all the way to fairy

Chapter 640 Soul Body

Chapter 640 Soul Body
Wei Lin's heart shuddered, and he became more and more determined to torture the person behind her.

With a thought, a bunch of extremely dark soul power gathered at the fingertips, the five fingers were slightly bent, and when the fingertips were retracted, Yin Hua's soul body shrank, getting smaller and smaller, and finally became a ball of light, stored in his hand.

"Say, who sent you here?"

The piercing voice, accompanied by the piercing chill piercing into the heart, made Yinhua terrified to the extreme.

She really wanted to answer, but the fear from the depths of her soul prevented her from uttering a single word, and she could only let others slaughter her in despair.

After waiting for a while, Yinhua didn't answer, and her soul body gradually became transparent. Only then did Wei Lin realize that it wasn't that she didn't want to answer, but that she was suppressed by extremely dark soul power and couldn't speak.

And he also had to deal with the extremely dark soul power flowing out of his body as soon as possible, otherwise, the dantian meridians would be damaged at the slightest, and his body would be destroyed at the worst.

After thinking for a while, he took out the Soul Sealing Orb, put Yinhua's soul body in, and began to gather his soul power.

It's easy to take it back, the key is that his current 'little pond' can't store so much soul power.

There is a precedent for compressing the energy of the Wenshenlian. Wei Lin quickly thought of compressing the soul power, and then he remembered the ghost Xiu he saw on the night of the Ghost Festival. clear and distinct.

If you can condense these extremely dark soul powers to that level, you should be able to hold it...

Inside the dome, the spiritual liquid was violent and filled with blood.

Yunli's shoulder was bloody and bloody, exposing bones, but she didn't notice it, hitting the egg wall again and again.

I don't know how long it has passed, but the toppled giant egg didn't bounce back. She was overjoyed and bumped several times. The giant egg rolled in a circle, ignoring the dizziness from being upside down. She stared at the position and hit more intensively.

bang bang bang...

Finally, as she expected, the giant egg spun and broke free from the invisible force, and fell straight down.

At the bottom of the cliff, after everyone breathed a sigh of relief, they decided to send a few people up to check on Wei Lin's situation.

As soon as the candidates were discussed, they felt the shadows shining on the top, and when they looked up, the golden-red giant egg fell straight down like a huge boulder.

Everyone was shocked, and jumped up one after another, scattered like birds and beasts, and the next second, there was a loud bang, and smoke and dust were everywhere.

In the sandy sky, the golden egg bounces up, falls down, bounces up again, and falls down...

When the continuous rumbling sound stopped, the wind settled and the dust settled, leaving a dozen huge pits of different sizes and depths on the ground.

And the golden egg rests in the shallowest and smallest pit, intact.

Inside the egg, Yunli was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood, but he didn't break it, thousands of miles high, he didn't break it!

Although Wen Shenlian's tremors were not as intense as before, the crisis should have turned around, but if she didn't see it with her own eyes, how could she feel relieved!

Gotta get out!

The impact was not very effective, so she opened her hands instead, propped herself on the egg walls on both sides, and at the same time put her feet on the bottom, and slowly stood up.

He turned his head, put his shoulders against the egg wall above, stood up a little bit, broke free from the shackles of the 'egg liquid', and exerted force in all directions, trying to break the eggshell.

It's a pity that the effect is not much higher than that of the impact. On the contrary, the continuous exertion of force without any buffer time exhausted her strength and left no spiritual power in her body.

He stopped at a critical point and exhausted his spiritual power. The demon core in his body couldn't see her death-defying behavior, and suddenly became radiant.

Then, Yunli realized that she couldn't move at all!

In addition to being able to practice exercises, he couldn't even move his eyeballs.

Your uncle's!

With a word of curse, she can only run the exercises with all her strength, continue to break through, and get out in the normal way.

She ran the Hongchen Kungfu almost crazily, and the majestic spiritual energy poured into her body, and all the way to the dantian, the demon beads spun rapidly, absorbing all the spiritual energy.

Yunli suddenly remembered something, the tenth level of demon cultivation is equivalent to human cultivation of infant formation, although the form is slightly different, but its essence is the same.

For the demon cultivator, the demon core is the source of all power, and there is no need to break the core into a baby like a human cultivator, but the essence of the fusion of the soul and the gold core is the same.

The problem is, her soul was sealed by that huge stone gate, how could she get out?
This doubt only existed for a second, and she put it aside. The boat went straight to the bridge, and the seal of the stone gate was obviously written by the same family, so it was impossible not to prevent her from advancing.

Sure enough, when the energy in the egg was completely absorbed, the demon pill the size of a marble had become the size of a pigeon egg, and the power contained in it was terrifying.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise from the sea of ​​consciousness, thoughts entered the sea of ​​consciousness uncontrollably, and on the white jade gate, the huge golden-orange wings actually moved.

The wings fluttered like life, and the soft and pure golden light floated, covering the entire gate. Under the golden light, mysterious runes lit up one after another.

Slowly, the rune seemed to burn, and the Shimen gradually became unreal until it disappeared.

Behind the door, there are also runes, a sea of ​​runes.

Without the obstruction of the white jade stone gate, the runes floated out, filling the entire sea of ​​consciousness.

The runes are connected by invisible forces, like shackles, trapping the light orange soul in the center.

To be precise, it is protection.

It was a girl in the cardamom age, with a melon-seeded face, willow-leaf eyebrows, eyes lightly closed, and a slender drop-shaped divine pattern on her smooth forehead, which added a touch of majesty and holiness to her youthful and delicate face.

Except for the divine pattern, her facial features are the same as Yunli's today, it is her soul body.

The quality of the soul is very high, it has been completely crystallized, like glass, but except for the heart, it is full of cracks, like a broken glass doll that has been glued together again, and there are still fragments missing in many places.

At the heart position, a bamboo moonlight lotus flower stands gracefully, and the halo it emits makes the surroundings dyed with a layer of faint blue. When a little bit of faint blue is absorbed and fused, the gaps between the fragments will slowly solidify and disappear.

In this situation, there is something Yunli doesn't understand. She was not seriously injured, but her mind and soul were shattered and her soul flew away!
The purpose of sealing Donglu is to let her gather her soul. The gathered soul fragments need to be nourished and fused with the power of primordial good fortune. In the low-level planes, apart from the mother body, there is no primordial spirit.

Therefore, she will be reincarnated forever.

Before she recovered from the shock, the demon core suddenly appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness, she pushed aside the rune shackles one after another, went to the top of the soul body, and clusters of soft golden lights permeated the soul body, enveloping the soul body.

The surrounding runes swam around, shrinking and shrinking around the demon core, and then Yunli saw that the one-meter-high soul body was completely ingested by the demon core the size of a pigeon egg!

The runes shattered one by one, turning into specks of energy, and submerging into the demon core.

In the next second, her consciousness was ejected from the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and the demon pill returned to her dantian.

She opened her eyes with a complicated expression, the egg shell was broken, An Ran Mu Yan was guarding her side, and further away was the Tianwu Yaoxiu headed by Run Ning.

"It's really level ten!" An Ran exclaimed.

Mu Yan nodded: "That's right."

(End of this chapter)

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