all the way to fairy

Chapter 634 Eagle Ridge

Chapter 634 Eagle Ridge

"It's not that they didn't want to, it's that Princess Xiyue didn't cooperate. After Yaohan, Princess Xiyue didn't show up for a long time, and she reappeared 300 years later.

Since then, she has only lived to be 15 years old, and despite all the kings of various dynasties, she refused to join the army or practice martial arts. "

"15 years old? Didn't her lifespan keep increasing before?" Wei Lin was startled, and turned to look at Yunli. With Wen Shenlian's warmth, she should live longer and longer, why did she retreat instead?
Yunli pursed her lips tightly, guessing something vaguely in her heart, she asked: "After Dawan, is there anyone she cares about beside Princess Xiyue?"

The city lord shook his head and sighed softly: "It would be great if it really existed, and the monarchs of all countries would not be helpless. There is nothing they can do about her. More than 100 years ago, she disappeared again, and she hasn't appeared until now."

Yun Li looked up at Wei Lin, so in Pei Sheng's life, he was really going to die.

After missing for 200 years, did you go to the woman in Tsing Yi for help?
Then what?

Return to normal reincarnation until we meet again in this life?

"More than 100 years ago?! Isn't that the time when the sea fog dissipated?"

An Ran's exclamation brought back Yunli's mind. She made up her mind and left Donglu more than 100 years ago to go to Earth first; 15 years later, she reincarnated in Canglan and became Yunli.

So the fog on the sea dissipated because she left Donglu!
I have basically finished asking what I want to ask, and the other city lords don't know about it. After thinking about it, Yunli said: "I have to ask you a favor, we are going to Xiongying Ridge, and I have to trouble you to stop the villagers. They go up the hill."

Judging from the reaction of the guards in Fenglin City, the people here value Xiongying Ridge very much. They forced their way in, fearing that they would be surrounded by villagers and would have to spend a lot of effort.

The potbellied city lord had vaguely guessed their identities, and immediately agreed readily. After explaining the affairs of the city, he personally brought 2000 troops, even though they went to Eagle Ridge together.

On the way, Wei Lin asked softly, "What's so special about being 15?"

Yunli was silent: "I'm just speculating that it may only take 15 years to nourish the soul in each life, and it doesn't mean that the longer you live, the better."

Wei Lin never expected this answer, he was stunned for a while, and asked puzzledly: "What happened before that?"

By the time of Nanming, she had already lived to the end of the tenth reincarnation by one year!
Yunli thought for a while, and replied, "It's bad."

Wei Lin: ...

It sounds incredible at first, but when you think about it carefully, there are traces to follow.

15 years is the necessary time for nourishing the soul, she will be protected, so she cannot be killed; while in the Southern Ming Dynasty, when she died under random arrows, the protection period has passed.

The boundless wilderness is flat and vast, like a huge dark green emerald disc, vast and imposing.

However, I have been traveling for a day and a night, why I still haven't seen the shadow of Yingying Ridge.

Didn't it mean that there is a flat river around Xiongying Ridge, but it is the only peak that stands out?
"How long is it?" Yunli felt a little impatient.

City Lord Fenglin still squinted his small cloudy eyes, muttering: "Hurry up! The wonders of our Eagle Ridge are the best to experience for yourself!"

Yunli rolled her eyes, as a monk, she was used to seeing floating peaks and flying springs, how wonderful can a mountain be.

Others also disagree.

After walking another distance, City Master Fenglin suddenly stopped and said loudly: "Everyone, you will see Yingying Ridge in two more steps, get ready!"

The hint of showing off in his tone could hardly be concealed.

The guards of the City Lord's Mansion also puffed up their chests unconsciously, looking proud.

Yunli glanced at him sideways, and took the lead to step forward, but within two steps, a huge shadow was suddenly cast in front of him, a tall and straight mountain range lay in front of him, and the central lone peak was steep and straight into the sky!
The side peaks on the two wings are undulating, the three peaks are connected, and the heights are staggered. At first glance, it looks like an eagle flapping its wings.

Eagle Ridge is worthy of its name.

And she is at the foot of the mountain!

Her eyeballs were about to pop out, and she clearly didn't see any shadows of mountains in front of her, why suddenly a mountain range was in front of her eyes!


