all the way to fairy

Chapter 632 Martial Arts

Chapter 632 Martial Arts
When they were shocked, Yunli and his party had already reached the city gate, raised their spirits and jumped up, borrowed a few strengths from the city gate, and then went up to the top of the tower, only a group of ownerless horses were left under the tower, fleeing in all directions .

The soldiers' legs became weak all of a sudden, and they fought, "Who are you?"

"I've said it all, we're just passing by." Yunli muttered, and pouted at the officer in front of her, "Well, those horses will be our toll."

After finishing speaking, he wanted to jump off the tower.

The officer's pupils trembled, the long sword in his hand trembled, and he stabbed at Yunli, and at the same time shouted loudly: "Brothers, stop them! We must not let them go to Xiongying Ridge!"

From Fenglin City to the south, the destination can only be Eagle Ridge.

Yunli stopped the long sword, and was about to stun him, when suddenly he felt that his gait was familiar, "What kind of gait do you have, who did you learn from—"

Before finishing speaking, from the corner of the eye, he caught sight of a young man next to him holding a sword flower, which was exactly the opening gesture of Lu Fei's Qingfeng swordsmanship!

Thinking about it again, the footwork performed by the officer is also the maneuvering method that Lu Fei used to perform - Wind Walk.

The people of Cloud Island!
Aren't the people on Yunhuang Island hidden from the world?Could it be that someone left Yunhuang Island like Lu Fei?

She looked at Wei Lin, but saw his eyes tightened suddenly, staring at the side, eyes full of disbelief.

Following his gaze, Yunli was also dumbfounded.

It was a young soldier with a long spear in his hand, and he swung his long spear and swept towards Ji Ruochen aggressively. The marksmanship he used was exactly the fierce battle of General Yaohan Fuguo, Wei Daqiang!

What's happening here?
She tilted her head and asked Wei Lin: "Fighting all directions is also the martial art of Yunhuangdao?"

Wei Lin shook his head, his heart was full of concentration, fighting in all directions was Wei Daqiang's own marksmanship, when he was a small soldier defending the city, Ji Yun happened to see his marksmanship.

The moves are concise and full of offensive power, only the connection between the moves is a little blunt, so he gave a few words of advice.

The improved fierce battle is even more powerful, and Wei Daqiang has been promoted from a small soldier in the army to a general of the auxiliary country.

"What are you two talking about? What are you talking about?" An Ran leaned over, his face full of doubts.

At this time, Ji Ruochen finally knocked out the young man with the gun, and praised: "This Fenglincheng is not easy, ordinary soldiers have learned complete footwork and marksmanship."

A member of the Ye family was surprised: "For people who practice martial arts, shouldn't the moves match the footwork?"

Ji Ruochen shook his head: "It's like this in serious martial arts training, but most soldiers are recruited from the common people, so they don't have the conditions to receive complete training."

Yunli knows this better than any of them. Soldiers in the army are trained to cooperate with heavy marksmanship. Ordinary soldiers only have simple steps, standing, walking, and running when they move around. have.

But these soldiers have all learned footwork, and they look more like brothers who have come from the same sect.

However, coordinated operations among soldiers and orders and prohibitions are also the military style.

Personal strength is not weaker than martial arts knights, and they have the coordination of military operations. It is no wonder that the National Teacher's Office is afraid of three points.

She let go of the officer and said, "Stop your people, they are not our opponents, we really mean nothing."

The officer's eyes were cold, and he didn't believe her words, "You are going to Xiongying Ridge, how dare you say that you have no malicious intentions!"

Going to Xiongying Ridge is malicious, everyone's eyes lit up, it seems that the direction is not wrong!
"If we have malicious intentions, you won't be able to stop us." Yunli patted the officer's shoulder as he spoke, "I have a few questions I want to ask you, answer them honestly, and save yourself the trouble."

The officer snorted, turned his face away, and refused to cooperate.

Yunli's brows bulged, why did she refuse to listen!
Wei Lin pulled her away: "Okay, don't ask a stubborn donkey, ask the city lord."

Everyone jumped down from the tower, Haohao Tangtang went to the city lord's mansion, the city lord was very sensible, after Yunli emphasized that there was no malice, he looked at the crowded people inside and outside the room, and immediately said politely that he would know everything There are endless words.

"Where did you recruit your soldiers? Where did you learn from?"

"I can't talk about the succession of masters. The children in our ten miles and eight villages near Xiongyingling started to practice martial arts after the age of seven. If they learned well, they were sent to the city as errands after the age of 15. Those who were not good enough stayed in the village to farm."

Yunli was startled, is this a village?
How do you look at it, does it look like the secret base of the remnants of the dynasty?
"Who teaches martial arts?" She asked again.

"Each village has a head coach, and our city lord's mansion will send someone there."

Wei Lin cut to the point: "Where did you get the martial arts cheats?"

"Of course it was passed down from generation to generation." The city lord said in a smug tone, "Our first city lord was an immortal! He basically passed down martial arts!
The following city lords also searched for some martial arts cheats one after another. Up to now, our Fenglincheng's martial arts cheats are no worse than those of the National Teacher's Mansion! "

"Immortal?" Everyone's ears pricked up, looking at him in unison.

Facing the fiery eyes, the city lord became more and more proud: "Our first city lord was a legend all his life, without him, there would be no Fenglincheng.

His name is Pei Sheng, and he is from Xinghua Village. He was clever and clever since he was a child. He was able to write poems at the age of four and compose at the age of eight.It's a pity that Huiji will be injured. He has been a medicine jar since he was born, and he has been sick all year round.

When he was eight years old, he picked up a secret book of martial arts. Because he was too weak to learn it, he instructed his friends to learn it, and he was not limited to one village. He was willing to teach anyone who wanted to learn it.

When he grew up, he led the teenagers from ten miles and eight villages to build Fenglin City to guard Yingying Ridge, and those martial arts secrets have been passed down from generation to generation to this day..."

Yunli's heart skipped a beat, and she interrupted him, "Pei Sheng taught Qingfeng swordsmanship, fighting in all directions, and walking in the wind?"

"Yes!" The city lord's eyes were full of reverence, whether it was Qingfeng swordsmanship or Yufengbu, they were all top-level martial arts, and it was difficult to compare them in the martial arts world.

It's not bad to fight in all directions. Although it can't compare with the unique marksmanship of those generations of generals, it is still powerful and often has miraculous effects in the battle.

Yunli swallowed, someone's martial arts cheats wrote sword skills, spear skills, and footwork in the same book!

Lu Fei's Qingfeng swordsmanship, Yufengbu, Wei Daqiang's fierce fighting in all directions, combined with his frailty and sickness since childhood, an answer gradually came to his mind.

She tilted her head to look at Wei Lin, and met his gaze, she silently asked with her mouth: "Are you still in the pool of death?"

Wei Lin was silent, Ji Yun did not intend to forget back then.

Obtaining the acquiescence, Yunli's heart tightened, Yaohan's spirit was already very fragile, even if Wenshenlian Wenyang barely survived the reincarnation, if he didn't enter the pool of rebirth, he would definitely be lost in the next life!

She grabbed Wei Lin's hand and held it tightly, as if confirming his existence.

So, what else happened?
(End of this chapter)

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