all the way to fairy

Chapter 641 Jianmu Shenye

Chapter 641 Jianmu Shenye
Yunli jumped up as if waking up from a dream, said "Where's my senior brother?" and flew up the cliff in a hurry.

When she saw that figure, she froze in place. On the dark and gloomy mountaintop, that figure sat cross-legged on it with her heart turned towards the sky, her robe bulging and buzzing, her black hair intertwined with the sleeves of the robe, outlining A strange and terrifying picture appeared, just like a hell Shura.

An Ran and the others caught up and saw that she was worried, so she hurriedly said, "Don't worry, it just looks scary. In fact, he has already controlled it. It was much scarier before than now..."

Yunli looked at the substantial chill lingering around him, and couldn't feel relaxed.

The soul overflowed, it should be that the seal was broken.

The woman in Tsing Yi is so powerful, the seal she set is certainly not something that ordinary people can break.

The enemy is not small.

Similarly, with their current abilities, it is impossible to restore the seal, so they have to go out to find the woman in Tsing Yi as soon as possible.

Eh?Wait, why is the left arm sleeve empty?
Looking carefully, she exploded instantly, "Who did it?"

There was a clear cry, and the piercing murderous aura filled the sky and covered the sky, shocking everyone's knowledge.

"Uh, he cut it himself, those who were instigated..." An Ran surrounded the mummy one by one, and comforted him, "Don't worry, we have all the materials for the Golden Sudden Pill, and Ah Yan can refine it when you go out."

Yunli was so angry that she wished she could tear the mummies into pieces, but she no longer had this chance, and all the mummies were bombarded to death during the siege, and they died thoroughly.

She took several deep breaths in a row before suppressing the surging anger in her heart, and said to Mu Yan in a deep voice: "Jin Sui Dan is not in a hurry, I have to trouble you to help him repair the damage in his body first."

During the Hungry Ghost Festival, such a small cloud of yin and cold energy caused excessive damage to the body, but now the extreme yin and soul are overflowing, and the body does not know what the damage is.

Mu Yan said angrily, "You should be polite to me no matter what."

Yunli let out a breath slowly, fortunately, they still have the heart of grass and trees, otherwise, the enemy's plot would have succeeded.

She fell to the cliff against the cold, and checked carefully, the situation was exactly as An Ran said.

It's just that she can't do anything.

The extremely yin life soul is extremely yin to cold, and she, who has Nirvana Heavenly Fire, has both spiritual power and spiritual consciousness slanting to yang, and the two attributes are mutually restraining. Zhou Waiyi's spirit has no protection.

She turned her head and looked at the people behind her, feeling extremely anxious, as soon as the mainland blockade is lifted, these people will fly up, and when the most masculine and powerful thunder calamity descends, it will definitely affect the spirit of the senior brother.

However, the ban on Donglu is not for the monks of the Canglan Continent, but for the level of the woman in Tsing Yi. If the ban is lifted, she will not be able to enter.

Now, I only hope that senior brother can really find a way to control Yinhan's soul power.

After thinking for a while, Yunli said: "Ayan, do you still have a magic weapon for defense? Cover him with one."

Mu Yan nodded, and sacrificed a bell-shaped magic vessel to cover Wei Lin inside, and Yunli used the phantom silk to form a gauze outside the bell-shaped magic vessel for protection.

After doing all this, she pointed to the side peak next to her and said to everyone: "Let's go over there and wait."

"Don't you continue to unseal?" Someone asked with a slightly dissatisfied expression.

Yunli said coldly, "Wait."

The man shut his mouth resentfully.

After a moment of silence, Runing said softly: "Your Highness, why don't you see how to unblock the ban first."

Yunli glanced at everyone and agreed.

She came to the green leaf twitching in the air and stared at it carefully.

Everyone held their breath involuntarily, staring at her without blinking, for fear of missing an action.

Yunli frowned slightly, the long oval outline, the meridians under the mesophyll...

This is the leaf of Jianmu? !
She was surprised, Jianmu, also known as the world tree, is a bridge connecting the worlds of heaven, earth, humans and gods, no wonder it can seal off a continent!
"Be careful, it will cut people into pieces." An Ran reminded worriedly.

Yunli nodded solemnly, the power of the leaves of the ancient sacred tree should not be underestimated, so one must be cautious.

After a while, she returned to the crowd.

Hastily asked repeatedly: "How is it, do you know how to solve it?"

"This..." Yunli pursed her lips, "I have to think about it."

She carefully searched for information about Jianmu, but unfortunately, there are very few descriptions in the inheritance, and Jianmu is also a lost item in Jiuzhong Xingque.

Time passed slowly like running water, and after an unknown amount of time, Wei Lin on the top of the mountain finally got up and stood up.

Yunli hurriedly flew over, and asked nervously: "How is it? Are you under control?"

He pulled him to check carefully, and all his soul power had been withdrawn, but his physical condition was not optimistic, with many damages to his meridians and organs.

"Ayan, hurry up!"

Wei Lin raised his hand to stop him, half earnestly and half jokingly said: "You should unblock the mainland first, and if you wait any longer, I'm afraid I'll be melted in the eyes of the seniors."

"Cough, cough, cough..." The group of great monsters withdrew their fiery eyes in embarrassment, looked away, and after a while, they couldn't help casting their gazes at Yunli again, urging silently.

Yunli is still very worried: "They have been waiting for so many years, and it is only a short time. Your body is still important, so don't hurt the root."

Crowd: ...

Wei Lin's heart warmed slightly, and he rubbed her hair, "I know the severity, let's unblock the mainland first."

The extremely yin spirit is too powerful, and the damage in the body cannot be repaired in a short time, so it has to be done slowly.

Yunli glanced at the crowd, reluctantly agreed, and then instructed: "Stay away from them, and don't be affected by the robbery."

As she spoke, she flew up and came to Jianmu Zhiye again, her thoughts sank into her dantian, urging the demon pill, trying to get the method to unseal it.

However, Yao Dan didn't give any hint.

During these waiting days, she has not been idle, and she has listed various methods, and she can just try them one by one now.

With a slight movement of the fingertip, a whip of spiritual power flew out, intending to take away the leaf of Jianmu with the technique of controlling objects.

Before the spiritual whip touched the green leaf, it was smashed to pieces by the soft divine light that it radiated, causing her to lose her spiritual power immediately in fright.

Everyone's hearts were also tightened, and someone asked nervously: "Fairy Yun, what's wrong?"

Before Yunli could reply, the person next to him glared at that person and lowered his voice: "Don't disturb Fairy Yun."

"Yeah, keep quiet..."

Hearing these conversations, Yunli suddenly had the illusion of being responsible for the hope of the whole village. She shook her head, threw out her messy thoughts, and summoned a cluster of Nirvana Heavenly Fire and threw it at Jianmu Zhiye.

As soon as the Nirvana fire came out, Jianmu Shenye immediately reacted, and a steady stream of divine light radiated, separating the sky fire...

Ninefold Star Que, Tianyu Peak, and Shanyu Xiaozhu.

The man was dressed in white clothes, leaning lazily on the couch, pinching a shiny white chess piece with his slender white fingertips, staring at the chessboard in front of him in a trance, his eyes were pale and peaceful, and there was a faint light in his eyes, so far away that he couldn't see it. to the end.

(End of this chapter)

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