"what happened?"

"I'm going, why did I suddenly reach the foot of the mountain..."

Everyone was astonished and suspected that they were dazzled.

Yunli blinked her eyes, then stepped back quickly, the tall and straight mountains disappeared, and there was an endless field in front of her; she took two steps forward, but came to the foot of Xiongyingling Mountain again.

She walked back and forth on the edge, sensing, but found no fluctuations in spiritual power, and no trace of formations.

After being shocked, many people had the same reaction as her, but they didn't find anything unusual.

City Lord Fenglin smiled: "Everyone who first came to our Eagle Ridge couldn't believe it. The ancestors said that this is God's blessing for us!"

Everyone was in a delicate mood. In a sense, what he said was right. This was God's blessing to them.

Yunli looked at the villagers who were sparsely approaching this way, and interrupted his complacency: "Okay, you take your hands down to appease the villagers, don't go into the mountains these days."

City Lord Fenglin felt bored, touched the tip of his nose, and left with the people from the City Lord's Mansion.

Yunli and his party entered the mountain. In late summer, the vegetation outside had already dried up in autumn, but the vegetation in the mountain was shrouded in mist, like misty rain.

Walking to the halfway up the mountain, the breeze blows against the face, refreshing.

Everyone was delighted, although the aura here was very weak, not even as strong as any other place in Canglan, but if there was, it meant that they had found the right place.

They all cast their expectant eyes on Yunli, waiting for her response, but they saw her raise her head slightly, as if they felt something.

Unlike other people who felt the faint aura, the moment she entered this place, the demon core in her body jumped a few times, as if urging her, and then she felt a faint voice calling from somewhere.

Walking along the induction, all the way to the top of the mountain, the wind was so strong that the people's robes and sleeves were blown up, and they almost fell off the cliff.

"There is still no trace of the formation, where is the seal?" The impatient person couldn't sit still and looked at Yunli anxiously.

Yunli took a few steps forward, stood on the edge of the cliff, looked at the smooth, mirror-like vertical cliff, and said softly, "In the middle of the cliff."

Everyone was even more delighted, gearing up and urging repeatedly.

"Then what are you waiting for, hurry up!"

"Hey, this day, I have been waiting for nearly ten thousand years."

"No, I thought I would die like my predecessors..."

For a time, all the great can feel a lot of emotion.

Yunli turned her head to look at the lush forest: "Why hasn't the female ghost moved yet?"

Wei Lin also found it strange that since the female ghost took the trouble to instigate everyone, and then helped those people convert their spiritual power into ghost power, the plan must be not small.

If they don't come again, once the ban on the mainland is lifted and they resume using their spiritual power, her plans will come to nothing!

There was that impetuous repeated urging: "Isn't that just right, it's important to break the ban first!"

"That's right, Fairy Yun, break the ban first, no matter what her schemes and tricks will work. Don't worry, with so many of us, we're afraid that she won't succeed as a female ghost!"

The faint sense of crisis in Yunli's heart was still lingering, she looked at the rising sun in the sky, and said in a deep voice, "Wait until noon."

At noon, when the sun is at its peak, the power of the female ghost can be weakened the most, and even if there is a conspiracy, the loss can be minimized.

Wei Lin frowned, and said in a deep voice, "Maybe she's already here."

Yunli pursed the corners of her lips, this possibility is very high.

As a ghost cultivator who can use ghost power, even if she only travels at night, she must be faster than them. It is very likely that she has already arrived at Yingying Ridge, and she may be watching them in the dark at this time.

"Then she doesn't make a move...does she want to sneak attack me?"

"It's very likely to be like this," Wei Lin looked up at the sky, his heartstrings were slightly loose, this place is the top of the cliff, there are bare strange rocks nearby, and there are no trees, the glow of the fire pours down unscrupulously.

During the waiting time, Yunli wanted Duoduo to fly down to find the seal, but found that the edge of the cliff was forbidden, even birds could not fly.

Soon it was the top of the day, Yunli asked Runing for a short knife, with one hand cutting dreams and the other hand the short knife, inserted into the cliff and moved down bit by bit.

(End of this chapter)

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