all the way to fairy

Chapter 636 Counting

Chapter 636 Counting

Yunli was frightened, so she raised her breath and wanted to hide aside, but found that she couldn't move her body!
Apparently 'Yuanyue' is determined to give her the spiritual energy.

The pure aura is like a flood that pours out of the gate, rushing towards her. The meridians, dantian, even the blood, flesh and blood are full of rich aura. Before it can be sorted out and absorbed, more aura is pouring in continuously.

The meridians are swollen and cracked, the bones are full of cracks, and even the dantian is in danger.

The whole body is full of bulging meat buds, and the whole body is pulled infinitely, as if it will explode and die in the next second.

At the critical juncture, Yunli's mind was extremely clear. She didn't care about the changes in her body, and only kept on the last line of clarity.

In this world where there is only aura left, Hongchen's kungfu has been used to the extreme, and a few breaths are a round of small circles...

With her as the center, a large spiritual energy vortex gradually formed, and the vortex rotated at a high speed, and more and more spiritual energy was pulled in.

Yunli was so anxious that she was sweating profusely, but she couldn't stop practicing. This is a vicious circle!
How can this be done?

Could it be that she is going to become the first phoenix whose body was blown to death by spiritual energy in history?
She only hesitated for a moment, then turned her heart away, and devoted all her mind to practicing the exercises, completely giving up control of her body.

Suddenly, streaks of golden-red light emerged from her body, circling around her, this familiar scene was about to turn into an egg!
Yunli was overjoyed. For the first time, she was glad that she had this special skill. The runes on the eggshell could not only purify the spiritual energy, but also store the spiritual energy for her to slowly cultivate and absorb.

Looking at the golden-red giant egg, the people on the cliff were stunned, especially those who had a lot of contacts with Yunli.

When they knew her, she was in human form, and her behavior did not look like a monster. This was the first time they realized intuitively that she was a demon cultivator.

After a long time, Zheng Rui murmured in a low voice: "It turns out that the spirit beast egg in Jiuliyuan was transformed by her!"

Chu Nan also suddenly realized, no wonder Qian Jiu suddenly formed an alliance with Shaohao Luo in Jiuliyuan, and even left Duan Hou alone, trying his best to hold them back.

Mo Huai also thought of this, and looked at Wei Lin with a complicated expression: "So, you already knew she was Phoenix?"

Wei Lin ignored him, raised his eyebrows slightly, and said with a light smile: "It seems that she will surpass him again."

An Ran was puzzled: "Beyond?"

"She will only turn into an egg when she breaks through the big realm. This time she will be at the tenth level."

The tenth level of demon cultivator corresponds to the early stage of human cultivator Yuanying. The retreat before entering Donglu allowed Wei Lin to break through to the late stage of Golden Core. Unexpectedly, she was promoted across levels this time, directly breaking through from eighth level to tenth level.

On second thought, with so much aura, someone else might be able to ascend directly to Empress Yuan.

Time passed slowly, and I don't know how long it had passed, the giant egg transformed by Yunli no longer received the spiritual energy, and the remaining spiritual energy in the full moon directed towards the earth, and the spiritual vein was recovering.

The Xiongying Ridge nearby is covered in mist, and all you can see is the pure liquid spirit mist.

On the cliff, everyone was surprised and happy, and most of them even meditated on the spot.

Wei Lin was also very moved, but thinking of the female ghost who had never appeared, he dismissed the idea and remained fully on guard.

Suddenly there was an exclamation in the ear: "Look, what is that?!"

Wei Lin looked in the direction of the man's finger, and saw a green leaf appearing on the northern sky at some point, emitting a soft light.

Calculating silently, he was shocked to find that the location of Qingye was at the foot of the mountain where he could see the Eagle Ridge.

This is...a leaf that blinds your eyes, but you can't see Mount Tai?

Whether it is the timing of appearance or the location of appearance, it shows that Qingye's origin is extraordinary, and many monks can't hold back at the moment, and use every means to fly towards Qingye, wanting to take it for themselves.

An Ran was in a hurry, so she called out Feijian and wanted to stop it, and at the same time called Wei Lin: "Stop them quickly! It's hers!"

Wei Lin held her back, calmly said: "They can't take it away."

Not everyone can take away the belongings of the Feng family. At the beginning, he dug in the lake for three days and three nights, and the pillars turned into feathers did not move at all. A Li only touched it lightly, and it immediately turned into a feather. into her hands.

As soon as Wei Lin finished speaking, he saw that the body of the male cultivator who flew to the leaves was slightly distorted. The next moment, blood mist filled the air, and corpses fell straight to the ground.

Everyone was stunned!

There was no screaming, no calling for help, no resistance, and even no fluctuations in spiritual power. A powerful Empress Yuan who was about to ascend to the upper realm was cut into several pieces in front of everyone's noses.

The cultivators who wanted to snatch the green leaves retreated in a hurry. Some of them rushed too hard and didn't stop the car for a while, and crashed into it, and several blood mist exploded...

A cold air rushed from the soles of everyone's feet to the Tianling Gai, especially those who participated in the snatching, all thanked themselves for being slow.

Wei Lin looked at the golden-red giant egg in the sky, and his tense heartstrings relaxed a bit. The eggshell is extremely defensive, so there is no need to worry about the female ghost's plotting.

The only thing to pay attention to is the spiritual pet contract of human cultivators. Think about Hei Hua, a great monster in the catastrophe period, who directly fell to the tenth level of cultivation, and it was only because of Wen Xueluo's improvement in Immortal Weeping Valley that he returned to the eleventh level.

What's more frightening is that there is also being bossed around.

Thinking of this, Wei Lin couldn't help but cast a glance at Wen Xueluo, feeling vigilant. As a heroic spirit, Wen Xueluo's luck was unbelievable. If she had some thoughts...

Just at this time, a dozen or so figures flew out from both sides, heading towards Yunli, with a strong chilly aura permeating his body.

Those monks who were instigated by the female ghost!
Wei Lin's eyes tightened, and he chased after him with his sword, "How dare you!"

After him, another dozen or so monks flew into the air, wrapped in a dead breath.

Only then did the other monks react, and they chased after them to help stop them.

Now the mainland has only recovered its aura, and the ban has not yet been lifted. They will never allow these people to hurt Yunli.

Seeing the fingertips of the instigated monks flickering, and all kinds of contract formulas pouring out, Wei Lin was impatient, his spiritual power was flowing, his body was like lightning, and he quickly chased after them.

Unexpectedly, those monks turned back suddenly, and the aura at their fingertips collapsed, replaced by a cold ghost power.

At the same time, the latter group of chasers also approached Wei Lin, forming an encirclement with the previous group, and all kinds of attacks poured towards him like a stream of water.

It's a trick!

Wei Lin was startled, the female ghost's target was him!

These people are all Nascent Soul cultivators, Wei Lin didn't dare to be careless, and sacrificed a bell-shaped defensive Taoist weapon to protect his whole body.

This Taoist artifact was obtained from Ning Wujue's treasury and made of materials from the upper realm. With Wei Lin's current cultivation, it can barely exert two layers of efficacy, and it can withstand the attack of the Nascent Soul Stage for two breaths.

(End of this chapter)

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