right?

Yunli tilted her head and asked, "Brother, what do you think?"

A gloomy look flashed across Wei Lin's eyes: "With her vengeful temperament, she will retaliate wildly when she learns that she has no chance to go to immortality. She only instigates those people to deal with us, and the battle is a bit small."

Yunli nodded. The female ghost was thoughtful and cautious. When all her plans failed, it was her style to drag everyone to be buried with her.

An Ran said again: "Ghost cultivators are also monks, maybe she accepted the fact that she has become a ghost cultivator, and instigated those people just to disgust you."

Yunli thought about it carefully, it is not impossible, among so many monks in the Canglan Continent, she is the only one who has survived 3 years, and when the world is unsealed, it shows her resilience.

After much deliberation, they decided to follow the original plan and go to Xiongying Ridge first to lift the ban, then restore the use of spiritual power, and no matter what conspiracy he had, it would have to be cancelled.

Five days later, two majestic mountains standing side by side caught everyone's eyes. Between the mountains, a city stood quietly, blocking the way.

Now is the time when the sunset is shining, the orange-red glow pours down from the top of the mountain, and the city in the canyon looks more quiet and solemn.

Fenglincheng, here we come.

"Who?" A loud shout came from the city tower, and when he raised his eyes, he saw a row of soldiers in black armor bending their bows and aiming at them.

Yunli turned her head to look at her large army of thousands of people, no wonder she was threatened by the military before she entered, she didn't know, she thought they were here to attack the city.

She drove her horse forward a few steps, and raised her voice: "Don't get me wrong, we don't have any malice towards your city, we just borrowed a way."

There are thousands of people in a mighty manner, all of them are strong and armed, and the officers on the tower don't believe a single punctuation mark, they just feel that the other party is fooling him.

His face was livid, and he raised his voice and shouted: "Archer, get ready!"

Yunli: ...

Wei Lin smiled and turned to remind everyone: "They are all mortals, so be careful."

The ban on heaven and earth is about to be lifted, and a group of cultivators who are waiting to ascend are already beating drums in their hearts. How dare they contaminate the lives of mortals at this time.

Following the officer's order, a dense rain of arrows poured from the tower, and then they saw a scene they would never forget.

Thousands of people below quickly dispersed, no matter men, women, young or old, all of them were light and agile, like butterflies in the wind.

In such a dense rain of arrows, no one was hit by the arrows, either dodged them lightly, or intercepted the arrows with bare hands.

The eyes of the soldiers were all staring like copper bells. How did they see a ghost? When did there become so many martial arts masters in the world?

(End of this chapter)

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