all the way to fairy

Chapter 639 Gap

Chapter 639 Gap
Just after flying not far away, the huge power of the soul was suppressed again, and everyone who was stung by the sea of ​​consciousness couldn't control the aircraft, and it fell down like dumplings.

Wei Lin gritted his teeth, tried his best to withdraw his soul, and urged Wen Shenlian to plug the gaps in the runes.

At this moment, he somewhat understood why the woman in Tsing Yi would seal his Extreme Yin Fate Soul.

Extremely Yin Fate Soul is too strong, far beyond the body's tolerance. If Extreme Yin Fate Soul is compared to water in a lake, then his body is like a small pond.

Once the seal is broken, the body will inevitably be smashed to pieces by the huge spirit.

Without a body, even if he survived with a powerful soul, he can only cultivate ghosts.

This is the purpose of Yinhua.

No, to be precise, this is the purpose of the people behind her.

He cannot cultivate ghosts, absolutely not!

Wei Lin urged Wen Shenlian with all his strength, and mobilized his power to block the gap in the seal. However, this time, it wasn't a rune that broke a line, but a rune that was missing.

The energy required to stick a seam and block a gap is vastly different. What's more, not only one rune is missing, but six are missing.

The most important thing is that the runes are missing, and the sealing effect is greatly reduced. The huge spirit power is like the waves under the strong wind, churning endlessly.

The extreme yin soul power that rushed out of the seal overflowed the sea of ​​consciousness and submerged the body. The sense of restraint in the body gradually became smaller, and it could be easily broken with just one thought.

Calm down, calm down, calm down...

Wei Lin told himself over and over again, since Wen Shenlian's energy can stick to the cracks in the runes, it can naturally also plug the gaps.

After a little thought, he controlled the energy of the Wenshenlian to gather at the edge of a gap in the rune, and then circled towards the center.

Seeing the gradually shrinking gap, Wei Lin was delighted, it worked!
Soon, the gap was filled with energy, and the gap was blocked.

Wei Lin was about to do the same, to deal with the next gap, but he didn't want to, the wave of the soul suddenly hit, and the gap that was just blocked came loose again, and Xuan Er collapsed...

Inside the giant egg, Yunli was at the critical moment of breaking through the tenth level, and the Wenshenlian in the Sea of ​​Consciousness suddenly trembled, rippling with the familiar coolness.

Brother is in danger!
She was in a hurry, so she stopped practicing immediately and wanted to go out, but the viscous 'egg liquid' wrapped her tightly and she couldn't move.

She gritted her teeth, stretched out her right arm with difficulty, and slowly propped it up on the egg wall, sinking into her dantian, suddenly exerted force, and slapped the egg wall fiercely.

The egg wall is motionless.

Ninety percent of the strength is removed by the viscous 'egg liquid', and the remaining ten percent is no different from scratching an itch for the solid egg wall.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, Wen Shenlian trembled more and more intensely, and Yunli was furious, and with difficulty retracted her right arm, made a fist with five fingers, concentrated all the spiritual power and strength in her body on her right arm, and swung it out with all her strength.

With this punch, the viscous pulling feeling weakened, and nearly [-]% of the force poured on the egg wall.

Unfortunately, it still didn't help, the egg wall remained motionless.

Yunli was so anxious that she wanted to yell, every time she turned an egg was a key step forward, in order to protect the ethnic group, the eggshell was as strong as a small world barrier.

At other times, it is naturally a good thing.

But right now, this protection has become the brother's life-killing talisman.

Wen Shenlian became so fierce, one can imagine the danger of the senior brother!

She took a deep breath, retracted her right arm, curled her body into a ball, and then exerted a sudden force, first spinning around in place, breaking free from the shackles of the 'egg liquid', and then slamming to the side suddenly.

Fortunately, the giant egg is huge, but it is actually only a circle bigger than her. It only takes a moment to break free before it can hit it. If it is bigger, it will be stuck by the new 'egg liquid' as soon as it leaves the place.

The egg wall trembled and tilted to one side. After a while, it returned to the original place. Yunli was stunned for a moment, and a flash of inspiration flashed in her mind. How could she forget that this was in the air!

When the nine full moons appeared earlier, she was lifted into the air by an invisible force. After the egg melted, that force naturally became a giant egg.

As long as you let the giant egg leave the lift of this force, it will fall, and it will definitely break if it is thousands of miles high!

With the direction, she curled up again and bumped into the egg wall again and again.


The impacted shoulder blade went from pain and numbness to gradually losing consciousness, and there was a faint light in the dark, bit by bit.

Gradually, the inside of the eggshell was no longer pitch black, and something light red and light gold flashed across the eyes.

That is, her blood...

A dull voice rang in his ears, Wei Lin in the chaos opened his eyes with difficulty, and looked in the direction of the sound. On the dark sky, the giant egg flashed red and fell down like a tumbler , get up, fall down, get up...

Around the giant egg, there is a strange energy surging, trying to keep the giant egg floating.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, there was a sense of coolness that was different from her own Wen Shenlian. It is conceivable how eager she is at this moment.

His eye sockets gradually blurred, but his eyes became more determined.

She is a fairy, how can she cultivate ghosts?
She wants to be a human being, he protects her, she is a fairy, so naturally he wants to accompany her!

The complicated thoughts receded from her mind, and her consciousness was unprecedentedly clear. The woman in Tsing Yi was able to seal his huge soul in the root of Wenshenlian. On the one hand, it was because her seal was so powerful; life soul.

It can be seen from this that it must be feasible to use Wen Shenlian's own energy to gamble on the gap!
As for the reason for the collapse, one is that the strength is not equal, and the other is that the blockage is not tight enough!

Thinking of this, Wei Lin mobilized the energy of Wenshenlian, lap after lap, compressing, compressing and compressing...

When hundreds of circles of energy were compressed into one circle, the energy of Wenshenlian underwent a qualitative change, and the light blue became deep dark blue, with faint signs of crystallization.

This is similar to condensing liquid into pills, Wei Lin quickly became proficient, and within a short time, the entire gap was blocked by dark blue crystals.

This time, he was not distracted by the spirit.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and followed the same method, plugging up the six gaps one by one, even the initial cracks were reinforced with this method.

The biggest crisis was temporarily lifted, Wei Lin heaved a sigh of relief, and the next step was to take back the scattered extreme Yin soul power into the sea of ​​consciousness.

Just as he was about to move, he suddenly felt a wave of ghosts behind him. Looking back, it was Yinhua!
He didn't even think about it, he jumped up, and rushed towards him. As soon as Fu approached, Yinhua's soul and body scattered, and he could hardly maintain his human form.

Wei Lin felt strange in his heart, and looked at Yinhua suspiciously, only to see her trembling like a sieve.

After being stunned for a moment, Wei Lin realized the strangeness. She was afraid, too scared to move!

He soon understood that Jiyin Minghun can suppress hundreds of ghosts and thousands of souls in the underworld. As a new ghost cultivator, Yinhua was naturally taken by him.

(End of this chapter)

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