Chapter 638
The sword intent was unstoppable, the two mummy had no self-awareness, they did not defend themselves, they resisted the green leaf sword intent, and finally shot two ghost aura towards Wei Lin, and were crushed by the sword intent.

Faced with the flying ghostly resentment, Wei Lin didn't panic, he had already calculated that the mummies were Yinhua's puppets after all, they didn't know how to think, and their attacks were in a straight line.

There was no aura left in his body, so he naturally couldn't keep floating in the air, and he fell just to get rid of the ghost's resentment. With An Ran and others around, he wouldn't let him fall to his death.

Sure enough, as soon as he turned his head, he saw An Ran Yujian approaching him, and not far away, Duo Duo also caught Mu Yan.

Wei Lin let out his breath slowly, and Xuan Er swung his consciousness again, looking for Yin Hua's trace.

No, Yinhua didn't find it, but found a ghostly figure hiding behind An Ran, flying towards this side following her.

It's Mo Huai!
The moment he found out, Mo Huai knew that he had been exposed. He no longer hid himself, but suddenly burst into a rage, and stabbed straight at him with the cold light of the Zijin sword in his hand.

Wei Lin's heart shuddered, his body twisted, and he flipped several times in the air, speeding up his fall.

However, Mo Huai, who is experienced in fighting skills, had already expected that he would do this, and as he waved it, waves of sword energy swept down.

At the critical moment, Xuanshuang Yanhu Ayou jumped down, moved sideways, and blocked Wei Lin with his huge body.

At the same time, An Ran chased after him, stopped Mo Huai, furious: "Mo Huai, what are you doing?"


After saying those words, Mo Huai's whole body turned into a blazing light and shadow, like a white flame, tearing through the long darkness, and attacking her with murderous intent.

An Ran blocked it with her sword, but she was no match for Mo Huai, she was forced to retreat steadily.

What's more dangerous is that when Mo Huai made a move, the remaining Golden Cores and Foundation Establishment Renxiu on the cliff rushed out one after another, wanting to take the opportunity to kill Wei Lin.


With a low growl, Xuan Chen turned back into a Nether Tiger to stop everyone, and Bai Yu and other young demon cultivators also shot to stop them.

Mu Yan hurriedly let Duoduo go, and brought the weak Wei Lin and the seriously injured Ayou back to the cliff.

As soon as she got back to the cliff, she said, "Fellow Daoist Ji, you heal Young Master Wei's injuries first, Fellow Daoist Jingxu, do you still have your elixir of nourishment?"

Jingxu hurriedly took out the pills: "Yes, there are Buling Pills, Rejuvenating Pills, and Jiedu Pills."

Mu Yan was also polite, grabbed two tonic pills, took them, and meditated on the spot to recover her spiritual power.

Ji Ruochen twitched his fingers, and while stopping Wei Lin's bleeding, he said, "Give him a Rejuvenation Pill as well."

Wei Lin shook his head and stretched out his hand: "No, give me the magic pill."

Ji Ruochen glared at him: "What are you trying to do, there are so many seniors here, you don't need to work hard."

The mummy was gone, and Run Ning and others also returned to the cliff. Hearing this, he comforted him: "This little friend is right, you can treat your injuries with peace of mind."

Wei Lin glanced weakly at the crowd and agreed.

Mo Huai, who chased to the cliff, saw that he was surrounded by many big monsters, so he had to give up.

An Ran withdrew her sword, looked at Mo Huai, and sneered: "What a decent elite, he can really take advantage of others!"

Mo Huai's eyes were cold: "Decades ago, he killed my father and my relatives; at the foot of Kuocang Mountain, he beheaded my mentor, and if it were you, would you not avenge such a bloody feud?"

"Revenge is fine, but don't forget, it's a state of cooperation now! Stabbing in the back during cooperation is treachery!

Fortunately, I used to think that although you have a gloomy personality, you have the same character as him. You are a rare and righteous person in the Taiyi sect. "

Mo Huai was stunned for a moment before realizing that the 'he' in her mouth referred to Su Xu, and immediately retorted: "Who was bossing him around and picking on him in every possible way? Everyone is dead, so what's the use of your high opinion?"

The scar was uncovered, and An Ran's heart was dripping with blood instantly, and she blurted out: "I was hurt badly by the Lin family, and you are not much better.

You don't know yet, 'Fuyu' is actually Yu Sheng from the Lin family, who took Fuyu away thousands of years ago after the Wugu sect was wiped out; it was she who took the blood magic, and your Fang family is taking the blame for her . "

"What did you say?"

"What did you say?"

Two voices sounded at the same time, one was from Mo Huai, and the other was from Daoist Su Jia Danyin.

Dan Yin pushed aside the crowd, walked to the front, stared at An Ran closely, and asked again: "Little Junior Sister, what do you mean by what you just said?"

The others were also shocked, what a shocking secret!
An Ran was stunned for a moment, and returned rationally, secretly regretting that she shouldn't have spoken so quickly. When this incident broke out, it was the Su family who suffered the most.

