all the way to fairy

Chapter 637 Ghost Resentment

Chapter 637 Ghost Resentment

Two breaths of time was enough time for Run Ning to wait for the demon cultivators to arrive. However, seeing the faces of these people clearly, Wei Lin's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

These people's eyes are gray, empty and lifeless, and their pale skin is tightly attached to their bones, like a few sticks, how can they be called human beings, they are clearly walking corpses.

As a ghost cultivator, Yinhua is just a low-level wild way, but she turned so many multi-infant monks into puppets, when did she become so powerful?

Dozens of Nascent Souls can deal with him alone, and Yinhua's plan is not small.

In this short time, one after another ghost power attack has landed on the bell-shaped magic weapon. The attack power of the move itself is not strong, but the resentment contained in it is extremely corrosive, and the bell-shaped magic weapon flashes like a ghost. The candle flame blown by the strong wind went out with a puff!
Wei Lin's scalp was numb, and the moment the bell-shaped Taoist vessel was damaged, he sacrificed another defensive magic weapon.


This is not a Taoist weapon, it will be corroded into slag by resentment, he can only continue to add one defensive magic weapon after another.

Something is wrong, these grievances are not what this plane should have!
It was definitely not Yinhua's ability, otherwise, when Kuocangshan was about to collapse, she would use such an ultimate move, and An Ran and the others, who could not use spiritual power, might not be able to escape.

Wei Lin glanced behind him out of the corner of his eye, and saw that all the monks who were about to step forward to help showed hesitation. Thinking about it, no one would dare to step forward with such terrifying resentment.

One defensive magic weapon after another was damaged, and the spiritual power in the body was gradually exhausted, but the ghostly resentment of the mummies was wave after wave, and did not seem to dry up.

At the critical moment, a cluster of pale green flames flew from behind, blocking Wei Lin's defensive magic weapon.

The resentment that can corrode the Taoist artifacts of the upper realm, in front of the cluster of weak blue flames, seemed to encounter a natural enemy, and was burned away in the blink of an eye.

There was a look of fear on the dull faces of the mummies, and they were trembling.

It's Qingxin Liulihuo!

Wei Lin heaved a sigh of relief, quickly took out a bottle of Buling Pill and stuffed it into his mouth, how could he forget, they still have this, Qingxin Liulihuo has a powerful purification ability, it is the nemesis of these grievances.

Everyone was surprised. Looking back, Mu Yan had arrived behind them at some point, and was trying to control the Qingxin Liulihuo to purify the remaining grievances.

"I'll go, Qingxin Liulihuo!"

"You actually have a pure-hearted glass fire! The strange fire that is most suitable for alchemists!"

"No wonder the elixir you made looks so good..."

"The Qingxin Liulihuo seems to have the same effect as the pure yin female body?"

As soon as this remark came out, the expressions of the already hot-eyed people suddenly became dark, and there was something else in their eyes.

Mu Yan's complexion turned pale.

In the next second, Wei Lin's figure flashed, and he had already come to her side, holding the Mo Li sword in his hand, his eyes were piercing, and he shot coldly at the speaker: "That depends on whether you have the fate."

Mu Yan's heart warmed slightly. Although she is an alchemist with little combat power, there are people who will protect her, so there is no need to be afraid.

Wei Lin caught a glimpse of An Ran and the others who were about to come over from the corner of his eyes, so he hurriedly transmitted sound transmissions to stop them. Facing the crowd of Nascent Soul mummies, their coming would not be of much use.

Runing turned his head, and said to Jinqing Zhenjun: "I remember that your Nangong family also has a bunch of Qingxin Liulihuo, where is it now? Why is there no news at all?"

Jin Qing looked at him sadly, implying: "It's long gone, since the death of Zhenjun Lingchu, there has been no trace."

Tianwu Yaoxiu contributed a lot to the death of Zhenjun Lingchu.

Mu Yan felt guilty when she heard that, isn't her group exactly the one missing from Tianxin Pavilion?


