all the way to fairy

Chapter 642 Unblocking

Chapter 642 Unblocking
Suddenly, the man's fingertips shimmered, and the white chess pieces were shattered, dust filled the air, and a storm was rolled up on the ground. The chessboard in front of him and the surrounding leaves were all reduced to ashes, and the sky was full of sand and dust.

After the wind settles and the dust settles down, the man in Tsing Yi standing behind slowly stepped forward and asked in a deep voice, "My lord, what happened?"

The God of Jiuxi did not answer, but slowly opened his hand, a phantom of a green leaf emerged in the palm of his hand, and there was a light orange fire around it.

The man in Tsing Yi's eyes widened suddenly, and he spoke incoherently with joy: "There is movement from the flute! It is the resurrection of the little highness! Thirty-six thousand and seven hundred years, the little highness is finally coming back..."

After speaking, his voice trembled a little, and his eyes gradually turned red. After a while, he wiped the corners of his eyes and muttered to himself: "Hey, Tonghua courtyard needs to be cleaned and arranged, and Fuyun hall has to be prepared." , and Yuecheng, Huangwei..."

Jiuxi Shenzun stretched his eyebrows, a relaxed smile appeared on the corner of his lips, and his thin lips parted lightly: "There is no hurry, you can go to the king's capital and tell me, and the list of returning to the ruins can be handed over."

"Hey," the man in Tsing Yi responded happily, "Xiao Xian is going now!"

After the words fell, his figure suddenly disappeared from the spot, leaving only Jiuxi God Venerable in the courtyard.

He lowered his eyes, staring at the phantom green leaf in his palm, the light orange fire perseveringly spread to the green leaf.

Jiuxi shook his head helplessly, and murmured softly: "Little girl, I still have a lot of resentment."

When the words fell, with a flick of the bent finger, the phantom of the green leaf shattered in response.

In Donglu, Yunli frowned, thinking secretly, isn't the firepower not strong enough? It has been glowing for a long time, why there is no other reaction?

Or, the method is wrong, and this light is just Shenye's self-defense in the face of Nirvana Skyfire?

She was about to try the next method, when Shenye suddenly trembled, Yunli was overjoyed, and unconsciously moved closer for a few minutes, and the next second, Shenye suddenly slapped her on the forehead.


The distance was too close, and Yunli had no time to dodge, only felt a slight pain between her brows, as if someone flicked her forehead.

Shen Ye floated down, she subconsciously stretched out her hand to catch it, the sky suddenly brightened, and the bright sunlight poured down from the top of her head, blinding her eyes.

In an instant, the earth trembled, the mountains and rivers trembled, and the mysterious place extending from the east of Taiyizong to the sea area, just like the clouds and the moon, a piece of land slowly appeared from nothingness, connecting the east of Taiyizong to the west and the lost land Liang to the east. country.

"It's Donglu!"

"Donglu is alive!"

"It's been more than 3 years, and the journey to ascension is finally..."

Brother Canglan ran and shouted, almost weeping with joy.


Rolling thunder came from the sky, clouds formed in pieces, and the sky that had just lit up darkened again.

This time, it was even more terrifying.

Although the previous darkness was long, there were no other visions. Now the wind and clouds are turning back, flying sand and rocks, as if the end is coming.

However, except for mortals who don't know the truth, no one is afraid. Both human cultivators and demon cultivators are very excited. They have been looking forward to this moment for too long.

The Canglan Continent ban was lifted.

The robbery clouds gathered and gradually formed a vortex, as if a huge eye was hanging on the sky. When this eye 'opened', all the monks couldn't help but shudder.

Yunli's figure flickered, and she returned to the cliff, clinging to Wei Lin with a vigilant expression.

This appearance of facing a formidable enemy made An Ran and the others baffled, and seeing Wei Lin sweating profusely, they were even more suspicious.

"What's wrong?" An Ran asked.

Wei Lin looked up at the sky with a solemn expression: "The will of heaven has been strengthened."

Not only did they feel it, many monks felt it, especially those who had reached the realm of cultivation and were about to soar, the feeling was the most obvious.

At this time, they left one after another, looking for a suitable place to ascend, aura is second, and the most important thing is to stay away from other people who are about to ascend.

Ascending together, under the traction of Qi, if Jie Lei gathers together, the power will be doubled.

Wei Lin wiped off the cold sweat from his forehead, and said: "The phenomenon of ascension is rare in ten thousand years, let's go, let's go and observe it."

"Can you do it?" Yunli was very worried. The image of ascension is certainly beneficial to practice, but he is the object to be erased by the Dao of Heaven. If Jie Lei turns a corner and lands on him, it will be over.

Wei Lin was very open-minded, "In the future when I ascend, I will also face the punishment of heaven and lightning. If I am affected, it will be considered as a trial in advance."

Regarding his negative attitude, Yunli disapproved very much, opened her mouth, but was powerless to refute.

After thinking about it, this is also an opportunity to try out what level of defensive magic weapon can resist the robbery.

A flash of inspiration flashed in her mind, and she said happily: "By the way, I remember that after overcoming the Heaven's Punishment Tribulation Thunder, there will be a lot of vitality falling, we can intercept some!"

To intercept Lei Jie's vitality?

A few people almost suspected that they were hallucinating, that was the punishment of ascension to heaven, if they were affected by disaster, they would most likely be wiped out, she actually wanted to steal her life!

I always knew that she was very bold, but I didn't expect to be so big.

An Ran warned seriously: "You are picking chestnuts from the fire!"

However, the more Yunli thought about it, the more she felt that it was feasible, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt that it was imperative.

"Heavenly Punishment Vitality contains the power of heaven and earth, if it can be absorbed, brother's cold damage will be healed immediately, and the body can also be strengthened;
The reason why Feisheng must endure the punishment of heaven is because the vitality that descends after the punishment of heaven can regenerate a person.We strengthen the body in advance, and the chances of success in ascension will be greatly improved later! "

"The power of good fortune?" Wei Lin was a little moved. His crisis was due to the disparity between his soul and his body. If he could strengthen his body with the vitality of good fortune, the crisis of the extremely yin life soul would naturally be reduced.

Yunli nodded vigorously: "This kind of life force is only available after ascension and calamity. It contains the rules of the Dao, and its efficacy is comparable to the spirit of primordial spirit!"

Mu Yan's eyes lit up, "How do you keep it?"

The implication is that she also agrees with the proposal.

Facing the three lunatics, An Ran was paralyzed, "It's very dangerous."

"Pursue wealth and danger." Yunli didn't care, "My generation of Taoism is against the sky. If we are afraid of hands and feet, when will we be able to ascend the Tao?"

She has always been bold, and An Ran couldn't persuade her, so she turned her head to persuade Mu Yan: "Ayan, are you messing around with them too? That's a punishment from God. Even the monks in the Yuan Dynasty may not be able to resist it, let alone our little one." Little Golden Core cultivator."

"But the opportunity is rare. After this time, we won't be able to wait." Mu Yan's eyes were firm and she was completely unmoved.

An Ran stared angrily.

Yunli covered her mouth and sniggered. It's true that Ayan was always delicate and timid, but she was very persistent in Feisheng. My cousin chose her as a breakthrough point, she chose the wrong person!

Wei Lin cleared his throat and brought back the topic: "Let's talk about it, how do we stop the vitality of God's punishment? You can't just go in and absorb it after God's punishment, right?"

"What are you thinking?" Yunli rolled her eyes. After overcoming the tribulation thunder, the person who ascends will be very weak. If he can snatch his life of punishment casually, no one will succeed in ascending.

(End of this chapter)

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