Dan Yin turned his head in a daze, and looked at Zhenjun Fushu, the head of Taixiao Peak: "Our Zhenjun Fuyu was taken away by Lin Yusheng thousands of years ago?"

His gaze was too terrifying, Fu Shu didn't dare to meet his gaze, and turned his head to look elsewhere.

Seeing that he was silent, Daoist Dan Yin cast his eyes on An Ran again, and urged in a trembling voice: "Little Junior Sister."

An Ran closed her eyes, exhaled slowly, and said in a deep voice: "Seizing the house is an act against the heavens. Lin Yusheng knew that he would not be able to resist the punishment of ascension, so he wholeheartedly urged me to practice kung fu, and planned to do it again after I formed the alchemy... "

After listening to her story, Daoist Dan Yin felt as if he had been struck by lightning, "Master was taken away by someone, and there is no one in our Su family at the top of the Taiyi sect? Over the past thousand years, the talented children of the Su family have had accidents one after another, and it is also because of Lin Yusheng ..."

Everyone was secretly shocked. Now the Nascent Soul cultivators of the Su family are all worshiped by foreign surnames. After the death of 'Fuyu', these people rebounded violently. If it wasn't for the opening of the Eastern Continent, the energy of the high-ranking cultivators would be on the Eastern Continent. The house has been turned upside down.

Unexpectedly, the source of everything is the revenge of the Lin family!
What revenge could be more ruthless than this?
For thousands of years, Lin Yusheng wore Fuyu's skin, used the resources of the Su family, and was enshrined by the Su family, but secretly cut off the lifeline of the Su family and murdered the children of the Su family.

In addition, in the Taiyi sect, there are many great talents in the same period as Fuyu and others. It is impossible for them not to recognize who Fuyu is under the skin, and they are just pretending to be deaf and dumb.

"The Lin family—" Dan Yin smiled bitterly, and spit out a mouthful of blood when he opened his mouth, "What a Lin family! What a Taiyi sect!"

Every word pierces the heart, and the sound of weeping blood makes people feel sad.

Mo Huai's mood was very complicated. It was true that Lin Yusheng indirectly caused Fang's family to be wiped out, and it was also true that Fu Yue's teachings over the years were true. For a moment, he didn't know how to treat the Lin family...

While everyone was talking, Mu Yan turned on the nourishing elixir, recovered some spiritual power, and hurriedly used the strong vitality of the heart of grass and trees to help Wei Lin heal the broken arm, so that the broken body would not be extinguished.

After a while, she resigned and said guiltily: "This is the only way I can do it now. After I get out, I will start refining the Golden Sudden Pill."

Wei Lin glanced at the broken arm, his expression was calm, it was a good deal to exchange one arm for his life.

"It doesn't matter if you can't practice well, you can also reshape your body when you conceive a baby, give me a magic pill, and I will restore my spiritual power first."

Mu Yan smiled, only the top grade Golden Sudden Pill can regenerate broken bones, regenerate flesh and blood, and renew meridians. This is difficult for others, but it is not difficult for her who has the heart of grass and trees.

Wei Lin took the nourishing elixir, and was about to exercise his kung fu to restore his spiritual power, when he suddenly felt a coldness rushing through his meridians.

It was very familiar, exactly the same as the cold energy that was injected into the body during the Ghost Festival.

He was stunned, that cold energy was sealed in his left arm, and now that his left arm has been cut off, where did this cold energy come from?
In a dazed effort, the cold energy was divided into several strands, rampaging in the body, he hurriedly mobilized his spiritual power to suppress it, and suddenly felt that the sea of ​​consciousness was cold, and a wave of coldness rushed into the sea of ​​consciousness, heading straight for the seal on the warming lotus.

He hurriedly mobilized the Wenshen lotus to resist, but the coldness was extremely fast and overbearing, and it reached the Wenshen lotus in an instant. In an instant, the sealing rune was destroyed in six places, and the cloudy air flowed out...

Ji Ruochen crossed his arms and said strangely, "Huh? Why do you feel so cold all of a sudden?"

Not only him, but Mu Yan and An Ran who were close by also felt it. Looking down, Wei Lin frowned, and an invisible cold air overflowed from his body.

The breath was cold and cold, as if it came from hell.

The two were startled, and hurriedly leaned down to check, Wei Lin suddenly opened his eyes, the fundus of his eyes was blood red, filled with a tyrannical and bloodthirsty aura.

The two of them took a few steps back in shock, and when they wanted to go forward again, they saw Wei Lin frowning tightly, and said two words with a painful expression: "Go!"

Mu Yan's expression changed suddenly: "No, it's a very yin soul!"

"What is the soul of extreme yin?" Someone asked curiously.

The next moment, the huge power of the soul was suddenly suppressed, and everyone only felt that the sea of ​​consciousness was cold, and the boundless coldness invaded the soul, and the sea of ​​consciousness was turbulent and churning endlessly.

Just when the soul was about to be frozen, the coldness disappeared in an instant, everyone was sweating, and Wei Lin's expression was grim and distorted, and his fingers were firmly inserted into the ground, as if he was trying to control something.

Thinking of what he said just now, everyone flew up one after another, away from the cliff.

(End of this chapter)

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