all the way to fairy

Chapter 643 Thunder Tribulation

Chapter 643 Thunder Tribulation
Yunli raised her wrist, stroking the Huanshi Ling on her wrist, and did not give a damn: "The magic weapon is a dead thing, as long as it is not activated, it will not be regarded as provoking Tianwei. We can throw the magic weapon to Li Jie in advance." People, wait until the robbery thunder comes over, and then use the magic weapon to absorb the vitality of heaven's punishment."

Wei Lin wanted to understand Guan Qiao instantly, and frowned, "There must be at least two prerequisites."

"Smart! The magic weapon must go through the thunder disaster with the people who have experienced the calamity, and the quality must be good; otherwise, the magic weapon must be spiritual!" She smiled brightly, "These two conditions, my Huanshi Ling, you My Li Lijian has reached the level, and my cousin’s Zhaoying Sword has spirituality, but the quality is a bit low, and it may not be able to withstand the thunder disaster..."

Wei Lin's eyes lit up, "Then what are you waiting for, let's go to Tianwu Forest!"

Runing is one of the few people with the highest cultivation in the mainland. He is well-known for his character and conduct. He is highly respected among demon cultivators, and he has never heard of any wicked things. The possibility of his ascension success is very high.

But Yunli hesitated: "Your soul seal..."

"No problem for the time being, it can last for a while."

Yunli was relieved, the soul seal had to be repaired, and the damage in the body had to be repaired as well.

Three days later, Tianwu Forest.

An Ran couldn't help exclaiming: "This is the center of Tianwu Forest, the aura is so strong! It's stronger than Taiqing Peak!"

Ji Ruochen was also very excited. The center of Tianwu Forest is a forbidden place for human cultivation, and even the top experts of the four major factions have never been there.

Unexpectedly, he, an ordinary foundation cultivator, could come here in an open and honest manner!
This honor is the only one!
A few monster youths came out to welcome them. Hearing this, Xuan Chen proudly said: "Our spirit lake is full of spirit-absorbing chrysanthemums. How can it be compared to the barren land outside!"

After finishing speaking, he respectfully saluted Yunli: "Your Highness."

Yunli nodded slightly, and pointed to Linghu to explain to An Ran: "For ten thousand years, the holy land of cultivation created by raising monsters to cultivate the wealth of the whole family is naturally rich in aura."

An Ran understood.

The spiritual sense searched the entire Linghu Lake, but found no trace of Runing, Yunli tilted her head and asked, "Where is Runing going through the catastrophe?"

"On the southeast edge, the Demon King was worried that the thunderstorm would damage the Linghu Lake, so he deliberately chose the place farthest from the Linghu Lake. Before the opening of the Eastern Land, he had already set up a protective formation."

Yun Li's eyes showed admiration, and he had to say that Run Ning, the demon king, was very qualified, and ordinary people rose through calamities, wishing to gather all the spiritual energy in the world, but what he considered was the interests of the demon clan.

Of course, on the other hand, it also shows that he is very confident in this ascension!
If he has confidence, Yunli's heart will be at ease, and if he successfully overcomes the catastrophe, he will have the chance of God's punishment.

Under the leadership of Xuan Chen and others, they soon came to the place where Runing crossed the catastrophe. At this time, the catastrophe cloud in the sky had been brewed, and a tribulation thunder as thick as an arm descended from the sky.

Runing stood under the defensive formation, ready to fight.

Yunli raised her voice to explain her intentions, and then comforted: "Don't worry, it won't affect your ascension."

After a person who has gone through calamities is reborn, the light of receiving and guiding can take him away. Therefore, before his body reaches the standard for ascension, the chances of Heaven's Punishment will continue to descend.

Once the transformation is completed, the vitality of Heaven's Punishment will return to chaos and disappear without a trace, otherwise there is no need to take risks.

She looked at the protective formation layer by layer, and frowned: "If you want to go far in the immortal journey, you should withdraw the protective formation."

Everyone was stunned. After being promoted to the tenth level, every step was accompanied by thunder calamity. Who didn't escape by relying on magic weapons and formations.

The first tribulation thunder has passed, and the protective formation has been able to withstand it steadily. Runing pondered for a moment, and saluted: "Please enlighten me, Your Highness."

"Heaven's Punishment Thunder Tribulation is stronger than one, and the protective means are consumed in the early stage, how can the last Purple Heaven God Thunder be resisted?
In addition, the so-called ascending through the calamity is to resist with the physical body Nascent Soul at first, and there are laws contained in the thunder calamity, which will be of great benefit to comprehend the laws in the future.

The power of the thunder calamity ahead is weak, you should resist it by yourself first, if you can't resist it, then use the magic weapon formation. "

In fact, in the prehistoric place, from the beginning of self-cultivation, monks will face thunder disasters every time they advance.

Today's monks, most of them only experienced thunder calamity after giving birth, and they also like to use various defensive magic weapons and formations. Their own strength is far worse than that of prehistoric monks.

Runing was silent, and put away the defensive circle.

Another tribulation thunder fell, this time it had grown to the size of a human head, with azure blue color and the aura of destroying everything.

Many places on Runing's body emitted smoke, and some muscles were even pierced by lightning, burning like dry wood.

He gritted his teeth, practiced the exercises, and endured it.

The third way, the fourth way...

After the sixth pass, his whole body was scorched black, lying on the ground, and he found it difficult to move his fingers.

The crackling thunder suddenly stopped, but the robbery clouds in the sky did not dissipate. Rolling thick clouds came from all directions, and the dull thunder roared in the ears.

Jieyun is accumulating strength, and he is about to strike down the last three strongest lightning strikes!
Yunli stretched out her hand, "Ayan, give me two Vitality Pills."

Vitality Pill is a elixir with rich vitality developed by Mu Yan, who was inspired by the rich vitality of the Heart of Plants and after various experiments.

For Wei Lin's current injury, he temporarily relied on the Vitality Pill to deal with it.

Yunli took the elixir and signaled Wei Lin to give her the Mo Li Sword. An Ran gritted her teeth and handed over the Zhaoying Sword as well.

With a lot of items, Yunli walked to Run Ning's side, gave him the elixir, and put a silk and two swords beside him.

With a strong vitality entering his body, Runing groaned, struggled to get up, and said weakly: "Thank you... Your Highness..."

Yunli waved her hand: "Quickly dissipate the power of the medicine and activate the formation."

After a pause, he said again: "My Ling itself has defensive power, you can put it on your body."

After finishing speaking, she turned and left the Thunder Tribulation Center.

After a while, the seventh tribulation thunder swooped down like a pillar of fire...

The defensive formation flashed quickly, like a toddling old man, precarious.

Fortunately, in the prayers of everyone, with the support of Runing Wannian's wealth, he survived.

The eighth tribulation thunder followed closely, and this time, the two outermost defensive formations were destroyed.

"There are only three defensive formations left, can we survive it?" Someone worried.

At first they thought they were safe, but they never imagined that they would destroy two layers of defensive formations after carrying out only three attacks. Looking at the situation of the robbery clouds in the sky, the last thunderbolt might be stronger than the previous eight combined!
Yunli didn't answer, she had to rely on herself to carry the last tribulation thunder, and ascended to Qingxuan, but she couldn't resist it, and died.


A group of colorful and bright thunderballs with purple luster rolled down from the robbery cloud, as if they were going to pierce the earth.

As soon as the assistant came into contact, the outer defensive array shattered like thin ice, the second layer of magic weapon array flickered a few times, and it stopped working, and the last layer only lasted a few more breaths.

(End of this chapter)

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