all the way to fairy

Chapter 635 Full Moon

Chapter 635 Full Moon
The further you go down, the stronger the beating of the Yaodan, like a naughty child, jumping for joy.

The cliff wind howled, blowing the sleeves of Yunli's robe flying, and the whole person was like a delicate butterfly, crumbling.

There were not just one call under the cliff, but nine. After sensing the location, she picked the nearest one, pulled out the blade, and fell straight down. After gliding for a certain distance, it barely stopped above the position sensed by the demon core.

Turning her head and looking down, there was a faint light flickering in a pit the size of a marble. She moved down to the front of the pit and pushed aside the broken soil, but there was nothing inside.

Just as he was wondering, the demon pill in his body spun rapidly, and a strange energy was thrown out, rushing along the dantian meridian to the fingertips, and shot into the pit.

In an instant, a rune suddenly appeared in the pit, jumped a few times, and rushed up.

Yunli looked up subconsciously, and the rune exploded like fireworks after rising high into the sky.

It was dark in an instant!
One moment it was still a sunny noon, and the next moment it was suddenly so dark that you couldn't see your fingers.

The entire Donglu panicked.

"What's the matter? Why is it getting dark?"

"A monster..."

On the cliff, Wei Lin opened his fingers slightly, and a cluster of open flames suddenly appeared on the fingertips.

Can use spiritual power.

Without thinking about it, he called out Mo Lijian, signaled Anran Mu Yan and the others to go behind him, and transmitted Duoduo: "Can I enter the void?"

With the recovery of spiritual power, dealing with female ghosts is no longer a problem, but it also means that their biggest reliance is gone.

Most of the people who came in this time were the Nascent Soul's great powers, and they were in a state of hostility to most of the cultivators.

After a while, Duoduo's depressed sound transmission sounded in the sea of ​​consciousness: "It's still not possible."

Wei Lin's heart sank slightly, his expression remained still, and he instructed An Ran, Mu Yan and the others one by one via voice transmission, and the Tianwu Yaoxiu who was on the side also surrounded them intimately, protecting them in the center.

Almost at the same time, everyone took out their talismans and divided into large and small circles to guard against each other.

In the Canglan Continent outside the Eastern Continent, all living beings are not peaceful, especially the ascetics, all looking at the sky expectantly, waiting excitedly.

In their anticipation, a huge full moon slowly emerged from the clouds and mist, the overall color was light yellow, and it was huge, as if it was right in front of them.

Whether cultivators or ordinary people, it is very clear that this is not the moon.

Under the cliff of Xiongying Ridge, Yunli looked away in a daze, her thoughts sank into her dantian, into the demon core.

That power is very strange, it is not the spiritual power she cultivated, but it is very kind, as if it is her own.

She inspected the demon pill bit by bit, and there was no abnormality on the outer layer, but there were nine light spots flickering at the core position, one of which was as bright as an open flame, and the other eight were extremely dim, with only a little faint light.

Upon closer inspection, there are vague lines connecting the nine light spots.

It's a formation!
Yunli was stunned. Why is there a formation in her demon core?
No, it's not the demon pill, it's the bead in the heart back then!
When it was advanced to the seventh level, it flew out of the heart and became the core of the demon core!

She looked at the huge full moon above her head, and remembered the nine full moons around Donglu Xuying when she killed Xingye, and then looked at the nine light spots in her body, which were bright and dark, and she suddenly realized.

The nine light spots on the bead correspond to the nine full moons that seal Donglu, or in other words, it is the bead in her body that seals Donglu!
However, Yaozhu left with her, why is Donglu still sealed after she left?
Looking at the other eight light spots flickering faster and faster on the cliff, Yunli couldn't recover for a long time.

After a long time, she moved to the next position with a complicated expression. When the strange power of the Yaozhu fell into the pit, another rune flew into the sky and exploded. Just a light silvery white color.

When the runes at the nine positions on the cliff were all triggered, nine full moons appeared in the sky. Except for the yellow one at the center at the beginning, the rest were light silvery white.

The silvery-white full moon is distributed in all directions around the yellow moon, and the full moon is getting brighter and brighter, gradually deepening from the initial light silvery white to deep silver and brilliant silver; the yellow moon in the center turns from light yellow to clear golden.

At the same time, an invisible force propped Yunli up slowly, the demon pill in her body spun, and the invisible force connected her to Jiuyue...

On the top of the cliff, Wei Lin looked away and looked around, but he still didn't find any trace of the female ghost, nor did he see the group of people who were instigated by the female ghost.

He couldn't help wondering, it shouldn't be, according to the female ghost's vengeance in Yaohan, it is impossible to let them go easily no matter what.

An Ran on the side saw his worry, and comforted him: "Don't worry, we can already use spiritual power, and I'm afraid that a mere low-level ghost won't be able to cultivate."

Wei Lin shook his head: "Don't be careless, don't forget, among the monks instigated by her, there are quite a few Nascent Souls with great abilities."

Ji Ruochen looked at Tianwu Yaoxiu who was protecting them in the center on the third floor, and said relaxedly: "What are you afraid of, we have so many seniors protecting us!"

Yiying Tianwu Yaoxiu also spoke out to comfort Wei Lin, "Don't worry, little friend, even if this group of people Xiudu take action, they are not our opponents!"

"Yes, in terms of combat power alone, our Tianwu Yaoxiu ranks second, and no one in the Canglan Continent dares to be number one!"

"What do you mean by that? Do you look down on our Sea Clan?"

"Hey, we really don't put..."

"To shut up!"

"To shut up!"

In front of Tianwu Yaoxiu and Hai Clan are about to quarrel, Demon King Runing and Sea King Wan Yang shouted in unison.

After pondering for a moment, Runing said: "The seal of the Feng family is extremely mysterious. Maybe Yinhua didn't expect that we would restore the use of spiritual power so quickly. Her advantage is gone, so she can only give up revenge on His Highness."

Wei Lin raised his eyes, looked at the nine full moons in the sky, and sighed: "I hope so."

Suddenly, the yellow moon in the middle was shining brightly, and the eight yellow lights were like ropes connecting the other eight rounds of silver moons. Then, these ropes seemed to become straws, absorbing the energy of the eight rounds of silver moons, and the silver moon gradually dimmed. The yellow moon is getting bigger and brighter.

In the end, there was only a huge yellow moon lying across the sky, like a jujube stone squeezed out of a jujube, the yellow moon squeezed out of the clouds and mist, and smashed towards Yunli.

As the distance approached, she clearly felt that it was aura, so refined that it was almost condensed into a solid aura.

If it is as expected, those so-called full moons are auras drawn from various interfaces.

The aura of each continent began to recover after she took away the feathers. If from then on, the formation would stop taking away the aura of each continent, and there would be at least 100 years of aura reserves in the 'moon'!

More than 100 years of aura reserves in more than a dozen continents will make people explode to death!
(End of this chapter)

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