Ethereal and eerie voices came from all directions, it was the female ghost Yinhua!
Before Wei Lin found Yinhua's location, he saw that the mummy's faces were full of fear, but their bodies rushed towards them without hesitation, and the power of overwhelming ghost grievances surged towards them.

Mu Yan immediately controlled the Qingxin Liulihuo and spread it outside the defensive magic weapon. Fortunately, she has been refining alchemy for a long time and is proficient in controlling fire. Wherever the power of ghost resentment is greater, her Qingxin Liulihuo is correspondingly more. damage.

On the cliff, An Ran shouted anxiously: "Zhenjun Ruoshui, Senior Runing, please help!"

After all, Mu Yan is only a mid-Gold Core cultivation base, and no matter how exquisite her fire control skills are, it can't consume dozens of Nascent Soul stage mummy.

Run Ning woke up like a dream, waved his big hand, and all the demon cultivators shot together, palm prints, punches, and spells of various attacks rained down on the mummy.

The mummies only separated two people to intercept the attack of the Tianwu Great Demon, and the rest were still the magic weapons for attacking Wei Lin.

Obviously, their target was only Wei Lin.

Runing frowned, and raised his voice again: "Everyone, if these ghost things are not removed, there will be endless troubles in the future!"

After a moment of silence, the people who were watching from the sidelines, Xiu Da Neng, and the big monsters of the sea clan also made moves one after another.

Facing the attack of the mighty Canglan monster, the mummies were finally defeated, and their dry wood-like bodies were smashed to pieces by the spiritual light.

However, what is surprising is that they did not retreat, nor did they turn around to fight back against the big monsters such as Runing, but they ignored Wei Lin's defensive magic weapon.

The sharp screams of ghost resentment being burned by the pure heart glass fire, accompanied by the bang bang bang bang, made everyone's scalp go numb.

Zheng Rui took a breath and looked at Wei Lin: "Did you dig her ancestral grave? She hates you so much!"

Wei Lin also wanted to know the answer to this question. Logically speaking, Ah Li should be the person Yinhua hates the most. Why is he so desperate to kill him now?
Because Ali is inside the egg, so she can't attack?

But Yinhua should have arrived long ago, not to mention there are so many opportunities on the way to Xiongying Ridge.

Could it be that Yinhua's target has always been him, and he has been waiting for Ah Li to turn into an egg and remove his greatest support?

Under the reckless impact of the mummies, cracks appeared on the magic weapon, Mu Yan's face turned pale from the shock, and blood oozes from the corner of her mouth;

Wei Lin's spiritual energy had already been exhausted, and he was all supported by the spirit-replenishing pill, and now the spirit-replenishing pill has also been exhausted.

The situation is critical.

The only two remaining corpses collided together, and the defensive magic weapon was hummed continuously. Mu Yan felt the pain, and couldn't hold it anymore, fell down, and the Qingxin Liulihuo, which was out of control, flew back into her body.

Wei Lin's scalp exploded, and he summoned the gray mist to condense in front of him with his backhand. Unfortunately, the gray mist hadn't condensed into a complete barrier, and the defensive magic weapon had already been broken, and the two mummies bumped into each other...

"Wei Xiaosan! Ah Yan!"

"Sister, Brother Wei!"

An Ran and Dodo exclaimed together, ignoring the danger, and flew over.

Huge force came from the gray mist, Wei Lin was knocked out immediately, his palms felt cold, and he lost all feeling in his palms.

It's ghost resentment!
With a flash of Mo Li's sword, half of his arm was cut off, and it was corroded in an instant.

Wei Lin endured the severe pain and sealed the wound on his severed arm. His heart was beating non-stop, and if it was a second later, the entire arm would be gone.

Looking up at the two mummies rushing over, his heart thumped, and he poured all the remaining spiritual power into Li Lijian, and the green leaf sword intent was formed in pieces, whirled away, and exploded suddenly when it touched the mummies.

 PS: If you break your hand for a while, it will grow back soon. Please don't give up on Ali and Wei Lin.

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(End of this chapter)

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